Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 May 2011 13:53 and updated at 15 May 2011 13:53
rvs.1.46 | Chiefs! with oblations feeds you full. |
rvs.1.47 | Bestowing food on him who acts and gives aright, sit, Chiefs, upon the sacred grass. |
rvs.1.141 | 3 What time from out the deep, from the Steers' wondrous form, the Chiefs who had the power |
rvs.5.73 | When by your great deeds, Asvins, Chiefs, Atri is brought to us again. |
rvs.6.49 | Wherewith, Nasatyas, Chiefs, ye seek our dwelling, to give new strength to us and to our children. |
rvs.6.50 | As from great darkness ye delivered Atri, protect us, Chiefs, from danger in the conflict. |
rvs.6.68 | With mighty strength, most liberal of the Princes, Chiefs of the host, by Law made Vrtras' slayers. |
rvs.8.74 | 5 Chiefs, to the sage who sings your praise grant an inviolable home, |
rvs.8.76 | Of the sweet juice effuseddear- is it, Chiefs, in heavendrink- like two wild bulls at a pool. |
rvs.8.90 | 2 Supreme in sovran power, farsighted-, Chiefs and Kings, most swift to hear from far away, |
rvs.8.90 | Both of you, furthering our eastwardoffcred- praise, come, Chiefs whom Jamadagni lauds! |
rvs.10.40 | To folk who pay you offierings at appointed times, Chiefs, Lords of splendour, ye bring food to |