
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 May 2011 12:52 and updated at 15 May 2011 12:52


rvs.1.65 The waters feed with praise the growing Babe, born nobly in the womb, the seat of Law.
rvs.1.72 2 The Gods infallible all searching found not him, the dear Babe who still is round about us.
rvs.1.95 One bears a Godlike Babe of golden colour; bright and fairshining-, is he with the other.
rvs.1.145 Allspeeding-, victor, perfecter of sacrifice, the Babe with flawless help hath mustered vigorous
rvs.1.152 The Babe Unborn supporteth this worlds' burthen, fulfilleth Law and overcometh falsehood.
rvs.3.1 10 He nursed the Infant of the Sire and Maker: alone the Babe sucked many a teeming bosom.
rvs.3.29 The sisters ten, unwedded and united, together grasp the Babe, the newborn- Infant.
rvs.5.2 The Babe unborn increased through many autumns. I saw him born what time his Mother bare him.
rvs.5.47 4 Four bear him up and give him rest and quiet, and ten invigorate the Babe for travel.
rvs.7.4 A Babe unborn, the plants and trees support him, and the earth beareth him the Allsustainer-.
rvs.9.86 36 The Sisters Seven, the Mothers, stand around the Babe, the noble, newborn- Infant, skilled in
rvs.9.102 6 The Babe whom they who strengthen Law have generated fair to see,
rvs.10.1 The glooms of night thou, Brilliant Babe, subduest, and art come forth, loud roaring, from thy
rvs.10.61 When, like a line, the Babe springs up erectly, his Mother straight hath borne him strong to bless

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