Agni More

Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 May 2011 10:07 and updated at 17 May 2011 10:07


rvs.10.8 HYMN VIII. Agni. 8
rvs.10.8 Thy lightbestowing- head to heaven thou liftest, making thy tongue the oblationbearer, Agni.
rvs.10.9 And Agni, he who blesseth all.
rvs.10.9 O Agni, rich in milk, come thou, and with thy splendour cover me.
rvs.10.11 HYMN XI. Agni 11
rvs.10.11 Since they, as was the wish of yearning Gods, brought forth that yearning Agni for the assembly as
rvs.10.11 Then when the Aryan tribes chose as Invoking Priest Agni the WonderWorker-, and the hymn rose up.
rvs.10.11 7 Farfamed- is he, the mortal man, O Agni, thou Son of Strength, who hath obtained thy favour.
rvs.10.11 8 When, Holy Agni, the divine assembly, the sacred synod mid the Gods, is gathered,
rvs.10.11 9 Hear us, O Agni, in your common dwelling: harness thy rapid car of Amrta.
rvs.10.12 HYMN XII. Agni 12
rvs.10.12 Guard ceaselessly, great Agni, him who ponders Yamas' name, easy to be comprehended.
rvs.10.12 9 Hear us, O Agni, in your comninn dwell ing: harness thy rapid car, the car of Amrta.
rvs.10.14 To Yama sacrifice prepared and heralded by Agni goes.
rvs.10.15 9 Come to us, Agni, with the gracioug Fathers who dwell in glowing light, the very Kavyas,
rvs.10.15 10 Come, Agni, come with countless ancient Fathers, dwellers in light, primeval, Godadorers-,
rvs.10.15 12 Thou, Agni Jatavedas, when entreated, didst bear the offerings which thou madest fragrant,
rvs.10.16 HYMN XVI. Agni. 16
rvs.10.16 1. Burn him not up, nor quite consume him, Agni: let not his body or his skin be scattered.
rvs.10.16 5 Again, O Agni, to the Fathers send him who, offered in thee, goes with our oblations.
rvs.10.16 May Agni who devoureth all things heal it and Soma who hath passed into the Brahmans.
rvs.10.16 7 Shield thee with flesh against the flames of Agni, encompass thee about with fat and marrow,
rvs.10.16 8 Forbear, O Agni, to upset this ladle: the Gods and they who merit Soma love it.
rvs.10.16 9 1 send afar flesh eating Agni, bearing off stains may he depart to Yamas' subjects.
rvs.10.16 10 I choose as God for Fatherworship- Agni, flesheater-, who hath past within your dwelling,
rvs.10.16 11 With offerings meet let Agni bring the Fathers who support the Law.
rvs.10.16 13 Cool, Agni, and again refresh the spot which thou hast scorched and burnt.
rvs.10.16 Come hither with the female frog: fill with delight this Agni here.
rvs.10.17 May he consign thee to these Fathers' keeping, and to the gracious Gods let Agni give thee.
rvs.10.19 Agni and Soma, ye who bring riches again, secure us wealth.
rvs.10.19 May. Indra give them back to us, and Agni drive them hitherward-.
rvs.10.19 Do thou, O Agni, keep them here, and let the wealth we have remain.
rvs.10.20 HYMN XX. Agni. 20
rvs.10.20 2 1 worship Agni, Youthfullest of Gods, resistless, Friend of laws;
rvs.10.20 To swordarmed- Agni come the Gods.
rvs.10.20 7 With service for chief bliss I seek the Lord of Sacrifice, Agni, whom
rvs.10.20 Agni with sacrificial gifts.
rvs.10.20 10 Thus with his thoughts, O Son of Strength, O Agni, hath Vimada, accordant with the Immortals,
rvs.10.21 HYMN XXI. Agni. 21
rvs.10.21 1. WITH offerings of our own we choose thee, Agni, as Invoking Priest,
rvs.10.21 The sprinkling ladle, Agni, at your glad carouse and- glowing offering taste thee. Thou art waxing
rvs.10.21 4 O Agni, what thou deemest wealth, Victorious and Immortal One!
rvs.10.21 5 Skilled in all lore is Agni, he whom erst Atharvan brought to life.
rvs.10.21 6 At sacrifices they adore thee, Agni, when the rite proceeds.
rvs.10.21 7 Men, Agni, have established thee as welcome Priest at holy rites,
rvs.10.21 8 Wide and aloft thou spreadest thee, O Agni, with thy brilliant flame.
rvs.10.31 He, balmed with oil, near Varuna and Mitra, like Agni in the wood, hath shot forth splendour.
rvs.10.32 Indra, who knoweth well, beheld and showed thee. By him instructed am I come, O Agni.
rvs.10.35 May Morning sending forth her light drive sin afar. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
rvs.10.35 The wrath of the malignant may we keep afar. We pray to kindled Agni for feilicity.
rvs.10.35 Shine ye on us today- auspicious, for renown. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
rvs.10.35 The Asvin Pair have harnessed their swiftmoving- car. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
rvs.10.35 I cry to Dhisana, Mother of opulence. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
rvs.10.35 The Sun goes up beholding all the rays of morn. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
rvs.10.35 Thou in the Adityas' keeping movest restlessly. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
rvs.10.35 Varuna, Indra, Mitra, Bhaga for our gain. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
rvs.10.35 Pusan, Brhaspati, Bhaga, both Asvins, and enkindled Agni we implore for happiness.
rvs.10.35 For cattle, for our sons, for progeny, for life. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
rvs.10.45 HYMN XLV. Agni. 45
rvs.10.45 1. FIRST Agni sprang to life from out of Heaven: the second time from us came Jatavedas.
rvs.10.45 2 Agni, we know thy three powers in three stations, we know thy forms in many a place divided.
rvs.10.45 4 Agni roared out, like Dyaus what time he thunders: he licked the ground about the plants he
rvs.10.45 Even the firm rock he cleft when passing over, when the Five Tribes brought sacrifice to Agni.
rvs.10.45 7 So among mortals was Immortal Agni stablished as holy wise and willing envoy.
rvs.10.45 Agni by vital powers became immortal when his prolific Father Dyaus begat him.
rvs.10.45 9 Whoso this day, O God whose flames are lovely, prepares a cake, O Agni, mixt with butter,
rvs.10.45 10 Endow him, Agni, with a share of glory, at every song of praise sung forth enrich him.
rvs.10.45 Dear let him be to Surya, dear to Agni, preeminent with son and childrens' children.
rvs.10.45 11 While, Agni, day by day men pay thee worship they win themselves all treasures worth the
rvs.10.45 12 Agni, the Friend of men, the Somas' keeper, Vaisvanara, hath been lauded by the Rsis.
rvs.10.46 HYMN XLVI. Agni. 46
rvs.10.46 8 The tongue of Agni bears away the praisesong, and, through his care for Earth, her operations.
rvs.10.46 9 That Agni, him whom Heaven and Earth engendered, the Waters. Tvastar, and with might, the Bhrgus,
rvs.10.46 10 Agni, whom Gods have made oblationbearer, and muchdesiring- men regard as holy,
rvs.10.51 HYMN LI. Agni. Gods. 51
rvs.10.51 One Deity alone, O Jatavedas Agni, saw all thy forms in sundry places.
rvs.10.51 Where lie, then, all the sacred logs of Agni that lead him Godward-, Varuna and Mitra?
rvs.10.51 3 In many places, Agni Jatavedas, we sought thee hidden in the plants and waters.
rvs.10.51 Thus were my forms laid down in many places. This, as my goal, I Agni saw before me.
rvs.10.51 5 Come; man is pious and would fain do worship, he waits prepared: in gloom thou, Agni, dwellest.
rvs.10.51 The soul of plants, the fatness of the waters, and let there be long life, ye Gods, to Agni.
rvs.10.51 Let all this sacrifice be thine, O Agni, and let the worlds' four regions how before thee.
rvs.10.52 Wise Agni shall ordain for us the worship, whether fivewayed-, threefold, or seventhreaded-.
rvs.10.52 6 The Deities three hundred and thirtynine-, have served and honoured Agni,
rvs.10.53 HYMN LIII. Agni Saucika Gods. 53
rvs.10.61 not Agni by night; the giver of fuel, and the giver of food, he, the upholder of( the rite), is
rvs.10.61 Thou who art called Agni or Jatavedas, Priest, hear us, guileless Priest of holy worship.
rvs.10.61 He hath stirred up Kaksivan, stirred up Agni, as the steeds' swift wheel drives the felly onward.
rvs.10.62 These are the sons of Angirases: from Agni have they sprung to life.
rvs.10.62 6 Distinguished by their varied form, they sprang from Agni, from the sky.
rvs.10.63 Agni, Mitra, and Varuna that we may gain, Dyays, Bhaga, Maruts, Prthivi for happiness:
rvs.10.64 3 To Narasamsa and to Pusan I sing forth, unconcealable Agni kindied by the Gods.
rvs.10.64 8 The thriceseven- wandering Rivers, yea, the mighty floods, the forest trees, the mountains, Agni
rvs.10.65 1. MAY Agni, Indra, Mitra, Varuna consent, Aryaman, Vayu, Pusan, and Sarasvati,
rvs.10.65 2 Indra and Agni, Herolords- when Vrtra fell, dwelling together, speeding emulously on,
rvs.10.65 7 The Gods whose tongue is Agni dwell in heaven, and sit, aiders of Law, reflecting, in the seat
rvs.10.66 7 To win us strength I glorify the Mighty Twain, Agni and Soma, Mighty Ones whom many laud.
rvs.10.66 Obeying Order, these whose priest is Agni, free from falsehood, poured the waters out when Vrtra
rvs.10.69 HYMN LXIX. Agni. 69
rvs.10.69 3 Still newest is this face of thine, O Agni, which Manu and Sumitra have enkindled.
rvs.10.69 4 Accept this offering, Agni, whom aforetime Vadhryasva, hath entreated and enkindled.
rvs.10.69 Like the bold hero Cyavana, O Agni, mayst thou subdue the men who long for battle.
rvs.10.69 7 Deft Agni hath a lengthened thread, tall oxen, a thousand heifers, numberless devices.
rvs.10.69 Thou. art lit up by men enriched with guerdon, O Agni, by the pioussouled- Sumitras.
rvs.10.69 10 Like as a father bears his son, O Agni, Vadhryasva bare thee in his lap and served thee.
rvs.10.69 11 Vadhryasvas' Agni evermore hath vanquished his foes with heroes who had pressed the Soma.
rvs.10.69 12 This Agni of Vadhryasva, Vrtraslayer-, lit from of old, must be invoked with homage.
rvs.10.70 1. ENJOY, O Agni, this my Fuel, welcome the oilfilled- ladle where we pour libation.
rvs.10.70 Rise up for worship of the Gods, wise Agni, on the earths' height, while days are bright with
rvs.10.70 3 Men with oblations laud most constant Agni, and pray him to perform an envoys' duty.
rvs.10.70 11 Agni, bring hither Varuna to help us, Indra from heaven, from airs' midrealm- the Maruts.
rvs.10.76 More rapidly than Vayu seize the Soma juice, better than Agni give us food, to you I sing.
rvs.10.79 HYMN LXXIX. Agni. 79
rvs.10.79 No knowledge of the God have I, a mortal. Yea, Agni knoweth best, for he hath wisdom.
rvs.10.79 Him with his thousand eyes he closely looks on: thou showest him thy face from all sides, Agni.
rvs.10.79 6 Agni, hast thou committed sin or treason among the Gods In ignorance I ask thee.
rvs.10.80 HYMN LXXX. Agni. 80
rvs.10.80 1. AGNI bestows the fleet prizewinning- courser: Agni, the hero famed and firm in duty.
rvs.10.80 Agni pervades and decks the earth and heaven, and fills the fruitful dame who teems with heroes.
rvs.10.80 2 Blest be the wood that feeds the active Agni: within the two great worlds hath Agni entered.
rvs.10.80 Agni impels a single man to battle, and with him rends in pieces many a foeman.
rvs.10.80 3 Agni rejoiced the car of him who praised lim, and from the waters burnt away jarutha.
rvs.10.80 Agni saved Atri in the fiery cavem, and made Nrmedha rich with troops of children.
rvs.10.80 4 Agni hath granted wealth that decks the hero, and sent the sage who wins a thousand cattle.
rvs.10.80 Agni hath made oblations rise to heaven: to every place are Agnis' laws extended.
rvs.10.80 5 With songs of praise the Rsis call on Agni; on Agni, heroes worsted in the foray.
rvs.10.80 Birds flying in the region call on Agni around a thousand cattle Agni wanders.
rvs.10.80 6 Races of human birth pay Agni worship, men who have sprung from Nahus' line adore him.
rvs.10.80 7 The Rbhus fabricated prayer for Agni, and we with mighty hymns have called on Agni.
rvs.10.80 Agni, Most Youthful God, protect the singer: win us by worship, Agni, great possessions.
rvs.10.85 The bridesmen were the Asvin Pair Agni was leader of the train.
rvs.10.85 Give to the husband in return, Agni, the wife with progeny.
rvs.10.85 39 Agni hath given the bride again with splendour and with ample life.
rvs.10.85 41 Soma to the Gandharva, and to Agni the Gandharva gave:
rvs.10.85 And Agni hath bestowed on me riches and sons and this my spouse.
rvs.10.87 HYMN LXXXVII. Agni. 87
rvs.10.87 Enkindled, sharpened by our rites, may Agni protect us in the day and night from evil.
rvs.10.87 4 Bending thy shafts through sacrifices, Agni, whetting their points with song as if with
rvs.10.87 5 Pierce through the Yatudhanas' skin, O Agni; let the destroying dart with fire consume him.
rvs.10.87 6 Where now thou seest Agni Jatavedas, one of these demons standing still or roaming,
rvs.10.87 Blazing before him strike him down, O Agni; let spotted carrioneating- kites devour him.
rvs.10.87 8 Here tell this forth, O Agni: whosoever is, he himself, or acteth as, a demon,
rvs.10.87 9 With keen glance guard the sacrifice, O Agni: thou Sage, conduct it onward to the Vasus.
rvs.10.87 Demolish with thy flame his ribs, O Agni, the Yatudhanas' root destroy thou triply.
rvs.10.87 11 Thrice, Agni, let thy noose surround the demon who with his falsehood injures Holy Order.
rvs.10.87 12 Lead thou the worshipper that eye, O Agni, wherewith thou lookest on the hoofarmed- demon.
rvs.10.87 13 Agni, what curse the pair this day have uttered, what heated word the worshippers have spoken,
rvs.10.87 14 With fervent heat exterminate the demons; destroy the fiends with burning flame, O Agni.
rvs.10.87 Who steals the milchcows-' milk away, O Agni, tear off the heads of such with fiery fury.
rvs.10.87 If one would glut him with the biesting, Agni, pierce with thy flame his vitals as he meets thee.
rvs.10.87 19 Agni, from days of old thou slayest demons: never shall Raksasas in fight overcome thee.
rvs.10.87 20 Guard us, O Agni, from above and under, protect us flom- behind us and before us;
rvs.10.87 Guard to old age thy friend, O Friend, Eternal: O Agni, as Immortal, guard us mortals.
rvs.10.87 22 We set thee round us as a fort, victorious Agni, thee a Sage,
rvs.10.87 O Agni, with thy sharpened glow, with lances armed with points of flame.
rvs.10.87 24 Burn thou the paired Kimidins, brun, Agni, the Yatudhana pairs.
rvs.10.87 25 Shoot forth, O Agni, with thy flame demolish them on every side.
rvs.10.88 HYMN LXXXVIII. Agni. 88
rvs.10.88 1. DEAR, ageless sacrificial drink is offered in lightdiscovering-, heavenpervading- Agni.
rvs.10.88 2 The world was swallowed and concealed in darkness: Agni was born, and light became apparent.
rvs.10.88 3 Inspired by Gods who claim our adoration, I now will laud Eternal Lofty Agni,
rvs.10.88 He swiftly made all things that fly, stand, travel, all that hath motion, Agni Jatavedas.
rvs.10.88 5 Because thou, Agni, Jatavedas, stoodest at the worlds' head with thy refulgent splendour,
rvs.10.88 6 Head of the world is Agni in the nighttime-; then, as the Sun, at morn springs up and rises.
rvs.10.88 With resonant hymns all Gods who guard our bodies have offered up oblation in this Agni.
rvs.10.88 8 First the Gods brought the hymnal into being; then they engendered Agni, then oblation.
rvs.10.88 9 He, Agni, whom the Gods have generated, in whom they offered up all worlds and creatures,
rvs.10.88 10 Then by the laud the Gods engendered Agni in heaven, who fills both worlds through strength and
rvs.10.88 12 For all the world of life the Gods made Agni Vaisvanara to be the days' bright Banner,
rvs.10.88 13 The wise and holy Deities engendered Agni Vaisvanara whom age Never touches.
rvs.10.88 14 We call upon the Sage with holy verses, Agni Vaisvanara the everbeaming-,
rvs.10.90 Indra and Agni from his mouth were born, and Vayu from his breath.
rvs.10.91 HYMN XCI. Agni. 91
rvs.10.91 3 Most sage with insight, passing skilful with thy powers art thou, O Agni, wise with wisdom,
rvs.10.91 4 Foreknowing well, O Agni, thou in Ilas' place hast occupied thy regular station balmed with oil.
rvs.10.91 6 Him, duly coming as their germ, have plants received: this Agni have maternal Waters brought to
rvs.10.91 Thy neverceasing- blazes, longing to consume, like men on chariots, Agni, strive on every side.
rvs.10.91 8 Agni, the Hotarpriest- who fills the assembly full, Waker of knowledge, chief Controller of the
rvs.10.91 9 Here, Agni, the arrangers, those attached to thee, elect thee as their Priest in sacred
rvs.10.91 11 When mortal man presents to thee Immortal God, Agni, his fuel or his sacrificial gift,
rvs.10.91 To Agni, Somasprinkled-, drinker of sweet juice, Disposer, with my heart I bring a fair hymn forth.
rvs.10.91 15 Into thy mouth is poured the offering, Agni, as Soma into cup, oil into ladle.
rvs.10.92 2 Him, Agni, Gods and men have made their chief support, who drinks the fatness and completes the
rvs.10.98 8 O Agni whom Devapi Arstisena, the mortal man, hath kindled in his glory,
rvs.10.98 10 The wagonloads-, the nineandninety— thousand, these have been offered up to thee, O Agni.
rvs.10.98 11 Give thou these ninety thousand loads, O Agni, to Indra, to the Bull, to be his portion.
rvs.10.98 12 O Agni, drive afar our foes, our troubles chase malady away and wicked demons.
rvs.10.100 6 Indra possesseth might celestial nobly formed: the singer in the house is Agni, prudent Sage.
rvs.10.101 1. WAKE with one mind, my friends, and kindle Agni, ye who are many and who dwell together.
rvs.10.101 Agni and Dadhikras and Dawn the Goddess, you, Gods with Indra, I call down to help us.
rvs.10.109 Mitra and Varuna were the inviters: Agni as Hota; took her hand and led her.
rvs.10.110 3 Invoked, deserving prayer and adoration, O Agni, come accordant with the Vasus.
rvs.10.110 Agni, Vanaspati the Immolator sweeten our offered gift with meath and butter.
rvs.10.110 11 Agni, as soon as he was born, made ready the sacrifice, and was the Gods preceder.
rvs.10.113 As Agni eats the dry food with his tcetlv, he ate Vrtra, the Dragon, maimed by Indras' deadly dart.
rvs.10.115 HYMN CXV. Agni. 115
rvs.10.115 2 Then Agni was his name, most active to bestow, gathering up the trees with his consuming tooth;
rvs.10.115 5 This Agni is the best of Kanvas, Kanvas' Friend, Conqueror of the foe whether afar or near.
rvs.10.115 May Agni guard the singers, guard the princes well: may Agni grant to us our princes' gracious
rvs.10.115 7 Thus noble Agni with princes and mortal men is lauded, excellent for conquering strength with
rvs.10.115 9 Thus, Agni, have the sons of Vrstihavya, the Rsis, the Upastutas invoked thee.
rvs.10.116 9 I send sweet speech to Indra and to Agni: with hymns I speed it like a boat through waters.
rvs.10.118 HYMN CXVIII. Agni. 118
rvs.10.118 3 Honoured with gifts he shines afar, Agni adorable with song:
rvs.10.118 4 Agni with honey in his mouth, honoured with gifts, is balmed with oil,
rvs.10.118 6 To that Immortal Agni pay worship with oil, ye mortal men,
rvs.10.118 7 O Agni, burn the Raksasas with thine unconquerable flame
rvs.10.118 8 So, Agni, with thy glowing face burn fierce against the female fiends,
rvs.10.121 7 What time the mighty waters came, containing the universal germ, producing Agni,
rvs.10.122 HYMN CXXII. Agni. 122
rvs.10.122 May Agni, Priest and Master of the household, give hero strength and allsustaining- riches.
rvs.10.122 2 O Agni, graciously accept this song of mine, thou passingwise- who knowest every ordinance.
rvs.10.122 Wealth, Agni, with brave sons and ready for his use: welcome the man who comes with fuel unto thee.
rvs.10.122 The oilanointed- Bull, Agni who hears, who sends as God full hero strength to him who freely gives.
rvs.10.122 Thou, Agni, dropping oil, thrice lighting works of Law, showest thy wisdom circling home and
rvs.10.122 Gods strengthened thee for work that must be glorified, Agni, while they made butter pure for
rvs.10.122 8 Arrangers in our synods, Agni, while they sang Vasisistha s sons have called thee down, the
rvs.10.124 HYMN CXXIV. Agni, Etc. 124
rvs.10.124 1. COME to this sacrifice of ours, O Agni, threefold, with seven threads and five divisions.
rvs.10.124 Away pass Agni, Varuna and Soma. Rule ever changes: this I come to favour.
rvs.10.125 I hold aloft both Varuna and Mitra, Indra and Agni, and the Pair of Asvins.
rvs.10.126 Strong Rudra with the Marut host, Indra, Agni let us call for weal beyond our foes.
rvs.10.128 1. LET me win glory, Agni, in our battles: enkindling thee, may we support our bodies.
rvs.10.128 2 May all the Gods be on my side in battle, the Maruts led by Indra, Visnu, Agni.
rvs.10.128 6 Baffling the wrath of our opponents, Agni, guard us as our infallible Protector.
rvs.10.128 9 Let those who are our foemen stay. afar from us: with Indra and with Agni we will drive them off.
rvs.10.130 4 Closely was Gayatri conjoined with Agni, and closely Savitar combined with Usnih.
rvs.10.136 1. HE with the long loose locks supports Agni, and moisture, heaven, and earth:
rvs.10.140 HYMN CXL. Agni. 140
rvs.10.140 4 Agni, spread forth, as Ruler, over living things: give wealth to us, Immortal God.
rvs.10.140 6 The men have set before them them for their welfare Agni, strong, visible to all, the Holy.
rvs.10.141 1. TURN hither, Agni, speak to us: come to us with a gracious mind.
rvs.10.141 3 We call King Soma to our aid, and Agni with our songs and hymns,
rvs.10.141 6 Do thou, O Agni, with thy fires strengthen our prayer and sacrifice:
rvs.10.142 HYMN CXLII. Agni. 142
rvs.10.142 1. WITH thee, O Agni, was this singer of the laud: he hath no other kinship, O thou Son of
rvs.10.142 2 Thy birth who seekest food is in the falling flood, Agni: as Comrade thou winnest all living
rvs.10.142 3 And thou, O Agni, thou of Godlike nature, sparest the stones, while caring up the brushwood.
rvs.10.142 When, Agni, thou, making thine arms resplendent, advancest over the land spread out beneath thee.
rvs.10.142 6 Now let thy strength, thy burning flames fly upward, thine energies, O Agni, as thou toilest.
rvs.10.150 HYMN CL. Agni. 150
rvs.10.150 Agni, bring hitherward the Gods whose Laws we love, whose laws we love, to show us grace.
rvs.10.150 4 Agni the God was made the great HighPriest- of Gods, Rsis have kindled Agni, men of mortal mould.
rvs.10.150 Agni I invocate for winning ample wealth. kindly disposed for winning wealth.
rvs.10.150 On Agni calls Vasistha, even the household priest, the household priest to win his grace.
rvs.10.151 1. By Faith is Agni kindled, through Faith is oblation offered up.
rvs.10.155 5 These men have led about the cow, have duly carried Agni round,
rvs.10.156 HYMN CLVI. Agni. 156
rvs.10.156 1. LET songs of ours speed Agni forth like a fleet courser in the race,
rvs.10.156 2 Agni the dart whereby we gain kine for ourselves with help from thee,
rvs.10.156 3 O Agni, bring us wealth secure, vast wealth in horses and in kine:
rvs.10.156 4 O Agni, thou hast made the Sun, Eternal Star, to mount the sky,
rvs.10.156 5 Thou, Agni, art the peoples' light, best, dearest, seated in thy shrine:
rvs.10.158 And Agni from terrestrial spots.
rvs.10.161 Or, if the grasping demon have possessed him, free him from her, O Indra, thou and Agni.
rvs.10.161 Through hundredlived- oblation Indra, Agni, Brhaspati, Savitar yield him for a hundred!
rvs.10.162 HYMN CLXII. Agni 162
rvs.10.162 1. MAY Agni, yielding to our prayer, the Raksasslayer-, drive away
rvs.10.162 2 Agni, concurring in the prayer, drive off the eater of the flesh,
rvs.10.164 All hateful acts of ours, all evil doings may Agni bear away to distant places.
rvs.10.165 May Agni, Sage, be pleased with our oblation, and may the Missile borne on wings avoid us.
rvs.10.169 2 Likecoloured-, varioushued-, or singlecoloured-, whose names through sacrifice are known to Agni,
rvs.10.173 Stedfast, may Indra, stedfast too, may Agni keep thy stedfast reign.
rvs.10.176 HYMN CLXXVI. Agni. 176
rvs.10.176 4 This Agni rescues from distress, as it were from the Immortal Race,
rvs.10.181 From radiant Dhatar, Savitar, and Visnu, from Agni, Bharadvaja brought the Brhat.
rvs.10.187 HYMN CLXXXVII. Agni. 187
rvs.10.187 1. To Agni send I forth my song, to him the Bull of all the folk:
rvs.10.187 5 Resplendent Agni, who was born in farthest region of the air:
rvs.10.188 HYMN CLXXXVIII. Agni. 188
rvs.10.191 HYMN CXCI. Agni. 191
rvs.10.191 1. THOU, mighty Agni, gatherest up all that is precious for thy friend.

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