Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 May 2011 14:25 and updated at 15 May 2011 14:25
rvs.4.36 | That is the great announcement of your Deity, that, O ye Rbhus, ye sustain the earth and heaven. |
rvs.5.1 | Kindled, his radiant might is made apparent, and the great Deity set free from darkness. |
rvs.5.42 | May every Deity be swift to listen, and Mother Earth with no ill thought regard me. |
rvs.5.43 | May every Deity be swift to listen, and Mother Earth with no ill thought regard me. |
rvs.6.48 | 16 Haste to me, Pusan, in thine car, bright Deity: I fain would speak: |
rvs.10.24 | So, through your Deity, both Gods, enrich us with all pleasantness. |
rvs.10.51 | One Deity alone, O Jatavedas Agni, saw all thy forms in sundry places. |