Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 16:01 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 16:01
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.49.2508 | O monarch, Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras, all engaged contentedly in the practice of their respective duties, were impartially protected by that king. |
Mbh.1.64.3213 | The Vaisyas, with the help of bullocks, caused the earth to be tilled. |
Mbh.1.64.3231 | And by their strength they began to oppress Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras and all other creatures also. |
Mbh.1.67.3591 | They who were born on earth as monarchs invincible in battle, those high-souled ones who were born in the wide extended line of the Yadus, they who were born as mighty monarchs in other lines, they who were born as Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas, have all been recited by me duly. |
Mbh.1.69.3628 | And many Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras, followed the monarch who was like unto the king of the celestials seated on the back of a proud elephant. |
Mbh.1.73.3835 | The Asura form is permitted to Vaisyas and Sudras. |
Mbh.1.75.4149 | And king Nahusha supported evenly the Pitris, the celestials, the Rishis, the Brahmanas, the Gandharvas, the Nagas, the Rakshasas, the Kshatriyas, and the Vaisyas. |
Mbh.1.85.4760 | He gratified the gods by his sacrifices; the pitris, by Sraddhas; the poor, by his charities; all excellent Brahmanas, by fulfilling their desires; all persons entitled to the rites of hospitality, with food and drink; the Vaisyas, by protection; and the Sudras, by kindness. |
Mbh.1.95.5359 | This excellent, virtue-increasing, and sacred history should ever be listened to by vow-observing Brahmanas, by Kshatriyas devoted to the practices of their order and ready to protect their subjects; by Vaisyas with attention, and by Sudras with reverence, whose chief occupation is to wait upon the three other orders. |
Mbh.1.100.5563 | The Kshatriyas served the Brahmanas; the Vaisyas waited upon the Kshatriyas, and the Sudras adoring the Brahmanas and the Kshatriyas, waited upon the Vaisyas. |
Mbh.1.126.6765 | And the concourse of Vaisyas and Sudras too was as large on the occasion. |
Mbh.1.127.6804 | And Brahmanas, and Kshatriyas, and Vaisyas, and Sudras by thousands followed the deceased king, loudly wailing in these accents, O prince, where dost thou go, leaving us behind, and making us forlorn and wretched for ever' |
Mbh.1.148.7870 | Those foremost of men then went to the abodes of the officials of the town, and then of the Sutas and the Vaisyas and then to those of even the Sudras, O bull of Bharata's race, thus adored by the citizens, the Pandavas at last went with Purochana going before them, to the palace that had been built for them, Purochana then began to place before them food and drink and beds and carpets, all of the first and most agreeable order. |
Mbh.1.166.8572 | And the Vaisyas and the Sudras also became exceedingly glad, and they all established a festival in which the worship of Brahmanas was the principal ceremony in remembrance of this Brahmana who had relieved them from their fears of Vaka. |
Mbh.1.194.9663 | The talk of those heroes indicated them to be neither Vaisyas nor Sudras, nor Brahmanas. |
Mbh.2.23.1052 | The citizens consisting of thousands, of Brahmanas, Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras, and even women and the aged, O tiger among men, came out and gathered there to behold the fight. |
Mbh.2.32.1406 | And Sahadeva, hearing these words of the king, despatched messengers telling them, Invite ye all the Brahmanas in the kingdom and all the owners of land Kshatriyas and all the Vaisyas and also all the respectable Sudras, and bring them hither' |
Mbh.2.37.1557 | Amongst the Brahmanas one that is superior in knowledge, amongst the Kshatriyas one that is superior in strength, amongst the Vaisyas one that is superior in possessions and wealth, and amongst the Sudras one that is superior in years, deserveth to be worshipped. |
Mbh.2.46.1914 | And so many monarchs also brought with them various kinds of wealth for king Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, like tribute-paying Vaisyas! |
Mbh.2.48.2007 | And the kings that came there became like Vaisyas the distributors of food unto the Brahmanas that were fed. |
Mbh.2.51.2161 | And numberless Brahmanas and Kshatriyas who had been vanquished, and Vaisyas and serving Sudras, from love of Yudhishthira, brought tribute unto the son of Pandu. |
Mbh.3.3.233 | It is through thy grace that the three orders of Brahmanas, Kshatriyas and Vaisyas are able to perform their various duties and sacrifices |
Mbh.3.4.304 | All the kings of the earth, then, like Vaisyas, will, without delay, pay homage unto us. |
Mbh.3.22.1124 | But Brahmanas and the Vaisyas and the dwellers of Yudhishthira's kingdom though repeatedly requested to go, did not leave the Pandavas. |
Mbh.3.42.2265 | It is through thy grace, O mountain, that Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas attain heaven, and their anxieties gone, sport with the celestials. |
Mbh.3.82.3994 | Those illustrious persons among Brahmanas or Kshatriyas or Vaisyas or Sudras that bathe in Pushkara are freed from the obligation of rebirth. |
Mbh.3.148.7571 | And in the Krita Yuga, the distinctive characteristics of Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras were natural and these ever stuck to their respective duties. |
Mbh.3.149.7678 | The Vaisyas attain excellent state through gifts, hospitality, and religious acts. |
Mbh.3.187.9325 | And the Kshatriyas and the Vaisyas also, O monarch, follow practices contrary to those that are proper for their own orders. |
Mbh.3.187.9407 | And, O monarch, I beheld there many Brahmanas also, engaged in various sacrifices; and the Kshatriyas engaged in doing good to all the orders; and the Vaisyas employed in pursuits in agriculture; and the Sudras devoted to the service of the regenerate classes. |
Mbh.3.188.9456 | On earth the Kshatriya chiefs that rule over men, in performing their sacrifices from desire of obtaining heaven, and the Vaisyas also in performing theirs from desire of winning those happy regions, all worship me at such times and by those ceremonials. |
Mbh.3.188.9460 | In consequence of my energy from my mouth, my arms, my thighs, and my feet gradually sprang Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras. |
Mbh.3.189.9526 | O Pandava, the Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras, in the Kali age will practise morality and virtue deceitfully and men in general will deceive their fellows by spreading the net of virtue. |
Mbh.3.189.9532 | And Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas with their virtue contracted and divested of asceticism and truth will all be reduced to an equality with the Sudras. |
Mbh.3.189.9566 | And Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas will disappear, leaving, O king, no remnants of their orders. |
Mbh.3.190.9653 | And men will devotedly practise charity and vows and observances, and the Brahmanas devoted to meditation and sacrifices will be of virtuous soul and always cheerful, and the rulers of the earth will govern their kingdoms virtuously, and in the Krita age, the Vaisyas will be devoted to the practices of their order. |
Mbh.3.191.9787 | Markandeya continued, After Vamadeva had said this, there arose, O king, four Rakshasas of terrible mien, and as they, with lances in their hands, approached the king for slaying him, the latter cried aloud, saying, If, O Brahmana, all the descendants of Ikshvaku's race, if my brother Dala, if all these Vaisyas acknowledge my sway, then I will not yield up the Vami steeds to Vamadeva, for these men can never be virtuous' |
Mbh.3.206.10605 | Agriculture hath been ordained for the Vaisyas, and fighting for the Kshatriyas, while the practice of the Brahmacharya vow, asceticism, recitation of mantras, and truthfulness have been ordained for the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.4.7.259 | And beholding with his followers that son of Pandu in his court, looking like the moon hid in clouds and possessed of a face beautiful as the full moon, king Virata addressed his counsellors and the twice-born ones and the charioteers and the Vaisyas and others, saying, Enquire ye who it is, so like a king that looketh on my court for the first time. |
Mbh.5.29.1229 | Knowing, O Sanjaya, that this is the rule followed by the best of Brahmanas, and Kshatriyas, and Vaisyas, and thou being one of the wisest men, why art thou making this endeavour on behalf of those sons of Kurus? |
Mbh.5.35.1705 | Brahmanas of the same age and equal learning, two Kshatriyas, two Vaisyas and two Sudras, can sit together on the same seat, Except these, no other can sit together. |
Mbh.5.50.2851 | Brahmana and Kshatriya girls and the very daughters of the Vaisyas, in large number, are coming in playful mood for beholding Partha accounted in coat of mail' |
Mbh.5.157.6939 | O grandsire, the Vaisyas and the Sudras followed the Brahmanas, so that all the three orders were on one side, while those bulls among the Kshatriyas were alone on the other. |
Mbh.5.169.7645 | It hath been said that a Kshatriya acquireth eminence only through might, as Brahmanas acquire eminence through superiority in mantras, as Vaisyas through wealth, and Sudras through age. |
Mbh.6.33.1562 | For, O son of Pritha, even they who may be of sinful birth, women, Vaisyas, and also Sudras, even they, resorting to me, attain to the supreme goal. |
Mbh.6.42.1941 | The duties of Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, and Vaisyas, and of Sudras also, O chastiser of foes, are distinguished by these three qualities born of nature. |
Mbh.6.42.1944 | Agriculture, tending of cattle, and trade, are the natural duties of Vaisyas. |
Mbh.6.66.3665 | He it is whom Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras, having distinctive features of their own, humbly serve and worship with restrained hearts and performing their own duties. |
Mbh.6.67.3696 | From His mouth He created the Brahmanas: and from His two arms the Kshatriyas, and from His thighs, O king, He created the Vaisyas, and from His feet He created the Sudras. |
Mbh.7.83.3659 | That great bowman, viz, the son of Drona, who was the refuge of my sons, upon him Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas, and a large number of disciples used to wait, who took pleasure day and night in controversial disputations, in talk, in conversation, in the stirring music of diverse instruments, and in various kinds of delightful songs, who was worshipped by many persons among the Kurus, the Pandavas, and the Satwatas, alas, O Suta, in the abode of that son of Drona no sound can be heard as formerly. |
Mbh.7.200.11551 | The other orders Vaisyas and Sudras may obtain desirable sons and grandsons and all objects of desire |
Mbh.9.41.2974 | So amongst Vaisyas and Sudras, and Kshatriyas, those that hate and injure Brahmanas became Rakshasas. |
Mbh.12.15.605 | The rod of chastisement danda has been so named by the wise because it restrains the ungovernable and punishes the wicked, The chastisement of Brahmanas should be by word of mouth; of Kshatriyas, by giving them only that much of food as would suffice for the support of life; of Vaisyas, by the imposition of fines and forfeitures of property, while for Sudras there is no punishment |
Mbh.12.47.2446 | Brahmanas are thy mouth, Kshatriyas are thy two arms, Vaisyas are thy stomach and thighs, and Sudras live in thy feet. |
Mbh.12.49.2643 | Then Sudras and Vaisyas, acting most wilfully, began to unite themselves, O bull of Bharata's race, with the wives of Brahmanas. |
Mbh.12.59.3378 | The fire called Vitana, though procured from Vaisyas and inspired with mantras, is still inferior |
Mbh.12.61.3431 | The Brahmana who is addicted to the practices of Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras, incurs censure in this world as a person of wicked soul and goes to hell in the next world. |
Mbh.12.62.3456 | Men desirous of acquiring virtue, seek the assistance, O king, of Sudras and Vaisyas and Kshatriyas. |
Mbh.12.62.3467 | A life of mendicancy is not obligatory upon the three orders viz Kshatriyas, Vaisyas. |
Mbh.12.64.3569 | Mandhatri said, What duties should be performed by the Yavanas, the Kiratas, the Gandharvas, the Chinas, the Savaras, the Barbaras, the Sakas, the Tusharas, the Kankas, the Pathavas, the Andhras, the Madrakas, the Paundras, the Pulindas, the Ramathas, the Kamvojas, the several castes that have sprung Lip from Brahmanas and Kshatriyas, the Vaisyas, and the Sudras, that reside in the dominions of Arya kings? |
Mbh.12.75.4242 | They that are employed in courts of justice for summoning people, they that perform worship for others for a fee, they that perform the sacrifices of Vaisyas and Sudras, they that officiate in sacrifices on behalf of a whole village, and they that make voyages on the ocean, these five are regarded as Chandalas among Brahmanas |
Mbh.12.75.4244 | They amongst them that ride horses or elephants or cars or become foot-soldiers, become, O king, equal to Vaisyas. |
Mbh.12.76.4285 | The Vaisyas in my dominion are all observant of the duties of their order. |
Mbh.12.77.4331 | Can he, however, at any time, support himself by the practice of the duties laid down for the Vaisyas' |
Mbh.12.84.4769 | Four Brahmanas, learned in the Vedas, possessed of a sense of dignity, belonging to the Snataka order, and of pure behaviour, and eight Kshatriyas, all of whom should be possessed of physical strength and capable of wielding weapons, and one and twenty Vaisyas, all of whom should be possessed of wealth, and three Sudras, everyone of whom should be humble and of pure conduct and devoted to his daily duties, and one man of the Suta caste, possessed of a knowledge of the Puranas and the eight cardinal virtues, should be thy ministers. |
Mbh.12.86.4915 | Pointing out to them the necessity of repairing his fortifications and of defraying the expenses of his establishment and other heads, inspiring them with the fear of foreign invasion, and impressing them with the necessity that exists for protecting them and enabling them to ensure the means of living in peace, the king should levy imposts upon the Vaisyas of his realm. |
Mbh.12.86.4916 | If the king disregards the Vaisyas, they become lost to him, and abandoning his dominions remove themselves to the woods. |
Mbh.12.86.4918 | The king, O son of Pritha, should always conciliate and protect the Vaisyas, adopt measures for inspiring them with a sense of security and for ensuring them in the enjoyment of what they possess, and always do what is agreeable to them. |
Mbh.12.86.4919 | The king, O Bharata, should always act in such a way towards the Vaisyas that their productive powers may be enhanced. |
Mbh.12.86.4920 | The Vaisyas increase the strength of a kingdom, improve its agriculture, and develop its trade. |
Mbh.12.86.4923 | It is always easy to behave with goodness towards the Vaisyas. |
Mbh.12.86.4924 | There is nothing productive of greater good to a kingdom, O Yudhishthira, then the adoption of such behaviour towards the Vaisyas of the realm |
Mbh.12.90.5091 | That person among Brahmanas or Kshatriyas or Vaisyas who, having fallen away from the proper duties of his order, has become a Sudra, is truly to be compared to such a washerman. |
Mbh.12.106.5993 | SECTION CVII Yudhishthira said, Thou hast, O scorcher of foes, described the course of duties, the general conduct, the means of livelihood, with their results, of Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras. |
Mbh.12.140.8531 | The Chandala said, Only the five kinds of five-clawed animals are clean food for Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas, as laid down in the scriptures. |
Mbh.12.187.11246 | After this, the Deities and the Danavas, the Gandharvas, the Daityas, the Asuras, the great snakes, the Yakshas, the Rakshasas, the Serpents, the Pisachas, and human beings with their four divisions, viz, Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras, O best of regenerate ones, and all the other orders of creatures that exist, were created. |
Mbh.12.187.11247 | The complexion the Brahmanas obtained was white; that which the Kshatriyas obtained was red; that which the Vaisyas got was yellow; and that which was given to the Sudras was black' |
Mbh.12.187.11259 | Those Brahmanas again who, without attending to the duties laid down for them, became possessed of both the attributes of Goodness and Passion, and took to the professions of cattle-rearing and agriculture, became Vaisyas. |
Mbh.12.206.12509 | From his two arms, he created a century of Kshatriyas, and from his thighs a century of Vaisyas. |
Mbh.12.207.12582 | Amongst them, the Adityas are Kshatriyas, and the Maruts are Vaisyas. |
Mbh.12.209.12680 | One who is a Vaisya should hear it from Vaisyas, and a high-souled Sudra should hear it from Sudras. |
Mbh.12.231.14401 | The growing of corn is the sacrifice laid down for the Vaisyas. |
Mbh.12.237.14694 | The sacrifice ordained for Brahmans consists in japa meditation and recitation, that for Kshatriyas consists in the slaughter of clean animals for the gratification of the deities; that for Vaisyas consists in the production of crops and, the keep of domestic animals; and that for Sudras in menial service of the: three other orders. |
Mbh.12.266.16226 | Satyavat said, The three other orders viz, the Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras should be placed under the control of the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.12.284.17677 | Thou art the Brahmanas and the Kshatriyas, the Vaisyas, and the Sudras, and the other castes formed by intermixture. |
Mbh.12.290.18210 | Those four methods are the acceptance of gifts for Brahmanas; the realisation of taxes for Kshatriyas; agriculture for Vaisyas; and service of the three other classes for the Sudras. |
Mbh.12.296.18470 | They, O king, that sprang from his thighs were the wealthy class called the Vaisyas. |
Mbh.12.296.18491 | Agriculture, cattle-rearing, and trade are the occupations of the Vaisyas. |
Mbh.12.296.18496 | Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, and Vaisyas, these are the three regenerate orders. |
Mbh.12.303.19089 | The Soul regards himself as adopting sometimes the way of traders and merchants and the practices of Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras, and gifts of diverse kinds unto those that are destitute or blind or help-less. |
Mbh.12.318.19946 | Others, viz, Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras are possessed of knowledge. |
Mbh.12.338.21715 | Thou art the protector of the several orders of men viz, Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras. |
Mbh.12.342.22374 | The two other orders, viz, Kshatras and Vaisyas, that are included within the regenerate or twice-born class, have not the same duty prescribed for them. |
Mbh.12.358.23733 | The duty of the Sudra is to serve with humility persons of the three regenerate orders, viz, Brahmanas, Kshatriyas and Vaisyas. |
Mbh.13.3.248 | SECTION III Yudhishthira said, If, O prince, Brahmanahood be so difficult of attainment by the three classes Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras, how then did the high souled Viswamitra, O king, though a Kshatriya by birth, attain to the status of a Brahmana? |
Mbh.13.10.688 | Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas, the three orders, are regarded as twice-born. |
Mbh.13.11.729 | I always reside in such Brahmanas as are devoted to the study of the Vedas, in Kshatriyas devoted to the observance of righteousness, in Vaisyas devoted to cultivation, and the Sudras devoted to the menial service of the three upper classes. |
Mbh.13.23.3324 | All these rites, O Yudhishthira, in the case of both Brahmanas and Kshatriyas as also in that of Vaisyas are to be performed with the aid of mantras. |
Mbh.13.23.3336 | That Brahmana, O king, who eats on occasions of such rites as are performed in honour of the deities or the Pitris by Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas, without having performed his ablutions, incurs the sin of uttering an untruth for a cow. |
Mbh.13.30.3829 | The territories of Divodasa were full of Brahmanas and Kshatriyas, and abounded with Vaisyas and Sudras. |
Mbh.13.106.9644 | As regards Vaisyas and Sudras, the duration of fasts prescribed for them is a single night. |
Mbh.13.106.9646 | Indeed, for Vaisyas and Sudras, fasts for two nights have been ordained on certain special occasions. |
Mbh.13.132.11227 | Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras, by observing this rule for a full year, fasting on each occasion, acquire great merits from such gifts. |
Mbh.13.135.11283 | Brahmanas and Kshatriyas can partake of food given by such Vaisyas as tend the sacred fire every day, as are faultless in character, and as perform the vow of Chaturmasya. |
Mbh.13.136.11329 | The Brahmana who takes his food in the company of Vaisyas is absolved from sin by living on alms for three successive nights. |
Mbh.13.143.11897 | That Brahmana of little understanding, who, impelled by cupidity and folly, follows the practices assigned to Vaisyas forgetful of his status as a Brahmana that is exceedingly difficult to attain, comes to be regarded as one that has become a Vaisya. |
Mbh.13.158.13110 | Those high duties, O king, that are mentioned in the Puranas as observed by Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras, have all been recited by me. |
Mbh.14.19.719 | By adhering to this religion, even they who axe of sinful birth, such as women and Vaisyas and Sudras, attain to the highest goal. |
Mbh.14.85.3819 | Large heaps of costly sweet-meats were kept ready for both the Brahmanas and the Vaisyas. |
Mbh.14.89.3988 | After the Brahmanas had taken as much as they desired, the wealth that remained was taken away by Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras and diverse tribes of Mlechechas. |
Mbh.14.90.4029 | The Vaisyas have been gratified by the protection offered to them, and many foremost of women have been gratified by accomplishing their desires. |
Mbh.14.91.4291 | Those amongst Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras who betake themselves to penances, O Bharata, and who purify themselves by gifts and other acts of righteousness, proceed to Heaven |
Mbh.15.2.64 | King Yudhishthira at that time became as agreeable to the Brahmanas as to the Kshatriyas, and the diverse bands of Vaisyas and Sudras of his realm. |
Mbh.15.8.410 | Many Brahmanas residing in Kuru-jangala, and many Kshatriyas, many Vaisyas, and many Sudras also, came to Dhritarashtra's mansion, with gratified hearts. |
Mbh.15.15.643 | Then the wives of the citizens, Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras, also came out into the streets from every side. |
Mbh.15.19.770 | There many Brahmanas who had taken up their abode in the woods, as also many Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras, came to see the old monarch. |
Mbh.15.26.995 | Do the Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras also within thy kingdom, and all thy relatives, observe their respective duties? |
Mbh.16.7.294 | The Brahmanas and Kshatriyas, and Vaisyas, and wealthy Sudras, set out, keeping before them the women that had formed Vasudevas harem, and Vajra, the grandson of the intelligent Krishna. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |