Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 May 2011 11:26 and updated at 15 May 2011 11:26
rvs.1.44 | 8 At dawn of day, at night, Usas and Savitar, the Asvins, Bhaga, Agnis' self: |
rvs.1.97 | 5 As everconquering- Agnis' beams of splendour go to every side, |
rvs.1.128 | with Agnis' roar, boons gladdening for the active One, |
rvs.2.8 | 1. Now praise, as one who strives for strength, the harnessing of Agnis' car, |
rvs.2.8 | 6 May we with Agnis', Indras' help, with Somas', yea, of all the Gods, |
rvs.2.25 | Like Agnis' blazing rush he may not be restrained, whomever Brahmanaspati takes for his friend. |
rvs.3.26 | 6 We, band on band and troop following troop, entreat with fair lauds Agnis' splendour and the |
rvs.5.2 | 10 Loud in the heaven above be Agnis' roarings with keenedged- weapons to destroy the demons. |
rvs.5.6 | 6 These Agnis in the seats of the fire nourish each thing most excellent. |
rvs.5.13 | 2 Eager for wealth, we meditate Agnis' effectual praise today-, |
rvs.5.25 | 7 The mightiest song is Agnis': shine on high, thou who art rich in light. |
rvs.5.51 | And drink the draught with Agnis' tongue. |
rvs.6.6 | Agnis' fierce flame is like a heros' onset: dread and resistless he destroys the forests. |
rvs.7.36 | With lofty ridges earth is far extended, and Agnis' flame hath lit the spacious surface. |
rvs.7.88 | 2 And now, as I am come before his presence, I take the face of Varuna for Agnis'. |
rvs.8.7 | 32 The Kanvas sing forth Agnis' praise together with our Maruts? who |
rvs.8.12 | Hath swelled like oil of sacrifice in Agnis' mouth. |
rvs.8.28 | 2 Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Agnis, with Consorts, sending boons, |
rvs.8.38 | 10 Indras' and Agnis' grace I claim, Sarasvatis' associates |
rvs.8.40 | 4 Nabhakalike-, with sacred song Indras' and Agnis' praise I sing, |
rvs.8.40 | By Indras' and by Agnis' hest, flowing away, the rivers, run which they released from their |
rvs.10.15 | 11 Fathers whom Agnis' flames have tasted, come ye nigh: ye kindly leaders, take ye each your |
rvs.10.36 | 12 In great enkindled Agnis' keeping, and, for bliss, free from all sin before Mitra and Varuna. |
rvs.10.80 | Agni hath made oblations rise to heaven: to every place are Agnis' laws extended. |
rvs.10.80 | Stablished in holy oil is Agnis' pasture, on the Gandharva path of Law and Order. |