Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 26 Feb 2010 19:32 and updated at 26 Feb 2010 19:32
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.74.3918 | The Sun, the Moon, the Air, the Fire, the Earth, the Sky, Water, the heart, Yama, the day, the night, both twilights, and Dharma, all witness the acts of man. |
Mbh.1.230.11281 | Water primarily dependeth on thee, so also the whole of this universe. |
Mbh.2.11.435 | And Daksha, Prachetas, Pulaha, Marichi, the master Kasyapa, Bhrigu, Atri, and Vasistha and Gautama, and also Angiras, and Pulastya, Kraut, Prahlada, and Kardama, these Prajapatis, and Angirasa of the Atharvan Veda, the Valikhilyas, the Marichipas; Intelligence, Space, Knowledge, Air, Heat, Water, Earth, Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Scent; Nature, and the Modes of Nature, and the elemental and prime causes of the world, all stay in that mansion beside the lord Brahma. |
Mbh.2.30.1303 | Let thee, O Agni, grant me energy, let Vayu grant me life, let Earth grant me nourishment and strength, and let Water grant me prosperity. |
Mbh.3.270.13175 | Water was created by the Rishi Nara, and it formed his corpus; therefore do we hear it styled as Nara. |
Mbh.3.289.14104 | If I have sinned, Oh, then let Fire, and Water, and Space, and Earth, like Air whom I have already invoked, also forsake my vital forces! |
Mbh.5.35.1724 | Sudhanwan said, Water and honey and curds, have been presented to me on my way hither. |
Mbh.6.67.3674 | Water, Air, and Fire, these three were created by Him. |
Mbh.7.198.11286 | When by those austerities, O sire, he became: like Brahma he then beheld the Master, Origin, and Guardian of the Universe, the Lord of all the gods, the Supreme Deity, who is exceedingly difficult of being gazed at, who is minuter than the minutest and larger than, the largest, who is called Rudra who is the lord of all the superior ones, who is called Hara and Sambhu, who has matted locks on his head, who is the infuser of life into every form, who is the First cause of all immobile: and mobile things, who is irresistible and of frightful aspect, who is of fierce wrath and great Soul, who is the All-destroyer, and of large heart; who beareth the celestial bow and a couple of quivers, who is cased in golden armour, and whose energy is infinite, who holdeth Pinaka, who is; armed with thunderbolt, a blazing trident, battle axe, mace, and a large sword; whose eye-brows are fair, whose locks are matted, who wieldeth the heavy short club, who hath the moon on his forehead, who is clad in tiger-skin, and who is armed with the bludgeon; who is decked with beautiful angadas, who hath snakes for his sacred thread, and who is surrounded by diverse creatures of the universe and by numerous ghosts and spirits, who is the One, who is the abode of ascetic austerities, and who is highly adored by persons of venerable age; who is Water, Heaven, Sky, Earth, Sun, Moon, Wind and Fire, and who is the measure of the duration of the universe. |
Mbh.7.199.11512 | And since three goddesses adore and have recourse to that Lord of the universe, viz, Firmament, Water and Earth, he is for that reason called Tryamvaka. |
Mbh.12.72.4123 | Water cleanses them equally' |
Mbh.12.140.8412 | Water having become scarce, the places set up by charity for its distribution became desolate |
Mbh.12.181.10933 | From Space was born Water, and from Water were born Fire and Wind. |
Mbh.12.182.10992 | Water is the life of all creatures, and it is water which aids their growth. |
Mbh.12.182.11014 | Assisted by the wind, fire drew Space and Water together. |
Mbh.12.183.11111 | Water, fire, wind are always awake in the bodies of living creatures. |
Mbh.12.186.11217 | Water is the form of all embodied creatures. |
Mbh.12.193.11567 | Taste, all liquid secretions, and the tongue represent the three attributes of Water. |
Mbh.12.201.12213 | SECTION CCII Manu said, From that eternal and undeteriorating One first sprang Space; from space came Wind; from wind came Light; from light came Water; from water sprang the Universe; and from the universe, all things that occur in it. |
Mbh.12.205.12415 | Water is superior to the Earth in extension; Light is superior to Water; Wind is superior to Light; Space is superior to Wind; Mind is superior to Space; Understanding is superior to Mind; Time is superior to Understanding. |
Mbh.12.206.12473 | He created by his will the five-fold elements, viz, Wind, Light, Water, Space, and Earth. |
Mbh.12.209.12712 | From Heat proceeds Water, and from Water is produced the Earth. |
Mbh.12.209.12744 | Water must exist in rivers. |
Mbh.12.231.14347 | From Light, by modification, arises Water having Taste for its attribute. |
Mbh.12.231.14348 | From Water springs Earth having Scent for its attribute. |
Mbh.12.231.14355 | From Light is Water, which has Sound, Touch, Form, and Taste for its attributes. |
Mbh.12.231.14356 | From Water is Earth, which has Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, and Scent for its attributes. |
Mbh.12.231.14357 | If anybody, perceiving Scent in Water, were from ignorance to say that it belongs to Water, he would fall into an error, for Scent is the attribute of Earth though it may exist in a state of attachment with Water and also Wind. |
Mbh.12.232.14431 | Water then prevails. |
Mbh.12.235.14569 | Through these the Yogin gradually acquires mastery over Earth, Wind, Space, Water, Fire, Consciousness, and Understanding. |
Mbh.12.235.14577 | For, then, the Yogin beholds within himself, in the firmament of his heart, the form of Water. |
Mbh.12.235.14588 | By lordship over Water, one can like Agastya drink up rivers, lakes, and oceans. |
Mbh.12.274.16808 | Water, Space, Earth, Wind, and Heat, these are those five essences. |
Mbh.12.279.17104 | His understanding dwells always in Knowledge, and His tongue is in Water |
Mbh.12.285.17861 | Earth, Wind, Space, Water, and Light forming the fifth, are the great essences. |
Mbh.12.285.17869 | Taste is from Water. |
Mbh.12.291.18266 | Water poured into an unbaked vessel gradually becomes less and finally escapes altogether. |
Mbh.12.301.18955 | All the qualities of Sattwa, all the attributes of the Under-standing, O Bharata, as also those of Mind, and space, and Wind, O thou of righteous soul, and all the attributes of liquid substances, of Water, O Partha, and Of Earth, these senses with these qualities, O Yudhishthira, which inhere to Jiva-souls, are along with the Jiva-soul itself, overwhelmed by the Supreme Soul or Brahma. |
Mbh.12.302.19036 | This fourth creation comprises Wind and Light and Space and Water and Earth, with their properties of sound, touch, form, taste and scent. |
Mbh.12.310.19525 | The Unmanifest or original Prakriti, Mahat, Consciousness, and the five subtile elements of Earth, Wind, Space, Water, and Light, these eight are known by the name of Prakriti. |
Mbh.12.311.19564 | These are Earth, Wind, Space, Water, and Light numbering the fifth. |
Mbh.12.312.19591 | Having burnt everything on the face of the Earth, Rudra, of immeasurable might, then quickly fills the bare Earth with Water possessed of great force. |
Mbh.12.312.19592 | He then creates the Yuga-fire which dries up that Water into which the bare Earth has been dissolved. |
Mbh.12.312.19593 | The Water disappearing, the great element of Fire continues to blaze fiercely. |
Mbh.12.313.19616 | The tongue is Adhyatma, taste is its Adhibhuta; and Water is its Adhidaivata. |
Mbh.12.323.20593 | The prayer he addressed to the great God was, O puissant one, let me have a son that will have he puissance of Fire and Earth and Water and Wind and Space. |
Mbh.12.323.20607 | Possessed of greatness, he shall be as pure as Fire, as Wind, as Earth, as Water, and as Space! |
Mbh.12.333.21317 | Thou hadst formerly solicited from me a son possessed of the energy of Fire, of Water, of Wind, and of Space; Procreated by thy penances, the son that was born unto thee was of that very kind. |
Mbh.12.335.21496 | Surya, and Chandramas, Wind, and Earth, and Water and Fire, all the stars and planets and constellations, all else that is called by the name of creatures, and utterers of Brahma or the Vedas, they all live and act in their respective spheres and are all respected as authorities. |
Mbh.12.339.21837 | O celestial Rishi, the Earth, which is the refuge of the universe, disappears when the hour for universal dissolution comes into water, Water disappears into Light, and Light into Wind, Wind disappears into Space, and Space into Mind. |
Mbh.12.339.21843 | Earth, Wind, Space, Water, and Light forming the fifth, the primal elements of great puissance. |
Mbh.12.340.22056 | Earth, Wind, Space, Water, and Light numbering the fifth, these are the five Mahabhutas elements that have sprung from Ahankara. |
Mbh.12.342.22622 | I have united the Earth with Water, Space with Mind, and Wind with Light. |
Mbh.12.347.22998 | At first, the element of Earth becomes merged in Water and nothing then is seen save one vast expanse of Water on all sides. |
Mbh.12.347.22999 | Water then merges into Heat, and Heat into Wind. |
Mbh.12.347.23155 | The attributes of Water, O king, are called the Tastes of the various kinds. |
Mbh.13.1.93 | All acts in this world and all abstentions, as also all their modifications, are said to be influenced by Kala, Surya, Soma, Vishnu, Water, Wind, the deity of a hundred sacrificer, Fire, Sky, Earth, Mitra and Parjanya, Aditi, and the Vasus, Rivers and Oceans, all existent and non-existent objects, are created and destroyed by Kala. |
Mbh.13.14.1192 | Who else than that Supreme Lord could be creator of Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Space, Mind, and that which is called Mahat? |
Mbh.13.16.1610 | Thou art Earth, thou art Wind, thou art Water, thou art Agni, thou art Space, thou art Speech, thou art the Understanding, thou art Steadiness, thou art Intelligence, thou art the acts that creatures do, thou art Truth, thou art Falsehood, thou art existent and thou art non-existent. |
Mbh.13.34.4092 | Aditya, Chandramas, Wind, Water, Earth, Sky and the points of the compass, all enter the body of the Brahmana and take what the Brahmana eats |
Mbh.13.58.5745 | Water, especially in the other world, is difficult to obtain, O son. |
Mbh.13.111.9965 | Vrihaspati said, Earth, Wind, Ether, Water, Light, Mind, Yama the king of the dead, Understanding, the Soul, as also Day and Night, all together behold as witnesses the merits and demerits of all living creatures. |
Mbh.13.111.9975 | Vrihaspati said, The food that these deities, O king, who dwell in the body, viz, Earth, Wind, Ether, Water, Light, and Mind eat, gratifies them. |
Mbh.13.130.11145 | Water for drink, and lamps for lighting darkness, should always be given, as also sandals and umbrellas and Kapila kine with due rites. |
Mbh.13.152.12823 | Or, is he like Water, or Fire, or the Sun, or the Firmament |
Mbh.13.158.13212 | Changing Himself into Water, He drenches and submerges all, and assuming the form of Brahman, He creates all the diverse tribes of animate and inanimate creatures. |
Mbh.13.158.13231 | He it is that then creates the Earth and the Wind, the Sky, Light, and also Water, O son of Pritha! |
Mbh.14.20.757 | Earth, Wind, Ether, Water, and Light numbering as the fifth, Mind, and Understanding, these seven are called wombs of all things. |
Mbh.14.42.1645 | The fourth entity should be known as Water. |
Mbh.14.44.1808 | Earth is the source of all smells; and Water of all tastes. |
Mbh.14.55.2453 | Water is scarce in such deserts' |
Mbh.15.37.1575 | Water, fire, wind, and abstention from food as means of death, are laudable for ascetics. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |