Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 16:01 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 16:01
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.2.5.255 | Dost thou, with passions under complete control and with singleness of mind, strive to perform the sacrifices called Vajapeya and Pundarika with their full complement of rites? |
Mbh.3.82.4068 | Proceeding next to Vitasta and giving oblations of water unto the Pitris and the gods, a man, O Bharata, obtaineth the fruit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. |
Mbh.3.82.4070 | Bathing there, a man certainly obtaineth the fruit of the Vajapeya sacrifice, and his soul cleansed from every sin, he attaineth to a high state of blessedness. |
Mbh.3.83.4203 | Bathing there and worshipping the gods and the Pitris, one never sinketh into hell but obtaineth the fruit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. |
Mbh.3.84.4466 | Proceeding next to Gangodbheda and fasting there for three nights, a man obtaineth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice, and becometh like unto Brahma himself. |
Mbh.3.84.4472 | By worshipping the gods and the Pitris there, one obtains the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. |
Mbh.3.84.4493 | By walking round this pillar, a person acquireth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. |
Mbh.3.84.4533 | By a sojourn thither, one obtaineth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice, and goeth also to the region of Soma. |
Mbh.3.84.4534 | Proceeding next to Gandaki which is produced by the waters of every tirtha, a person acquireth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice, and ascendeth also to the solar region. |
Mbh.3.84.4568 | Bathing there, one obtaineth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. |
Mbh.3.84.4571 | Bathing there, a person acquireth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. |
Mbh.3.84.4583 | By touching the waters of Stana-Kunda, a person obtaineth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. |
Mbh.3.84.4592 | Repairing next to the sacred tirtha called Dharma that is visited by Brahmarshis, one acquireth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice and becometh respected in heaven. |
Mbh.3.85.4607 | Sojourning next to the tirtha called Rishabha in Kosala, O lord of men, and fasting there for three nights one earneth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice, and of the gift of a thousand kine, and also delivereth his race. |
Mbh.3.85.4614 | By so doing one reapeth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice and also becometh regarded by the gods. |
Mbh.3.85.4621 | Proceeding next to the mountain Rishabha in Pandya, worshipped by the gods, one obtains the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice and rejoices in heaven. |
Mbh.3.85.4635 | Bathing next at the confluence of the Venna, one obtains the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. |
Mbh.3.85.4676 | Bathing with subdued senses and leading a Brahmacharya mode of life, in the Ganga, one is cleansed of every sin, and obtains also the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. |
Mbh.3.134.6812 | Vandin said, Three kinds of born beings are produced by acts; the three Vedas together perform the sacrifice, Vajapeya; at three different times, the Adhwaryus commence sacrificial rites; three is the number of words: and three also are the divine lights |
Mbh.5.121.5384 | And those monarchs were then engaged in gratifying the lord of the celestials by performance of the sacrifice known by the name of Vajapeya. |
Mbh.5.122.5431 | And lastly, the royal sage Ashtaka, the offspring of Kusika's son and Madhavi, addressing Nahusha's son Yayati who had performed many hundreds of sacrifices, said, I have, O lord, performed hundreds of Pundarika, Gosava and Vajapeya sacrifices. |
Mbh.9.47.3500 | After achieving such feats Rama performed in that tirtha a Vajapeya sacrifice and a hundred horse sacrifices through the assistance of his preceptor Kasyapa, that best of Munis. |
Mbh.9.48.3560 | Indeed, Devala next saw him in the regions of those highly wise men that perform the foremost of sacrifices, Vajapeya, and that other sacrifice in which a profusion of gold is necessary. |
Mbh.13.103.9208 | In the ten great Vajapeya sacrifices that I performed, I gave away a thousand horses each endued with the puissance of Indra himself, judged by their prowess and the sacrifices they had performed. |
Mbh.13.106.9684 | He who passes one whole year observing fasts for three days in succession and taking food on every fourth day, and abstaining from injury from every kind adheres to truthfulness of speech and keeps his senses under control, attains to the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.107.9747 | Fasting for three days in succession, he who takes only one meal every fourth day, and pours libations every day on his sacred fire, acquires the high merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.107.9750 | Fasting for four days in succession, he who eats only one meal every fifth day, and pours libations on the sacred fire every day for the period of a whole year, and who lives without cupidity, telling the truth, reverencing the Brahmanas, abstaining from every kind of injury, and avoiding malice and sin, acquires the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.109.9906 | He who; after the same manner, fasts on the twelfth day of the moon in the month of Pausha and worships Krishna as Narayana, for the whole day and night, attains to the merits of the Vajapeya sacrifice and the highest success. |
Mbh.13.127.11074 | Jamadagni said, That man whose heart is not pure is sure to go to Hell even if he adores the deities in a Horse-sacrifice or in a hundred Vajapeya sacrifices, or if he undergoes the severest austerities with head downmost. |
Mbh.18.6.362 | At the fourth Parana he acquires the fruits of the Vajapeya sacrifice. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |