Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 06 Mar 2010 06:42 and updated at 06 Mar 2010 06:42
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.25 | From this egg came out the lord Pitamaha Brahma, the one only Prajapati; with Suraguru and Sthanu. |
Mbh.1.66.3308 | There was another of the name of Sthanu. |
Mbh.1.66.3309 | And the sons of Sthanu, gifted with great energy, were, it is known, eleven. |
Mbh.1.66.3310 | They were Mrigavayadha, Sarpa, Niriti of great fame: Ajaikapat, Ahivradhna, and Pinaki, the oppressor of foes; Dahana and Iswara, and Kapali of great splendour; and Sthanu, and the illustrious Bharga. |
Mbh.1.123.6659 | And, O king, Mrigavyadha, Sarpa, the celebrated Niriti, Ajaikapada, Ahivradhna, Pinakin, Dahana, Iswara, Kapalin, Sthanu and the illustrious Bhaga, these eleven Rudras, also came there. |
Mbh.1.212.10423 | While Tilottama walked round the conclave of the celestials, Indra and the illustrious Sthanu Mahadeva were the only ones that succeeded in preserving their tranquillity of mind. |
Mbh.1.212.10428 | And it was thus that Sthanu the great god came to have four faces, and the slayer of Vala, a thousand eyes. |
Mbh.2.3.84 | There Nara and Narayana, Brahma and Yama and Sthanu the fifth, perform their sacrifices at the expiration of a thousand yugas. |
Mbh.2.7.328 | And Sahadeva, and Sunitha, and Valmiki of great ascetic merit; and Samika of truthful speech, and Prachetas ever fulfilling their promises, and Medhatithi, and Vamadeva, and Pulastya, Pulaha and Kratu; and Maruta and Marichi, and Sthanu of great ascetic merit; and Kakshivat, and Gautama, and Tarkhya, and also the Muni Vaishwanara; and the Muni Kalakavrikhiya and Asravya, and also Hiranmaya, and Samvartta, and Dehavya, and Viswaksena of great energy; and Kanwa, and Katyayana, O king, and Gargya, and Kaushika, all are present there along with the celestial waters and plants; and faith, and intelligence, and the goddess of learning, and wealth, religion, and pleasure; and lightning. |
Mbh.3.38.1987 | How also were the illustrious Sthanu and the chief of the celestials gratified by him? |
Mbh.3.49.2505 | I have heard, O king, how Arjuna hath gratified in battle by means of his bow the god of gods, Sthanu of eleven forms. |
Mbh.3.82.4019 | A virtuous man should next proceed to the tirtha of Sthanu, the husband of Uma, known over the three worlds by the name of Bhadravata. |
Mbh.3.83.4136 | One should next proceed to Munjavata, that spot sacred to the illustrious Sthanu. |
Mbh.3.83.4322 | There in that tirtha is the lord of Yoga, Sthanu himself, having for his vehicle the bull. |
Mbh.3.125.6361 | thou shalt touch the waters of all the holy lakes and reciting the hymns of the god Sthanu Siva, meet with success in every undertaking. |
Mbh.3.173.8695 | O repressor of foes, by fortune it is that the divine Sthanu together with the goddess had become manifest unto thee and been gratified by thee in battle, O sinless one; by fortune it is that thou hadst met with the Lokapalas, O best of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.6.6.379 | There Nara and Narayana, Brahman, and Manu, and Sthanu as the fifth, are ever present. |
Mbh.7.50.2372 | Indeed, the mighty Brahma, frightening everything by the force of his wrath, did all this, Then Hara, otherwise called Sthanu or Siva, with matted locks on his head, that Lord of all wanderers of the night, appealed to the divine Brahma, the Lord of the gods. |
Mbh.7.50.2373 | When Sthanu fell at Brahma's feet from a desire of doing good to all creatures, the Supreme Deity to that greatest of ascetics, blazing with splendour, said, What wish of thine shall we accomplish, O thou that deservest to have all thy wishes fulfilled? |
Mbh.7.50.2376 | Tell us, O Sthanu, what is thy wish |
Mbh.7.51.2377 | SECTION LI Sthanu said, O lord, thou hadst taken great care for creating diverse creatures. |
Mbh.7.199.11352 | That boon-giving lord of the universe, that Supreme Deity, is also called Hara and Sthanu. |
Mbh.7.199.11375 | O son of Kunti, bow down unto him that is peace, unto him, called Rudra of blue throat, exceedingly subtle, and of great effulgence, unto him called Kapardin, him that is terrible, him that of tawny eyes, him that is boon-giving; unto that great ordainer, of red locks and righteous conduct; unto him that always does auspicious acts; unto him that is an object of desire; him that is of tawny eyes; him that is called Sthanu; him that is called Purusha; unto him that is of tawny hair; him that is bold, him that is exceedingly subtle and of great effulgence; unto him that is the giver of light; him that is the embodiment of all sacred waters; him that is the God of gods; and him that is endued with great impetuosity; unto him that is of manifest form; him that is called Sarva; him that is of agreeable attire; unto him that has an excellent head-gear, him that is of handsome face; him that has the mountains for his habitation; him that is peace; him that is the protector; him that has barks of trees for his attire; him whose arms are decked with ornaments of gold, him who is fierce, him that is the lord of all the points of the compass; him that is the lord of the clouds and of all created beings; him that is the lord of all trees and of all kine; him that has his body shrouded with trees; him who is the celestial generalissimo; him who inspires all thought; him who has the sacrificial ladle in his hand; him who is blazing; him who wields the bow; him who is Rama's self, him who has diverse forms; him who is the lord of the universe; him who had the munja grass for his attire; him who has a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, a thousand arms, and a thousand legs. |
Mbh.7.199.11382 | Salutations ever to him who is called Sthanu and who has a large number of excellent bowmen for his companions. |
Mbh.7.199.11432 | Indeed, Sthanu, that foremost of smiter, that Destroyer of Asuras, that handsome warrior of immeasurable prowess, adored by the celestials, O Partha, and by Rishis possessing wealth of asceticism, caused an excellent and unrivalled array called after his own name, and stood immovable for a thousand years. |
Mbh.7.199.11516 | And since he is great and ancient and is the source of life and of its continuance, and since his Phallic emblem is everlasting, he is for that reason called Sthanu. |
Mbh.8.33.1595 | None else, save Sthanu, is competent to pierce them with one shaft. |
Mbh.8.33.1596 | Ye Adityas, select Sthanu, otherwise called Ishana and Jishnu, who is never fatigued with work, as your warrior. |
Mbh.8.34.1626 | Sthanu said, All your foes should be slain. |
Mbh.8.34.1696 | That discomfiter of even him that is difficult of being discomfited, that victor, that slayer of all haters of Brahma, called also Hara, that rescuer of the righteous and destroyer of the unrighteous, viz, the illustrious Sthanu, accompanied by many beings of terrible might and terrible forms that were endued with the speed of the mind and capable of agitating and crushing all foes, as if with all the fourteen faculties of the soul awake about him, looked exceedingly resplendent. |
Mbh.8.34.1735 | Then the illustrious god, raising those steeds addressed that foremost one among the gods, viz, Sthanu, saying, Ascend' |
Mbh.8.34.1736 | Then, taking that arrow composed of Vishnu and Soma and Agni, Sthanu ascended the car, causing the foe to tremble by means of his bow. |
Mbh.8.34.1758 | Then Sthanu, O king, armed with trident became deprived of his senses in wrath. |
Mbh.8.34.1778 | After this, the gods, the Rishis, and the three worlds became all restored to their natural dispositions, and gratified Sthanu of unrivalled energy with words of high import. |
Mbh.8.34.1826 | Touched, however by Sthanu, his wounds were immediately healed. |
Mbh.8.86.5228 | Thou, however, hadst, by battle, gratified that god of gods himself, that Siva who is the source of bliss unto all creatures, that deity called Sthanu. |
Mbh.8.89.5511 | Thou receivedst the touch of the arms of Sthanu himself. |
Mbh.9.40.2898 | The high abode of Vasishtha was in the tirtha called Sthanu on the eastern bank of the Sarasvati. |
Mbh.9.40.2900 | There, in that tirtha, O monarch, Sthanu Mahadeva had practised the austerest penances. |
Mbh.9.40.2902 | Having performed a sacrifice there and worshipped the river Sarasvati, Sthanu established that tirtha there. |
Mbh.9.43.3104 | The lord Sthanu, O monarch, gave unto Skanda a companion possessed of great impetuosity, capable of producing a hundred illusions, and endued with might and energy that he could enhance at will. |
Mbh.9.43.3106 | In the great battle between the gods and the Asuras, this companion that Sthanu gave, filled with wrath, slew, with his hands alone, fourteen millions of Daityas of fierce deeds. |
Mbh.10.7.365 | And he said, I seek the protection of Him called Ugra, Sthanu, Shiva, Rudra, Sharva, Ishana, Ishvara, Girisha; and of that boon-giving god who is the Creator and Lord of the universe; of Him whose throat is blue, who is without birth, who is called Shakra, who destroyed the sacrifice of Daksha, and who is called Hara; of Him whose form is the universe, who hath three eyes, who is possessed of multifarious forms, and who is the lord of Uma; of Him who resides in crematoriums, who swells with energy, who is the lord of diverse tribes of ghostly beings, and who is the possessor of undecaying prosperity and power; of Him who wields the skull-topped club, who is called Rudra, who bears matted locks on his head, and who is a brahmacari. |
Mbh.10.17.1050 | This Sthanu has plunged into the water! |
Mbh.10.18.1071 | Not knowing Rudra truly, the celestials, O king, assigned no share for the divine Sthanu. |
Mbh.10.18.1072 | Seeing that the celestials assigned to him no share in the sacrificial offerings, Sthanu, clad in deer skins, desired to destroy that Sacrifice and with that object constructed a bow. |
Mbh.12.121.6933 | He is called by these names also, viz, Kapardin, Sankara, Rudra, Bhava, Sthanu and the lord of Uma. |
Mbh.12.255.15502 | Then the divine and auspicious Sthanu, that slayer of hostile heroes, that lord of the Vedas and the scriptures, filled with compassion, sought to gratify Brahman. |
Mbh.12.255.15503 | When Sthanu came to Brahman from motives of benevolence, the great God burning with energy, addressed him, saying, Thou deservest boons at my hands. |
Mbh.12.256.15506 | SECTION CCLVII Sthanu said, Know, O lord, that my solicitations to thee are on behalf of the created beings of the universe. |
Mbh.12.256.15516 | Sthanu said, Do not give way to wrath, O lord of the deities, with respect to this matter about the destruction of living creatures. |
Mbh.12.256.15530 | Narada continued, Hearing these words of Sthanu, the divine Brahman of restrained speech and mind himself suppressed that energy of his within his own heart. |
Mbh.12.334.21394 | Brahman, Sthanu, Manu, Daksha, Bhrigu, Dharma, Yama, Marichi, Angiras, Atri, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Vasishtha, Parameshthi, Vivaswat, Shoma, he that has been called Karddama, Krodha, Avak, and Krita, these one and twenty persons, called Prajapatis, were first born. |
Mbh.13.14.1047 | Without gratifying the boon-giving Sthanu of unfading glory, him, that is, who has three eyes, whence, O child, can one obtain food prepared with milk and good robes and other objects of enjoyment in the world? |
Mbh.13.14.1293 | I then behold the illustrious Sthanu or Maheswara seated on the back of his bull, of blessed and agreeable appearance and looking like a smokeless fire. |
Mbh.13.14.1295 | Indeed, I beheld the blue-throated and high-souled Sthanu, unattached to everything, that receptacle of all kinds of force, endued with eight and ten arms and adorned with all kinds of ornaments. |
Mbh.13.31.3923 | I worship the Brahmanas, O puissant one, who constantly worship Varuna and Vayu and Aditya and Parjanya and the deity of Fire, and Sthanu and Skanda and Lakshmi and Vishnu and the Brahmanas, and the lord of speech, and Chandramas, and the Waters and Earth and the goddess Saraswati. |
Mbh.13.148.12477 | O puissant king, even these are the wonderful incidents that occurred on the sacred breast of the Himavat respecting Vasudeva and Sthanu, O son of Kunti. |
Mbh.13.161.13420 | The Rishis describe Mahadeva as Agni, and Sthanu, and Maheswara; as one-eyed, and three-eyed, of universal form, and Siva or highly auspicious. |
Mbh.13.161.13436 | He is, for these reasons, called Sthanu. |
Mbh.14.8.220 | Hie thee thither, and appease that adorable god who is known by the names of Sarva, Bedha, Rudra, Sitikantha, Surapa, Suvarcha, Kapardi, Karala, Haryyaksha, Varada, Tryaksha, Pushnodantabhid, Vamana, Siva, Yamya, Avyaktarupa, Sadvritta, Sankara, Kshemya, Harikesa, Sthanu, Purusha, Harinetra, Munda, Krishna, Uttarana, Bhaskara, Sutirtha, Devadeva, Ranha, Ushnishi, Suvaktra, Sahasraksha, Midhvan, Girisa, Prasanta, Yata, Chiravasa, Vilwadanda, Siddha, Sarvadandadhara, Mriga, Vyadha, Mahan, Dhanesa, Bhava, Vara, Somavaktra, Siddhamantra, Chakshu, Hiranyavahu, Ugra, Dikpati, Lelihana, Goshtha, Shiddhamantra, Vrishnu, Pasupati, Bhutapati, Vrisha, Matribhakta, Senani, Madhyama, Sruvahasta, Yati, Dhanwi, Bhargava, Aja, Krishnanetra, Virupaksha, Tikshnadanshtra, Tikshna, Vaiswanaramukha, Mahadyuti, Ananga, Sarva, Dikpati, Bilohita, Dipta, Diptaksha, Mahauja, Vasuretas, Suvapu, Prithu, Kritivasa, Kapalmali, Suvarnamukuta, Mahadeva, Krishna, Tryamvaka, Anagha, Krodhana, Nrisansa, Mridu, Vahusali, Dandi, Taptatapa, Akrurakarma, Sahasrasira, Sahasra-charana, Swadha-swarupa, Vahurupa, Danshtri, Pinaki, Mahadeva, Mahayogi, Avyaya, Trisulahasta, Varada, Tryamvaka, Bhuvaneswara, Tripuraghna, Trinayana, Trilokesa, Mahanja, Sarvabhuta-prabhava, Sarvabhuta-dharana, Dharanidhara, Isana, Sankara, Sarva, Siva, Visveswara, Bhava, Umapati, Pasupati, Viswarupa, Maheswara, Virupaksha, Dasabhuja, Vrishavadhwaja, Ugra, Sthanu, Siva, Rudra, Sarva, Girisa, Iswara, Sitakantha, Aja, Sukra, Prithu, Prithuhara, Vara, Viswarupa, Virupaksha, Vahurupa, Umapati, Anangangahara, Hara, Saranya, Mahadeva, Chaturmukha. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |