Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 17:19 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 17:19
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.5.1027 | She was not bestowed on thee O Rakshasa, this lady was duly made by the Rishi Bhrigu his wife with Vedic rites in my presence. |
Mbh.1.11.1204 | Listen, O Ruru, to the account of the destruction of snakes at the sacrifice of Janamejaya in days of yore, and the deliverance of the terrified reptiles by that best of Dwijas, Astika, profound in Vedic lore and might in spiritual energy |
Mbh.1.53.2657 | The learned old Brahmana, Kautsa, became the Udgatri, the chanter of the Vedic hymns. |
Mbh.1.74.3934 | And the son that is so born unto persons cognisant of the Vedic Mantras rescueth the spirits of deceased ancestors. |
Mbh.1.74.3979 | Thou knowest that Brahmanas repeat these Vedic mantras on the occasion of the consecrating rites of infancy, |
Mbh.1.121.6492 | And he performed also the Agnishtoma, and other special Vedic sacrifices, extracting great quantities of Soma juice. |
Mbh.1.126.6779 | The birth, growth, and Vedic studies of these children of Pandu, will, no doubt, give you great pleasure. |
Mbh.1.190.9496 | The Vedic declaration is well-known that the Swayamvara is for the Kshatriyas. |
Mbh.1.233.11414 | For what thou hast said is Brahma Vedic truth. |
Mbh.2.6.300 | And they are ever worshipped by the gods and the Pitris, the Sadhyas, under-deities called Gana, by ascetics offering sacrifices, with souls under complete command, by peaceful Munis engaged without intermission in Vedic sacrifices with presents to Brahmanas. |
Mbh.2.32.1399 | And that bull of the Dhananjaya race, Susaman, became the chanter of the Vedic Sama hymns. |
Mbh.2.37.1569 | As the Agnihotra is the foremost among all Vedic sacrifices, as the Gayatri is the foremost among metres, as the king is the foremost among men, as the ocean is the foremost among all rivers, as the moon is the foremost among all constellations, as the sun is the foremost among all luminous bodies, as the Meru is the foremost among all mountains, as Garuda is the foremost among all birds, so as long as the upward, downward, and sideway course of the universe lasteth, Kesava is the foremost in all the worlds including the regions of the celestials. |
Mbh.2.78.3382 | And having said this, that best of celestial Rishis, adorned with surpassing Vedic grace, passing through the skies, disappeared from the scene. |
Mbh.3.12.654 | With Rishis sanctified by Vedic lore and asceticism, and whose souls have been purified by penance, and who are contented with soul-vision, thou art the best of all objects! |
Mbh.3.20.971 | On my arrival I found Dwaraka shorn of its splendour, and, O great monarch, there were not sounds of Vedic recitation or sacrificial offering, And the excellent damsels were all destitute of ornaments, and the gardens were devoid of beauty. |
Mbh.3.26.1213 | And the lake within that forest, ever resounding with Vedic recitations, became sacred like a second region of Brahma. |
Mbh.3.26.1215 | And the Vedic recitations of the Brahmanas mingling with the twang of bows of the sons of Pritha, produced a union of the Brahmana and Kshatriya customs that was highly beautiful. |
Mbh.3.29.1395 | Those that perform Vedic sacrifices as also those that perform the meritorious rites of religion obtain other regions. |
Mbh.3.31.1500 | A rejector of proofs, a slanderer of the interpretation of the Vedic scriptures, a transgressor urged by lust and covetousness, that fool goeth to hell. |
Mbh.3.90.4877 | Here also, O lord of men, the illustrious Etavarna and Avavarana versed in the Vedas, learned in Vedic lore, and proficient in the knowledge of Vedic rites, performed meritorious sacrifices, O chief of the Bharata race! |
Mbh.3.95.5046 | And so loud, indeed, was the sound of the Vedic Mantras that nothing else, O Bharata, could be heard there. |
Mbh.3.102.5319 | And the universe afflicted with the terror of the Kalakeyas, being destitute of Vedic studies and vashats and sacrificial festivals and religious rites, became entirely cheerless. |
Mbh.3.133.6748 | We are old and we have observed sacred vows and are in possession of energy proceeding from the Vedic lore. |
Mbh.3.134.6842 | That Vedic truth which he had suppressed by false arguments, have I to-day rescued by dint of my intellect. |
Mbh.3.135.6887 | There, O son of Pandu, is seen the beautiful hermitage of Raivya, where perished Bharadwaja's son, Yavakari, profound in Vedic lore |
Mbh.3.135.6904 | O conqueror of Paka, these endeavours of mine have been for Vedic lore. |
Mbh.3.135.6914 | And the god Indra, slayer of Vala, again came unto that great sage, who was engaged in austere penances; and forbade him, saying, Thou art striving with the object that Vedic lore may be manifest unto thee as well as unto thy father; but thy exertions can never be successful, nor is this act of thine well-advised' |
Mbh.3.141.7186 | Aiming at the possession of Indra's place, by the force of austere and Vedic lore, that mighty-minded demon had practised austere penances for ten thousand years. |
Mbh.3.149.7652 | If, however, people do not righteously lead their lives, the world becometh lawless, in consequence of the want of Vedic merit and government. |
Mbh.3.157.7991 | And, O Bhima, there are heard various songs of appropriate measures, and also Vedic hymns, charming to all creatures. |
Mbh.3.196.9915 | Know me as one possessed of Vedic lore, as one leading the Brahmacharya mode of life, as one possessed also of self-control and ascetic virtues. |
Mbh.3.199.10112 | Markandeya said, By Japa and Mantras and Homa and the study of the Vedas, the Brahmanas construct a Vedic boat wherewith they save both others and themselves. |
Mbh.3.199.10263 | Such a man is affrighted at the Vedic ritual like a man at sight of a forest conflagration. |
Mbh.3.228.11482 | The much-esteemed incantation of Vedic hymns, the music of the celestial band, and the songs of gods and Gandharvas then rang on all sides. |
Mbh.3.234.11845 | And after they had taken up their residence there, many venerable ascetics endued with Vedic lore often came to see them. |
Mbh.4.28.1177 | Endued with every auspicious mark, observant of virtuous vows, possessed of Vedic lore, devoted to religious observances, conversant with various sciences, obedient to the counsels of the aged, adhering to the vow of truth, acquainted with the proprieties of time, observant of the pledge they have given in respect of their exile, pure in their behaviour, ever adhering to the duties of the Kshatria order, always obedient to Kesava, high-souled, possessed of great strength, and ever-bearing the burthens of the wise, those heroic ones can never wither under misfortune. |
Mbh.4.28.1191 | Indeed, in the place where Yudhishthira resides, Vedic hymns will be chanted all around, sacrifices will be performed, the last full libations will always be poured, and gifts to Brahmanas will always be in profusion. |
Mbh.5.30.1337 | Thou shouldst also, touching his feet, represent me as hale unto that foremost of the Kurus, Bhishma, in whom are combined bravery, and abstention from injury, and asceticism, and wisdom and good behaviour, and Vedic learning, and great excellence, and firmness. |
Mbh.5.42.2306 | Those regenerate persons that proudly exert in performing sacrifices and other Vedic rites, as the fruit of that knowledge which is theirs, in consequence of those acts, freed from this world, proceed to that region which is the abode of the deities. |
Mbh.5.43.2340 | That from which both the Vedic syllable Om and this one ordinary sounds have arisen, that One, O king, is displayed as the Word' |
Mbh.5.43.2411 | They have deviated from Truth Brahman and entertain purposes corresponding with their state and hence relying on the truth of Vedic texts thereof perform sacrifices. |
Mbh.5.99.4680 | It is here that son of Aditi, the Horse-headed Vishnu, on the recurrence of every auspicious occasion, riseth, filling at such times the universe, otherwise called Suvarna with the sound of Vedic hymns and Mantras. |
Mbh.5.140.6274 | Let the family priest of the Pandavas who is devoted to Vedic rites, and those bulls among men-those brothers, the five sons of Pandu, and the five sons of Draupadi, and the Panchalas, and the Chedis, and myself also, install thee as the lord of the whole earth. |
Mbh.5.141.6331 | Resembling his father, or perhaps, excelling him in prowess, Subhadra's son Abhimanyu will be the chief Vedic hymn to be chanted. |
Mbh.5.144.6476 | And having reached the banks of Ganga, Pritha heard the chanting of the Vedic hymns by her son, endued with great kindness and firmly devoted to truth. |
Mbh.5.161.7222 | He that is a preceptor of both Vedic lore and bowmanship, he that hath crossed both those branches of learning, he that is foremost in battle and imperturbable as a tower, he whose might knoweth no diminution, that commander of armies, Drona of great effulgence, him, O Partha, thou wishest in vain to conquer! |
Mbh.6.28.1340 | Others again perform the sacrifice of wealth, the sacrifice of ascetic austerities, the sacrifice of meditation, the sacrifice of Vedic study, the sacrifice of knowledge, and others are ascetics of rigid vows |
Mbh.6.33.1542 | I am the Vedic sacrifice, I am the sacrifice enjoined in the Smritis, I am Swadha, I am the medicament produced from herbs; I am the mantra, I am the sacrificial libation, I am the fire, and I am the sacrificial offering |
Mbh.7.9.334 | He, from whose presence no warrior desirous of victory could ever escape with life, he whom, while alive, these two sounds never left, viz, the sound of the Vedas by those desirous of Vedic lore, and the twang of bows caused by those desirous of skill in bowmanship, he who was never cheerless, alas, that tiger among men, that hero endued with prosperity and never vanquished in battle, that warrior of prowess equal to that of the lion or the elephant, hath been slain. |
Mbh.7.59.2711 | In the abode of Dilipa, called also Khattanga, these five sounds were always to be heard, viz, the sound of Vedic recitations, the twang of bows, and Drink, Enjoy, and Eat! |
Mbh.7.83.3665 | The twang of the bowstring, the sounds of Vedic recitation, the whiz of lances and swords, and rattle of car-wheels, used incessantly to be heard in the abode of Drona. |
Mbh.8.34.1666 | The Vedic sound Vashat became the goad, and Gayatri became the string attached to that goad. |
Mbh.8.34.1684 | All sacred Speeches and all the Sciences stood around it, and all hymns, O monarch, and the Vedic sound of Vashat also. |
Mbh.9.5.332 | I have listened to Vedic recitations. |
Mbh.9.35.2626 | The whole region seemed to resound with the loud Vedic recitations of those Rishis of cleansed souls, all employed in pouring libations on sacrificial fires. |
Mbh.10.7.424 | Having adored the trident-bearing god with Vedic recitations, with brahmacarya, with austerities, and with self-restraint, they have obtained the companionship of Bhava. |
Mbh.12.11.456 | These Vedic rites are his heaven, path, and foremost of sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.12.486 | This domestic mode of life again has been said by all persons acquainted with Vedic truths to be superior to all the other modes of life. |
Mbh.12.20.887 | Amongst the very Rishis, some are engaged in the sacrifice represented by Vedic study, and some in that presented by knowledge. |
Mbh.12.20.891 | Men collect together diverse things for the performance of sacrifices simply because of the Vedic ordinance. |
Mbh.12.24.1052 | Brave men, those that are respectable in their practices, they that are virtuous in their acts, they that are possessed of learning, O Yudhishthira, Brahmanas conversant with Vedic texts and rites, and men of wealth, should especially be protected. |
Mbh.12.26.1154 | Many persons are seen that have been crowned with success through sacrifice in the shape of Vedic study. |
Mbh.12.26.1160 | The Ajas, the Prishnis, the Sikatas, O Bharata, the Arunas, and the Kitavas, have all gone to heaven through the merit of Vedic study. |
Mbh.12.26.1162 | I have, before this, told thee that those very regions belong to persons that are observant of Vedic acts. |
Mbh.12.29.1457 | These three sounds never ceased in Dilipa's abode, viz, the voice of Vedic recitations, the twang of bows, and cries of Let it be given. |
Mbh.12.36.1919 | From the worldly and the Vedic points of view again, virtue and sin are good or bad according to their consequences. |
Mbh.12.36.1920 | From the Vedic point of view, virtue and sin ie, everything a man may do or not do, would be classed under action and inaction. |
Mbh.12.36.1921 | Inaction ie, abstention from Vedic rites and adoption of a life of contemplation leads to emancipation from rebirth; while the consequences of action ie, practice of Vedic rites are repeated death and rebirth. |
Mbh.12.36.1932 | When an occasion for doubt respecting what should be done arises, that should be regarded as the injunction of the scriptures which ten persons versed in Vedic scriptures or three of those that frequently recite them may declare |
Mbh.12.37.2005 | He then ascended a new and white car covered with blankets and deerskins, and unto which were yoked sixteen white bullocks possessed of auspicious marks, and which had been sanctified with Vedic mantras. |
Mbh.12.47.2381 | The Vedic metres are thy limbs. |
Mbh.12.49.2593 | What need then be said of such a solemn occasion as preparing sanctified food with the aid of Vedic formulae after igniting t. |
Mbh.12.59.3355 | A Sudra, however, is not competent to titter swaha and swadha or any other Vedic mantra. |
Mbh.12.60.3415 | He should also be always devoted to the performance of the Vedic rites. |
Mbh.12.62.3445 | An intelligent Brahmana, leading a domestic mode of life, should duly perform the six Vedic acts. |
Mbh.12.68.3891 | All the Vedic rites become productive of merit. |
Mbh.12.68.3914 | Vedic rites fail to produce fruits. |
Mbh.12.75.4241 | A virtuous king should realise tribute from and impress without pay into the public service those Brahmanas that are not possessed of Vedic lore and that have not their own fires to worship. |
Mbh.12.76.4265 | Of rigid vows and possessed of Vedic lore, the king of the Kaikeyas, O monarch, while living in the woods, was forcibly seized on a certain occasion by a Rakshasa' |
Mbh.12.77.4354 | Those amongst them that are endued with Vedic strength, should rise up on every side and like the gods strengthening Indra contribute by Vedic rites to enhancing the strength of the king. |
Mbh.12.77.4391 | As an elephant made of wood, or a deer made of leather, as a person without wealth, or one that is a eunuch, or a field that is sterile, even so is a Brahmana that is void of Vedic lore and a king incapable of granting protection? |
Mbh.12.78.4404 | Yudhishthira said, There are Vedic texts about the gift of Dakshina in sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.85.4820 | The king, with his ministers and the army thoroughly loyal to him, should reside in that city which is defended by a citadel which contains an abundant stock of rice and weapons, which is protected with impenetrable walls and a trench, which teems with elephants and steeds and cars, which is inhabited by men possessed of learning and versed in the mechanical arts, where provisions of every kind have been well stored, whose population is virtuous in conduct and clever in business and consists of strong and energetic men and animals, which is adorned with many open squares and rows of shops, where the behaviour of all persons is righteous, where peace prevails, where no danger exists, which blazes with beauty and resounds with music and songs, where the houses are all spacious, were the residents number among them many brave and wealthy individuals, which echoes with the chant of Vedic hymns, where festivities and rejoicings frequently take place, and where the deities are always worshipped |
Mbh.12.88.4994 | They, therefore, that obstruct the study of the Vedas and the cause of Vedic practices, are to be regarded as enemies of society |
Mbh.12.97.5445 | Cut, Pierce, and such other sounds, that are heard in the front ranks of the array, constitute the Samans sung by its Vedic chanters in the abode of Yama. |
Mbh.12.104.5921 | The latter, having received those presents through thy hands, will do good to thee in return by performing penances and Vedic rites, and devour thy enemy like wolves. |
Mbh.12.109.6197 | Those Brahmanas that betake themselves to a life of celibacy and Brahmacharya, that perform penances, and that are cleansed by learning, Vedic knowledge, and proper vows, succeed in overcoming all difficulties. |
Mbh.12.115.6516 | Observant also of stringent regulations and self-restraint, of tranquil and pure soul, always attentive to Vedic recitations, and of heart cleansed by fasts, he adopted a life of goodness towards all creatures. |
Mbh.12.120.6838 | That which has been called Vyavahara is really based upon Vedic precepts. |
Mbh.12.140.8485 | Hunger has destroyed my Vedic lore. |
Mbh.12.141.8671 | Appointing high-born men possessed of Vedic knowledge as thy ministers, do thou govern the earth, protecting thy subjects righteously. |
Mbh.12.151.9007 | A person possessed of Vedic knowledge should bathe in these places. |
Mbh.12.159.9503 | That eternal region of the Grandsire which springs from Vedic penances, and which is concealed in a cave, can be won by only self-restraint |
Mbh.12.166.9987 | Others possessed of Vedic lore are engaged upon the Vedas and their branches or upon rites of faith and sacrificial acts, or upon making gifts or accepting them. |
Mbh.12.167.10066 | He was destitute of Vedic learning. |
Mbh.12.170.10193 | The king having ascertained only the name and the race of his guest, and seeing that he was destitute of Brahmanic splendour and Vedic studies, next enquired about the country of his residence' |
Mbh.12.171.10264 | Gautama, who came here, is without Vedic studies and destitute of Brahmanic splendour. |
Mbh.12.179.10854 | Do thou set thyself to Vedic studies, and duly maintain thy sacred fire, and observe truth, and self-restraint, and charity. |
Mbh.12.190.11377 | He who is in this mode of life should have his soul cleansed by purity of conduct, by Vedic rites, and by restraints and vows and humility. |
Mbh.12.190.11383 | Willingly accomplishing everything that the commands of his preceptor may indicate, he should be ready to receive such Vedic instruction as his preceptor may give him as a favour |
Mbh.12.190.11398 | Then again in the domestic mode of life the deities are gratified by sacrifices and other religious rites; the Pitris by the performance of obsequial rites; the Rishis by cultivation of Vedic knowledge, by listening to the instructions of preceptors, and by committing to memory the scriptures; and lastly the Creator by begetting children |
Mbh.12.200.12204 | Him by knowing whom persons of cleansed souls transgress this world, Him who has not been expressed by Vedic mantras and words. |
Mbh.12.215.13024 | The deities have penances and Vedic rites. |
Mbh.12.217.13203 | All the declarations in the Srutis inciting to those acts, and all acts connected with the conduct of men in the world, would be equally unmeaning, for the Soul being dissociated from the understanding and the mind, there is no one to enjoy the fruits of good acts and Vedic rites |
Mbh.12.217.13217 | Having heard these words of Panchasikha that were free from deception, unconnected with delusion because discouraging sacrifices and other Vedic acts, highly salutary, and treating of the Soul, king Janadeva became filled with wonder, and prepared himself to address the Rishi once more |
Mbh.12.218.13252 | Vedic sacrifices and other rites exist for renunciation of wealth and other possessions. |
Mbh.12.220.13356 | Those, on the other hand, who eat such food in the observance of Vedic sacrifices and vows and induced by the desire of fruits in the shape of heaven and children, ascend to heaven but fall down on the exhaustion of their merits |
Mbh.12.226.13860 | Devoted to the Vedas and Vedic rites, all of them were possessors of great learning. |
Mbh.12.227.14041 | They were observant of fasts and penances, were trustful, and utterers of Vedic hymns. |
Mbh.12.227.14136 | The earth became adorned with many mines filled with jewels and gems, and the chant of Vedic recitations and other melodious sounds swelled up on the occasion of that triumph of the celestials. |
Mbh.12.227.14137 | Human beings, endued with firm minds, and all adhering to the auspicious path that is trod by the righteous, began to take pleasure in Vedic and other religious rites and acts. |
Mbh.12.229.14217 | He always seeks to conquer all earthly desires by listening to Vedic recitations and attending to the Puranas. |
Mbh.12.230.14314 | It has also been heard by us that, in the succeeding yugas, the words of the Vedas, the periods of life, the blessings uttered by Brahmanas, and the fruits of Vedic rites, all decrease gradually. |
Mbh.12.231.14387 | At the outset the Self-born caused those excellent Vedic sounds, that are embodiments of knowledge and that have neither beginning nor end to spring up and flow on from preceptor to disciple. |
Mbh.12.238.14758 | One occupies that much of the Supreme Soul as is commensurate with what is occupied in one's own soul by Vedic soundHe |
Mbh.12.242.14932 | He should always worship such guests as are presenters of sacrificial offerings, as are cleansed by Vedic lore and observance of excellent vows, as are high-born and conversant with the scriptures, as are observers of the duties of their own order, as are self-restrained, mindful of all religious acts, and devoted to penances. |
Mbh.12.243.15037 | Such a one should with energy live according to the ordinances in respect of his own mode, and throw away Vedic study and the sacred thread that is indicative of the order of his birth. |
Mbh.12.263.16007 | Faith is superior to the merit born of Vedic recitations and meditation |
Mbh.12.264.16049 | Living in the vicinity of an inhabited place and injuring oneself to the observance of rigid vows, and disregarding the fruits indicated of Vedic acts, one should give up domesticity, adopting a life of Renunciation. |
Mbh.12.267.16315 | Knowing these, accomplish acts which lead to heaven and other blessings, this is a Vedic declaration, |
Mbh.12.267.16353 | He in whom are the Richs, the Yajuses, the Samans, and the expletives necessary for completing the rhythm of the Samans according to the rules laid down in Vedic grammars, is, indeed, a Brahmana |
Mbh.12.268.16385 | Besides the performance of Garbhadhana, Vedic mantras become necessary for enabling persons of the regenerate classes to accomplish all their acts in respect of both this and the other world |
Mbh.12.268.16386 | In cremating his body after death, in the matter of his attainment of a second body, in that of his drink and food after such attainment, in that of giving away kine and other animals for helping him to cross the river that divides the region of life from that of Yama, in that of sinking funeral cakes in water, Vedic mantras are necessary. |
Mbh.12.269.16513 | Commencing with the rites of Garbhadhana, that body which the sire creates with the aid of Vedic mantras is cleansed after birth by Vedic mantras |
Mbh.12.269.16514 | When the body has been cleansed with purificatory rites performed with the aid of Vedic mantras, the owner there of come to be called a Brahmana and becomes a vessel fit for receiving knowledge of Brahma. |
Mbh.12.283.17564 | At this juncture, the preceptor of all the deities adored Mahadeva with the Vedic verses contained in the Moksha sections. |
Mbh.12.284.17608 | Salutations to thee that art the Hotri in sacrifices, that art the Vedic mantras uttered in sacrifices, and that ownest white flags and standards. |
Mbh.12.292.18295 | One pays off the debts one owes to one's own self by listening to Vedic recitations and reflecting on their import, by eating the remnants of sacrifices, and by supporting one's body. |
Mbh.12.318.19874 | After the same manner, if one, having studied the Vedas, fails to comprehend what is Prakriti and what is Purusha, one only proves one's own foolishness of understanding and bears a useless burthen in the form of Vedic lore |
Mbh.12.321.20495 | The knowledge which a man of righteous deeds acquires from Vedic declarations leads to omniscience. |
Mbh.12.327.20841 | Even this is the boon that we solicit, Hearing these words of his disciples, Vyasa, the son of Parasara, possessed of great intelligence, well-conversant with the meaning of the Vedas, endued with a righteous soul, and always engaged in thinking of objects that confer benefits on a person in the world hereafter, said unto his disciples these righteous words fraught with great benefit: The Vedas should always be given unto him who is a Brahmana, or unto him who is desirous of listening to Vedic instructions, by him who eagerly wishes to attain a residence in the region of Brahman! |
Mbh.12.327.20846 | These should be known as the proper qualifications of persons that can be accepted as disciples for the communication of Vedic knowledge. |
Mbh.12.328.20872 | Narada said, O regenerate Rishi of Vasishtha's race, why are Vedic sounds silent now? |
Mbh.12.328.20874 | Alas, shorn of Vedic echoes, this mountain hath lost its beauty, even as the Moon shorn of splendour when assailed by Rahu or enveloped in dust |
Mbh.12.328.20875 | Though inhabited by the celestial Rishis, yet shorn of Vedic sounds, the mountain no longer looks beautiful now but resembles a hamlet of Nishadas |
Mbh.12.328.20876 | The Rishis, the deities, and the Gandharvas, too, no longer shine as before in consequence of being deprived of Vedic sound, |
Mbh.12.328.20889 | Do thou with thy intelligent son recite the Vedas, and do thou with the echoes of Vedic sounds dispel the fears arising from Rakshasas: Bhishma continued, Hearing these words of Narada, Vyasa, the foremost of all persons conversant with duties and firmly devoted to Vedic recitation, became filled with joy and answered Narada, saying, So be it, With his son Suka, he set himself to recite the Vedas in a loud sonorous voice, observing all the rules of orthoepy and, as it were, filling the three worlds with that sound. |
Mbh.12.328.20947 | Having said these words, the puissant son of Parasara bade his son when the wind had ceased to go on with his Vedic recitation. |
Mbh.12.331.21192 | He understood that one suffers great misery in consequence of the accession of children and spouses; that one has to undergo great labour for the acquisition of science and Vedic lore. |
Mbh.12.336.21613 | He is adorned in sacrifices with offerings of clarified butter and other food dedicated with the aid of Vedic mantras. |
Mbh.12.337.21629 | The Rishis said, The Vedic Sruti declares that in sacrifices the offerings should consist of vegetable seeds. |
Mbh.12.338.21695 | Thou art he who is divested of all attributes, who is the Witness of all the worlds, who is called Kshetrajna, who is the foremost of all Beings, who is Infinite, who is called Purusha, who is the great Purusha, who is the foremost of all Purushas, who is the soul of the three attributes, who is called the Foremost, who is Amrita nectar, who is called Immortal, who is called Ananta Sesha, who is Space who is without beginning, who is both Manifest and Unmanifest as existent and not-existent things, who is said to have his home in Truth who is the first of gods Narayana, who is the giver of wealth or of the fruits of acts, identified with Daksha and other Lords of the Creation, who is the Aswattha and other big trees, who is the four-headed Brahman, who is the Lord of all created Beings, who is the Lord of Speech who is the Lord of the universe or Indra, who is the all-pervading Soul, who is the Sun, who is the breath called Prana, who is the Lord of the waters viz, Varuna, who is identifiable with the Emperor or the King, who is identifiable with the Regents of the several points of the compass, who is the refuge of the universe when it is dissolved in the final destruction who is Undisplayed unrevealed, who is the giver of the Vedas unto Brahman, who is identifiable with the sacrifices and Vedic studies achieved by Brahmanas with the aid of their bodies, who is identifiable with the four principal orders of the deities, who is every one of those four orders, who is possessed of effulgence, who is possessed of great effulgence, who is he unto whom the seven largest offerings in sacrifices are presented with the Gayatri and other sacred mantras, who is Yama, who is Chitragupta and the other attendants of Yama, who is called the wife of Yama, who is that order of the deities called Tushita, who is that other order called Mahatushita, who is the universal grinder Death, who is desire and all diseases that have been created for aiding the advent of Death, who is health and freedom from disease, who is subject to desire and passions, who is free from the influence of desire and passions, who is Infinite as exhibited in species and forms, who is he that is chastised, who is he that is the chastiser, who is all the lesser sacrifices like Agnihotra and others, who is all the larger sacrifices like those called Brahma, etc, |
Mbh.12.338.21754 | Thou art he from whom have flowered all Vedic rites and acts. |
Mbh.12.340.22197 | Do you hymn His praises in Vedic words and adore and worship Him also according to due rites |
Mbh.12.342.22638 | Hence it is that I am called the excellent Vrisha in the Vedic lexicon called Nighantuka. |
Mbh.12.342.22654 | On Earth I am known to be identical with Him who has been sung in the Vedic verses as the effulgent Hiranyagarbha and who is always worshipped by Yogins. |
Mbh.12.342.22688 | The deity of fire ceased to accept libations of even the purest clarified butter duly poured in sacrifices with the aid of Vedic Mantras. |
Mbh.12.343.22736 | O Saunaka, that king of kings, addressed the grandfather of his grandfather, viz, the Island-born Krishna, otherwise called Vyasa, that ocean of Vedic lore, that foremost of ascetics endued with puissance, and said these words. |
Mbh.12.347.23102 | Adopting a voice regulated by the rules of the science called Siksha, he began to utter loudly Vedic Mantras. |
Mbh.12.347.23140 | That person who frequently listens or mentally recites this history of the assumption by Narayana of the form equipt with the equine head, will never forget his Vedic or other lore. |
Mbh.12.350.23467 | I hope, O son, that everything is right with thy penances and thy Vedic studies and recitations. |
Mbh.12.350.23470 | Rudra said, O illustrious one, through thy grace, all is well with my penances and Vedic studies. |
Mbh.13.2.181 | Then the king gave his daughter, dressed in new garments and decked with jewels, to the high-souled deity, and Agni too accepted, according to Vedic rites, the princess Sudarsana as his bride, even as he accepts libations of clarified butter at sacrifices, Agni was well pleased with her appearance, her beauty, grace, character, and nobility of birth, and was minded to beget offspring upon her. |
Mbh.13.2.228 | Then that Brahmana came out of the hovel, and like the wind rising and encompassing both Earth and sky, and making the three worlds echo with Vedic sounds, and calling that virtuous man by name, and congratulating him said, O sinless one, I am Dharma; All glory to thee. |
Mbh.13.14.918 | That retreat is applauded and reverenced by the deities and the Gandharvas, and seemed to be covered with Vedic beauty. |
Mbh.13.14.1349 | Sakra also did the same with the aid of those foremost of Vedic Mantras, viz, the Sata-Rudriam. |
Mbh.13.17.1728 | Those names of him that are, again, true and fraught with success and are capable of accomplishing all the purposes which the utterer may have in view, have been applied unto Mahadeva by Tandi after calling them from the Vedic lore with the aid of his devotion. |
Mbh.13.17.1885 | Thou art possessed of dazzling effulgence born of Vedic study and penances. |
Mbh.13.18.2857 | My mother having become a widow, was filled with sorrow and weeping bitterly, said unto me, Alas, thy father will never see his son who, adorned with Vedic knowledge, has been permitted by his preceptor to come home and who, possessed of all the graces of youth, is endued with self-restraint, |
Mbh.13.19.2951 | He once more performed his ablutions in the sacred waters of the Vahuda and then ignited his homa fire and worshipped it with the aid of many foremost of Vedic mantras |
Mbh.13.22.3269 | A single righteous Brahmana possessed of wisdom and Vedic lore, observant of the duties laid down in the scriptures, distinguished by purity of behaviour, is competent to rescue a whole race |
Mbh.13.23.3296 | That Brahmana who is paid for his services as preceptor, or who attends as pupil upon the lectures of some preceptor because of some allowance that is granted to him, does not deserve to be invited, for both of them are regarded as sellers of Vedic lore. |
Mbh.13.23.3313 | The wealth that one has acquired by the sale of Vedic lore, or which has been earned by a women, or which has been gained by meanness such as giving false evidence in a court of law, should never be given to Brahmanas or spent in making offerings to the Pitris. |
Mbh.13.31.3924 | O tiger of Vrishni's race, I always worship those Brahmanas that are endued with penances, that are conversant with the Vedas, that are always devoted to Vedic study, and that are possessed of high worth. |
Mbh.13.33.4028 | The king should always worship with reverence all righteous Brahmanas possessed of Vedic lore |
Mbh.13.35.4156 | By Vedic study he is sure to obtain prosperity and intelligence and energy and puissance competent to scorch all things, as also glory of the most exalted kind. |
Mbh.13.57.5700 | That man who makes a gift of a house, equipped with every kind of furniture, unto a Brahmana given to Vedic studies and possessed of every accomplishment and good behaviour, acquires residence in the country of the Uttara-Kurus. |
Mbh.13.59.5801 | These Brahmanas of rigid vows are devoted to Vedic study and penances without proclaiming their practices to any one. |
Mbh.13.60.5871 | Thou shouldst, O son of Kunti, invite those foremost of Brahmanas who are cleansed by learning and the Vedas and vows, who live in independence, whose Vedic studies and penances are hidden without being proclaimed from the house-top, and who are observant of excellent vows, and honour them with gifts of well-constructed and delightful houses equipped with servitors and robes and furniture, and with all other articles of pleasure and enjoyment. |
Mbh.13.62.5995 | Penances, sacrifice, Vedic lore, good behaviour, absence of cupidity, firmness in truth, worship of seniors, preceptors, and the deities, all these dwell in him who makes a gift of earth. |
Mbh.13.62.6014 | That person who is even conversant with this Vedic declaration respecting the merits of a gift of earth, succeeds in rescuing ten generations of both his paternal and maternal families. |
Mbh.13.62.6017 | After the coronation ceremony has been performed of a king, this Vedic declaration should be re-cited to him, so that he may make gifts of earth and may never take away earth from a righteous person. |
Mbh.13.63.6115 | Solicited by it Brahmana, one should not enquire about his race or conduct or Vedic lore. |
Mbh.13.71.6578 | Upon the completion of the vow he had observed the great Rishi once more said unto his son, Engaged in performing my ablutions and deeply taken up with my Vedic study, I have forgotten to bring with me the firewood, the Kusa blades, the flowers, the water jar, and the potherbs I had gathered. |
Mbh.13.71.6635 | That Brahmana who is possessed of Vedic lore, who is of austere penances, and who performs sacrifices, is regarded as worthy of receiving kine in gift. |
Mbh.13.73.6786 | One, who is rich in Vedic lore, who is of pure lineage, who is endued with a tranquil soul, who is devoted to the performance of sacrifices, who fears the commission of sin, who is possessed of varied knowledge, who is compassionate towards kine, who is mild in behaviour, who accords protection unto all that seek it of him, and who has no means of sustenance assigned unto him, is regarded as a proper person for receiving a gift of kine. |
Mbh.13.78.7091 | Such persons as succeed in making gift of a bull that is still in the prime of youth, that has all its senses strong, and that may be regarded as the foremost one among hundreds of herds, that has large horns adorned with ornaments of gold or silver, unto a Brahmana possessed of Vedic learning, succeed, O scorcher of foes, its attaining to great prosperity and affluence each time they take birth in the world. |
Mbh.13.78.7113 | That man who inspires a vaccine form made of sesame seeds by uttering the Vedic Mantras called by the name of Gomati, and then adorns that form with every kind of gems and makes a gift of it, has never to suffer any grief on account of all his acts of omission and commission, Let kine that yield copious measures of milk and that have horns adorned with gold, kine viz, that are Surabhis or the daughters of Surabhis, |
Mbh.13.85.7794 | From the ashes of the fire sprang all those that are numbered among the regenerate Rishis, viz, the Vaikhanasas, endued with penances and devoted to Vedic lore and all excellent accomplishments. |
Mbh.13.85.7799 | For this reason, Agni has been said to be all the deities in his individual self, by Rishis endued with Vedic lore, guided by the authority of the Vedas. |
Mbh.13.90.8069 | He that is full of guile, or he that is guilty of foeticide, or he that is ill of consumption, or he that keeps animals, of is destitute of Vedic study, or is a common servant of a village, or lives upon the interest of loans, or he that is a singer, or he that sells all articles, or he that is guilty of arson, or he that is a poisoner or he that is a pimp by profession, or he that sells Soma, or he that is a professor of palmistry, or he that is in the employ of the king, or he that is seller of oil, or he that is a cheat and false swearer, or he that has a quarrel with his father, or he that tolerates a paramour of his wife in his house, or he that has been cursed, or he that is a thief, or he that lives by some mechanical art, or he that puts on disguises, or he that is deceitful in his behaviour, or he that is hostile to those he calls his friends, or he that is an adulterer, or he that is a preceptor of Sudras, or he that has betaken himself to the profession of arms, or he that wanders with dogs for hunting, or he that has been bit by a dog, or he that has wedded before his elder brothers, or he that seems to have undergone circumcision he that violates the bed of his preceptor, he that is an actor or mime, he that lives by setting up a deity and he that lives by calculating the conjunctions of stars and planets and asterisms, are regarded as fit to be excluded from the line. |
Mbh.13.90.8088 | All those Brahmanas that are cleansed by knowledge, Vedic study, and vows and observances, and they that are of good and righteous behaviour, should be known as sanctifiers of everything. |
Mbh.13.90.8099 | Utterers of Brahma say that even a single person that happens to be the descendant of sires who were teachers of the Veda and that is himself a Vedic teacher, sanctifies full seven miles around him. |
Mbh.13.90.8100 | If he that is not a Ritwik and that is not a Vedic teacher takes the foremost seat in a Sraddha, with even the permission of the other Ritwiks there present, he is said to take by that act of his the sins of all who may be sitting in the line. |
Mbh.13.90.8113 | That Brahmana who is destitute of Vedic study is like a fire made by burning grass or straw; and becomes soon extinguished even like such a fire. |
Mbh.13.90.8123 | Those Brahmanas that are devoted to Vedic study, to knowledge, to penances, and to acts, O Bharata, should be known as Rishis. |
Mbh.13.94.8575 | Vasishtha said, Let him who has stolen thy stalks neglect his Vedic studies, leash hounds, and having, taken himself to the mendicant order live in a city or town |
Mbh.13.112.10170 | Food that is good and that has been acquired lawfully, should be given, with a cheerful heart, unto such Brahmanas as are possessed of Vedic lore. |
Mbh.13.112.10174 | That Kshatriya who, without taking anything that belongs to a Brahmana, protects his subjects lawfully, and makes gifts of food, obtained by the exercise of his strength, unto Brahmanas foremost in Vedic knowledge, with concentrated heart, succeeds by such conduct, O thou of righteous soul, in cleansing himself, O son of Pandu, of all his sinful acts. |
Mbh.13.112.10178 | A person by cheerfully making gifts of food acquired by lawful means unto Brahmanas pre-eminent for Vedic lore, becomes cleansed of all his sins. |
Mbh.13.113.10195 | SECTION CXIII Yudhishthira said, Abstention from injury, the observance of the Vedic ritual, meditation, subjugation of the senses, penances, and obedient services rendered to the preceptors, which amongst these is fraught with the greatest merit with respect to a person' |
Mbh.13.120.10607 | I think that all thy acts are performed agreeably to the ordinance, O son, superior to ablutions in sacred waters superior to the accomplishment of all Vedic vows, is gift. |
Mbh.13.121.10643 | There is nothing superior to a Brahmana possessed of Vedic lore. |
Mbh.13.121.10651 | If there were no Brahmanas endued with Vedic lore and good conduct for accepting gifts, the wealth possessed by wealthy people would be useless. |
Mbh.13.121.10662 | There where Brahmanas exist, possessed of Vedic lore and conduct, people are enabled to earn the sacred fruits of gifts and to enjoy them both here and hereafter. |
Mbh.13.122.10675 | Thou praisest penances and Vedic lore. |
Mbh.13.122.10696 | As regards thyself, thou wilt certainly obtain whatever food and drink thou mayst covet, Tot thou art endued with intelligence, good birth, Vedic lore, and compassion! |
Mbh.13.124.10780 | Verily, though destitute of wealth and intelligence and Vedic lore, thou desirest yet, with the aid of thy energy alone, to accomplish something great. |
Mbh.13.124.10817 | Beholding persons possessed of Vedic lore engaged in improper acts, and persons of learning unable to keep their senses under control, thou art filled with grief. |
Mbh.13.126.11003 | Dharma said, The offerings made in all rites in honour of the deities and in those in honour of the Pitris should never be given away to a Brahmana that has accepted service under the king, or that rings the bell or attends to subsidiary duties in acts of worship or at Sraddhas, or that keeps kine, or that is engaged in trade, or that follows some art as a profession, or that is an actor, or that quarrels with friends or that is destitute of Vedic studies, or that marries a Sudra woman. |
Mbh.13.136.11315 | If a Brahmana accepts gold from any one, he becomes cleansed of all sins by silently reciting the great Vedic prayer Gayatri and by holding a piece of iron in his hand in the presence of the public. |
Mbh.13.140.11493 | It resounded with the chant of the Vedas uttered by learned Brahmanas devoted to Vedic recitation. |
Mbh.13.141.11662 | The other duties of a person of the kingly order consist of self-restraint and Vedic study, the pouring of libations on the sacred fire, the making of gifts, study, the bearing of the sacred thread, sacrifices, the performance of religious rites, the support of servants and dependants, and perseverance in acts that have been begun. |
Mbh.13.143.11919 | That Brahmana who drinks alcohol, who becomes guilty of Brahmanicide or mean in his behaviour, or a thief, or who breaks his vows, or becomes impure, or unmindful of his Vedic studies, or sinful, or characterised by cupidity, or guilty of cunning or cheating, or who does not observe vows, or who weds a Sudra woman, or who derives his subsistence by pandering to the lusts of other people or who sells the Soma plant, or who serves a person of an order below his, falls away from his status of Brahmanahood |
Mbh.13.143.11965 | It is with the aid of these acts, O goddess, that a person who has sprung from a degraded order, viz, a Sudra, may become a Brahmana refined of all stains and possessed of Vedic lore, One that is a Brahmana, when he becomes wicked in conduct and observes no distinction in respect of food, falls away from the status of Brahmanahood and becomes a Sudra. |
Mbh.13.152.12776 | Keeping before him the duties of the Kshatriya order, as also humility and Vedic knowledge, the king made large gifts of wealth unto the Rishi Dattatreya. |
Mbh.13.157.13083 | Those eternal fires, created with the aid of Vedic Mantras, having effected the destruction of the Kapas, began to shine in the firmament like so many golden clouds. |
Mbh.13.158.13152 | The Brahmanas praise Him with Vedic Mantras. |
Mbh.13.162.13504 | The conduct of those persons never goes wrong or meets with destruction, as also their sacrifices and Vedic study and rites. |
Mbh.13.165.13692 | Then comes the three-eyed Lord of Lima; then Skanda the generalissimo of the celestial forces; then Visakha; then Agni the eater of sacrificial libations; then Vayu the god of wind; then Chandramas; then Aditya the god of the sun, endued with effulgence; then the illustrious Sakra the lord of Sachi; and Yama with his spouse Dhumorna; and Varuna with Gauri; Kuvera the lord of treasures, with his spouse Riddhi; the amiable and illustrious cow Surabhi; the great Rishi Visravas; Sankalpa, Ocean, Gangs: the other sacred Rivers; the diverse Maruts; the Valkhilyas crowned with success of penances; the island-born Krishna; Narada; Parvata; Viswavasu; the Hahas; the Huhus; Tumvuru; Chitrasena; the celestial messenger of wide celebrity; the highly blessed celestial maidens; the celestial Apsaras, Urvasi, Menaka, Rambha; Misrakesi, Alamvusha, Viswachi, Ghritachi, Panchachuda, Tilottama, the Adityas, the Vasus, the Aswins, the Pitris; Dharma Righteousness; Vedic lore, Penances, Diksha, Perseverance in religious acts, the Grandsire, Day and Night, Kasyapa the son of Marichi, Sukra, Vrihaspati, Mangala the son of Earth, Vudha, Rahu, Sanischara, the Constellations, the Seasons, the Months, the Fortnights, the Year, Garuda, the son of Vinata, the several Oceans, the sons of Kadru, viz, the Snakes, Satadru, Vipasa, Chandrabhaga, Saraswati, Sindhu, Devika, Prabhasa, the lakes of Pushkara, Ganga, Mahanadi, Vena, Kaveri, Narmada, Kulampuna Visalya, Karatoya, Amvuvahini. |
Mbh.13.165.13706 | This is the tale of Rishis possessed of Vedic lore. |
Mbh.14.13.378 | And remembering that, what the soul desires, is not conducive to piety and virtue, but that the suppression of the desires is at the root of all true virtue, such men do not engage in the practice of charity, Vedic learning, asceticism and Vedic rites whose object is attainment of worldly prosperity, ceremonies, sacrifices, religious rules and meditation, with the motive of securing any advantage thereby. |
Mbh.14.28.1104 | The animal sacrificed meets with great good, if the Vedic declaration on this subject be true. |
Mbh.14.32.1292 | Considering whose is this, I thought of the Vedic text about anybody's property, I could not, therefore, find, by my understanding, what should be called mine |
Mbh.14.33.1311 | I am a Brahmana possessed of Vedic knowledge, I am emancipated. |
Mbh.14.36.1486 | Even this is the Vedic audition |
Mbh.14.41.1602 | That is the eternal world existing for those sages who are contented with knowledge relating to the soul, who have meditated on the soul, and who have won success by Vedic study and sacrifices. |
Mbh.14.45.1888 | He who eats what remains after feeding deities and guests, who is devoted to the observance of Vedic rites, who duly performs according to his means sacrifices and gifts, who is not unduly active with his hands and feet, who is not unduly active with his eye, who is devoted to penances, who is not unduly active with his speech and limits, comes under the category of Sishta or the good. |
Mbh.14.54.2402 | Those fourfold courses of duty which, O ascetic, are known to attach to the four modes of life, and all the Vedic duties, have me for their soul. |
Mbh.14.88.3936 | Amongst the Sadasayas of king Yudhishthira of great intelligence there was none who was not well conversant with the six branches of Vedic. |
Mbh.14.91.4272 | The Rishis then, those beholders of truth, having made an understanding with Sakra about referring the matter to arbitration asked king Vasu, O highly blessed one, what is the Vedic declaration about sacrifices? |
Mbh.15.27.1067 | Some spots echoed with the chant of Vedic hymns recited by learned Brahmanas. |
Mbh.15.27.1079 | Indeed, he blazed with a Vedic splendour like Vrihaspati in the midst of the celestials. |
Mbh.15.33.1351 | Even these are the rewards reaped by a person who, endued with devotion to Vedic studies and with penances, recites this narrative in the hearing of others. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |