Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 06 Mar 2010 09:22 and updated at 06 Mar 2010 09:22
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.69 | I am continued Sauti acquainted with eight thousand and eight hundred verses, and so is Suka, and perhaps Sanjaya. |
Mbh.1.1.85 | This he first taught to his son Suka; and afterwards he gave it to others of his disciples who were possessed of the same qualifications. |
Mbh.1.1.88 | Narada recited them to the Devas, Devala to the Pitris, and Suka published them to the Gandharvas, Yakshas, and Rakshasas: and in this world they were recited by Vaisampayana, one of the disciples of Vyasa, a man of just principles and the first among all those acquainted with the Vedas. |
Mbh.1.63.3145 | The boon-giving great one then taught Sumanta, Jaimini, Paila, his son Suka, and Vaisampayana, the Vedas having the Mahabharata for their fifth. |
Mbh.2.4.117 | Upon the seats in that palace sat, along with the Pandavas, Rishis and kings that came from various countries, viz, Asita and Devala, Satya, Sarpamali and Mahasira; Arvavasu, Sumitra, Maitreya, Sunaka and Vali; Vaka, Dalvya, Sthulasira, Krishna-Dwaipayana, and Suka Sumanta, Jaimini, Paila, and the disciples of Vyasa, viz, ourselves; Tittiri, Yajanavalkya, and Lomaharshana with his son; Apsuhomya, Dhaumya, Animandavya; and Kausika; Damoshnisha and Traivali, Parnada, and Varayanuka, Maunjayana, Vayubhaksha, Parasarya, and Sarika; Valivaka, Silivaka, Satyapala, and Krita-srama; Jatukarna, and Sikhavat. |
Mbh.3.31.1492 | Vyasa, and Vasistha and Maitreya, and Narada and Lomasa, and Suka, and other Rishis have all, by virtue alone, become of pure soul! |
Mbh.3.85.4646 | Proceeding next to the asylum of Sarabhanga and that of the illustrious Suka, one acquireth immunity from misfortune, besides sanctifying his race. |
Mbh.3.281.13827 | And while Rama's troops were there, two of Ravana's counsellors and officers, named Suka and Sarana, who had come as spies, having assumed the shape of monkeys, were seized by Vibhishana. |
Mbh.5.96.4588 | Therefore, O king, besides such weapons as Kakudika, Suka, Naka, Akshisantarjana, Santana, Nartana, Ghora, and Asyamodaka, are placed on the string of that best of bows called Gandiva, go thou unto Dhananjaya, laying aside thy pride Struck with these weapons, men always yield up their lives. |
Mbh.6.91.4783 | Those six brothers endued with great strength, viz, Gaya, Gavaksha, Vrishava, Charmavat, Arjava, and Suka dashed out of the mighty Kaurava array, supported by Sakuni and by their respective forces of great valour, themselves clad in mail, skilled in battle, fierce in mien, and possessed of exceeding might. |
Mbh.9.47.3512 | There, in that tirtha situated on the bank of that river, all the gods with Vasava at their head, the Viswedevas, the Maruts, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, the Island-born Vyasa, Suka, Krishna the slayer of Madhu, the Yakshas, the Rakshasas, and the Pisachas, O king, and diverse others, numbering by thousands, all crowned with ascetic success, always reside. |
Mbh.12.176.10592 | Ho, it was well said by Suka while going to the great forest from his father's abode, renouncing everything, |
Mbh.12.230.14279 | Bhishma said, In this connection I shall recite to thee an old narrative of what the divine Vyasa said unto his son Suka when the latter had questioned the former. |
Mbh.12.230.14280 | Having studied the illimitable Vedas with all their branches and the Upanishads, and desirous of leading a life of Brahmacharya in consequence of his having earned excellence of religious merit, Suka addressed these very questions, about which his doubts had been solved, to his father the island-born Rishi who had removed by study and contemplation all doubts connected with the topic of the true import of duties' |
Mbh.12.230.14281 | Suka said, It behoveth thee to tell me who the Creator is of all beings, as fixed by a knowledge of time and what the duties are that should be accomplished by a Brahmana' |
Mbh.12.236.14615 | Suka said, What is that Knowledge? |
Mbh.12.238.14713 | SECTION CCXXXIX Bhishma said, Thus addressed by his sire, Suka, highly applauding these instructions of the great Rishi, set himself about asking the following, question relating to the import of duties that lead to Emancipation' |
Mbh.12.238.14714 | Suka said, By what means doth one possessed of wisdom, conversant with the Vedas, observant of sacrifices, endued with wisdom, and free from malice, succeed in attaining to Brahma which is incapable of being apprehended by either direct evidence or inference, and unsusceptible of being indicated by the Vedas? |
Mbh.12.240.14833 | SECTION CCXLI Suka said, The declarations of the Vedas are twofold. |
Mbh.12.241.14870 | SECTION CCXLII Suka said, I have now understood that there are two kinds of creation, viz, one commencing with Kshara which is universal, and which is from the universal Soul. |
Mbh.12.241.14882 | Suka said, The declarations of the Vedas already referred to in respect of acts are, in the opinion of the vulgar, contradictory. |
Mbh.12.244.15044 | SECTION CCXLV Suka said, While living in the due observance of the duties of the foremost of life, how should one, who seeks to attain to That which is the highest object of knowledge, set one's soul on Yoga according to the best of one's power' |
Mbh.12.246.15155 | SECTION CCXLVII Suka said, O illustrious one, O foremost of Rishis, once again discourse to me on Adhyatma more elaborately. |
Mbh.12.246.15164 | Suka said, How may one succeed in understanding that unequal distribution of the five great entities of which thou speakest in the diverse things of the universe? |
Mbh.12.249.15286 | SECTION CCL Suka said, Let thy reverence tell me of that which is the foremost of all duties, indeed, of that duty above which no higher one exists in this world' |
Mbh.12.318.19884 | I have heard discourses on this subject from Jaigishavya, Aista, Devala, the regenerate sage Parasara, the intelligent Varshaganya, Bhrigu, Panchasikha Kapila, Suka, Gautama, Arshtisena, the high-souled Garga, Narada, Asuri, the intelligent Paulastya, Sanatkumara, the high-souled Sukra, and my sire Kasyapa. |
Mbh.12.321.20366 | SECTION CCCXXII Yudhishthira said, How was Suka, the son of Vyasa, in days of old, won over to Renunciation? |
Mbh.12.321.20370 | Bhishma said, Beholding his son Suka living fearlessly as ordinary men do in practices that are considered harmless by them, Vyasa taught him the entire Vedas and then discoursed to him one day in these words: Vyasa said, O son, becoming the master of the senses, do thou subdue extreme cold and extreme heat, hunger and thirst, and the wind also, and having subdued them as Yogins do, do thou practise righteousness. |
Mbh.12.321.20542 | Bhishma continued, Having heard these beneficial words spoken by the Island-born Vyasa, Suka, leaving his sire, proceeded to seek a preceptor that could teach him the religion of Emancipation |
Mbh.12.323.20574 | SECTION CCCXXIV Yudhishthira said, Tell me, O grandsire, how the high-souled Suka of austere penances took birth as the son of Vyasa, and how did he succeed in attaining to the highest success? |
Mbh.12.323.20581 | Tell me, O grandsire in their proper order, of the greatness, and the knowledge of Suka and of his union with the Supreme Soul |
Mbh.12.324.20619 | From the seed that fell, was born a son unto him, called Suka. |
Mbh.12.324.20620 | In consequence of his circumstance attending his birth, he came to be called by name of Suka. |
Mbh.12.324.20622 | As in a sacrifice a blazing fire shed its effulgence all around when libations of clarified butter are poured upon it, after the same manner did Suka take his birth, blazing with effulgence in consequence of his own energy. |
Mbh.12.324.20623 | Assuming the excellent form and complexion that were his sire, Suka, O son of Kuru, of cleansed Soul, shone like a smokeless fire. |
Mbh.12.324.20625 | O king, coming to the breast of Meru, in her own embodied form, bathed Suka after his birth with her waters. |
Mbh.12.324.20626 | There fell from the welkin, O son of Kuru, an ascetic's stick and a dark deer-skin for the use, O monarch, of the high-souled Suka. |
Mbh.12.324.20628 | The Gandharva Viswavasu, and Tumvuru and Varada, and those other Gandharvas called by the names of Haha, and Huhu, eulogised the birth of Suka. |
Mbh.12.324.20635 | Endued with great splendour and intelligence, Suka, having obtained his birth from the two sticks, continued to live there, engaged the while in the attentive observance of many vows and fasts. |
Mbh.12.324.20636 | As soon as Suka was born, the Vedas with all their mysteries and all their abstracts, came for dwelling in him, O king, even as they dwell in his sire. |
Mbh.12.324.20637 | For all that, Suka selected Vrihaspati, who was conversant with all the Vedas together with their branches and commentaries, for his preceptor, remembering the universal practice |
Mbh.12.325.20642 | SECTION CCCXXVI Bhishma said, Thinking of Emancipation, Suka approached his sire and possessed as he was of humility and desirous of achieving his highest good, he saluted his great preceptor and said, Thou art well versed in the religion of Emancipation. |
Mbh.12.325.20645 | At the command of his sire, Suka, that foremost of all righteous men, mastered all the treatises on Yoga, O Bharata. |
Mbh.12.325.20649 | Bearing the command of his sire, O king, Suka proceeded to Mithila for enquiring of its king about the truth of duties and the Refuge of Emancipation. |
Mbh.12.325.20651 | Do not have recourse to thy Yoga-puissance for proceeding through the skies, At this Suka was not at all surprised for he was humble by nature. |
Mbh.12.325.20660 | Thus instructed, the righteous-souled Suka proceeded to Mithila on foot although he was able to traverse through the skies over the whole Earth with her seas. |
Mbh.12.325.20671 | Bearing that burthen in his mind and ceaselessly dwelling upon it viz, the desire of mastering the religion of Emancipation, Suka of cheerful soul and taking delight in internal survey only, reached Mithila at last. |
Mbh.12.325.20676 | Thereat, Suka, without any anger, stopped and waited. |
Mbh.12.325.20682 | Seated there, Suka, O son, began to think of Emancipation only. |
Mbh.12.325.20690 | The minister led Suka from the second chamber to that delightful spot. |
Mbh.12.325.20701 | Washing his feet and other limbs, Suka said his evening prayers, sat on that excellent seat, and began to think of the object for which he had come there. |
Mbh.12.326.20706 | SECTION CCCXXVII Bhishma said, The next morning, king Janaka, O Bharata, accompanied by his minister and the whole household, came to Suka, placing his priest in the van. |
Mbh.12.326.20708 | The king, taking with his own hands, from the hands of his priest, that seat adorned with many gems, overlaid with an excellent sheet, beautiful in all its parts, and exceedingly costly, presented it with great reverence to his preceptor's son Suka. |
Mbh.12.326.20714 | Indeed, O king, Suka embraced in his enquiry the welfare of the monarch's followers and officers also. |
Mbh.12.326.20718 | Suka said, Blessed be thou, my sire said unto me that his Yajamana, the ruler of the Videhas, known all over the world by the name of Janaka, is well-versed in the religion of Emancipation. |
Mbh.12.326.20734 | Suka said, If one succeeds in attaining to an understanding cleansed by study of the scriptures and to true conceptions of all things, and if the heart succeeds in freeing itself permanently from the effects of all pairs of opposites, is it still necessary for such a person to adopt, one after another, the three modes of life called Brahmacharyya, Garhastya, and Vanaprastha? |
Mbh.12.327.20785 | SECTION CCCXXVIII Bhishma said, Having heard these words of king Janaka, Suka of cleansed soul and settled conclusions began to stay in his Soul by his Soul, having of course seen Self by Self |
Mbh.12.327.20817 | Suka proceeded to that delightful asylum where his sire, the great ascetic Vyasa, was dwelling, surrounded by his disciples. |
Mbh.12.327.20819 | As Suka approached, he did not seem to touch the trees or the rocks of the mountain. |
Mbh.12.327.20821 | Born on the fire-sticks, Suka, approaching, his sire, touched his feet. |
Mbh.12.328.20889 | Do thou with thy intelligent son recite the Vedas, and do thou with the echoes of Vedic sounds dispel the fears arising from Rakshasas: Bhishma continued, Hearing these words of Narada, Vyasa, the foremost of all persons conversant with duties and firmly devoted to Vedic recitation, became filled with joy and answered Narada, saying, So be it, With his son Suka, he set himself to recite the Vedas in a loud sonorous voice, observing all the rules of orthoepy and, as it were, filling the three worlds with that sound. |
Mbh.12.328.20893 | Suka, thus forbidden by his sire, became filled with curiosity. |
Mbh.12.328.20896 | Hearing this question of Suka, Vyasa became filled with amazement. |
Mbh.12.328.20897 | He answered Suka, by telling him that an omen which indicated that the recitation of the Vedas should be suspended, |
Mbh.12.329.20949 | SECTION CCCXXX Bhishma said, After Vyasa had left the spot, Narada, traversing through the sky, came to Suka employed in studying the scriptures. |
Mbh.12.329.20950 | The celestial Rishi came for the object of asking Suka the meaning of certain portions of the Vedas. |
Mbh.12.329.20951 | Beholding the celestial Rishi Narada arrived at his retreat, Suka worshipped him by offering him the Arghya according to the rites laid down in the Vedas. |
Mbh.12.329.20952 | Pleased with the honours bestowed upon him, Narada addressed Suka, saying, Tell me, O foremost of righteous persons, by what means, O dear child, may I accomplish what is for thy highest good, |
Mbh.12.329.20953 | Hearing these words of Narada, Suka, said unto him, O Bharata, these words, It behoveth thee to instruct me in respect of that which may be beneficial to me: Narada said, In days of yore the illustrious Sanatkumara had said these words unto certain Rishis of cleansed souls that had repaired to him for enquiring after the truth. |
Mbh.12.331.21191 | Hearing these words of Narada Suka, endued with great intelligence and possessed of tranquillity of mind, reflected upon the drift of the instructions he received, but could not arrive at any certainty of conclusion. |
Mbh.12.331.21194 | Reflecting for a moment upon the course ordained for him to run through, Suka, who was well acquainted with the beginning and the end of all duties, resolved to attain to the highest end that is fraught with the greatest felicity. |
Mbh.12.331.21214 | Having said these words, Suka, informed Narada of world wide celebrity of his intention. |
Mbh.12.331.21215 | Obtaining Narada's permission, Suka then proceeded to where his sire was. |
Mbh.12.331.21216 | Arrived at his presence, the great Muni, viz, the high-souled and Island-born Krishna, Suka walked round him and addressed him the usual enquiries. |
Mbh.12.331.21218 | Addressing him, the great Rishi said, O son, O dear son, do thou stay here to-day so that I may behold thee for some time for gratifying my eyes, Suka, however, was indifferent to that request. |
Mbh.12.332.21223 | Then when the Sun had not risen long, Suka sat, with his face turned Eastwards, and hands and feet drawn in, in an humble attitude. |
Mbh.12.332.21230 | Suka said, I have succeeded in beholding the path of Emancipation, I have addrest myself to it. |
Mbh.12.332.21233 | Bhishma said, Having received the permission of Narada, Suka the son of the Island-born Vyasa saluted the celestial Rishi and once more set himself to Yoga and entered the element of space. |
Mbh.12.332.21235 | Capable of traversing through the welkin, the blessed Suka of fixed conclusion, then identified himself with the element of Wind. |
Mbh.12.332.21237 | Endued with the splendour of fire or the Sun, Suka then regarded the three worlds in their entirety as one homogenous Brahma, and proceeded along that path of great length. |
Mbh.12.332.21245 | Of highly righteous soul and celebrated through-out the three worlds, Suka proceeded in silence, his face turned towards the East and gaze directed towards the sun. |
Mbh.12.332.21248 | Headed by Panchachuda and others, they looked at Suka with eyes expanded by wonder. |
Mbh.12.332.21251 | Suka then proceeded to the Malaya mountains where Urvasi and Purvachitti used to dwell always. |
Mbh.12.332.21258 | Hearing these words of Urvasi, and attending to their import, Suka, that foremost of all persons conversant with duties, cast his eyes on all sides, and once more beheld the entire welkin, the whole Earth with her mountains and waters and forests, and also all the lakes and rivers. |
Mbh.12.332.21260 | That foremost of all righteous men, Suka, addressing all of them, said these words, If my sire follow me and repeatedly call after me by my name, do all of you together return him an answer for me. |
Mbh.12.332.21262 | Hearing these words of Suka, all the points of the compass, all the forest, all the seas, all the rivers, and all the mountains, answered him from every side, saying, We accept thy command, O regenerate one! |
Mbh.12.333.21265 | SECTION CCCXXXIV Bhishma said, Having spoken in this way unto all things, the regenerate Rishi of austere penances, viz, Suka, stayed on his success casting off the four kinds of faults. |
Mbh.12.333.21281 | Suka as he proceeded through the welkin, beheld two beautiful summits, one belonging to Himavat and another to Meru. |
Mbh.12.333.21285 | Indeed, as Suka journeyed towards the north, he saw those two beautiful summits. |
Mbh.12.333.21289 | Suka pierced through those summits, for they were unable to stop his onward course. |
Mbh.12.333.21291 | The Gandharvas and the Rishis also and others that dwelt in that mountain being rent in twain and Suka passing through it. |
Mbh.12.333.21294 | The entire firmament became strewn with celestial flowers showered from heaven at that moment when Suka thus pierced through that impenetrable barrier, O monarch! |
Mbh.12.333.21295 | The righteous-souled Suka then beheld from a high region the celestial stream Mandakini of great beauty, running below through a region adorned by many flowering groves and woods. |
Mbh.12.333.21297 | Beholding Suka who was bodiless, those unclad aerial beings felt shame. |
Mbh.12.333.21298 | Learning that Suka had undertaken his great journey, his sire Vyasa, filled with affection, followed him behind along the same aerial path. |
Mbh.12.333.21299 | Meanwhile Suka, proceeding through that region of the firmament that is above the region of the wind displayed his Yoga-prowess and identified himself with Brahma |
Mbh.12.333.21300 | Adopting the subtile path of high Yoga, Vyasa of austere penances, reached within the twinkling of the eye that spot whence Suka first undertook his journey. |
Mbh.12.333.21301 | Proceeding along the same way, Vyasa beheld the mountain summit rent in twain and through which Suka has passed. |
Mbh.12.333.21304 | Meanwhile, the righteous-souled Suka, who had entered the elements, had become their soul and acquired omnipresence, answered his sire by uttering the monosyllable Bho in the form of an echo. |
Mbh.12.333.21305 | At this, the entire universe of mobile and immobile creatures, uttering the monosyllable Bho, echoed the answer of Suka. |
Mbh.12.333.21306 | From that time to this, when sounds are uttered in mountain-caves or on mountain-breasts, the latter, as if in answer to Suka still echo them with the monosyllable Bho. |
Mbh.12.333.21308 | and showing his Yoga-prowess in the manner of his disappearance, Suka in this way attained to the highest station. |
Mbh.12.333.21325 | I have now told thee, O chief of Bharata's race, everything regarding the birth and life of Suka about which thou hadst asked me. |
Mbh.12.340.22036 | Sumanta, and Jaimini, and Paila of firm vows, and myself numbering the fourth, and Suka forming the fifth, were disciples of the illustrious Vyasa. |
Mbh.12.340.22199 | His son, the highly righteous Suka, and all his disciples viz, ourselves listened to him while he delivered that discourse. |
Mbh.12.349.23341 | At that time, Sumanta and Jaimini and Paila of firm vows and myself numbering the fourth, and Suka his own son, attended on him. |
Mbh.13.5.336 | Bhishma said, In this connection, this ancient legend, the story of Vasava and the high-minded Suka, is cited as an illustration. |
Mbh.13.5.346 | Assuming then the shape of a Brahmana, Sakra descended on the Earth and addressing the bird, said, O Suka, O best of birds, the grand-daughter Suki of Daksha has become blessed by having thee as her offspring. |
Mbh.13.5.348 | Thus questioned, the Suka bowed unto him and thus replied, Welcome to thee O chief of the gods, I have recognised thee by the merit of my austere penances, Well-done, well-done, |
Mbh.13.5.356 | Bhishma said, The virtuous Suka, hearing these words of Sakra, heaved a deep sigh and sorrowfully replied unto him, saying, O consort of Sachi, and chief of the gods, the ordinances of the deities are always to be obeyed. |
Mbh.13.81.7212 | Once on a time, the intelligent Suka, having finished his morning rites, approached with a restrained mind his sire, that foremost of Rishis, viz, the Island-born Krishna, who is acquainted with the distinction between that which is superior and that which is inferior, and saluting him, said, What is that sacrifice which appears to thee as the foremost of all sacrifices? |
Mbh.13.81.7301 | Bhishma continued, Thus addressed by his high-souled sire, Suka, endued with great energy, began from that time to worship kine every day. |
Mbh.18.5.302 | Narada recited the Mahabharata to the gods; Asita-Devala to the Pitris; Suka to the Rakshasas and the Yakshas; and Vaishampayana to human beings. |
Mbh.18.5.307 | In former times, the great Rishi Vyasa, having composed this treatise, caused his son Suka to read it with him, along with these four Verses. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |