Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 07:29 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 07:29
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.224.11027 | Thousands of many-hooded snakes, mad with anger, hastily began to scatter upon fire much water from those many hoods of theirs. |
Mbh.2.32.1411 | Thousands of craftsmen, at the command of king Yudhishthira the just, erected for those Brahmanas with their attendants separate habitations well-provided with food and clothes and the fruits and flowers of every season. |
Mbh.3.130.6618 | Thousands upon thousands of men come to this place to die. |
Mbh.3.180.8967 | Thousands of Brahmarshis used to draw my chariot. |
Mbh.7.21.1015 | Thousands of Kshatriyas sank in it. |
Mbh.7.86.3789 | Thousands of blazing meteors fell with great noise. |
Mbh.7.90.4085 | Thousands of well-equipped elephants, pierced with arrows, lay prostrate on the field, like hills struck down by thunder. |
Mbh.7.116.5680 | Thousands of Kamvojas, and Sakas, and Barbaras, were similarly slain by Satyaki. |
Mbh.7.143.7386 | Thousands of infuriated elephants endued with great speed, O king, of thy army, their riders slain and limbs mangled, fled away, uttering cries of pain and crushing friendly ranks with their tread. |
Mbh.7.160.8667 | Thousands of foremost car-warriors also, O king, slaughtered one another in that battle. |
Mbh.7.183.10031 | Thousands of Danavas dwelling in Hiranyapura, that tiger among men vanquished. |
Mbh.7.198.11242 | Thousands of cars fell down on all sides. |
Mbh.8.28.1194 | Thousands of trumpets then were blown in that great engagement, and a confused din of myriad voices arose there, O king. |
Mbh.8.49.2788 | Thousands of steeds, with their armour, equipments, and adornments all torn and broken and displaced, fell down, along with their heroic riders, deprived of life. |
Mbh.8.52.2973 | Thousands of such arms fell down and sprang up, and many seemed to dart forward like five-headed snakes. |
Mbh.8.59.3440 | Thousands of sweet instruments began to be sounded. |
Mbh.8.64.3752 | Thousands of our warriors, routed by the Pandavas, are O hero, calling after thee only, O best of men |
Mbh.9.43.3137 | Thousands upon thousands of such came to Kartikeya. |
Mbh.9.43.3194 | Thousands among them, O king, were exceedingly terrible, looking like infuriated elephants of gigantic size. |
Mbh.9.43.3228 | Thousands upon thousands, millions upon millions, of such beings came there at the installation of the high-souled Kartikeya and stood surrounding him |
Mbh.9.44.3301 | Thousands of daityas, O king, were burnt with the flames that issued from Skanda's dart, while others breathed their last, terrified by the roars of Skanda. |
Mbh.10.8.613 | Thousands of men moving in agony, overwhelmed with anxiety and overcome with despair, were slain by Ashvatthama like Rudra slaying living creatures. |
Mbh.12.1.13 | Thousands of Brahmanas offered consolation and comfort to that king of kings residing on the sacred banks of the Bhagirathi with heart exceedingly agitated by grief. |
Mbh.12.294.18388 | Thousands and thousands of existences are continually revolving in respect of every Jiva, and in every mode of Jiva's existence these must occur |
Mbh.13.18.2823 | Thousands of other boons Mahadeva gave unto me on that occasion. |
Mbh.13.63.6177 | Thousands of conveyances with horses and other animals harnessed thereto and with wheels whose clatter is always loud, may be seen there. |
Mbh.13.71.6624 | Thousands of cars with rattling wheels may be seen there, having excellent steeds harnessed unto them. |
Mbh.14.85.3826 | Thousands of nations and races were there. |
Mbh.18.5.308 | Thousands of mothers and fathers, and hundreds of sons and wives arise in the world and depart from it. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |