Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 17:47 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 17:47
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.95.5267 | And Bhumanyu married Vijaya, the daughter of Dasarha. |
Mbh.1.95.5348 | And Sahadeva also married Vijaya, the daughter of Dyutimat, the king of Madra, obtaining her in a self-choice ceremony and begat upon her a son named Suhotra. |
Mbh.2.10.408 | The illustrious Nandiswaras, and Mahakala, and many spirits with arrowy ears and sharp-pointed mouths, Kaksha, Kuthimukha, Danti, and Vijaya of great ascetic merit, and the mighty white bull of Siva roaring deep, all wait in that mansion. |
Mbh.3.230.11613 | followed by hundreds of terrible diseases; and behind him was carried the terrible, sharp-pointed, well-decorated trident of Siva, called Vijaya. |
Mbh.3.230.11615 | And the trident Vijaya was followed by the Pattisa of Rudra guarded by maces, balls, clubs and other excellent weapons. |
Mbh.3.255.12557 | Intelligence, further, O foremost of kings, had been brought by spies regarding the vow of the Suta's son to slay Vijaya. |
Mbh.3.310.15171 | Then Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, said unto Vijaya, It is long since, O Vibhatsu, that thy two brothers have gone, O represser of foes! |
Mbh.4.5.210 | And for purposes of non-discovery Yudhisthira kept these five names for himself and his brothers respectively, viz, Jaya, Jayanta, Vijaya, Jayatsena, and Jayatvala. |
Mbh.4.6.230 | Thou art Jaya and Vijaya, and it is thou that givest victory in battle. |
Mbh.4.23.1039 | And, O king, while thus forcibly carried towards the cemetary by those sons of the Suta tribe, the blameless and chaste Krishna living under the protections of her lords, then wailed aloud for the help of her husbands, saying, Oh, let Jaya, and Jayanta, and Vijaya and Jayatsena, and Jayadvala listen to my words. |
Mbh.4.44.1677 | They are Arjuna, Falguna, Jishnu, Kiritin, Swetavahana, Vibhatsu, Vijaya, Krishna, Savyasachin and Dhananjaya |
Mbh.4.44.1678 | Uttara said, Tell me truly why art thou called Vijaya, and why Swetavahana. |
Mbh.4.44.1682 | They called me Vijaya because when I go out to battle with invincible kings, I never return from the field without vanquishing them. |
Mbh.4.55.2118 | And they also regarded Vijaya, who was making a terrible slaughter around, to be none else than Death himself who having assumed the form of Arjuna, was slaying all creatures. |
Mbh.5.50.2864 | That hero, who, for the gratification of Agni, with Krishna only for his second, bravely vanquished of yore Purandara in fight; he who gratified by combat that God of gods, the trident-bearing lord of Uma, Mahadeva himself having the mountains for his abode; that foremost of warriors who subjugated all the kings of the earth, with that Vijaya as their ally the Pandavas will encounter you in battle. |
Mbh.5.90.4252 | O slayer of Madhu, having thee and that foremost of all mighty persons, Rama, and that mighty car-warrior Pradyumna for me and my children's protectors and having, O foremost of men, my sons the invincible Bhima and the unretreating Vijaya both alive, that I had still such grief to bear is certainly strange' |
Mbh.5.155.6888 | King Yudhishthira the Just, however, beholding the impending slaughter of those that deserved not to be slain, began to sigh deeply, and addressing Bhimasena and Vijaya, said, That for the sake of which I accepted an exile into the woods and for which I suffered so much misery, that great calamity overtaketh us of a set purpose. |
Mbh.5.159.7025 | And that mighty-armed warrior had obtained also the bow named Vijaya of celestial workmanship, belonging to the great Indra, and which was equal to Gandiva in energy and to also Sarnga held by Krishna. |
Mbh.5.159.7026 | There were three celestial bows owned by the denizens of heaven, viz, Gandiva owned by Varuna, the bow called Vijaya owned by Indra, and that other celestial bow of great energy said to have been owned by Vishnu. |
Mbh.5.159.7028 | The bow called Gandiva was obtained by Indra's son Arjuna from Agni on the occasion of the burning of Khandava, while the bow called Vijaya was obtained from Drona by Rukmi of great energy. |
Mbh.5.159.7030 | And Rukmi having obtained the bow called Vijaya whose twang resembled the roar of the clouds came to the Pandavas, as if inspiring the whole universe with dread. |
Mbh.6.82.4305 | And then the prowess we beheld of Vijaya seemed to be highly wonderful insomuch that those showers of weapons shot by his foes were checked by his myriads of arrows. |
Mbh.6.83.4311 | SECTION LXXXIII Sanjaya said, And when the battle was thus raging and after Susarman had ceased fighting, and the other heroic warriors of the Kuru army had been routed by the high-souled son of Pandu; after, indeed, thy army, resembling the very ocean, had become quickly agitated and the son of Ganga had speedily proceeded against the car of Vijaya, king Duryodhana, beholding the prowess of Partha in battle, quickly proceeded towards those kings, and addressing them as also the heroic and mighty Susarman stationed in their van, said in their midst these words, gladdening them all, This Bhishma, the son of Santanu, this foremost one among the Kurus, reckless of his very life, is desirous of fighting with his whole soul against Dhananjaya. |
Mbh.6.83.4353 | On the other hand, O Bharata, that son of Vrishni's race applied with Mantras the Aindra weapon, which that illustrious hero of Madhu's race had obtained from Vijaya |
Mbh.6.100.5343 | And Sikhandin, and Vijaya Arjuna, and the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha, and Chekitana of mighty arms, and the valiant Kuntibhoja, stood for battle, surrounded by a large force. |
Mbh.6.118.6446 | Then Arjuna also called Vijaya, vanquishing Dussasana in battle, O king, in the very sight of all the troops, proceeded against Bhishma. |
Mbh.7.23.1215 | Thy sons, Durjaya, Jaya, and Vijaya, resisted Nila, and the ruler of the Kasis, and Jayatsena, three against. |
Mbh.7.101.4685 | And so Vijaya also rushed against those foes of his. |
Mbh.7.113.5530 | Indeed, he pierced the son of Bharadwaja with three shafts, and Duhsasana with nine, and Vikarna with five and twenty, and Chitrasena with seven, and Durmarshana with a dozen, and Vivinsati with eight, and Satyavrata with nine, and Vijaya with ten shafts. |
Mbh.7.153.8146 | Karna also, and Vrishasena and Kripa, and Nila, and the Northerners, and Kritavarman, and the sons of Purumitra, and Duhsasana, and Nikumbha, and Kundabhedin, and Puranjaya and Dridharatha, and Hemakampana, and Salya, and Aruni, and Indrasena, and Sanjaya, and Vijaya, and Jaya, and Purakrathin, and Jayavarman, and Sudarsana, these will follow thee, with sixty thousand foot-soldiers. |
Mbh.7.153.8189 | Within the twinkling of an eye, he destroyed, by means of his sharp shafts, a full Akshauhini of Rakshasa troops with steeds, drivers, cars, and elephants, in the very sight of Bhimasena and Hidimva's son and Prishata's son and the twins and Dharma's son and Vijaya and Achyuta |
Mbh.7.155.8338 | Dhrishtadyumna, and Sikhandin and Janamejaya, the son of Durmuksha and Chandrasen, and Madrasen, and Kritavarman, Dhruva, and Dhara and Vasuchandra, and Sutejana, the sons of Drupada, and Drupada himself, conversant with high and mighty weapons, and the king of the Matsyas also, with his younger brothers, all resolutely struggling for their sake, and Gajanika, and Virabhadra, and Sudarsana, and Srutadhwaja, and Valanika, and Jayanika, and Jayaprya, and Vijaya and Labhalaksha, and Jayaswa, and Kamaratha, and the handsome brothers of Virata, and the twins Nakula and Sahadeva, and the five sons of Draupadi, and the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha, are all fighting for the Pandavas. |
Mbh.7.156.8437 | Karna also covered Vijaya with his shafts. |
Mbh.8.31.1396 | My bow, called Vijaya, is the foremost of all weapons of its kind. |
Mbh.8.31.1415 | I also have that excellent, celestial, and formidable bow called Vijaya. |
Mbh.8.42.2314 | Once on a time, while wandering for the sake of practising weapons on my bow called Vijaya, O king, I had, by shooting many fierce shafts of terrible forms, heedlessly struck the calf of a brahmana's homa cow with one of those shafts, and unwillingly killed it white it was wandering in a solitary forest. |
Mbh.8.49.2731 | Drawing his formidable bow called Vijaya that was decked with gold, the Suta's son of immeasurable soul began to resist the son of Pandu with his sharp shafts. |
Mbh.8.56.3292 | Meanwhile that scorcher of foes, viz, Vijaya, slaughtered thy troops by hundreds and thousands, in the very sight of that hero, viz, thy son, O sire. |
Mbh.8.59.3383 | The mighty car-warrior Karna, filled with rage, shook his foremost of bows called Vijaya, and cutting off the bow of Dhrishtadyumna, as also his arrows resembling snakes of virulent poison assailed Dhrishtadyumna himself with nine arrows. |
Mbh.8.59.3437 | Then Karna, O monarch, shook his bow Vijaya and, filled with rage, repeatedly eyed Arjuna in that battle, desiring a single combat with him. |
Mbh.8.62.3630 | Like the tempest agitating the ocean, Vijaya, O foremost of kings, in that battle, agitated that host of thine teeming with horsemen. |
Mbh.8.64.3757 | Having said these words, the Suta's son of great valour, that hero, taking up his ancient and foremost of bows called Vijaya, stringed it and rubbed the string repeatedly. |
Mbh.8.71.4245 | Thus addressed, Vijaya, replied, O bull of Bharata's race, saying, I swear by Truth, O king, and by thy grace, by Bhima, O best of men, and by the twins, O lord of the earth, that today I shall slay Karna, in battle, or, being myself slain by him fall down on the earth. |
Mbh.8.86.5222 | Hear the terrible twang, silencing all other loud sounds, of the bow Vijaya stretched by Karna of immeasurable energy. |
Mbh.8.87.5324 | At this, Brahman and Isana replied unto the chief of the celestials, saying, The victory of the high-souled Vijaya is certain, of that Savyasaci who gratified the eater of sacrificial libations in the forest of Khandava and who, coming to heaven, rendered assistance to thee, O Sakra! |
Mbh.9.12.740 | cars, O king, despatched by thy son and headed by Drona's son, battled with Vijaya Arjuna. |
Mbh.14.14.392 | And O monarch, that lord of men exhorted by the worshipful Viswarasraba himself, and by Dwaipayana Vyasa, Krishna Devasthana, Narada, Bhima, Nakula, Krishna Draupadi, Sahadeva, and the sharpwitted Vijaya, as well as by other great men, and Brahmanas versed in the Sastras, became relieved of all mental affliction and sorrow arising from the death of his dear relations. |
Mbh.14.67.3006 | The blade of grass inspired into a weapon of great efficacy, uplifted by Drona's son for compassing the destruction of Bhimasena, fell upon Uttara and Vijaya and myself |
Mbh.14.69.3087 | Never hath a misunderstanding arisen between me and my friend Vijaya. |
Mbh.14.74.3271 | Deeply pierced in the hand by that arrow, Vijaya became stupefied and his bow Gandiva fell down on the Earth from his relaxed grasp. |
Mbh.14.80.3537 | Oh, let Vijaya, let him that is called Gudakesa, let this hero with reddish eyes, come back O life. |
Mbh.14.81.3647 | Thus addressed by Ulupi, Vijaya became cheerful of heart and said unto her, All this that thou hast done, O goddess, is highly agreeable to me' |
Mbh.14.83.3714 | Between him and Vijaya occurred a battle exceedingly terrible. |
Mbh.14.85.3775 | Hearing also the feats, accomplished by Vijaya in the country of the Gandharas as also in another realms, the king became exceedingly glad. |
Mbh.14.87.3863 | O Hrishikesa, I have heard that innumerable have been the battles which Vijaya has fought with the kings of the Earth. |
Mbh.14.87.3865 | Vijaya is exceedingly intelligent. |
Mbh.15.17.707 | I instilled courage into your hearts in order that this Vijaya, who was born after Bhimasena, and who is equal unto Vasava himself might not be cheerless. |
Mbh.15.38.1618 | How is it that she who was the mother of Yudhishthira, of Bhima, of Vijaya, was burnt to deathlike a helpless creature. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |