Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 16:27 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 16:27
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.3.132.6701 | Those two Brahmanas, of matchless energy, who bore unto each other the relationship of uncle and nephew, went into the sacrificial ground of king Janaka and there defeated Vandin in a controversy. |
Mbh.3.132.6702 | Worship, O son of Kunti, with thy brothers, the sacred hermitage of him who had for his grandson Ashtavakra, who, even when a mere child, had caused Vandin to be drowned in a river, after having defeated him in a literary contest' |
Mbh.3.132.6703 | Yudhishthira said, Tell me, O Lomasa, all about the power of this man, who had in that way defeated Vandin. |
Mbh.3.132.6717 | He was there defeated in a controversy by Vandin, well versed in the science of arguments, and in consequence was immersed into water. |
Mbh.3.132.6718 | And hearing that his son-in-law had been defeated in a controversy by Vandin and caused to be drowned by him, Uddalaka spake unto his daughter Sujata, saying, Thou shall keep it a secret from Ashtavakra' |
Mbh.3.133.6743 | The warder said, We carry out the orders of Vandin. |
Mbh.3.133.6764 | I have come here, O porter, desirous of seeing Vandin in the court. |
Mbh.3.133.6766 | Thou shalt to-day see me enter into a dispute with the learned men, and defeat Vandin in a controversy. |
Mbh.3.133.6774 | We have heard that the learned Vandin, after defeating in controversy men expert in discussion, causeth them to be drowned by faithful servants employed by thee. |
Mbh.3.133.6776 | Where is now Vandin? |
Mbh.3.133.6778 | Thereupon the king said, Thou hopest, O Brahmana, to defeat Vandin, not knowing his power of speech. |
Mbh.3.133.6781 | Thou hopest to defeat Vandin, only because thou knowest not his powers of speech. |
Mbh.3.133.6784 | Ashtavakra said, Vandin hath never entered into disputation with a man like myself, and it is for this only that he looketh upon himself as a lion, and goeth about roaring like one. |
Mbh.3.133.6796 | There is Vandin |
Mbh.3.134.6797 | SECTION CXXXIV Ashtavakra said, O king, O leader of fierce legions, in this assembly of monarchs of unrivalled power who have met together, I am unable to find out Vandin, chief of the controversialists. |
Mbh.3.134.6799 | O Vandin, thou regardest thyself as the foremost of controversialists. |
Mbh.3.134.6802 | Be silent before me, O Vandin! |
Mbh.3.134.6808 | O king, cause Vandin to be brought to my presence' |
Mbh.3.134.6809 | Lomasa said, Saying this, O Yudhishthira, wroth with Vandin, Ashtavakra thus thundered in the assembly, and addressed him in these words, Do thou answer my questions, and I shall answer thine' |
Mbh.3.134.6810 | Thereat Vandin said, One only fire blazeth forth in various shapes; one only sun illumineth this whole world; one only hero, Indra, the lord of celestials, destroyeth enemies; and one only Yama is the sole lord of the Pitris |
Mbh.3.134.6812 | Vandin said, Three kinds of born beings are produced by acts; the three Vedas together perform the sacrifice, Vajapeya; at three different times, the Adhwaryus commence sacrificial rites; three is the number of words: and three also are the divine lights |
Mbh.3.134.6814 | Vandin said, Five is the number of fires; five are the feet of the metre called Punki; five are the sacrifices; five locks, it is said in the Vedas, are on the heads of the Apsaras; and five sacred rivers are known in the world |
Mbh.3.134.6817 | Vandin said, Seven is the number of the domesticated animals; seven are the wild animals; seven metres are used in completing a sacrifice; seven are the Rishis, seven forms of paying homage are extant in the world; and seven, it is known, are the strings of the Vina |
Mbh.3.134.6819 | Vandin said, Nine is the number of the mantras used in kindling the fire in sacrifices to the Pitris; nine are the appointed functions in the processes of creation; nine letters compose the foot of the metre, Vrihati; and nine also is ever the number of the figures in calculation |
Mbh.3.134.6821 | Vandin said, Eleven are the objects enjoyable by beings; eleven is the number of the yupas; eleven are the changes of the natural state pertaining to those having life; and eleven are the Rudras among the gods in heaven |
Mbh.3.134.6823 | Vandin said, The thirteenth lunar day is considered the most auspicious; thirteen islands exist on earth |
Mbh.3.134.6824 | Lomasa said, Having proceeded thus far, Vandin stopped. |
Mbh.3.134.6830 | Let Vandin today meet with the same fate. |
Mbh.3.134.6832 | Vandin said. |
Mbh.3.134.6841 | Vandin had cast them into the waters of the sea. |
Mbh.3.134.6849 | As thou hast to-day defeated Vandin in discussion, I place even him at thy disposal' |
Mbh.3.134.6850 | Ashtavakra said, O king, Vandin remaining alive, will not serve any purpose of mine. |
Mbh.3.134.6852 | Vandin said, I am King Varuna's son. |
Mbh.3.134.6860 | Vandin said, It is with thy sharpened axe, O monarch, that even Yama severeth the heads of foes. |
Mbh.3.134.6864 | Lomasa said, When in enhanced splendour, the Brahmanas had risen up, Vandin, taking king Janaka's permission, entered into the waters of the sea. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |