Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 27 Feb 2010 15:04 and updated at 27 Feb 2010 15:04
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.133.7106 | At that time, actuated by the same motives, the prince of Panchala, the mighty Yajnasena, also lived in the same asylum. |
Mbh.1.140.7441 | Though king Yajnasena was well-armed, the Kuru army assailed him with a shower of arrows, uttering their war-cry. |
Mbh.1.140.7442 | Yajnasena, however, not easy to be subdued in battle, approaching the Kurus upon his white chariot, began to rain his fierce arrows around. |
Mbh.1.140.7507 | Therefore is it, O Yajnasena, that I retain half thy kingdom. |
Mbh.1.168.8617 | Then the Pandavas, defeating Drupada in battle and taking him prisoner along with his ministers, offered him unto Drona, who beholding the vanquished monarch, said, O king, I again solicit thy friendship; and because none who is not a king deserveth to be the friend of a king, therefore, O Yajnasena, I am resolved to divide thy kingdom amongst ourselves. |
Mbh.1.170.8707 | O crusher of foes, it hath been heard by us that alms are obtainable in the country of the Panchala, and that Yajnasena, the king thereof, is devoted to Brahmanas. |
Mbh.1.185.9361 | The illustrious Yajnasena, otherwise called Drupada, had a daughter risen from the centre of the sacrificial altar. |
Mbh.1.185.9364 | And that daughter of Yajnasena will select a husband from among the invited princes. |
Mbh.1.186.9382 | Yajnasena always cherished the desire of bestowing his daughter on Kiriti Arjuna, the son of Pandu. |
Mbh.1.192.9579 | And anxious from fear of sin, and reflecting how every one could be extricated from the situation, she took the cheerful Yajnaseni by the hand, and approaching Yudhishthira said, The daughter of king Yajnasena upon being represented to me by thy younger brothers as the alms they had obtained, from ignorance, O king, I said what was proper, viz, Enjoy ye all what hath been obtained. |
Mbh.1.196.9742 | Then Kunti and Krishna and Bhima and Arjuna and the twins, commanded by the king, to reside there, treated by Yajnasena with due respect. |
Mbh.1.199.9920 | When Vyasa had said so, king Yajnasena and his son made preparations for the wedding. |
Mbh.1.207.10201 | Vaisampayana continued, Then Vidura, at the command of Dhritarashtra, repaired, O Bharata, unto Yajnasena and the Pandavas. |
Mbh.1.207.10202 | And he repaired thither carrying with him numerous jewels and various kinds of wealth for Draupadi and the Pandavas and Yajnasena also. |
Mbh.1.207.10216 | O Yajnasena, the establishment of this alliance with thee hath made them happier than if they had acquired a new kingdom. |
Mbh.2.4.120 | And so also numerous principal Kshatriyas, such as the illustrious and virtuous Mujaketu, Vivarddhana, Sangramjit, Durmukha, the powerful Ugrasena; Kakshasena, the lord of the Earth, Kshemaka the invincible; Kamatha, the king of Kamvoja, and the mighty Kampana who alone made the Yavanas to ever tremble at his name just as the god that wieldeth the thunder-bolt maketh those Asuras, the Kalakeyas, tremble before him; Jatasura, and the king of the Madrakas, Kunti, Pulinda the king of the Kiratas, and the kings of Anga and Vanga, and Pandrya, and the king of Udhara, and Andhaka; Sumitra, and Saivya that slayer of foes; Sumanas, the king of the Kiratas, and Chanur the King of the Yavanas, Devarata, Bhoja, and the so called Bhimaratha, Srutayudha, the king of Kalinga, Jayasena the king of Magadha; and Sukarman, and Chekitana, and Puru that slayer of foes; Ketumata, Vasudana, and Vaideha and Kritakshana: Sudharman, Aniruddha, Srutayu endued with great strength; the invincible Anuparaja, the handsome Karmajit; Sisupala with his son, the king of Karusha; and the invincible youths of the Vrishni race, all equal in beauty unto the celestials, viz, Ahuka, Viprithu, Sada, Sarana, Akrura, Kritavarman, and Satyaka, the son of Sini; and Bhismaka, Ankriti, and the powerful Dyumatsena, those chief of bowmen viz, the Kaikeyas and Yajnasena of the Somaka race; these Kshatriyas endured with great might, all well-armed and wealthy, and many others also regarded as the foremost, all waited upon Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, in that Sabha, desirous of ministering to his happiness. |
Mbh.2.33.1421 | And Dhritarashtra and Bhishma and Vidura of high intelligence; and all Kaurava brothers with Duryyodhana at their head; and Suvala the king of Gandhara and Sakuni endued with great strength; and Achala, and Vrishaka, and Karna that foremost of all charioteers; and Salya endued with great might and the strong Valhika; and Somadatta, and Bhuri of the Kuru race, and Bhurisravas and Sala; and Aswatthama, Kripa, Drona, and Jayadratha, the ruler of Sindhu; and Yajnasena with his sons, and Salya that lord of earth and that great car warrior king Bhagadatta of Pragjyotisha accompanied by all Mlechcha tribes inhabiting the marshy regions on the sea-shore; and many mountain kings, and king Vrihadvala; and Vasudeva the king of the Paundrayas, and the kings of Vanga and Kalinga; and Akastha and Kuntala and the kings of the Malavas and the Andhrakas; and the Dravidas and the Singhalas and the king of Kashmira, and king Kuntibhoja of great energy and king Gauravahana, and all the other heroic kings of Valhika; and Virata with his two sons, and Mavella endued with great might; and various kings and princes ruling in various countries; and, O Bharata king Sisupala endued with great energy and invincible in battle accompanied by his son, all of them came to the sacrifice of the son of Pandu. |
Mbh.2.44.1821 | The powerful Dhrishtadyumna followed without loss of time king Virata: and Dhananjaya followed the illustrious and mighty charioteer Yajnasena; and the mighty Bhimasena followed Bhishma and Dhritarashtra: and Sahadeva, that master of battle, followed the brave Drona and his son; and Nakula, O king, followed Suvala with his son; and the sons of Draupadi with the son of Subhadra followed those mighty warriors, the kings of the mountainous countries. |
Mbh.2.51.2153 | And Yajnasena presented unto the sons of Pandu for the sacrifice, fourteen thousand serving-girls and ten thousand serving-men with their wives, many hundreds of excellent elephants, six and twenty cars with elephants yoked unto them, and also his whole kingdom. |
Mbh.2.66.2732 | Therefore, go thou thyself and forcibly bring hither the daughter of Yajnasena, Our enemies at present are dependent on our will. |
Mbh.2.75.3204 | The wise Yajnasena of the Somake race, having bestowed his daughter, the princess of Panchala, on the sons of Pandu, acted most unfortunately for the husbands of Yajnaseni, these sons of Pritha are as eunuchs. |
Mbh.2.75.3240 | Then, O monarch hearing these words of Sahadeva, Nakula the handsomest of men spake these words, I shall certainly send unto the abode of Yama all those wicked sons of Dhritarashtra, who desirous of death and impelled by Fate, and moved also by the wish of doing what is agreeable to Duryodhana, have used harsh and insulting speeches towards this daughter o Yajnasena at the gambling match. |
Mbh.3.37.1951 | Vaisampayana continued, Krishna, the daughter of Yajnasena, having uttered these benedictions, ceased. |
Mbh.3.182.9027 | And Krishna, the leader of the Dasarha tribe, accompanied by friends, likewise spoke to Krishna, the daughter of Yajnasena, saying, How fortunate that you are united, safe and secure, with Arjuna, the winner of riches' |
Mbh.3.182.9028 | And Krishna also said, O Krishna, O daughter of Yajnasena, those sons of yours, are devoted to the study of the science of arms, are well-behaved and conduct themselves on the pattern, O Krishna, of their righteous friends. |
Mbh.3.231.11798 | Vaisampayana continued, Hearing those words of virtuous import uttered by Krishna, Satyabhama, having first reverenced the virtuous princess of Panchala, answered saying, O princess of Panchala, I have been guilty, O daughter of Yajnasena, forgive me! |
Mbh.3.237.11956 | The daughter of Yajnasena is energy's self. |
Mbh.4.14.529 | And, O monarch, although herself deserving to be waited upon by others, the daughter of Yajnasena, O Janamejaya, passed her days in extreme misery, waiting upon Sudeshna. |
Mbh.5.50.2861 | Indeed, he through whose might the four sons of Pandu quickly could alight on the earth, having issued forth from the burning house of lac that son of Kunti, Vrikodara, who became the means of their rescue from the cannibal Hidimva; that son of Kunti, Vrikodara, who became their refuge when the daughter of Yajnasena was being carried away by Jayadratha; indeed, with that Bhima. |
Mbh.5.194.8637 | Hearing all this, Drupada, otherwise called Yajnasena, informed all his counsellors of these facts. |
Mbh.6.19.924 | The high-souled Yajnasena, the king of the Panchalas, endued with great prowess, stationed himself behind Virata with an Akshauhini of troops for the sake of the Pandavas. |
Mbh.6.113.6160 | That mighty son of Yajnasena is also an inauspicious omen by himself. |
Mbh.7.10.380 | What heroes of my army surrounded Sikhandin, that tiger among men, who knows the merits and demerits in his own person of manhood and femininity, that son of Yajnasena, who is always cheerful in battle, that hero who became the cause of the high-souled Bhishma's death in battle, when he rushed towards Drona? |
Mbh.7.23.1203 | The youthful Vikarna of great wisdom resisted Sikhandin, the youthful son of Yajnasena, as the latter advanced in that battle. |
Mbh.7.92.4259 | King Valhika, exerting himself vigorously, resisted the mighty and unvanquished Sikhandin, the son of Yajnasena, that hero capable of resisting all foes. |
Mbh.7.93.4276 | The mighty son of Yajnasena forcibly struck king Valhika in that battle with fierce and sharp shafts capable of penetrating into the very vitals. |
Mbh.7.111.5447 | Then, O king, the son of Hridika, inflamed with rage in that battle, rushed impetuously at that mighty car-warrior, viz, the son of Yajnasena, that warrior, O monarch, who was the cause of the illustrious Bhishma's fall in battle. |
Mbh.7.166.8941 | Yajnasena, in that encounter pierced that mighty car-warrior, viz, the son of Karna in the arms and the chest, O lord, with sixty arrows. |
Mbh.7.166.8942 | Vrishasena, then, excited with rage, quickly pierced Yajnasena, standing on his car, with many shafts in the centre of the chest. |
Mbh.7.167.9012 | Beholding that mighty car-warrior, viz, the son of Yajnasena retreating from battle, the Panchalas and the Somakas surrounded him on all sides for rescuing him. |
Mbh.8.75.4555 | The king of the Pancalas, Dhrishtadyumna, the son of Yajnasena, attacked Karna, the commander of the Kaurava army, with all his forces. |
Mbh.9.59.4280 | On the occasion also of the gambling, thou hadst persecuted the daughter of Yajnasena, while in her season, in the midst of the assembly! |
Mbh.10.11.814 | Having said these words, the helpless Krishna, the daughter of Yajnasena, sat by the side of the eldest son of Pandu, king Yudhishthira the just. |
Mbh.12.43.2183 | Thou art Sacrifice embodied, thou art Dhruva thou art Garuda, and thou art called Yajnasena. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |