Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 18:36 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 18:36
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.66.3343 | And, after Kartikeya, there were born his three brothers Sakha, Visakha, Naigameya. |
Mbh.2.7.326 | Parasarya, Krishivala; Vataskandha, Visakha, Vidhatas and Kala. |
Mbh.3.226.11415 | And because he was born on account of the piercing of the thunder-bolt, he was named Visakha. |
Mbh.3.227.11421 | Those children adopted Visakha as their father. |
Mbh.3.230.11595 | Visakha took one of those bells and Skanda the other. |
Mbh.3.230.11596 | The standards of both Kartikeya and Visakha were of a red colour. |
Mbh.3.230.11701 | Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed by the Pandava in that assembly of Rishis, the worshipful Markandeya of high ascetic merit replied, Agneya Son of Agni, Skanda Cast-off, Diptakirti Of blazing fame, Anamaya Always hale, Mayuraketu Peacock-bannered, Dharmatman The virtuous-souled, Bhutesa The lord of all creatures, Mahishardana The slayer of Mahisha, Kamajit The subjugator of desires, Kamada The fulfiller of desires, Kanta The handsome, Satyavak The truthful in speech, Bhuvaneswara The lord of the universe, Sisu The child, Sighra The quick, Suchi The pure, Chanda The fiery, Diptavarna The bright-complexioned, Subhanana Of beautiful face, Amogha Incapable of being baffled, Anagha The sinless, Rudra The terrible, Priya The favourite, Chandranana Of face like the moon, Dipta-sasti The wielder of the blazing lance, Prasantatman Of tranquil soul, Bhadrakrit The doer of good, Kutamahana The chamber of even the wicked, Shashthipriya True favourite of Shashthi, Pavitra The holy, Matrivatsala The reverencer of his mother, Kanya-bhartri The protector of virgins, Vibhakta Diffused over the universe, Swaheya The son of Swaha, Revatisuta The child of Revati, Prabhu The Lord, Neta The leader, Visakha Reared up by Visakha, Naigameya Sprang from the Veda, Suduschara Difficult of propitiation, Suvrata Of excellent vows, Lalita The beautiful, Valakridanaka-priya Fond of toys, Khacharin The ranger of skies, Brahmacharin The chaste, Sura The brave, Saravanodbhava Born in a forest of heath, Viswamitra priya The favourite of Viswamitra, Devasena-priya The lover of Devasena, Vasudeva-priya The beloved of Vasudeva, and Priya-krit The doer of agreeable things, these are the divine names of Kartikeya. |
Mbh.3.299.14770 | O thou of exceeding splendour, with thy handsome ear-rings, thou lookest beautiful, even like the Moon himself in the clear firmament, between the Visakha constellation! |
Mbh.6.3.134 | Those two blazing planets, viz, Vrihaspati and Sani, having approached the constellation called Visakha, have become stationary there for a whole year. |
Mbh.9.42.3070 | The three forms that stood behind were Sakha and Visakha and Naigameya. |
Mbh.9.42.3073 | Visakha went to the spot where the divine daughter of Himavat was. |
Mbh.13.14.1387 | Salutations to thee that art Skanda, to thee that art Visakha, to thee that art the rod of the Brahmana, to thee that art Bhava, to thee that art Sarva, to thee that art of universal form. |
Mbh.13.17.2084 | Thou art that Visakha who took his rise from the body of the celestial generalissimo when Indra hurled his thunder-bolt at him. |
Mbh.13.64.6205 | By making gifts, under constellation Visakha, of a bull, and a cow that yields a copious measure of milk, a cart full of paddy, with a Prasanga for covering the same, and also cloths for wear a person gratifies the Pitris and the deities attains to inexhaustible merit in the other world. |
Mbh.13.89.8047 | The man that desires children acquires the fruition of his wish by performing the Sraddha under the constellation Visakha. |
Mbh.13.165.13692 | Then comes the three-eyed Lord of Lima; then Skanda the generalissimo of the celestial forces; then Visakha; then Agni the eater of sacrificial libations; then Vayu the god of wind; then Chandramas; then Aditya the god of the sun, endued with effulgence; then the illustrious Sakra the lord of Sachi; and Yama with his spouse Dhumorna; and Varuna with Gauri; Kuvera the lord of treasures, with his spouse Riddhi; the amiable and illustrious cow Surabhi; the great Rishi Visravas; Sankalpa, Ocean, Gangs: the other sacred Rivers; the diverse Maruts; the Valkhilyas crowned with success of penances; the island-born Krishna; Narada; Parvata; Viswavasu; the Hahas; the Huhus; Tumvuru; Chitrasena; the celestial messenger of wide celebrity; the highly blessed celestial maidens; the celestial Apsaras, Urvasi, Menaka, Rambha; Misrakesi, Alamvusha, Viswachi, Ghritachi, Panchachuda, Tilottama, the Adityas, the Vasus, the Aswins, the Pitris; Dharma Righteousness; Vedic lore, Penances, Diksha, Perseverance in religious acts, the Grandsire, Day and Night, Kasyapa the son of Marichi, Sukra, Vrihaspati, Mangala the son of Earth, Vudha, Rahu, Sanischara, the Constellations, the Seasons, the Months, the Fortnights, the Year, Garuda, the son of Vinata, the several Oceans, the sons of Kadru, viz, the Snakes, Satadru, Vipasa, Chandrabhaga, Saraswati, Sindhu, Devika, Prabhasa, the lakes of Pushkara, Ganga, Mahanadi, Vena, Kaveri, Narmada, Kulampuna Visalya, Karatoya, Amvuvahini. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |