Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 07:58 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 07:58
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.55.2761 | In energy thou art equal to Aurva and Trita. |
Mbh.9.34.2497 | SECTION Vaishampayana said, Baladeva as already said, proceeded next to the tirtha called Udapana in the Sarasvati, that had formerly been the residence, O king, of the illustrious ascetic Trita. |
Mbh.9.34.2499 | Devoted to righteousness, the great ascetic Trita had lived there. |
Mbh.9.34.2502 | That foremost of Brahmanas, Trita, had thereupon cursed them both |
Mbh.9.34.2504 | How did the great ascetic Trita fall into a pit, there? |
Mbh.9.34.2507 | How did Trita perform his sacrifice and how did he drink Soma? |
Mbh.9.34.2510 | They were called Ekata, Dwita, and Trita, and all three were endued with effulgence like that of the sun. |
Mbh.9.34.2516 | Amongst them, however, Trita, by his acts and study of the Vedas, O king, became the foremost, even like his sire Gautama. |
Mbh.9.34.2517 | Then all the highly blessed ascetics, characterised by righteousness, began to worship Trita as they had worshipped his sire Gautama before him. |
Mbh.9.34.2519 | The plan they formed, O scorcher of foes, was to take Trita with them, and calling upon all their Yajamanas and collecting the needful number of animals, they would joyfully drink the Soma juice and acquire the great merits of sacrifice. |
Mbh.9.34.2522 | Trita, O king, with a cheerful heart was walking before them. |
Mbh.9.34.2524 | Beholding that large herd of animals, they began to reflect as to how they two could appropriate that property without giving a share unto Trita. |
Mbh.9.34.2526 | They said, Trita is skilled in assisting at sacrifices. |
Mbh.9.34.2527 | Trita is devoted to the Vedas. |
Mbh.9.34.2528 | Trita is capable of earning many other kine. |
Mbh.9.34.2530 | Let Trita go whithersoever he chooses, without being in our company' |
Mbh.9.34.2534 | Trita, who was in advance of his brothers, seeing the wolf, ran in fright and fell into that hole. |
Mbh.9.34.2536 | Then Trita, O king, that best of ascetics, from within that hole, began to utter wails of woe. |
Mbh.9.34.2539 | Thus deserted by his two brothers, who were moved by the temptation of appropriating those animals, the great ascetic Trita, O king, while within that lonely well covered with dust and herbs and creepers, thought himself plunged, O chief of the Bharatas, into hell itself like a sinful wretch. |
Mbh.9.34.2546 | The pebbles lying at the bottom of the well Trita converted into grains of sugar in imagination. |
Mbh.9.34.2551 | Those sounds, O king, first uttered by the sacrificing Rishi, penetrated into heaven, and Trita completed that sacrifice after the manner laid down by utterers of Brahma. |
Mbh.9.34.2552 | During the progress of that sacrifice of the high-souled Trita, the whole region of the celestials became agitated. |
Mbh.9.34.2554 | Brihaspati the preceptor of the gods heard that loud noise made by Trita. |
Mbh.9.34.2555 | The priests of the celestials said unto the latter, Trita is performing a sacrifice. |
Mbh.9.34.2558 | Hearing these words of Brihaspati, all the gods, united together, repaired to that spot where the sacrifice of Trita was going on. |
Mbh.9.34.2559 | Having proceeded to that spot, the gods beheld the high-souled Trita installed in the performance of his sacrifice. |
Mbh.9.34.2562 | Then, Trita, O monarch, duly gave unto them their shares with proper mantras. |
Mbh.9.34.2568 | Raised aloft by her, Trita came up and worshipped the denizens of heaven. |
Mbh.9.34.2570 | All of them, then, O king, went to the place whence they had come, and Trita, filled with joy, proceeded to his own abode. |
Mbh.9.34.2574 | After Trita had said these words, O monarch, his two brothers were seen to be very soon transformed into these shapes in consequence of the words of that truthful sage. |
Mbh.12.207.12591 | Upangu, Karusha, Dhaumya, Parivyadha of great energy, and those great Rishis called Ekata, Dwita, and Trita, and Atri's son, viz, the illustrious and puissant Saraswata, these high-souled ones reside in the west. |
Mbh.12.336.21522 | The sons of Prajapati Brahman themselves, viz, Ekata, Dwita, and Trita, became the Sadasyas in that sacrifice |
Mbh.12.336.21546 | Then the Rishis Ekata, Dwita, and Trita, who were well conversant with the science of morality and duties compiled by the seven Rishis, addressed that conclave and began the following narration, |
Mbh.12.336.21617 | Induced by these words spoken by Ekata and approved by his companions, viz, Dwita and Trita, and solicited also by the other Sadasyas, the high-minded Vrihaspati brought that sacrifice to a completion after duly offering the accustomed adorations to the Deities. |
Mbh.12.339.21802 | The Holy one said, The great Rishis, Ekata, Dwita, and Trita, came to this realm from desire of obtaining a sight of me. |
Mbh.12.339.21936 | At that time, the two Rishis viz, the two sons of Prajapati, called by the names of Ekata and Dwita, will in consequence of the injury done by them unto their brother Trita, have to take birth as apes, losing the beauty of the human form. |
Mbh.12.341.22306 | The Rishis have said that once on a time when the Rishi Trita was thrown into a well by Ekata and Dwiti, the distressed Trita invoked me, saying, O Prisnigarbha, do thou rescue the fallen Trita! |
Mbh.12.341.22307 | That foremost of Rishis, viz, Trita, the spiritual son of Brahma, having called on me thus, was rescued from the pit. |
Mbh.13.26.3511 | There were also Vrihaspati and Usanas, and Vyasa and Chyavana and Kasyapa and Dhruva, and Durvasas and Jamadagni and Markandeya and Galava, and Bharadwaja and Raibhya and Yavakrita and Trita. |
Mbh.13.150.12617 | Dridheyu and Riteyu, and Pariyadha of great fame, and Ekata, and Dwita, and Trita, the last three endued with splendour like that of the sun, and Atri's son of righteous soul, viz, the Rishi Saraswata, these seven who had acted as Ritwiks in the great sacrifice of Varuna, have taken up their abodes in the western quarter. |
Mbh.13.165.13703 | They are Ushango with his uterine brothers, Parivyadha of great energy, Dirghatamas, Gautama, Kasyapa, Ekata, Dwita, Trita, the righteous-souled son of Atri viz, Durvasa, and puissant Saraswat. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |