Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 18:46 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 18:46
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.9.37.2776 | There the great Muni Vishvamitra who had before been a Kshatriya became a Brahmana. |
Mbh.9.37.2786 | Possessed of great might and great prowess Baladeva then proceeded to that tirtha where the adorable Grandsire had created the mountains called Lokaloka, where that foremost of Rishis, Arshtishena of rigid vows, O thou of Kuru's race, had by austere penances acquired the status of Brahmanhood, where the royal sage Sindhudwipa, and the great ascetic Devapi, and the adorable and illustrious Muni Vishvamitra of austere penances and fierce energy, had all acquired a similar status |
Mbh.9.38.2789 | How also did Devapi, O Brahmana, and how Vishvamitra, O best of men, acquire the same status? |
Mbh.9.38.2808 | He had a son born to him, of the name of Vishvamitra of great prowess. |
Mbh.9.38.2810 | Possessed of great ascetic merit, he wished to install his son Vishvamitra on his throne, himself having resolved to cast off his body. |
Mbh.9.38.2813 | Having said these words, and placed Vishvamitra on the throne, Gadhi, O king, went to heaven, and Vishvamitra became king. |
Mbh.9.38.2820 | That best of Rishis, Vasishtha, O king, became angry, O monarch, with Vishvamitra. |
Mbh.9.38.2823 | These encountered the army of Vishvamitra and began to cause a great carnage everywhere. |
Mbh.9.38.2825 | Vishvamitra, the son of Gadhi, however, regarding ascetic austerities highly efficacious, set his heart upon them. |
Mbh.9.38.2832 | The boon-giving Grandsire, of great energy, resolved to grant Vishvamitra, when he had become endued with ascetic merit, the boon the latter desired. |
Mbh.9.38.2833 | The boon that Vishvamitra solicited was that he should be permitted to become a Brahmana. |
Mbh.9.38.2835 | Having by his austere penances acquired the status of Brahmanhood, the illustrious Vishvamitra, after the attainment of his wish, wandered over the whole Earth like a celestial. |
Mbh.9.40.2894 | What, O lord, was the cause of the dispute between Vasishtha and Vishvamitra? |
Mbh.9.40.2897 | Vaishampayana said, A great enmity arose between Vishvamitra and Vasishtha, O Bharata, due to their rivalry in respect of ascetic austerities. |
Mbh.9.40.2899 | On the opposite bank was the asylum of the intelligent Vishvamitra. |
Mbh.9.40.2905 | Unto that tirtha of the Sarasvati, the great Rishi Vishvamitra, by the aid of his austere penances, brought Vasishtha. |
Mbh.9.40.2907 | The two ascetics Vishvamitra and Vasishtha, O Bharata, every day challenged each other very earnestly in respect of the superiority of their penances. |
Mbh.9.40.2908 | The great Muni Vishvamitra, burning with jealousy at sight of the energy of Vasishtha, began to reflect on the matter. |
Mbh.9.40.2911 | Having settled this, the illustrious and great Rishi Vishvamitra with eyes red in wrath, thought of that foremost of rivers. |
Mbh.9.40.2921 | Hearing these words of his, and knowing the evil he intended to do, and acquainted also with the prowess of Vasishtha that was unrivalled on earth, she repaired to Vasishtha and informed him of what the intelligent Vishvamitra had said unto her. |
Mbh.9.40.2927 | O thou of rapid current, bear me away, otherwise Vishvamitra will curse thee. |
Mbh.9.40.2932 | Beholding then that best of Rishis, Vasishtha engaged in silent recitation of mantras on her bank, and seeing Kusika's son Vishvamitra also engaged in homa, Sarasvati thought, Even this is my opportunity' |
Mbh.9.40.2944 | Thus praised by that great Rishi, Sarasvati, O king, speedily bore that Brahmana towards the asylum of Vishvamitra and repeatedly represented unto the latter the arrival of the former. |
Mbh.9.40.2945 | Beholding Vasishtha thus brought before him by Sarasvati, Vishvamitra, filled with rage, began to look for a weapon wherewith to slay that brahmana. |
Mbh.9.40.2948 | Seeing that best of Rishis, Vasishtha, borne away, the vindictive Vishvamitra, filled with wrath, addressed Sarasvati. |
Mbh.9.40.2950 | Then, cursed by the intelligent Vishvamitra, Sarasvati flowed for a whole year, bearing blood mixed with water. |
Mbh.9.41.2954 | SECTION Vaishampayana said, Cursed by the intelligent Vishvamitra in anger, Sarasvati, in that auspicious and best of tirthas, flowed, bearing blood in her current. |
Mbh.16.1.28 | Vaishampayana continued: One day, the Vrishni heroes numbering Sarana amongst them, saw Vishvamitra and Kanwa and Narada arrived at Dwaraka. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |