Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 07:49 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 07:49
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.253 | In the interval between the Treta and Dwapara Yugas, Rama the son of Jamadagni great among all who have borne arms, urged by impatience of wrongs, repeatedly smote the noble race of Kshatriyas. |
Mbh.3.3.196 | Ravi, Gabhastimat, Aja, Kala, Mrityu, Dhatri, Prabhakara, Prithibi, Apa, Teja, Kha, Vayu, the sole stay, Soma, Vrihaspati, Sukra, Budha, Angaraka, Indra, Vivaswat, Diptanshu, Suchi, Sauri, Sanaichara, Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Skanda, Vaisravana, Yama, Vaidyutagni, Jatharagni, Aindhna, Tejasampati, Dharmadhwaja, Veda-karttri, Vedanga, Vedavahana, Krita, Treta, Dwapara, Kali, full of every impurity, Kala, Kastha, Muhurtta, Kshapa, Yama, and Kshana; Samvatsara-kara, Aswattha, Kalachakra, Bibhavasu, Purusha, Saswata, Yogin, Vyaktavyakta, Sanatana, Kaladhyaksha, Prajadhyaksha, Viswakarma, Tamounda, Varuna, Sagara, Ansu, Jimuta, Jivana, Arihan, Bhutasraya, Bhutapati, Srastri, Samvartaka, Vanhi, Sarvadi, Alolupa, Ananta, Kapila, Bhanu, Kamada, Sarvatomukha, Jaya, Visala, Varada, Manas, Suparna, Bhutadi, Sighraga, Prandharana, Dhanwantari, Dhumaketu, Adideva, Aditisuta, Dwadasatman, Aravindaksha, Pitri, Matri, Pitamaha, Swarga-dwara, Prajadwara, Mokshadwara, Tripistapa, Dehakarti, Prasantatman, Viswatman, Viswatomukha, Characharatman, Sukhsmatman, the merciful Maitreya. |
Mbh.3.85.4701 | It hath been said that in the Satyayuga all the tirthas were sacred; in the Treta, Pushkara alone was such; in Dwapara, Kurukshetra; and in the Kali-yuga, the Ganga alone is sacred. |
Mbh.3.121.6209 | this period is the junction between the Treta and the Kali age, O Kunti's son! |
Mbh.3.125.6362 | For this is the junction, O most praiseworthy of men, of the two ages of the world, viz, Dwapara and Treta. |
Mbh.3.148.7550 | In the Krita age, the state of things was one; and in the Treta, another; and in the Dwapara, still another. |
Mbh.3.148.7580 | Do thou also hear from me of the character of the Treta Yuga. |
Mbh.3.148.7585 | And in the Treta Yuga people begin to devise means for the attainment of an object; and they attain it through acts and gifts. |
Mbh.3.148.7589 | Such are the men of the Treta Yuga. |
Mbh.3.188.9478 | In the Krita age I become white, in the Treta age I become yellow, in the Dwapara I have become red and in the Kali age I become dark in hue, I the Kali age, the proportion of immorality becometh three-fourths, a fourth only being that of morality. |
Mbh.3.189.9521 | In the Treta age sin took away one of these legs and morality had three legs. |
Mbh.3.190.9655 | And Sudras will be devoted to service of the three high orders, These, O Yudhishthira, are the courses of the Krita, the Treta, the Dwapara and the succeeding age. |
Mbh.5.132.5880 | It is the king that createth the Krita, the Treta, or the Dwapara age. |
Mbh.5.132.5883 | That king who causeth the Treta age to set in, doth enjoy heaven but not exceedingly. |
Mbh.5.142.6368 | When thou wilt behold in battle Arjuna, on his car drawn by white steeds and driven by Krishna, applying Aindra, Agneya and Maruta weapons, and when thou wilt hear the twang of Gandiva piercing the welkin like the very thunder, then all signs of the Krita, the Treta, and the Dwapara ages will disappear but, instead, Kali embodied will be present. |
Mbh.5.142.6369 | When thou wilt behold in battle Kunti's son, invincible Yudhishthira, devoted to Yapa and Homa and resembling the very sun in brilliance, protecting his own mighty army and burning the army of his foes, then all signs of the Krita, the Treta, and the Dwapara ages will disappear. |
Mbh.5.142.6370 | When thou wilt behold in battle the mighty Bhimasena dancing, after having quaffed the blood of Dussasana, like a fierce elephant with rent temples after having killed a mighty antagonist, then all signs of the Krita, the Treta, and the Dwapara ages will disappear. |
Mbh.5.142.6371 | When thou wilt behold in battle Arjuna checking Drona and Santanu's son and Kripa and king Suyodhana, and Jayadratha of Sindhu's race, all rushing fiercely to the encounter, then all signs of the Krita, the Treta and the Dwapara ages will disappear. |
Mbh.5.142.6372 | When thou wilt behold in battle the two mighty sons of Madri, those heroic car-warriors, capable of breaking into pieces all hostile cars, agitating, from the very moment when weapons will begin to clash, the army of Dhritarashtra's sons like a couple of infuriated elephants, then all signs of the Krita, the Treta and the Dwapara ages will disappear. |
Mbh.6.10.520 | Sanjaya said, O bull of Bharata's race, four Yugas set in Bharata's Varsha, viz, Krita, Treta, Dwapara, and Kali. |
Mbh.6.10.522 | O Lord; after the expiry of Krita comes Treta; after expiry of Treta comes Dwapara; and after that last of all, sets in Kali. |
Mbh.6.10.524 | Three thousand years is the period in Treta, O ruler of men. |
Mbh.6.10.530 | In the Treta age, O king, all the Kshatriya kings were emperors ruling from sea to sea. |
Mbh.6.10.531 | In Treta are begotten brave Kshatriyas not subject to any one, endued with long lives, possessed of heroism, and wielding the bow in battle with great skill. |
Mbh.12.68.3901 | When the king relies upon only three of the four parts of the science of chastisement leaving out a fourth, the age called Treta sets in. |
Mbh.12.68.3921 | The king is the creator of the Krita age, of the Treta, and of the Dwapara. |
Mbh.12.68.3924 | If he causes the Treta age, he acquires heaven for a period that is limited. |
Mbh.12.90.5094 | The respective ages called Krita, Treta, Dwapara and Kali, O bull of Bharata's race, are all dependent on the conduct of the king. |
Mbh.12.140.8403 | O bull of Bharata's race, that Krita, Treta, Dwapara, and Kali, as regards their setting in, are all dependent on the king's conduct. |
Mbh.12.140.8406 | Towards the end of Treta and the beginning of Dwapara, a frightful drought occurred, extending over twelve years, in consequence of what the gods had ordained. |
Mbh.12.140.8407 | At that time which was the end of Treta and the commencement of Dwapara, when the period came for many creatures superannuated by age to lay down their lives, the thousand-eyed deity of heaven poured no rain. |
Mbh.12.206.12521 | In the age that followed, viz, Treta, children were begotten by touch alone. |
Mbh.12.206.12534 | It is from the Treta that they have had their origin and began to multiply, O chief of Bharata's race. |
Mbh.12.206.12535 | When the terrible period came, joining Treta and the Dwapara, the Kshatriyas, approaching one another, engaged themselves in battle |
Mbh.12.230.14298 | I shall, in their order, tell thee the number of years, that are thus for different purposes computed differently in respect of the Krita, the Treta, the Dwapara, and the Kali yugas. |
Mbh.12.230.14303 | Thus the duration of the Treta is three thousand years and its morning extends for three hundred years and its evening for three hundred. |
Mbh.12.230.14313 | In the Treta, the period of life decreases by a quarter. |
Mbh.12.230.14316 | Those for the Treta are otherwise. |
Mbh.12.230.14321 | In the Treta, Knowledge is foremost. |
Mbh.12.231.14405 | Such performance became necessary in the Treta age. |
Mbh.12.231.14409 | In the Treta age, many mighty men appeared that swayed all mobile and immobile objects. |
Mbh.12.237.14683 | The men of the Treta, the Dwapara, and the Kali Yugas are inspired with doubts. |
Mbh.12.237.14697 | In the beginning of Treta, the Vedas and sacrifices and the divisions of caste and the several modes of life existed in, their entirety. |
Mbh.12.259.15697 | Those in the Treta are of another kind, and those in the Dwapara are again different. |
Mbh.12.266.16285 | In the Treta age, kings conduct themselves according to ways that conform with righteousness fallen away by a fourth from its full complement. |
Mbh.12.336.21608 | After the expiration of this the Krita age, when the Treta age comes in course of the Vivaswat cycle, a great calamity will overtake the worlds. |
Mbh.12.339.21934 | In the Treta age I shall take birth as Rama in the race of Bhrigu, and exterminate the Kshatriyas who will become proud of their strength and possessions. |
Mbh.12.339.21935 | Towards the close of Treta and the beginning of Dwapara, I shall take birth as Rama, the son of Dasaratha in Iskshaku's royal line. |
Mbh.12.340.22152 | After this age will come the epoch called Treta. |
Mbh.12.340.22157 | On the expiration of the Treta will come the mixed Yuga known by the name of Dwapara. |
Mbh.12.348.23245 | When, upon the expiration of the Kriti Yuga, the Treta came, that cult once more disappeared from the world. |
Mbh.12.348.23264 | In the beginning of the Treta Yuga, Vivaswat imparted the knowledge of this cult to Manu. |
Mbh.13.17.2523 | Thou art the first three Yugas viz, Krita, Treta, and Dwapara. |
Mbh.13.158.13126 | In the Treta age, O Partha, Krishna existed on the earth, in the form of Righteousness. |
Mbh.13.158.13127 | In the Treta age, he existed in the form of Knowledge. |
Mbh.14.4.107 | His son, the first Karandhama who was born at the beginning of the Treta age, equalled Indra himself and was endowed with grace, and invincible even by the immortals. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |