Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 09:14 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 09:14
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.364 | The Paushya parva treats of the greatness of Utanka, and the Pauloma, of the sons of Bhrigu. |
Mbh.1.3.771 | And one day while about to depart upon some business related to a sacrifice, he employed one of his disciples, Utanka, to take charge of his household. |
Mbh.1.3.772 | Utanka, said he, whatsoever should have to be done in my house, let it be done by thee without neglect' |
Mbh.1.3.773 | And having given these orders to Utanka, he went on his journey. |
Mbh.1.3.774 | So Utanka always mindful of the injunction of his preceptor took up his abode in the latter's house. |
Mbh.1.3.775 | And while Utanka was residing there, the females of his preceptor's house having assembled addressed him and said, O Utanka, thy mistress is in that season when connubial connection might be fruitful. |
Mbh.1.3.777 | And Utanka, thus addressed, said unto those women, It is not proper for me to do this at the bidding of women. |
Mbh.1.3.780 | And his preceptor having learnt all that had happened, became well-pleased and, addressing Utanka, said, Utanka, my child, what favour shall I bestow on thee? |
Mbh.1.3.784 | Utanka, thus addressed, replied, saying, Let me do something that you wish, for it hath been said, He who bestoweth instruction contrary to usage and he who receiveth it contrary to usage, one of the two dieth, and enmity springeth up between the two, |
Mbh.1.3.786 | His master, upon hearing this, replied, Utanka, my child, wait a while' |
Mbh.1.3.787 | Sometime after, Utanka again addressed his preceptor, saying, Command me to bring that for honorarium, which you desire' |
Mbh.1.3.788 | And his preceptor then said, My dear Utanka, thou hast often told me of your desire to bring something by way of acknowledgment for the instruction thou hast received. |
Mbh.1.3.791 | And thus directed by his preceptor Utanka addressed his preceptress, saying, Madam, I have obtained my master's leave to go home, and I am desirous of bringing something agreeable to thee as honorarium for the instruction I have received, in order that I may not depart as his debtor. |
Mbh.1.3.795 | Then accomplish this, O Utanka! |
Mbh.1.3.797 | Utanka thus commanded, took his departure. |
Mbh.1.3.799 | And that man addressed Utanka and said, Eat thou of the dung of this bull' |
Mbh.1.3.800 | Utanka, however, was unwilling to comply. |
Mbh.1.3.801 | The man said again, O Utanka, eat of it without scrutiny. |
Mbh.1.3.803 | And Utanka signified his assent and ate of the dung and drank of the urine of that bull, and rose respectfully, and washing his hands and mouth went to where King Paushya was. |
Mbh.1.3.804 | On arriving at the palace, Utanka saw Paushya seated on his throne. |
Mbh.1.3.805 | And approaching him Utanka saluted the monarch by pronouncing blessings and said, I am come as a petitioner to thee' |
Mbh.1.3.807 | And Utanka said, I came to beg of thee a pair of ear-rings as a present to my preceptor. |
Mbh.1.3.809 | King Paushya replied, Go, Utanka, into the female apartments where the Queen is and demand them of her' |
Mbh.1.3.810 | And Utanka went into the women's apartments. |
Mbh.1.3.816 | Utanka, thus informed, reflected for a while and then said, Yes, it must be so. |
Mbh.1.3.819 | And Utanka having agreed to this, sat down with his face towards the east, and washed his face, hands, and feet thoroughly. |
Mbh.1.3.826 | And Utanka said unto her, It behoveth thee to give me those ear-rings of thine. |
Mbh.1.3.828 | And the Queen having been highly pleased with Utanka's conduct and, considering that Utanka as an object of charity could not be passed over, took off her ear-rings and gave them to him. |
Mbh.1.3.831 | And Utanka being told this, said unto the Queen, Lady, be under no apprehension. |
Mbh.1.3.834 | Then Paushya said to Utanka, A fit object of charity can only be had at long intervals. |
Mbh.1.3.837 | And Utanka replied, Yes, I will tarry, and beg that the clean provisions that are ready may be soon brought in' |
Mbh.1.3.838 | And the king having signified his assent, entertained Utanka duly. |
Mbh.1.3.839 | And Utanka seeing that the food placed before him had hair in it, and also that it was cold, thought it unclean. |
Mbh.1.3.842 | And Utanka thereupon rejoined, It behoveth thee not, after having offered me unclean food, to curse me in return. |
Mbh.1.3.845 | And Paushya having ascertained that the food was truly unclean, being cold and mixed with hair, prepared as it was by a woman with unbraided hair, began to pacify the Rishi Utanka, saying, Sir, the food placed before thee is cold, and doth contain hair, having been prepared without sufficient care. |
Mbh.1.3.848 | And Utanka answered, What I say must come to pass. |
Mbh.1.3.858 | To this Utanka made answer, I showed thee the uncleanliness of the food offered to me, and I was even now pacified by thee. |
Mbh.1.3.862 | And Utanka having said this departed with the ear-rings. |
Mbh.1.3.863 | On the road Utanka perceived coming towards him a naked idle beggar sometimes coming in view and sometimes disappearing. |
Mbh.1.3.864 | And Utanka put the ear-rings on the ground and went for water. |
Mbh.1.3.866 | And Utanka having completed his ablutions in water and purified himself and having also reverently bowed down to the gods and his spiritual masters pursued the thief with the utmost speed. |
Mbh.1.3.870 | Now, Utanka, recollecting the words of the Queen, pursued the Serpent, and began to dig open the hole with a stick but was unable to make much progress. |
Mbh.1.3.873 | And Utanka began to enter the hole after the thunder-bolt. |
Mbh.1.3.875 | And Utanka then glorified the serpents by the following slokas: Ye Serpents, subjects of King Airavata, splendid in battle and showering weapons in the field like lightning-charged clouds driven by the winds! |
Mbh.1.3.885 | The Brahmana Rishi Utanka having saluted the chief serpents in this manner, obtained not, however, the ear-rings. |
Mbh.1.3.894 | Then the man with the horse said unto Utanka, I am gratified by this thy adoration. |
Mbh.1.3.896 | And Utanka replied, Even let the serpents be brought under my control' |
Mbh.1.3.898 | And Utanka blew into that horse. |
Mbh.1.3.900 | And Takshaka, surprised beyond measure and terrified by the heat of the fire, hastily came out of his abode taking the ear-rings with him, and said unto Utanka, Pray, Sir, take back the ear-rings' |
Mbh.1.3.901 | And Utanka took them back. |
Mbh.1.3.902 | But Utanka having recovered his ear-rings thought, O, this is that sacred day of my preceptress. |
Mbh.1.3.905 | And when Utanka was anxious about this, the man addressed him and said, Ride this horse, Utanka, and he will in a moment carry thee to thy master's abode' |
Mbh.1.3.906 | And Utanka having signified his assent, mounted the horse and presently reached his preceptor's house. |
Mbh.1.3.907 | And his preceptress that morning after having bathed was dressing her hair sitting, thinking of uttering a curse on Utanka if he should not return within time. |
Mbh.1.3.908 | But, in the meantime, Utanka entered his preceptor's abode and paid his respects to his preceptress and presented her the ear-rings. |
Mbh.1.3.909 | Utanka, said she, thou hast arrived at the proper time at the proper place. |
Mbh.1.3.913 | Then Utanka waited on his preceptor. |
Mbh.1.3.916 | And Utanka replied to his preceptor, Sir, in the execution of this my business obstruction was offered by Takshaka, the King of serpents. |
Mbh.1.3.924 | And when I was on the road I also saw a bull with a man mounted thereon, by whom I was endearingly accosted thus, Utanka, eat of the dung of this bull, which was also eaten by thy master' |
Mbh.1.3.935 | And Utanka, having obtained his master's leave, moved by anger and resolved to avenge himself on Takshaka, proceeded towards Hastinapura. |
Mbh.1.3.937 | And Utanka then waited upon King Janamejaya who had some time before returned victorious from Takshashila. |
Mbh.1.3.938 | And Utanka saw the victorious monarch surrounded on all sides by his ministers. |
Mbh.1.3.940 | And Utanka addressed the monarch at the proper moment in speech of correct accent and melodious sounds, saying, O thou the best of monarchs! |
Mbh.1.3.959 | By the speech of Utanka was inflamed the prince, even as the sacrificial fire with clarified butter. |
Mbh.1.3.960 | Moved by grief also, in the presence of Utanka, the prince asked his ministers the particulars of his father's journey to the regions of the blessed. |
Mbh.1.3.961 | And when he heard all about the circumstances of his father's death from the lips of Utanka, he was overcome with pain and sorrow. |
Mbh.1.4.964 | Having studied Puranas with meticulous devotion and thus being thoroughly acquainted with them, he addressed them with joined hands thus, I have graphically described to you the history of Utanka which is one of the causes of King Janamejaya's Snake-sacrifice. |
Mbh.1.50.2587 | And hearing all about the discomfiture of thy royal father, and of the insult to the Rishi Utanka, decide thou that which should follow! |
Mbh.1.50.2618 | I must now avenge myself on my father's enemy to please myself, the Rishi Utanka and you all |
Mbh.3.200.10309 | O son, O Bharata, there was a celebrated Rishi of the name of Utanka and, O thou of the Kuru race, Utanka had his hermitage in a delightful wilderness. |
Mbh.3.200.10310 | And, O great king, the Rishi Utanka underwent ascetic austerities of the severest kind and the lord Utanka underwent those penances for numberless years with the object of obtaining the favours of Vishnu, and gratified with his penances that illustrious Lord presented himself before Utanka. |
Mbh.3.200.10311 | And beholding the Deity, the Rishi in all humility began to gratify him with many hymns, and Utanka said, O thou of great effulgence all creatures with the gods, Asuras and human beings, all things that are mobile or immobile, even Brahma himself, the Vedas, and all things that are capable of being known, have, O lord, been created by thee! |
Mbh.3.200.10329 | It was thus, O Yudhishthira, that the high-souled Utanka praised the Lord of the senses. |
Mbh.3.200.10330 | And Vishnu, therefore, said unto Utanka, I am gratified with thee. |
Mbh.3.200.10332 | And Utanka said, This indeed hath, been a great boon to me, in that I have been able to behold Hari, that eternal Being, that divine Creator, that Lord of the universe |
Mbh.3.200.10335 | Thus requested by Hari to accept a boon Utanka then, O thou best of Bharatas, with joined hands begged a boon saying, O illustrious one, O thou of eyes like lotus leaves, if thou hast been gratified with me, then let my heart always rest on virtue, truth, and self-content. |
Mbh.3.200.10337 | And hearing these words of Utanka, the holy one said, O regenerate one, all this shall happen to thee through my grace. |
Mbh.3.201.10351 | Markandeya continued, O king, when the royal sage Vrihadaswa was about to retire into the woods, that best of Brahmanas, Utanka heard of it. |
Mbh.3.201.10352 | And Utanka who was possessed of great energy and immeasurable soul, approached that foremost of all wielders of weapons and best of men. |
Mbh.3.201.10354 | And Utanka said, O king, to protect the people is thy duty. |
Mbh.3.202.10384 | SECTION CCII Markandeya said, Thus addressed by Utanka, that unvanquished royal sage, with joined hands, O thou foremost of the Kuru race, replied unto Utanka, saying, This visit of thine, O Brahmana, will not be in vain. |
Mbh.3.202.10390 | And the royal sage Vrihadaswa then, having commended his son to obey the behest of the high-souled Utanka saying, Let it be done by thee' himself retired into an excellent forest' |
Mbh.3.203.10435 | And at last O bull of the Bharata race, that wicked souled Asura arriving at a sea of sands known by the name of Ujjalaka, began to distress to the utmost of his might the asylum of Utanka. |
Mbh.3.203.10436 | And endued with fierce energy, Dhundhu, the son of Madhu and Kaitabha, lay in his subterranean cave underneath the sands in the observance of fierce ascetic and severe austerities with the object of destroying the triple world, and while the Asura lay breathing near the asylum of Utanka that Rishi possessed of the splendour of fire, king Kualaswa with his troops, accompanied by the Brahmana Utanka, as also by all his sons set out for that region, O bull of the Bharata race! |
Mbh.3.203.10437 | And after that grinder of foes, the royal Kuvalaswa, had set out, accompanied by his twenty-one thousand sons all of whom were exceedingly powerful, the illustrious Lord Vishnu filled him with his own energy at the command of Utanka and impelled by the desire of benefiting the triple world and while that invincible hero was proceeding on his way and loud voice was heard in the sky repeating the words, This fortunate and unslayable one will become the destroyer of Dhundhu to-day' |
Mbh.3.203.10454 | And the gods and the Rishis and Utanka, hearing this were exceedingly gratified and all of them said, Let it be as thou wishest' |
Mbh.14.53.2360 | There he beheld that foremost of ascetics, named Utanka, of immeasurable energy. |
Mbh.14.53.2364 | That foremost of Brahmanas, viz, Utanka, politely accosted by Madhava, honoured him duly and then addressed him in these words, |
Mbh.14.53.2379 | When Krishna had said these words, Utanka, filled with wrath, and with eyes expanded in rage, addressed him in these words. |
Mbh.14.53.2380 | Utanka said, Since, though able, O Krishna, thou didst not rescue those foremost ones of Kuru's race, who were thy relatives and, therefore, dear to thee, I shall, without doubt, curse thee. |
Mbh.14.54.2393 | SECTION LIV Utanka said, Do thou, O Kesava, tell me that faultless Adhyatma. |
Mbh.14.55.2430 | SECTION LV Utanka said, I know thee, O Janarddana, to be the creator of the universe. |
Mbh.14.55.2434 | Vaisampayana continued, Gratified with him, the holy one then showed Utanka that eternal Vaishnava form which Dhananjaya of great intelligence had seen. |
Mbh.14.55.2435 | Utanka beheld the high-souled Vasudeva's universal form, endued with mighty arms. |
Mbh.14.55.2439 | Beholding that high and wonderful Vaishnava form of Vishnu, in act, seeing the Supreme Lord in that guise, the Brahmana Utanka became filled with wonder' |
Mbh.14.55.2440 | Utanka, said, O thou whose handiwork is the universe, I bow to thee, O Soul of the universe, O parent of all things. |
Mbh.14.55.2447 | Vaisampayana continued, Unto him, O Janamejaya, Govinda of gratified soul said these words, Do thou ask for some boon' Unto him Utanka, however, said, Even this is a sufficient boon from thee for the present, O thou of great splendour, in that, O Krishna, I have beheld this form of thine, O foremost of all beings. |
Mbh.14.55.2451 | Utanka said, I must accomplish that, O lord, which thou thinkest should be done. |
Mbh.14.55.2454 | Withdrawing that energy, the Supreme Lord then said unto Utanka, Whenever thou wilt require water, think of me! |
Mbh.14.55.2456 | Subsequently, one day, the illustrious Utanka, solicitous of water and exceedingly thirsty, wandered over the desert. |
Mbh.14.55.2461 | As soon as Utanka had thought of Krishna, that hunter smilingly addressed him, saying, O Utanka, O thou of Bhrigu's race, do thou accept this water from me. |
Mbh.14.55.2464 | The intelligent Utanka even began to censure Krishna of unfading glory. |
Mbh.14.55.2469 | Beholding that wonderful disappearance, Utanka became filled with shame. |
Mbh.14.55.2471 | Soon after, the holder of the conch and discus and mace, endued with great intelligence, came to Utanka by the way along which the hunter had come. |
Mbh.14.55.2473 | Unto Utanka who said these words, Janarddana of great intelligence replied, comforting him with many soft words, That form which it was proper to assume for offering thee water, in that form was water offered to thee. |
Mbh.14.55.2476 | My words to that puissant deity were, Do thou give nectar in the form of water unto Utanka' |
Mbh.14.55.2478 | Let some other boon be granted to Utanka, |
Mbh.14.55.2480 | The lord of Sachi, however, was once more requested by me in these words, viz, even nectar should be given to Utanka, |
Mbh.14.55.2491 | Thus addressed by Krishna, Utanka became filled with gladness, and to this day, O Bharata, Utanka-clouds appear and shower rain on and deserts |
Mbh.14.56.2492 | SECTION LVI Janamejaya said, With what penances was the high-souled Utanka endued so that he entertained the wish to denounce a curse on Vishnu himself, who is the source of all puissance' |
Mbh.14.56.2493 | Vaisampayana said, O Janamejaya, Utanka was endued with austere penances. |
Mbh.14.56.2496 | All the children of the Rishis O Bharata, entertained even this wish, viz, that their devotion to preceptors should be as great as that of Utanka. |
Mbh.14.56.2497 | Gautama's gratification with and affection for Utanka, among his numerous disciples, were very great, O Janamejaya. |
Mbh.14.56.2498 | Indeed, Gautama was highly pleased with the self-restraint and purity of behaviour that characterised Utanka, and with his acts of prowess and the services he rendered to him. |
Mbh.14.56.2500 | In consequence, however, of his great affection for Utanka, Gautama could not permit him to leave his retreat. |
Mbh.14.56.2501 | Gradually, in course of time, O son, decrepitude overtook Utanka, that great ascetic. |
Mbh.14.56.2504 | Soon after Utanka brought a heavy load of fuel. |
Mbh.14.56.2508 | Oppressed as he had been by that load and overcome by hunger, O Bharata, Utanka, beholding that sign of old age, began to indulge in loud lamentations from excess of sorrow. |
Mbh.14.56.2512 | The Earth herself was unable to hold those tear-drops of Utanka. |
Mbh.14.56.2513 | With a gratified heart, Gautama then said unto the regenerate Utanka, Why, O son, is thy mind so afflicted with grief today? |
Mbh.14.56.2515 | Utanka said, With mind entirely devoted to thee, and wholly bent upon doing what is agreeable to thee, with my, heart's devotion turned to thee, and with thoughts entirely dwelling on thee, I have resided here till decrepitude has come upon me without my knowing it at all. |
Mbh.14.56.2522 | Utanka said. |
Mbh.14.56.2533 | At these words of Gautama, Utanka once again became a youth and accepted that famous maiden for his wife. |
Mbh.14.56.2542 | Vaisampayana continued, Utanka, however, O monarch, once more, said these words, Do thou command me, O mother. |
Mbh.14.56.2546 | Replying unto her So be it, Utanka departed, O Janamejaya, resolved to bring those ear-rings for doing what was agreeable to his preceptor's wife. |
Mbh.14.56.2547 | That foremost of Brahmanas, Utanka, proceeded without any loss of time to Saudasa who had through the curse of Vasishtha become a cannibal, in order to solicit the ear-rings from him. |
Mbh.14.56.2548 | Gautama meanwhile said unto his wife, Utanka is not to be seen today' |
Mbh.14.56.2551 | Cursed by Vasishtha, that king who has been transformed into a man-eater will verily slay Utanka' |
Mbh.14.56.2552 | Ahalya said, Without knowing this, O holy one, I have set Utanka to this task. |
Mbh.14.56.2555 | Meanwhile, Utanka met king Saudasa in a deserted forest |
Mbh.14.57.2556 | SECTION LVII Vaisampayana said, Beholding the king, who had become so, of frightful mien, wearing a long beard smeared with the blood of human beings, the Brahmana Utanka, O king, did not become agitated. |
Mbh.14.57.2557 | That monarch of great energy, inspiring terror in every breast and looking like a second Yama, rising up, addressed Utanka, saying, By good luck, O best of Brahmanas, thou hast come to me at the sixth hour of the day when I am in search of food' |
Mbh.14.57.2558 | Utanka said, O king, know that I have come hither in course of my wanderings for the sake of my preceptor. |
Mbh.14.57.2563 | Utanka said, Let it be so, O king. |
Mbh.14.57.2576 | Utanka said, O foremost of men, O Saudasa, in my estimation thou art a worthy person from whom gifts may be accepted. |
Mbh.14.57.2582 | Utanka said, If we be regarded as any authority, do thou cease then to urge this pretext. |
Mbh.14.57.2585 | Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed, the king once more addressed Utanka and said unto him, Do thou, at my word, go to my venerable queen, O best of men, and ask her, saying, Give, |
Mbh.14.57.2587 | Utanka said, Whither, O ruler of men, shall I be able to meet thy queen? |
Mbh.14.57.2591 | Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed, Utanka, O chief of Bharata's race, then left that spot. |
Mbh.14.57.2593 | Hearing the command of Saudasa, that lady of large eyes replied unto the highly intelligent Utanka, O Janamejaya, in these words: It is even so, O regenerate one. |
Mbh.14.58.2611 | SECTION LVIII Vaisampayana said, Utanka, coming back to king Saudasa who was always well-disposed towards all his friends, solicited him for some sign to convince Madayanti of the fact of his being really commissioned by the king. |
Mbh.14.58.2616 | Thus addressed by the king, Utanka went back to the queen and reported to her the words of her lord. |
Mbh.14.58.2617 | Hearing those words, the queen gave unto Utanka her jewelled ear-rings. |
Mbh.14.58.2618 | Having obtained the ear-rings, Utanka came back to the king and said unto him, I desire to hear, O monarch, what the import is of those mysterious words Which thou saidst as a sign to thy queen' |
Mbh.14.58.2628 | Utanka said, O king, I shall certainly act according to my promise. |
Mbh.14.58.2635 | Utanka said, Those who are skilled in the rules of duty say that Brahmanas are of restrained speech. |
Mbh.14.58.2646 | Utanka took leave of the monarch and set out for the presence of Ahalya. |
Mbh.14.58.2659 | Beholding the ear-rings taken away by that snake, Utanka, filled with wrath and in great anxiety of mind, came down from the tree. |
Mbh.14.58.2665 | Vaisampayana continued, Assuming the garb of a Brahmana afflicted with the sorrow of Utanka, the chief of the celestials addressed him, saying, This purpose of thine is incapable of being achieved. |
Mbh.14.58.2668 | Utanka said, If, O Brahmana, the ear-rings be not recovered by me from the regions of the Nagas, I shall cast off my life-breaths before thy eyes, O foremost of regenerate persons' |
Mbh.14.58.2669 | Vaisampayana said, When the thunder-armed Indra failed to divert Utanka from his purpose, he united the latter's walking staff with the force of thunder. |
Mbh.14.58.2671 | By that path Utanka entered the world of Nagas. |
Mbh.14.58.2677 | Beholding the region of the Nagas, Utanka became very cheerless. |
Mbh.14.58.2681 | Addressing Utanka, he said, Do thou blow into the Apana duct of my body. |
Mbh.14.58.2685 | Utanka said, How did I know thee in the retreat of my preceptor? |
Mbh.14.58.2691 | Thus addressed by the deity of fire, Utanka did as he was directed. |
Mbh.14.58.2702 | Thus honoured by them, Utanka of great prowess, circumambulating the deity of fire, started for the retreat of his preceptor. |
Mbh.14.58.2705 | It was even thus, O Janamejaya, that the high-souled Utanka, having wandered through the three worlds, fetched those jewelled ear-rings for his preceptor's wife. |
Mbh.14.58.2706 | Of such prowess, O chief of Bharata's race, was the ascetic Utanka. |
Mbh.14.59.2709 | SECTION LIX Janamejaya said, After having conferred that boon on Utanka, O foremost of regenerate persons, what did the mighty-armed Govinda of great celebrity next do' |
Mbh.14.59.2710 | Vaisampayana said, Having granted that boon to Utanka, Govinda, accompanied by Satyaki, proceeded to Dwaraka on his car drawn by his large steeds endued with great speed. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |