Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 27 Feb 2010 16:50 and updated at 27 Feb 2010 16:50
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.3.126.6399 | Yuvanaswa, the ruler of the earth, was sprung from Ikshvaku's race. |
Mbh.3.126.6426 | Then Yuvanaswa truthfully admitted that it was his act. |
Mbh.3.126.6443 | Nor did Yuvanaswa die, which itself was strange. |
Mbh.3.201.10347 | And Anenas had a son named Prithu and Prithu had a son named Viswagaswa and from Viswagaswa sprang Adri and from Adri sprang Yuvanaswa and from Yuvanaswa sprang Sravastha and it was by this Sravastha that the city called Sravasthi was built and from Sravastha was descended Vrihadaswa and from Vrihadaswa sprang Kuvalaswa and Kuvalaswa had twentyone thousand sons and all these sons were fierce and powerful and skilled in learning. |
Mbh.7.60.2713 | SECTION LXII Narada said, Mandhatri' the son of Yuvanaswa, O Srinjaya, we hear, fell a prey to death. |
Mbh.7.60.2716 | Once on a time, king Yuvanaswa while chasing the deer in the forest, became very thirsty and his steeds also became exceedingly fatigued. |
Mbh.7.60.2719 | Beholding that Yuvanaswa was quick with child, those best of physicians, viz, the twin Aswins among the celestials, extracted the child from the king's womb. |
Mbh.12.29.1461 | Sprung from a quantity of clarified butter that had been sanctified by mantras and that had by mistake been quaffed by his sire instead of his sire's spouse Mandhatri was born in the stomach of the high-souled Yuvanaswa. |
Mbh.12.29.1466 | From the nourishment of that high-souled child of Yuvanaswa, the finger of Indra, placed in his mouth, began to yield a jet of milk. |
Mbh.12.158.9452 | Janaka, and Yuvanaswa, and Vrishadarbhi, and Prasenajit, and other kings acquired heaven in consequence of their having repressed covetousness. |
Mbh.12.165.9907 | From Raivata it was taken by Yuvanaswa, and from Yuvanaswa by Raghu. |
Mbh.12.233.14485 | Yuvanaswa, the son of Vrishadarbha, by giving away diverse kinds of gems, a fine mansion, and many beautiful women, ascended to heaven. |
Mbh.13.76.6984 | Listen to me, O king, as I recite to thee the names of those righteous monarchs that have attained to regions of great felicity as the reward of those gifts of kine which they made agreeable to the instructions of Vrihaspati, Usinara, Viswagaswa, Nriga, Bhagiratha, the celebrated Mandhatri the son of Yuvanaswa, king Muchukunda, Bhagiratha, Naishadha. |
Mbh.13.115.10347 | They were Nabhaga and Amvarisha and the high-souled Gaya and Ayu and Anaranya and Dilipa and Raghu and Puru and Kartavirya and Aniruddha and Nahusha and Yayati and Nrigas and Vishwaksena and Sasavindu and Yuvanaswa and Sivi, the son of Usinara, and Muchukunda and Mandhatri, and Harischandra. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |