Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 May 2011 10:29 and updated at 17 May 2011 10:29
rvs.8.50 | 10 If he the Strong of arm, the breakerdown- of forts, the great Destroyer, hear my call, |
rvs.9.48 | Destroyer of a hundred forts. |
rvs.9.65 | Destroyer of our enemies. |
rvs.9.66 | 25 From tawny Pavamana, the Destroyer, radiant streams have sprung, |
rvs.10.152 | 1. A MIGHTY Governor art thou, Wondrous, Destroyer of the foe, |
rvs.10.159 | 5 Destroyer of the rival wife, Sole Spouse, victorious, conqueror, |