Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 08:05 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 08:05
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.12.260.15723 | SECTION CCLXI Bhishma said, In this connection is cited the old narrative of the conversation of Tuladhara with Jajali on the topic of righteousness. |
Mbh.12.260.15731 | There is a man, named Tuladhara, possessed of great fame and engaged in the business of buying and selling. |
Mbh.12.260.15733 | Thus addressed by those beings, Jajali of austere penances replied unto them, saying, I shall see that famous Tuladhara who is possessed of such wisdom' |
Mbh.12.260.15736 | Arrived at Varanasi he met Tuladhara whom he addressed saying the following words' |
Mbh.12.260.15784 | Then an invisible voice arose in the sky and Jajali heard these words, Thou art not equal, O Jajali, to Tuladhara in point of righteousness. |
Mbh.12.260.15785 | Possessed of great wisdom, that Tuladhara lives at Baranasi. |
Mbh.12.260.15787 | Hearing these words, Jajali became filled with wrath, and desirous of meeting Tuladhara, O monarch, began to roam over the whole earth, observing the vow of silence and passing the night at that spot where evening overtook him |
Mbh.12.260.15788 | After a considerable time he reached the city of Baranasi, and saw Tuladhara engaged in selling miscellaneous articles |
Mbh.12.260.15789 | As soon as the shop-keeper Tuladhara beheld the Brahmana arrived at his place, he cheerfully stood up and worshipped the guest with proper salutations |
Mbh.12.260.15790 | Tuladhara said, Without doubt, O Brahmana, it is known to me that thou hast come to me. |
Mbh.12.261.15800 | SECTION CCLXII Bhishma said, Thus addressed by the intelligent Tuladhara on that occasion, Jajali of great intelligence, that foremost of ascetics, said these words unto him' |
Mbh.12.261.15805 | Bhishma continued, Thus addressed by that Brahmana possessed of I great fame, Tuladhara of the Vaisya order, well-acquainted with the truths touching the interpretations of morality and contented with knowledge, discoursed to Jajali who had undergone severe penances, upon the ways of morality |
Mbh.12.261.15806 | Tuladhara said, O Jajali, I know morality, which is eternal, with all its mysteries. |
Mbh.12.262.15908 | Tuladhara said, I shall now speak on the object of the means of sustenance. |
Mbh.12.262.15979 | Tuladhara said, Sometimes sacrifices performed by some persons do not become sacrifices in consequence of the absence of faith of those that perform them. |
Mbh.12.262.15991 | Bhishma continued, These are the duties, O Yudhishthira, which Tuladhara applauded, duties that are consistent with reason, and that are always observed by those that are good and wise |
Mbh.12.263.15992 | SECTION CCLXIV Tuladhara said, See with thy own eyes, O Jajali, who, viz, those that are good or those that are otherwise, have adopted this path of duty that I have spoken of. |
Mbh.12.263.16034 | Bhishma continued, After a short while, Tuladhara and Jajali, both of whom had been endued with great wisdom, ascended to heaven and sported there in great happiness having reached their respective places earned by their respective acts. |
Mbh.12.263.16035 | Many truths of this kind were spoken of by Tuladhara. |
Mbh.12.263.16039 | In this way, many truths of grave import were uttered by Tuladhara, illustrated by examples for instruction. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |