Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 May 2011 10:36 and updated at 17 May 2011 10:36
rvs.1.106 | 3 May the most glorious Fathers aid us, and the two Goddesses, Mothers of the Gods, who strengthen |
rvs.1.110 | The Rbhus who came near with this great Fathers' speed, and rose to heavens' high sphere to eat |
rvs.1.155 | He lowers, though a son, the Fathers' highest name; the third is that which is high in the light |
rvs.1.159 | 2 With invocations, on the gracious Fathers' mind, and on the Mothers' great inherent power I muse. |
rvs.1.164 | 10 Bearing three Mothers and three Fathers, single he stood erect: they never make him weary. |
rvs.2.42 | Still crying in the region of the Fathers, speak here auspicious, bearing joyful tidings. |
rvs.3.1 | 9 From birth he knew even his Fathers' bosom, he set his voices and his streams in motion; |
rvs.3.48 | That milk thy Mother first, the Dame who bare thee, poured for thee in thy mighty Fathers' |
rvs.3.55 | 2 Let not the Gods here injure us, O Agni, nor Fathers of old time who know the region, |
rvs.4.2 | 16 As in the days of old our ancient Fathers, speeding the work of holy worship, Agni, |
rvs.5.47 | She comes, the youthful Hymn, unto the Fathers, inviting to her home and loudly calling. |
rvs.6.16 | 35 His Fathers' Father, shining in his Mothers' everlasting side, |
rvs.6.52 | My guardians be the firmlyseated- mountains: the Fathers, when I call on Gods, defend me! |
rvs.6.59 | Your Fathers, enemies of Gods, were smitten down, and, IndraAgni-, ye survive. |
rvs.6.75 | 10 The Brahmans, and the Fathers meet for Somadraughts-, and, graciously inclined, unequalled |
rvs.7.35 | Kind be the pious skilfulhanded- Rbhus, kind be the Fathers at our invocations. |
rvs.7.76 | The Fathers found the light that lay in darkness, and with effectual words begat the Morning. |
rvs.7.101 | The Fathers' genial flow bedews the Mother; therewith the Sire, therewith the son is nourished. |
rvs.8.48 | 12, Fathers, that Indu which our hearts have drunken, Immortal in himself, hath entered mortals. |
rvs.8.48 | 13 Associate with the Fathers thou, O Soma, hast spread thyself abroad through earth and heaven. |
rvs.9.69 | Ye, Soma, are my Fathers, lifted up on high as heads of heaven and makers of the strength of life. |
rvs.9.83 | By his high wisdom have the mighty Sages wrought: the Fathers who behold mankind laid down the |
rvs.9.89 | Sped by the Hawk the drop hath waxed in waters: the father drains it, drains the Fathers' |
rvs.10.2 | Well knowing, all along the Fathers' pathway, shine with resplendent light, enkindled, Agni. |
rvs.10.14 | Men born on earth tread their own paths that lead them whither our ancient Fathers have departed. |
rvs.10.14 | 4 Come, seat thee on this bed of grass, O Yama, in company with Angirases and Fathers. |
rvs.10.14 | 6 Our Fathers are Angirases, Navagvas, Atharvans, Bhrgus who deserve the Soma. |
rvs.10.14 | 8 Meet Yama, meet the Fathers, meet the merit of free or ordered acts, in highest heaven. |
rvs.10.14 | 9 Go hence, depart ye, fly in all directions: this place for him the Fathers have provided. |
rvs.10.14 | Draw nigh then to the graciousminded- Fathers where they rejoice in company with Yama. |
rvs.10.15 | HYMN XV. Fathers. 15 |
rvs.10.15 | 1. MAY they ascend, the lowest, highest, midmost, the Fathers who deserve a share of Soma- |
rvs.10.15 | 2 Now let us pay this homage to the Fathers, to those who passed of old and those who followed, |
rvs.10.15 | 3 1 have attained the graciousminded- Fathers, I have gained son and progeny from Visnu. |
rvs.10.15 | 4 Fathers who sit on sacred grass, come, help us: these offerings have we made for you; accept |
rvs.10.15 | 5 May they, the Fathers, worthy of the Soma, invited to their favourite oblations. |
rvs.10.15 | Punish us not for any sin, O Fathers, which we through human frailty have committed. |
rvs.10.15 | Grant to your sons a portion of that treasure, and, present, give them energy, ye Fathers. |
rvs.10.15 | 8 Our ancient Fathers who deserve the Soma, who came, most noble, to our Soma banquet, |
rvs.10.15 | 9 Come to us, Agni, with the gracioug Fathers who dwell in glowing light, the very Kavyas, |
rvs.10.15 | 10 Come, Agni, come with countless ancient Fathers, dwellers in light, primeval, Godadorers-, |
rvs.10.15 | 11 Fathers whom Agnis' flames have tasted, come ye nigh: ye kindly leaders, take ye each your |
rvs.10.15 | And give them to the Fathers who did cat them with Svadha. Eat, thou God, the gifts we bring thee. |
rvs.10.15 | 13 Thou, Jatavedas, knowest well the number of Fathers who are here and who are absent, |
rvs.10.15 | Of Fathers whom we know and whom we know not: accept the sacrifice wellprepared with portions. |
rvs.10.16 | O Jatavedas, when thou hast matured him, then send him on his way unto the Fathers. |
rvs.10.16 | 2 When thou hast made him ready, Jatavedas, then do thou give him over to the Fathers. |
rvs.10.16 | 5 Again, O Agni, to the Fathers send him who, offered in thee, goes with our oblations. |
rvs.10.16 | 11 With offerings meet let Agni bring the Fathers who support the Law. |
rvs.10.16 | Let him announce oblations paid to Fathers and to Deities. |
rvs.10.16 | Gladly bring yearning Fathers nigh to cat the food of sacrifice. |
rvs.10.17 | May he consign thee to these Fathers' keeping, and to the gracious Gods let Agni give thee. |
rvs.10.17 | 8 Sarasvati, who camest with the Fathers, with them rejoicing thee in our oblations, |
rvs.10.17 | 9 Thou, called on as Sarasvati by Fathers who come right forward to our solemn service, |
rvs.10.18 | Here let the Fathers keep this pillar firm for thee, and there let Yama make thee an abidingplace-. |
rvs.10.56 | 4 Part of their grandeur have the Fathers also gained: the Gods have seated mental power in them |
rvs.10.57 | Yea, with the Fathers' holy hymns. |
rvs.10.57 | 5 O Fathers, may the Heavenly Folk give us our spirit once again, |
rvs.10.62 | 2 The Fathers, who drave forth the wealth in cattle, have in the years' courses cleft Vala by |
rvs.10.64 | These Two with their support uphold both Gods and men, and with the Fathers pour the copious |
rvs.10.68 | 11 Like a dark steed adorned with pearl, the Fathers have decorated heaven With constellations. |
rvs.10.78 | Mighty are they as warriors clad in armour, and, like the Fathers' prayers, Most Bounteous Givers. |
rvs.10.85 | Then all the Gods agreed to your proposal Pusan as Son elected you as Fathers. |
rvs.10.88 | 15 I have heard mention of two several pathways, ways of the Fathers and of Gods and mortals. |
rvs.10.88 | Not jestingly I speak to you, O Fathers. Sages, I ask you this for information. |
rvs.10.107 | Great light hath come, vouchsafed us by the Fathers: apparent is the spacious path of Guerdon. |
rvs.10.130 | This do these Fathers weave who hitherward are come: they sit beside the warp and cry, Weave |
rvs.10.130 | 6 So by this knowledge men were raised to Rsis, when ancient sacrifice sprang up, our Fathers. |
rvs.10.154 | The Fathers, Yama! Fervourmovedeven-, to those let him depart. |
rvs.10.169 | 4 Prajapati, bestowing these upon me, oneminded- with all Gods and with the Fathers, |