Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 26 Feb 2010 19:45 and updated at 26 Feb 2010 19:45
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.42.2204 | Wrath surely decreaseth the virtue that ascetics acquire with great pains. |
Mbh.1.175.8961 | Ever difficult of being conquered by the very immortals, Desire and Wrath, conquered by Vasishtha's ascetic penances, used to shampoo his feet. |
Mbh.3.29.1376 | Wrath, however hath been given to man for the destruction of the world. |
Mbh.3.29.1385 | Wrath, therefore, hath for its consequence the destruction and the distress of the people. |
Mbh.5.27.1160 | Wrath, O mighty king, is a bitter drug, though it has nothing to do with disease; it brings on a disease of the head, robs one of his fair fame, and leads to sinful acts. |
Mbh.7.78.3466 | And Krishna adored, with speech, mind, understanding, and acts, that God who is the first source of the universe, himself uncreate, the supreme lord of unfading glory: who is the highest cause of the mind, who is space and the wind, who is the cause of all the luminous bodies in the firmament, who is the creator of the rain, and the supreme, primordial substance of the earth, who is the object of adoration, with the gods, the Danavas, the Yakshas, and human beings; who is the supreme Brahma that is seen by Yogins and the refuge of those acquainted with Shastras, who is the creator of all mobile and immobile creatures, and their destroyer also; who is the Wrath that burns everything at the end of the Yuga; who is the supreme soul; who is the Sakra and Surya, and the origin of all attributes. |
Mbh.12.106.6024 | Wrath on the of part the king, rupture terror, chastisement, persecution, oppression, and executions, O chief of the Bharatas, speedily cause the aristocracy to fall away from the king and side with the king's enemies. |
Mbh.12.198.12064 | Virupa said, Know, O king, that we two are Desire and Wrath. |
Mbh.12.239.14787 | Wrath is conquered by tranquillity of disposition. |
Mbh.12.253.15418 | Wrath and pride constitute its large trunk. |
Mbh.12.257.15602 | When the end comes of living creatures, thou shalt despatch Desire and Wrath together against them. |
Mbh.12.257.15606 | Do thou, therefore, set thy heart upon the task at hand, and addressing Desire and Wrath begin to slay all living creatures' |
Mbh.12.257.15608 | From that time she began to despatch Desire and Wrath as the last hours of living creatures and through their agency to put a stop to their life-breaths. |
Mbh.12.284.17686 | Thou art Exertion, and thou art Patience: thou art Cupidity: thou art Lust and thou art Wrath: thou art Victory and thou art Defeat. |
Mbh.12.294.18365 | Multiplying in both number and energy, the Asuras in the form of Lust and Wrath entered the bodies of men. |
Mbh.12.294.18373 | The deities imparted unto him their conjoined energy, and thereupon the great god, with a single shaft, felled on the earth those three Asuras, viz, Desire, Wrath, and Cupidity, who were staying in the firmament, along with their very habitations |
Mbh.12.301.18883 | They are Desire and Wrath and Fear and Sleep and Breath. |
Mbh.12.321.20395 | Having Desire and Wrath and Death for its fierce monsters, and owning birth for its vortex. |
Mbh.12.335.21495 | Agreeably to the authority of the scriptures I have created Brahman from the attribute of Grace, Rudra from my Wrath, and yourselves, Ye Brahmanas, as representing the Pravriti-elements of Mahat, Ahankara, etc, |
Mbh.12.341.22246 | These two, viz, Brahma and Rudra, are the foremost of all the deities, having sprung respectively from the Propitiousness and the Wrath of Aniruddha. |
Mbh.12.342.22704 | Eternal as thou art, for thou hast ever existed since all the past creations, thou too hast sprung from His Wrath. |
Mbh.13.14.1534 | Desire, Wrath, Fear, Cupidity, Pride, Stupefaction, and Malice, Pains and Diseases, are, O illustrious one, thy children. |
Mbh.13.40.4349 | The puissant lord of the deities created Wrath as the companion of Lust. |
Mbh.13.40.4350 | Persons of the male sex, yielding to the power of Lust and Wrath, sought the companionship of women. |
Mbh.13.75.6861 | Wrath destroys the merit of a gift. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |