Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 27 Feb 2010 16:51 and updated at 27 Feb 2010 16:51
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.175 | When I heard that Yuyudhana of the race of Vrishni, after having thrown into confusion the army of Drona rendered unbearable in prowess owing to the presence of elephants, retired to where Krishna and Arjuna were, then, O Sanjaya, I had no hope of success. |
Mbh.2.4.122 | And O king, the princes also of the Vrishni race, viz, Pradyumna the son of Rukmini and Samva, and Yuyudhana the son of Satyaki and Sudharman and Aniruddha and Saivya that foremost of men who had learnt the science of arms under Arjuna these and many other kings, O lord of the Earth, used to wait on Yudhishthira on that occasion. |
Mbh.3.13.762 | O thou best of Kurus, O son of Pandu, on arriving at Dwarka I learnt from Yuyudhana all about thy calamity! |
Mbh.3.51.2578 | Rama and Krishna and Dhananjaya and Pradyumna and Shamva and Yuyudhana and Bhima and the sons of Madri and the Kekaya princes and the Panchala princes, accompanied by the king of Matsya, these all, illustrious and celebrated and invincible heroes, with their followers and troops, will come. |
Mbh.4.72.2818 | And after the kings had come there from different parts of the country, there came Vasudeva decked in floral garlands, and Halayudha, and Kritavarman, the son of Hridika, and Yuyudhana, the son of Satyaki, and Anadhristi and Akrura, and Samva and Nisatha. |
Mbh.5.3.80 | When Yuyudhana myself is enraged and resolved to fight, they, to be sure, are unequal to withstand his impetus, as mountains are unable to resist that of the thunderbolt. |
Mbh.5.19.814 | SECTION XIX Vaisampayana said, Then Yuyudhana, the great hero of the Satwata race, came to Yudhishthira with a large army of foot, and horses and cars and elephants. |
Mbh.5.25.1036 | SECTION XXV Yudhishthira said, Here are met the Pandavas and the Srinjayas, and Krishna, and Yuyudhana and Virata, O son of the Suta Gavalgana, tell us all that Dhritarashtra hath directed thee to say' |
Mbh.5.50.2872 | With that warrior of long arms: endued with great activity in the use of weapons, possessed of intelligence and prowess incapable of being baffled, with that Yuyudhana, the lion of the Vrishni race, will you have to fight. |
Mbh.5.57.3147 | Sanjaya said, I have seen Krishna, the foremost of the Andhakas and the Vrishnis, arrived there, and Chekitana, as also Satyaki, otherwise called Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.5.58.3229 | Methinks, the Bharata host, like a helpless woman, will be afflicted and crushed and hurled to a distance by Yuyudhana of long arms. |
Mbh.5.81.3895 | Vaisampayana continued, At these words of the high-souled Yuyudhana, a leonine roar was set up by all the warriors assembled there. |
Mbh.5.144.6447 | King Yudhishthira, having the Chedis, the Panchalas, and the Kekayas, Bhima and Arjuna, Krishna, Yuyudhana, and the twins for his allies, stayeth yet at Upaplavya, and from affection for kinsmen, looketh up to righteousness only, like a weak man, though he is possessed of great strength. |
Mbh.5.151.6797 | Indeed, the sons of Dhritarashtra will never be able to keep their ground when they will behold Dhananjaya with Yuyudhana as his second, and Abhimanyu, and the five sons of Draupadi, and Virata, and Drupada, and the other kings of fierce prowess, all lords of Akshauhinis. |
Mbh.5.153.6828 | And Dhrishtadyumna of Prishata's race and that mighty car-warrior of great energy, viz, Yuyudhana, otherwise called Satyaki, measured the ground for the encampment. |
Mbh.5.165.7483 | And he pitted Arjuna against the Suta's son Karna, Bhima against Duryodhana, Dhrishtaketu against Salya, Uttamaujas against Gautama's son Kripa, Nakula against Kritavarman, Yuyudhana against the ruler of the Sindhus Jayadratha. |
Mbh.5.197.8819 | Thou hast for thy allies Sikhandin, and Yuyudhana and Dhristadyumna of Prishata's race; and Bhimasena, and these twins, and Yudhamanyu, and Uttamaujas, and Virata and Drupada who are equal in battle unto Bhishma and Drona; and the mighty-armed Sankha, and Hidimva's son of great might; and this latter's son Anjanparvan endued with great strength and prowess; and Sini's descendant of mighty arms and well-versed in battle, and the mighty Abhimanyu and the five sons of Draupadi! |
Mbh.5.199.8841 | Indeed, he ordered that slayer of foes and commander of force, that leader, steady in prowess, of the Chedis, the Kasis, and the Karushas, viz, Dhrishtaketu, as also Virata, and Drupada, and Yuyudhana, and Sikhandin, and those two mighty bowmen, those two princes of Panchala, viz, Yudhamanyu and Uttamaujas, to set out. |
Mbh.6.19.918 | Behind Arjuna was Yuyudhana of mighty strength; and the two princes of Panchala, viz, Yudhamanyu and Uttamaujas, became protectors of Arjuna's wheels, along with the Kekaya brothers, and Dhrishtaketu, and Chekitana of great valour, This Bhimasena, wielding his mace made of the hardest metal, and moving on the field of battle with fierce speed, can dry up the very ocean. |
Mbh.6.22.1002 | O king, by that mighty bowman, the handsome Yuyudhana, that foremost combatant of the Satwata race, resembling Indra himself. |
Mbh.6.25.1073 | They are Yuyudhana, and Virata, and that mighty car-warrior Drupada, and Dhrishtaketu, and Chekitana, and the ruler of Kasi endued with great energy; and Purujit, and Kuntibhoja, and Saivya that bull among men; and Yudhamanyu of great prowess, and Uttamaujas of great energy; and Subhadra's son, and the sons of Draupadi, all of whom are mighty car-warriors. |
Mbh.6.74.3928 | And Bhurisravas also, that enhancer of the fame of the Kurus, beholding the Dhartarashtra ranks thus felled by Yuyudhana, rushed in wrath against the latter |
Mbh.6.74.3931 | Beholding this, the mighty sons of Yuyudhana, all mighty car-warriors of great renown, cased in excellent mail, bearing diverse arms, and possessing excellent standards, approaching that great bowman, viz, Bhurisravas, in battle, wrathfully addressed that warrior bearing on his standard the device of a sacrificial stake, and said these words, Listen, O kinsman of the Kauravas, O thou that art possessed of great strength, come, fight in battle with us, ie, with either all of us jointly or with each of us separately. |
Mbh.7.10.374 | That warrior who, having crushed the mighty host of the Sauvira king, took for his wife the beautiful Bhoja maiden of symmetrical limbs, that bull among men, viz, Yuyudhana, in whom are always truth and firmness and bravery and Brahmacharya, that warrior gifted with great might, always practising truth, never cheerless, never vanquished, who in battle is equal to Vasudeva and is regarded as his second self, who, through Dhananjaya's instructions, hath become foremost in the use of arrows, and who is equal to Partha himself in weapons, O, what warrior of my army resisted that Satyaki, for keeping him away from Drona? |
Mbh.7.24.1286 | Then the king of the Pragjyotisha, pressing with his toe his huge elephant, urged him towards the car of Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.7.24.1288 | Yuyudhana, however, escaped by timely flight. |
Mbh.7.30.1540 | Those heroes of immeasurable energy, viz, the two son of Madri and Pandu, and others headed by Yuyudhana, quickly proceeded to Bhimasena's side. |
Mbh.7.81.3579 | Those mighty and high-souled heroes of great splendour viz, Krishna and Yuyudhana, both sat on the same seat. |
Mbh.7.82.3613 | Saluting the king, Yuyudhana and Kesava and Arjuna, cheerfully set out from Yudhishthira's abode. |
Mbh.7.82.3614 | And those two invincible warriors, those two heroes, viz, Yuyudhana, and Janardana, together proceeded on the same car to Arjuna's pavilion. |
Mbh.7.82.3621 | After Partha, Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.7.82.3629 | Beholding those indications of victory, Arjuna, addressing the great bowman Yuyudhana on his right, said these words: O Yuyudhana! |
Mbh.7.95.4339 | SECTION XCVII Dhritarashtra said, After that shafts of Drona had been cut off and Dhrishtadyumna thus rescued, O Sanjaya, by Yuyudhana, that foremost one of the Vrishni race, what did that great bowman, that foremost of all wielders of weapons, viz, Drona, do in battle unto that tiger among men, viz, the grandson of Sini' |
Mbh.7.95.4340 | Sanjaya said, Then Drona, like a mighty snake, having wrath for his poison, his stretched bow for his wide-open mouth, his sharp shafts for his teeth and whetted arrows for his fangs, with eyes red as copper from rage, and breathing hard, that mighty hero among men, perfectly fearless, borne on his red steeds of great speed, that seemed to soar into the skies or get at the top of a mountain, rushed towards Yuyudhana, scattering his arrows equipped with golden wings. |
Mbh.7.95.4368 | Both our men and those of Yudhishthira, beheld that battle between Yuyudhana and high-souled Drona; the gods also, headed by Brahma and Soma, and the Siddhas, and the Charanas, and the Vidyadharas, and the great Snakes, saw it, stationed on their foremost of sky-ranging cars. |
Mbh.7.95.4377 | Beholding then that superhuman feat of Yuyudhana in battle, Drona, O monarch, thought in his mind, This force of weapons that I see in this foremost one among the Satwatas exists in Rama and Dhananjaya and was seen also in Kartavirya and that tiger among men, viz, Bhishma. |
Mbh.7.95.4381 | The gods and the Gandharvas, O monarch, had never before witnessed that lightness of hand of the quickly moving Yuyudhana, although they and the Siddhas and the Charanas had been acquainted with the feats of which Drona was capable. |
Mbh.7.95.4388 | Then that master of military science, O king, filled with wrath, invoked celestial weapons for the destruction of Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.7.104.4852 | Upon the fall, O lord, of that prince of the Magadhas, the latter, struggling vigorously, rushed against Yuyudhana from all sides. |
Mbh.7.104.4857 | Beholding this, thy army, already afflicted with the arrows of Yuyudhana, broke, O lord! |
Mbh.7.107.4960 | SECTION CIX Dhritarashtra said, Tell me, O Sanjaya, how Yuyudhana rushed against the son of Bharadwaja in battle. |
Mbh.7.107.4962 | Sanjaya said, Listen, O thou of great wisdom, to the account of that battle, that makes the hair stand on end, between Drona and the Pandayas headed by Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.7.107.4963 | Beholding the Kuru army slaughtered, O sire, by Yuyudhana, Drona himself rushed towards that warrior of unbaffled prowess, called also by the name of Satyaki. |
Mbh.7.107.4965 | Drona also, possessed of great prowess in battle, with deliberate aim, quickly pierced Yuyudhana, with five whetted arrows, equipped with wings of gold. |
Mbh.7.107.4968 | Then Bharadwaja's son, thus quickly pierced in battle by Yuyudhana, pierced carefully exerting Satyaki in return with many arrows. |
Mbh.7.107.4980 | He is sporting with Yuyudhana, in battle, like a boy with a bird bound in a string. |
Mbh.7.107.4984 | Having said these words, O Bharata, king Yudhishthira with all his troops rushed towards Drona for the sake of Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.7.107.5030 | Becoming my ally, Yuyudhana will crush the Kauravas. |
Mbh.7.110.5253 | SECTION CXII Sanjaya said, O king, when Yuyudhana, from desire of battle proceeded against thy troops, king Yudhishthira, surrounded by his forces, followed Yuyudhana for reaching the car of Drona. |
Mbh.7.110.5275 | Encountering the son of Bharadwaja, Yuyudhana, |
Mbh.7.110.5277 | Drona, however, checking in that battle the mighty car-warrior Yuyudhana, pierced him with five keen shafts, capable of penetrating into the very vitals. |
Mbh.7.110.5280 | The mighty car-warrior Yuyudhana could not brook that feat of Drona. |
Mbh.7.110.5282 | And once more Yuyudhana pierced Drona with ten shafts, his charioteer with one and his four steeds with four. |
Mbh.7.110.5285 | Similarly, Yuyudhana fearlessly covered Drona with countless shafts of great speed. |
Mbh.7.110.5286 | Then Drona, addressing Yuyudhana, said, Thy preceptor Arjuna hath, like a coward, gone away, leaving the battle, avoiding me who was fighting with him, proceeding by my flank. |
Mbh.7.110.5304 | Indeed, the preceptor closely followed highly blessed Yuyudhana who advanced without any desire of turning back. |
Mbh.7.110.5306 | When Yuyudhana, however, entered the army, the troops opposed to him fled away. |
Mbh.7.110.5317 | And taking up and drawing a tougher bow, Yuyudhana quickly shot at his foe, shafts by hundreds and thousands and entirely shrouded Kritavarman and his car with that arrowy downpour. |
Mbh.7.110.5328 | Resisted there by many brave and mighty car-warriors, Yuyudhana, of prowess incapable of being thwarted, could not then, O monarch, proceed a step. |
Mbh.7.110.5329 | Meanwhile, Drona, having placed his troops in a proper position and made over the burthen of their protection to the ruler of the Bhojas, firmly resolved, proceeded with great speed towards Yuyudhana from desire of battle. |
Mbh.7.110.5330 | Then the foremost warriors of the Pandava host, beholding Drona thus pursuing Yuyudhana from behind, cheerfully began to resist him. |
Mbh.7.111.5365 | When that bull amongst the Pandavas, on his single car, hath speedily gone, piercing through that army of mine vast though it be like the ocean, and when Yuyudhana also hath followed him, I do not, O Sanjaya, see the prospect of even a remnant of my troops being left alive by Savyasachin, and that foremost of car-warriors belonging to the Satwata race. |
Mbh.7.112.5488 | Thus afflicted by Yuyudhana, with shafts that resembled the sun or fire, that elephant division fled away in all directions. |
Mbh.7.112.5492 | Beholding the elephant checked by the excellent shafts of Yuyudhana, the mighty Jalasandha became filled with rage. |
Mbh.7.112.5498 | Then mighty Yuyudhana without any fear, thought of the shafts he should use. |
Mbh.7.112.5508 | Then Yuyudhana took up another bow capable of piercing everybody, large as a Sala-offshoot, and of twang resembling the roar of Indra's thunder, and filled with rage, stretched in and then pierced Jalasandha with a single shaft. |
Mbh.7.112.5520 | while, O king, Drona, that foremost of all wielders of bows, approached the mighty car-warrior Yuyudhana, borne by his swift coursers. |
Mbh.7.112.5522 | Then commenced a battle, O king, between the Kurus and Drona on one side and Yuyudhana on the other, that resembled the awful battle of old between the gods and the Asuras |
Mbh.7.113.5523 | SECTION CXV Sanjaya said, Shooting clouds of arrows, all those warriors, accomplished in smiting, carefully, O monarch, encountered Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.7.113.5529 | Though checked on all sides by those mighty car-warriors, viz, thy sons, Yuyudhana of Vrishni's race pierced each of them separately with his straight shafts. |
Mbh.7.113.5532 | And Yuyudhana, in the sight of all men, deeply pierced with his arrows the king, that greatest of car-warriors in the whole world. |
Mbh.7.113.5541 | Deeply pierced by thy mighty son armed with the bow, Yuyudhana became inflamed with wrath and began to afflict thy son. |
Mbh.7.113.5543 | Whilst being thus shrouded by those mighty car-warriors, viz, thy multitude of sons, Yuyudhana pierced each of them with five arrows, and once more with seven. |
Mbh.7.113.5547 | Meanwhile, Yuyudhana, filled with joy, pierced the mighty car-warrior, viz, the Kuru king, with many arrows capable of penetrating into the very vitals. |
Mbh.7.113.5554 | Beholding Kritavarman rushing towards him like the Destroyer himself with wide-open mouth, Yuyudhana, O king, addressed his driver, saying, That Kritavarman, armed with arrows, is rushing in his car towards me with speed. |
Mbh.7.113.5559 | Owning a standard decked with gold, and adorned with golden mail, Kritavarman, shaking his formidable bow, whose staff was decked with gold, thus checked, Yuyudhana with shafts equipped with golden wings. |
Mbh.7.114.5573 | Thus pierced on the forehead with those straight shafts, Yuyudhana, O king, looked beautiful like a mountain with three summits. |
Mbh.7.114.5577 | Surpassing by his own lightness the lightness of Yuyudhana, Drona, once more, pierced the latter with fifty arrows and then with a hundred. |
Mbh.7.114.5579 | Similarly, blood-drinking arrows shot by Yuyudhana in hundreds and thousands covered the car of Drona. |
Mbh.7.114.5585 | Beholding the lightness of hand displayed by Yuyudhana, the mighty car-warrior Drona piercing Yuyudhana's driver with seventy shafts, and each of his four steeds with three, cut off with a single arrow the standard that stood on Madhava's car. |
Mbh.7.114.5590 | Piercing Drona thereby in that battle, Yuyudhana uttered a leonine shout. |
Mbh.7.114.5599 | Then the mighty car-warrior Yuyudhana struck that Brahmana with a hundred arrows in that battle, and rejoiced exceedingly, O monarch, at the feat he had achieved. |
Mbh.7.115.5618 | Indeed, O Bharata, none amongst those that fought on thy side could resist Yuyudhana of irresistible prowess, of might incapable of impairment, of valour equal to that Of him of a thousand eyes, and looking like the autumnal sun in the firmament. |
Mbh.7.115.5632 | Yuyudhana, then, that hero among men, proceeded along the track by which Arjuna had passed before him, checking as he went by means of clouds of shafts, all thy troops, and riding on that same car of his, O king, unto which were yoked those excellent steeds and filling everybody with amazement. |
Mbh.7.116.5672 | Those excellent animals, endued with the speed of the wind or thought, proceeded, devouring the very skies, and bore Yuyudhana to the spot where those Yavanas were. |
Mbh.7.116.5675 | Inflamed with wrath, Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.7.116.5688 | Indeed, O king, the Charanas, as also thy warriors, beholding Yuyudhana thus proceeded for aiding Arjuna, became filled with delight at his heroism' |
Mbh.7.117.5689 | SECTION CXIX Sanjaya said, Having the vanquished the Yavanas and the Kamvojas that foremost of car-warriors, viz, Yuyudhana, proceeded towards Arjuna, right through the midst of thy troops. |
Mbh.7.117.5724 | Yuyudhana pierced Duryodhana in the centre of the chest with three shafts. |
Mbh.7.117.5732 | Then the foremost of car-warriors, viz, Yuyudhana speedily struck thy son's charioteer with a broad-headed shaft; whereupon, the latter deprived of life, fell down on the earth. |
Mbh.7.117.5737 | Indeed, thy troops worshipped Yuyudhana, beholding him shooting arrows and protecting his charioteer and himself as he fought in battle |
Mbh.7.118.5739 | When Yuyudhana who is equal to Savyasachin himself was before them, how, indeed, could those wretches, that were at the point of death, set their hearts upon battle? |
Mbh.7.118.5745 | O Suta, I think, Destiny is now unpropitious to my sons, since so many mighty car-warriors have been slain by that one warrior of the Satwata race, Alas, O Sanjaya, my army is no match for even one warrior, viz, Yuyudhana inflamed with wrath. |
Mbh.7.118.5748 | Numerous heroes, of whom Kritavarman is the first, contending vigorously in battle, could not slay Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.7.118.5774 | Those denizens of the mountain then, with stones huge as elephants' heads uplifted in their hands, stood before Yuyudhana in that battle. |
Mbh.7.118.5791 | Without doubt, Yuyudhana is engaged with the mountaineers who battle with stones, Our car-warriors are seen also to be borne away by their wildly running steeds. |
Mbh.7.118.5800 | Those troops of thine, while being thus slaughtered by Yuyudhana, in battle, fled away from Yuyudhana's car towards where Drona's division was. |
Mbh.7.120.5901 | Then King Duryodhana, seeing Duhsasana thus covered with arrows, urged a body of Trigartas towards the car of Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.7.120.5902 | Those Trigarta car-warriors, of fierce deeds, accomplished in battle, and numbering three thousand, proceeded towards Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.7.120.5903 | Firmly resolved upon battle and swearing not to retreat, all of them encompassed Yuyudhana with a large throng of cars, Soon, however, Yuyudhana struck down five hundred of their foremost warriors stationed in the van of the force as it advanced towards him in battle, shooting showers of arrows at him. |
Mbh.7.120.5906 | Those soldiers of thine, thus slaughtered by Yuyudhana, failed to find a protector like elephants sunk in a morass. |
Mbh.7.120.5910 | That mighty bowman then Yuyudhana, pierced Duhsasana, in return, with five straight and sharp arrows equipped with golden wings and vulturine feather. |
Mbh.7.120.5920 | And the mighty car-warrior Yuyudhana, with some straight shafts slew the steeds of Duhsasana; inflamed with wrath he slew, with some straight arrows, that the latter's charioteer also. |
Mbh.7.123.6076 | If by every means I endeavour to obtain intelligence of my brother only, without enquiring after Yuyudhana, the world will reproach me. |
Mbh.7.127.6343 | The heroic Yuyudhana and Vrikodara have both gone against the ruler of the Sindhus. |
Mbh.7.138.6911 | Like a tired swimmer in water when he reaches the land, Yuyudhana became comforted on obtaining the sight of Dhananjaya, that tiger among men. |
Mbh.7.139.6962 | Hearing these words of his, Yuyudhana, O king, answered him with a laugh, saying, O thou of Kuru's race, I am never inspired with fear in battle. |
Mbh.7.140.7072 | Sanjaya continued, Thus addressed by Arjuna, the mighty-armed and illustrious Bhurisravas, bearing the device of the sacrificial stake on his banner, abandoning Yuyudhana, desired to die according to the vow of Praya |
Mbh.7.144.7513 | Karna who looked like a celestial, and Yuyudhana, O king, rained upon each other showers of shafts. |
Mbh.7.145.7574 | Made carless by Yuyudhana, with thy senses no longer under thy control, thou wert almost at the point of death. |
Mbh.7.146.7694 | Having said this, the son of Pandu, O king, embraced both Yuyudhana and Vrikodara, those tigers among men, and shed tears of joy. |
Mbh.7.154.8217 | SECTION CLVI Sanjaya said, Beholding the sons of Drupada, as also those of Kuntibhoja, and Rakshasas too in thousands, slain by the son of Drona, Yudhishthira and Bhimasena, and Dhrishtadyumna, the son of Prishata, and Yuyudhana, uniting together, set their hearts firmly on battle. |
Mbh.7.159.8601 | Those steeds endued with the speed of the wind or the mind, bore Yuyudhana to battle like the steeds of Indra, O king, bearing the latter in days of yore when he proceeded to quell the Danavas. |
Mbh.7.159.8634 | Beholding the great car-warrior Somadatta slain there, thy warriors with a large throng of cars rushed against Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.7.168.9072 | Similarly, that foremost one of Vrishni's race, Yuyudhana, in that battle, shrouded Karna with his arrows. |
Mbh.7.168.9078 | Thus afflicted by Karna, the mighty car-warrior Yuyudhana, with great speed, repeatedly pierced Karna with many shafts. |
Mbh.7.168.9080 | Then those two warriors, stringing two other bows, capable of inspiring enemies with terror, began to pierce Yuyudhana from every side with keen shafts. |
Mbh.7.169.9118 | The wails of the host thus slaughtered in battle, O Bharata, by Yuyudhana, became as loud as those of shrieking ghosts in hell. |
Mbh.7.169.9121 | Then king Duryodhana, that firm bowman, above all modes of warfare, rushed against Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.7.169.9123 | Thus afflicted with arrows by Yuyudhana first, Duryodhana, excited with rage, pierced the grandson of Sini in return with ten arrows. |
Mbh.7.175.9538 | Let Nakula and Sahadeva and the valiant Yuyudhana, O son of Pandu, at thy command, slay the other Rakshasas! |
Mbh.7.176.9560 | Meanwhile, the mighty car-warrior Yuyudhana, and Nakula, and Sahadeva, pierced with keen shafts the warriors of Alayudha, those terrible-looking and heroic Rakshasas, armed with bows. |
Mbh.7.180.9839 | Beholding Dhananjaya, therefore, like one returned from the dead, these transports of delight, O Yuyudhana, have been mine. |
Mbh.7.189.10461 | None else have arrows of that kind, except Kripa, and Partha, and Aswatthaman and Karna, Pradyumna and Yuyudhana; Abhimanyu also had such arrows. |
Mbh.7.198.11130 | Deeply pierced with those arrows of diverse forms by Yuyudhana, that great bowmen, viz, the angry son of Drona, smilingly addressed his foe and said, O grandson of Sini, I know thy partiality for Dhrishtadyumna, that slayer of his preceptor, but thou shalt not be able to rescue him or your own self when attacked by me. |
Mbh.8.21.900 | Then the chief of the Pancalas, and the sons of Draupadi, O sire, and the twins, and Yuyudhana, uniting together, proceeded against Karna. |
Mbh.8.48.2677 | Deprived of his driver and steeds and car standard by Yuyudhana Satyaki, Vrishasena then, armed with sword and shield, rushed against Yuyudhana from desire of slaying him. |
Mbh.8.48.2680 | The mighty car-warrior Vrishasena then, riding on another vehicle, pierced the five sons of Draupadi with seventy and Yuyudhana with five, and Bhimasena with four and sixty, and Sahadeva with five, and Nakula with thirty, and Satanika with seven arrows, and Shikhandi with ten, and king Yudhishthira with a hundred. |
Mbh.8.48.2685 | Then Dhristadyumna pierced Karna with ten arrows, and the sons of Draupadi pierced him with three and seventy, and Yuyudhana with seven. |
Mbh.8.66.3832 | I was also made steedless and carless by him in the very sight of Yuyudhana, of Dhrishtadyumna, of the twins Nakula and Sahadeva, of the heroic Shikhandi, as also in the very sight of the sons of Draupadi, and all the Pancalas! |
Mbh.8.96.6104 | Unto Dhrishtadyumna and Yudhamanyu and the twin sons of Madri and Vrikodara and Yuyudhana, Govinda said, Ye kings, until we come back having informed the king of Karna's slaughter by Arjuna, stand ye here with care |
Mbh.9.21.1304 | Made steedless and driverless in that battle by Yuyudhana, skilled in weapons, Kritavarma came down on the Earth. |
Mbh.9.30.2165 | I do not entertain the least fear, O monarch, of either thee, or Vrikodara, the son of Pritha, or Phalguna, or Vasudeva, or all the Pancalas, or the twins, or Yuyudhana, or all the other troops thou hast! |
Mbh.9.33.2381 | Accompanied by Yuyudhana, Vasudeva adopted that of the Pandavas. |
Mbh.10.5.285 | So also, the mighty bowman Bhurishrava, while observant of the praya vow on the field of battle, was slain by Yuyudhana in total disregard of the cries of all the kings! |
Mbh.11.12.492 | The son of Kunti was followed by the high-souled and heroic Krishna of Dasharhas race, and by Yuyudhana, as also by Yuyutsu. |
Mbh.11.24.962 | SECTION Gandhari said, Behold the son of Somadatta, who was slain by Yuyudhana, pecked at and torn by a large number of birds! |
Mbh.11.24.963 | Burning with grief at the death of his son, Somadatta, O Janardana, as he lies there seems to censure the great bowman Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.13.167.13748 | Placing Dhritarashtra ahead and queen Gandhari celebrated for her virtues, and his own mother Kunti and all his brothers also, Yudhishthira of great intelligence, accompanied by Krishna and Vidura of great wisdom, as also by Yuyutsu and Yuyudhana, and by his other relatives and followers forming a large train, proceeded, his praises hymned the while by eulogists and bards. |
Mbh.14.60.2782 | Their sons slain, their forces slain, only the five sons of Pandu are alive with myself and Yuyudhana. |
Mbh.14.66.2966 | Accompanied by the son of Rukmini, by Yuyudhana, by Charudeshna, by Samva, by Gada, by Kritavarman, by the heroic Sarana, by Nisatha, and by the Unmukha, Vasudeva came with Valadeva at the head of the train, with Subhadra also accompanying him. |
Mbh.14.66.2976 | With great haste Krishna, his senses and mind considerably affected, with Yuyudhana in his company, entered the inner apartments of the palace. |
Mbh.14.86.3832 | He was accompanied by Yuyudhana and Pradyumna and Gada, and Nisatha and Samvo and Kritavarman. |
Mbh.15.10.496 | In eight and ten days that host was destroyed by the foremost of Kuru warriors, viz, Bhishma and Drona and Kripa and others, and the high-souled Karna, and the heroic Yuyudhana, and Dhrishtadyumna, and by the four sons of Pandu, that is, Bhima and Arjuna and twins. |
Mbh.16.3.100 | In the very sight of Krishna, Rama began to drink, with Kritavarma, Yuyudhana and Gada; and Vabhru also did the same. |
Mbh.16.3.101 | Then Yuyudhana, inebriated with wine, derisively laughing at and insulting Kritavarma in the midst of that assembly, said, What Kshatriya is there who, armed with weapons, will slay men locked in the embraces of sleep and, therefore, already dead? |
Mbh.16.3.103 | When Yuyudhana had said these words, Pradyumna, that foremost of car-warriors, applauded them, expressing his disregard for the son of Hridika. |
Mbh.16.3.111 | Yuyudhana, having achieved this feat, began to strike down others there present. |
Mbh.16.3.115 | Urged by fate and inebriated with drink, they began to strike Yuyudhana with the pots from which they had been eating. |
Mbh.16.7.340 | The dear son of Yuyudhana, with a company of old men and children and women, the righteous-souled Arjuna established on the banks of the Sarasvati. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |