Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 26 Feb 2010 19:39 and updated at 26 Feb 2010 19:39
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.15.1277 | SECTION XV Astika Parva continued Sauti said, O foremost of persons acquainted with Brahma, the mother of the snakes had cursed them of old, saying, He that hath the Wind for his charioteer viz, Agni shall burn you all in Janamejaya's sacrifice' |
Mbh.1.128.6885 | The vegetable poison, mingled in the blood of the son of the Wind god, was neutralised by the snake-poison. |
Mbh.3.188.9463 | I am the flame known as Samvartaka, I am the Wind called by that name, I am the Sun wearing that appellation, and I am the fire that hath that designation. |
Mbh.3.204.10466 | O regenerate Rishi, O best of men, the Sun, the Moon, the Wind, the Earth, the Fire, the father, the mother, the preceptor, these and other objects ordained by the gods, appear to us as Deities embodied! |
Mbh.3.289.14108 | I am the god of Wind. |
Mbh.4.61.2399 | I have obtained from Rudra the Raudra, from Varuna the Varuna from Agni the Agneya, from the god of Wind the Vayava, and from Sakra the thunderbolt and other weapons. |
Mbh.6.67.3678 | From his mouth He created Fire, and from his breath, the Wind. |
Mbh.6.108.5777 | Arjuna and Bhimasena are each endued with the energy of the Wind and the Fire. |
Mbh.7.35.1833 | Borne by his well-broken steeds, endued with the speed of Garuda or the Wind, and thoroughly obedient to the behests of him who held their reins, he quickly checked the heir of Asmaka. |
Mbh.7.131.6548 | Beholding Durmukha desirous of supporting the Suta's son in that battle, the son of the Wind god was filled with delight and began to lick the corners of his mouth. |
Mbh.7.198.11286 | When by those austerities, O sire, he became: like Brahma he then beheld the Master, Origin, and Guardian of the Universe, the Lord of all the gods, the Supreme Deity, who is exceedingly difficult of being gazed at, who is minuter than the minutest and larger than, the largest, who is called Rudra who is the lord of all the superior ones, who is called Hara and Sambhu, who has matted locks on his head, who is the infuser of life into every form, who is the First cause of all immobile: and mobile things, who is irresistible and of frightful aspect, who is of fierce wrath and great Soul, who is the All-destroyer, and of large heart; who beareth the celestial bow and a couple of quivers, who is cased in golden armour, and whose energy is infinite, who holdeth Pinaka, who is; armed with thunderbolt, a blazing trident, battle axe, mace, and a large sword; whose eye-brows are fair, whose locks are matted, who wieldeth the heavy short club, who hath the moon on his forehead, who is clad in tiger-skin, and who is armed with the bludgeon; who is decked with beautiful angadas, who hath snakes for his sacred thread, and who is surrounded by diverse creatures of the universe and by numerous ghosts and spirits, who is the One, who is the abode of ascetic austerities, and who is highly adored by persons of venerable age; who is Water, Heaven, Sky, Earth, Sun, Moon, Wind and Fire, and who is the measure of the duration of the universe. |
Mbh.7.199.11464 | He is Indra, he is the Wind, he is the twin Aswins, and he is the lighting. |
Mbh.8.34.1699 | The gods, O king, then commanded that foremost of celestials, viz, Wind, to breathe after that puissant Deity all the fragrance that he carries. |
Mbh.8.96.6159 | The learned say that the holy and the eternal Vishnu is Sacrifice, and each of those other gods, viz, Agni, Wind, Soma, and Surya, is so. |
Mbh.12.47.2512 | Thou standest, shutting up the seven paths of the Wind whose energy is immeasurable. |
Mbh.12.50.2733 | Thou standest shutting up the seven paths of the Wind possessed of immeasurable energy. |
Mbh.12.72.4110 | Aila said, The Wind does not, by blowing, visibly destroy men on all occasions, nor does the deity of the clouds do so by pouring rain. |
Mbh.12.154.9277 | It seems, O Salmali, that a close intimacy has come to subsist between thee and the Wind. |
Mbh.12.154.9279 | I do not see the tree or mountain or mansion in this world that may not, I think, be broken by the Wind. |
Mbh.12.154.9280 | Without doubt thou standest here with all thy branches and twigs and leaves, simply because, O Salmali, thou art protected by the Wind for some reason or reasons unknown to us' |
Mbh.12.154.9281 | The Salmali said, The Wind, O regenerate one, is neither my friend nor mate nor well-wisher. |
Mbh.12.154.9284 | In truth, the strength of the Wind comes up to about only an eighteenth part of mine. |
Mbh.12.154.9285 | When the Wind comes in rage, tearing up trees and mountains and other things, I curb his strength by putting forth mine. |
Mbh.12.154.9286 | Indeed, the Wind that breaks many things has himself been repeatedly broken by me. |
Mbh.12.154.9290 | There is no created thing which is equal to the Wind in strength. |
Mbh.12.154.9302 | Chandanas, and Syandanas, and Salas, and Saralas and Devadarus and Vetavas and Dhanwanas and other trees of good souls that are far stronger than thou art, have never, O thou of wicked understanding, uttered such invectives against the Wind. |
Mbh.12.154.9303 | All of them know the might of the Wind as also the might that is possessed by each of them. |
Mbh.12.154.9305 | Thou, however, through folly, knowest not the infinite might of the Wind. |
Mbh.12.155.9313 | It is not proper, O Wind, that I should repeat them in thy hearing. |
Mbh.12.155.9314 | I know, O Wind, that thou art the foremost of all created things. |
Mbh.12.155.9339 | I am certainly inferior in might to the Wind. |
Mbh.12.155.9341 | The Wind, as Narada said, is always mighty. |
Mbh.12.155.9344 | Therefore, relying upon my intelligence I shall look at this fear that arises from the Wind. |
Mbh.12.155.9345 | If the other trees in the forest all rely upon the same kind of intelligence, then, verily, no injury can result to them from the god of the Wind when he becomes angry. |
Mbh.12.155.9347 | however, are destitute of understanding, and, therefore, they do not know, as I know, why or how the Wind succeeds in shaking and tearing them up |
Mbh.12.156.9350 | Casting off his branches and leaves and flowers, at morn the tree looked steadily at the Wind, as he came towards him. |
Mbh.12.156.9351 | Filled with rage and breathing hard, the Wind advanced, felling large trees, towards that spot where the Salmali stood. |
Mbh.12.156.9352 | Beholding him divested of top and branches and leaves and flowers, the Wind, filled with joy, smilingly addressed that lord of the forest which had before such a gigantic appearance, these words' |
Mbh.12.156.9353 | The Wind said, Filled with rage, O Salmali, I would have done to thee precisely what thou hast done to thyself by lopping off all thy branches. |
Mbh.12.156.9356 | Bhishma continued, Hearing these words of the Wind, the Salmali felt great shame. |
Mbh.12.181.10933 | From Space was born Water, and from Water were born Fire and Wind. |
Mbh.12.181.10934 | Through the union of Fire and Wind was born the Earth. |
Mbh.12.181.10945 | The Wind is his breath. |
Mbh.12.181.10956 | Bharadwaja said, What is the extent of the firmament, of the points of the horizon, of the surface of this earth, and of the Wind? |
Mbh.12.182.10998 | How Fire and Wind? |
Mbh.12.193.11565 | Touch, action, and skin are the triple attributes of the Wind. |
Mbh.12.198.11950 | It is by Truth that the Wind moves. |
Mbh.12.201.12213 | SECTION CCII Manu said, From that eternal and undeteriorating One first sprang Space; from space came Wind; from wind came Light; from light came Water; from water sprang the Universe; and from the universe, all things that occur in it. |
Mbh.12.205.12415 | Water is superior to the Earth in extension; Light is superior to Water; Wind is superior to Light; Space is superior to Wind; Mind is superior to Space; Understanding is superior to Mind; Time is superior to Understanding. |
Mbh.12.206.12473 | He created by his will the five-fold elements, viz, Wind, Light, Water, Space, and Earth. |
Mbh.12.209.12710 | From Space proceeds Wind. |
Mbh.12.209.12711 | From the Wind proceeds Heat. |
Mbh.12.231.14343 | From Space, by modification, arises the bearer of all scents, viz, the pure and mighty Wind. |
Mbh.12.231.14345 | From Wind also, by modification, springs Light endued with effulgence. |
Mbh.12.231.14353 | After Space comes Wind, which has, therefore, both Sound and Touch for its attributes. |
Mbh.12.231.14354 | From Wind comes Light or Fire, which has Sound, Touch, and Form for its attributes. |
Mbh.12.231.14357 | If anybody, perceiving Scent in Water, were from ignorance to say that it belongs to Water, he would fall into an error, for Scent is the attribute of Earth though it may exist in a state of attachment with Water and also Wind. |
Mbh.12.232.14436 | Then Wind comes and takes the attribute, viz, form of Heat or Light, which thereupon becomes extinguished, yielding to Wind, which, possessed of great might, begins to be awfully agitated. |
Mbh.12.232.14437 | The Wind, obtaining its own attribute, viz, sound, begins to traverse upwards and downwards and transversely along all the ten points. |
Mbh.12.232.14438 | Then Space takes the attribute, viz, sound of Wind, upon which the latter becomes extinguished and enters into a phase of existence resembling that of unheard or unuttered sound. |
Mbh.12.235.14569 | Through these the Yogin gradually acquires mastery over Earth, Wind, Space, Water, Fire, Consciousness, and Understanding. |
Mbh.12.235.14579 | When this disappears, the form that becomes perceivable is that of Wind as effulgent as a well-tempered weapon of high polish. |
Mbh.12.235.14580 | Gradually, the form displayed by Wind becomes like that of the thinnest gossamer. |
Mbh.12.235.14585 | With only his toe, or with his hand or feet, that person can singly cause the whole Earth to tremble who has achieved the lordship of the Wind. |
Mbh.12.235.14586 | Even this is the attribute of the Wind as declared in the Sruti. |
Mbh.12.274.16808 | Water, Space, Earth, Wind, and Heat, these are those five essences. |
Mbh.12.284.17672 | The utterers of Brahma say that thou art the Supreme source of Mind, and the Refuge upon which Space, Wind, and Light rest. |
Mbh.12.284.17788 | The goddess Saraswati is thy speech and Fire and Wind are thy might. |
Mbh.12.285.17861 | Earth, Wind, Space, Water, and Light forming the fifth, are the great essences. |
Mbh.12.285.17868 | Life is from Wind. |
Mbh.12.285.17878 | Life, touch, and action are said to be the properties of Wind. |
Mbh.12.299.18743 | The person who knows that all objects of enjoyment which human beings cherish are characterised by vicissitudes, has few rivals, and is superior to the very Moon and the Wind |
Mbh.12.301.18864 | O foremost of eloquent men, about what is called felicity here, having a clear knowledge of what the sorrows are that overtake when the hour comes all those that are concerned with transitory objects and knowing full well the sorrows of those that have fallen into the intermediate orders of being and of those that have sunk into hell, perceiving all the merits and all the faults of heaven, O Bharta, and all the demerits that attach to the declarations of the Vedas and all the excellencies that are connected with them recognising the faults and merits of the Yoga and the Sankhya systems of philosophy, realizing also that the quality of Sattwa has ten properties, that of Rajas has nine, and that of Tamas has eight, that the Understanding has seven properties, the Mind has six, and Space has five, and once more conceiving that the Understanding has four properties and Tamas has three, and the Rajas has two and Sattwa has, one, and truly apprehending the path that is followed by all objects when destruction overtakes them and what the course is of self knowledge, the Sankhyas, possessed of knowledge and experience and exalted by their perceptions of causes, and acquiring thorough auspiciousness, attain to the felicity of Emancipation like the rays of the Sun, or the Wind taking refuge in Space |
Mbh.12.301.18873 | Heat attaches itself to the Wind; and the wind has Space for its refuge; and Space has Mahat for its refuge, and Mahat has the Understanding for its foundation. |
Mbh.12.301.18955 | All the qualities of Sattwa, all the attributes of the Under-standing, O Bharata, as also those of Mind, and space, and Wind, O thou of righteous soul, and all the attributes of liquid substances, of Water, O Partha, and Of Earth, these senses with these qualities, O Yudhishthira, which inhere to Jiva-souls, are along with the Jiva-soul itself, overwhelmed by the Supreme Soul or Brahma. |
Mbh.12.302.19036 | This fourth creation comprises Wind and Light and Space and Water and Earth, with their properties of sound, touch, form, taste and scent. |
Mbh.12.310.19525 | The Unmanifest or original Prakriti, Mahat, Consciousness, and the five subtile elements of Earth, Wind, Space, Water, and Light, these eight are known by the name of Prakriti. |
Mbh.12.311.19564 | These are Earth, Wind, Space, Water, and Light numbering the fifth. |
Mbh.12.312.19594 | Then comes the mighty Wind of immeasurable force, in his eight forms, who swallows up quickly that blazing fire of transcendent force, possessed of seven flames, and identifiable with the heat existing every creature. |
Mbh.12.312.19595 | Having swallowed up that fire, the Wind courses in every direction, upwards, downwards, and transversely. |
Mbh.12.312.19596 | Then space of immeasurable existent swallowed up that Wind of transcendent energy. |
Mbh.12.313.19618 | The skin is Adhyatma; touch is its Adhibhuta; and Wind is its Adhidaivata. |
Mbh.12.321.20470 | Even here, the god of Fire, the Sun and the Wind, these three reside in the body. |
Mbh.12.323.20593 | The prayer he addressed to the great God was, O puissant one, let me have a son that will have he puissance of Fire and Earth and Water and Wind and Space. |
Mbh.12.323.20607 | Possessed of greatness, he shall be as pure as Fire, as Wind, as Earth, as Water, and as Space! |
Mbh.12.328.20895 | It behoveth thee to tell me everything about the conduct of the Wind, |
Mbh.12.332.21235 | Capable of traversing through the welkin, the blessed Suka of fixed conclusion, then identified himself with the element of Wind. |
Mbh.12.333.21317 | Thou hadst formerly solicited from me a son possessed of the energy of Fire, of Water, of Wind, and of Space; Procreated by thy penances, the son that was born unto thee was of that very kind. |
Mbh.12.335.21496 | Surya, and Chandramas, Wind, and Earth, and Water and Fire, all the stars and planets and constellations, all else that is called by the name of creatures, and utterers of Brahma or the Vedas, they all live and act in their respective spheres and are all respected as authorities. |
Mbh.12.339.21837 | O celestial Rishi, the Earth, which is the refuge of the universe, disappears when the hour for universal dissolution comes into water, Water disappears into Light, and Light into Wind, Wind disappears into Space, and Space into Mind. |
Mbh.12.339.21843 | Earth, Wind, Space, Water, and Light forming the fifth, the primal elements of great puissance. |
Mbh.12.340.22056 | Earth, Wind, Space, Water, and Light numbering the fifth, these are the five Mahabhutas elements that have sprung from Ahankara. |
Mbh.12.342.22336 | Light, Earth, Wind, all disappear. |
Mbh.12.342.22622 | I have united the Earth with Water, Space with Mind, and Wind with Light. |
Mbh.12.342.22633 | They have their origin in action, and are called Bile, Phlegm, and Wind. |
Mbh.12.344.22844 | It is attached to the Wind, in consequence of which the Wind moves about in the world producing the sensation of touch. |
Mbh.12.347.22999 | Water then merges into Heat, and Heat into Wind. |
Mbh.12.347.23000 | Wind then merges into Space, which in its turn, merges into Mind. |
Mbh.12.347.23159 | Touch, which is the attribute of Wind, is also said to have Narayana for its soul. |
Mbh.12.351.23520 | The Wind is one, but it blows in diverse forms in the world. |
Mbh.12.361.23826 | What, again, can be more wonderful than this that the mighty Wind, emanating from Surya, takes refuge in his ray and thence yawns over the universe? |
Mbh.12.361.23827 | What can be more wonderful than this, O regenerate Rishi, that Surya, dividing the Wind into many portions from desire of doing good to all creatures, creates rain that falls in the rainy season? |
Mbh.13.1.93 | All acts in this world and all abstentions, as also all their modifications, are said to be influenced by Kala, Surya, Soma, Vishnu, Water, Wind, the deity of a hundred sacrificer, Fire, Sky, Earth, Mitra and Parjanya, Aditi, and the Vasus, Rivers and Oceans, all existent and non-existent objects, are created and destroyed by Kala. |
Mbh.13.14.1192 | Who else than that Supreme Lord could be creator of Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Space, Mind, and that which is called Mahat? |
Mbh.13.16.1610 | Thou art Earth, thou art Wind, thou art Water, thou art Agni, thou art Space, thou art Speech, thou art the Understanding, thou art Steadiness, thou art Intelligence, thou art the acts that creatures do, thou art Truth, thou art Falsehood, thou art existent and thou art non-existent. |
Mbh.13.17.1938 | Thou art he that shows compassion to all worshippers assuming as thou listest, the form of Hari or Hara or Ganesa or Arka or Agni or Wind, etc. |
Mbh.13.17.1954 | Thou art Wind, the friend of Agni. |
Mbh.13.17.2047 | Thou hast the speed of the Wind |
Mbh.13.17.2048 | Thou art possessed of speed that is greater than that of the Wind. |
Mbh.13.17.2226 | Thou art he that has the Wind for thy vehicle for going from place to place in consequence of thy identity with fire. |
Mbh.13.17.2312 | Thou art Wind. |
Mbh.13.17.2460 | Thou art the Wind. |
Mbh.13.18.2881 | Vishnu said, O Great King, Aditya, Chandra, Wind, Fire, Heaven, Earth, the Vasus, the Viswedevas, Dhatri, Aryyaman, Sukra, Vrihaspati, the Rudras, the Saddhyas, Varuna, Brahma, Sakra, Maruts, the Upanishads that deal with knowledge of Brahman, Truth, the Vedas, the Sacrifices, Sacrificial Presents, Brahmanas reciting the Vedas, Soma, Sacrificer, the shares of the deities in sacrificial offerings or clarified butter poured in sacrifices, Raksha, Diksha, all kinds of restraints in the form of vows and fasts and rigid observances, Swaha, Vashat, the Brahmanas, the celestial cow, the foremost acts of righteousness, the wheel of Time, Strength, Fame, Self-restraint, the Steadiness of all persons endued with intelligence, all acts of goodness and the reverse, the seven Rishis, Understanding of the foremost order, all kinds of excellent touch, the success of all religious acts, the diverse tribes of the deities, those beings that drink heat, those that are drinkers of Soma, Clouds, Suyamas, Rishitas, all creatures having Mantras for their bodies, Abhasuras, those beings that live upon scents only, those that live upon vision only, those that restrain their speech, those that restrain their minds, those that are pure, those that are capable of assuming diverse forms through Yoga-puissance, those deities that live on touch as their food, those deities that subsist on vision and those that subsist upon the butter poured in sacrifices, those beings that are competent to create by fiats of their will the objects they require, they that are regarded as the foremost ones among the deities, and all the other deities, O descendant of Ajamila, the Suparnas, the Gandharvas, the Pisachas, the Danavas, Yakshas, the Charanas, the snakes, all that is gross and all that is exceedingly subtile, all that is soft and all that is not subtile, all sorrows and all joys, all sorrows that come after joy and all joy that comes after sorrow, the Sankhya philosophy, Yoga, and that which transcends objects which are regarded as foremost and very superior, all adorable things, all the deities, and all the protectors of the universe who entering into the physical forces sustain and uphold this ancient creation of that illustrious Deity, have sprung from that Creator of all creatures. |
Mbh.13.34.4092 | Aditya, Chandramas, Wind, Water, Earth, Sky and the points of the compass, all enter the body of the Brahmana and take what the Brahmana eats |
Mbh.13.86.7944 | The gods numbering three and thirty, the points of the compass in their embodied forms together with the deities presiding over them, and Rudra and Dhatri and Vishnu and Yama and Pushan and Aryaman and Bhaga, and Angas and Mitra and the Sadhyas and Vasava and the Vasus and the Aswins and the Waters and the Wind and the Firmament and Chandramas and all the Constellations and the Planets and Surya, and all the Ricks and Samans and Yajuses in their embodied forms, came there to behold that wonderful child who was the son of the deity of blazing flames. |
Mbh.13.107.9825 | That man who having fasted for two and twenty days takes a single meal on the twenty-third day and bears himself in this way for a full year, thus regulating his diet and keeping his senses under control, attains to the regions of the deity of Wind, of Usanas, and of Rudra. |
Mbh.13.111.9965 | Vrihaspati said, Earth, Wind, Ether, Water, Light, Mind, Yama the king of the dead, Understanding, the Soul, as also Day and Night, all together behold as witnesses the merits and demerits of all living creatures. |
Mbh.13.111.9975 | Vrihaspati said, The food that these deities, O king, who dwell in the body, viz, Earth, Wind, Ether, Water, Light, and Mind eat, gratifies them. |
Mbh.13.125.10925 | The Sun, Wind, the bearer of sacrificial oblations, O Vasava, and kine who are the mothers of all creatures, were created by the Self born himself, for rescuing all the worlds, O Sakra! |
Mbh.13.152.12822 | Tell me, does a superior Brahmana resemble the Wind in any respect? |
Mbh.13.158.13210 | Transforming Himself into the Wind, He scatters the universe. |
Mbh.13.158.13231 | He it is that then creates the Earth and the Wind, the Sky, Light, and also Water, O son of Pritha! |
Mbh.14.17.543 | Urged on by the Wind which becomes violent, the heat in the body, becoming excited and reaching every part of the body one after another, restrains all the movements of the vital breaths. |
Mbh.14.20.757 | Earth, Wind, Ether, Water, and Light numbering as the fifth, Mind, and Understanding, these seven are called wombs of all things. |
Mbh.14.21.768 | The points of the compass, Quarters, Wind, Sun, Moon, Earth, Fire, Vishnu, Indra, Prajapati, and Mitra, these, O beautiful one, are the ten sacrificial fires. |
Mbh.14.42.1639 | The Wind is the second entity. |
Mbh.14.43.1757 | Wind has touch for its characteristic. |
Mbh.14.44.1809 | The solar light is the source of all colours: the Wind of all sensations of touch. |
Mbh.18.4.201 | He was sitting by the side of the God of Wind in his embodied form. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |