Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 08:50 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 08:50
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.37.2041 | Unrighteousness finally destroyeth the world' |
Mbh.12.89.5065 | The Srutis declare that Unrighteousness begat a son named Pride upon the goddess of prosperity. |
Mbh.12.89.5071 | If, O Mandhatri, thou wishest for an eternal life of felicity, live as a king should that does not indulge in these two, viz, Pride and Unrighteousness! |
Mbh.12.89.5079 | Unrighteousness increases causing a confusion of castes. |
Mbh.12.189.11309 | In this world also, truth and untruth lead to opposite courses of conduct and opposite indications, such as Righteousness and Unrighteousness, light and darkness, pleasure and pain. |
Mbh.12.189.11311 | Similarly, that which is Untruth is Unrighteousness; that which is Unrighteousness is Darkness; and that which is Darkness is Sorrow or Misery. |
Mbh.12.189.11335 | They that are overwhelmed by Darkness pursue only Unrighteousness and not Righteousness, being overmastered by wrath, covetousness, malice, falsehood, and similar evils. |
Mbh.12.284.17760 | Thou art the destroyer of Unrighteousness, thou art called Mahaparswa, thou art Chandradhara, and thou art the chief of the spirit-clans. |
Mbh.13.121.10647 | The distinction between Righteousness and Unrighteousness. |
Mbh.13.149.12527 | He that is coveted or sought by all or, He that grinds all His foes, He that is the Veda, He that is conversant with the Veda, He that is conversant with all the limbs or branches of the Veda, He that represents the limbs or branches of the Veda ie, all the subsidiary sciences, He that settles the interpretations of the Vedas, He that has no superior in wisdom CXXIII, CXXXIII; He that is the master of all the worlds, He that is the master of the deities, He that is the Supervisor of both Righteousness and Unrighteousness for giving the fruits thereof to those that seek the one or the other, He that is both Effect and Cause, or, He whose life has not been determined by acts achieved on any previous occasion in consequence of His transcending Prakriti. |
Mbh.13.162.13494 | Then, again, Righteousness often proves a mask for covering Unrighteousness, like grass and straw covering the mouth of a deep pit and concealing it from the view. |
Mbh.13.164.13649 | As regards Unrighteousness, it may be said that, even when of large proportions, it is incapable of even touching Righteousness which is always protected by Time and which shines like a blazing fire. |
Mbh.13.164.13650 | These are the two results achieved by Righteousness, viz, the stainlessness of the soul and unsusceptibility of being touched by Unrighteousness. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |