Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 06 Mar 2010 06:22 and updated at 06 Mar 2010 06:22
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.61.2951 | And she became united, in gladness, with Arjuna, the son of Pandu, like Sachi with the great Indra, or Sri with Krishna himself. |
Mbh.1.63.3081 | And the king, thinking that the command of the Pitris should not be disobeyed, went a-hunting thinking of Girika alone who was gifted with great beauty and like unto another Sri herself. |
Mbh.1.67.3582 | And a portion of Sri herself became incarnate on earth, for the gratification of Narayana, in the line of Bhishmaka. |
Mbh.1.71.3723 | And hearing the sound of his voice, there came out of the Rishi's abode a maiden beautiful as Sri herself but dressed as an ascetic's daughter. |
Mbh.1.97.5452 | And there he saw a lovely maiden of blazing beauty and like unto another Sri herself; of faultless and pearly teeth and decked with celestial ornaments, and attired in garments of fine texture that resembled in splendour the filaments of the lotus. |
Mbh.1.173.8867 | For her beauty, the monarch for some moment believed her to be the goddess Sri herself. |
Mbh.1.198.9867 | And he also appointed that woman of extraordinary beauty, who was none else than celestial Sri goddess of grace herself, to be their common wife in the world of men. |
Mbh.1.198.9878 | And the celestial Sri herself who had been appointed as their wife is this Draupadi of extraordinary beauty. |
Mbh.1.198.9902 | The celestial Sri, having undergone severe ascetic penances, hath, for the sake of the Pandavas, had her birth as thy daughter, in the course of thy grand sacrifice. |
Mbh.1.200.9938 | The sons of Pandu endued with great strength, after their wedding were over, and after they had obtained Krishna like unto a second Sri along with great wealth, passed their days in joy and happiness, like so many Indras, in the capital of the king of the Panchalas SECTION CCI Vaivahika Parva continued Vaisampayana said, King Drupada, after his alliance with the Pandavas, had all his fears dispelled. |
Mbh.1.212.10415 | And like unto the embodied Sri herself, that damsel of extraordinary beauty captivated the eyes and hearts of every creature. |
Mbh.3.252.12453 | Having met with Rukmi, Karna, repaired to Pandya and the mountain, Sri. |
Mbh.4.9.345 | Verily, in beauty you resemble Sri herself, whose seat is the autumnal lotus. |
Mbh.4.14.551 | Or, which amongst these, Hri, Sri, Kirti and Kanti, art thou, O thou of beautiful face? |
Mbh.7.53.2540 | Or, is she any of these, viz, Sri, Hri, Kirti, Dhriti, Pushti, Siddhi, and the splendour of Soma' |
Mbh.9.43.3095 | The diverse gods, Indra and Vishnu, both of great energy, and Surya and Candramas, and Dhatri, and Vidhatri, and Vayu, and Agni, and Pushan, and Bhaga, and Aryaman, and Ansa, and Vivaswat, and Rudra of great intelligence, and Mitra, and the eleven Rudras, the eight Vasus, the twelve Adityas, the twin Ashvinis, the Viswedevas, the Maruts, the Saddhyas, the Pitris, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, the Yakshas, the Rakshasas, the Pannagas, innumerable celestial Rishis, the Vaikhanasas, the Valakhilyas, those others among Rishis that subsist only on air and those that subsist on the rays of the Sun, the descendants of Bhrigu and Angiras, many high-souled Yatis, all the Vidyadharas, all those that were crowned with ascetic success, the Grandsire, Pulastya, Pulaha of great ascetic merits, Angiras, Kasyapa, Atri, Marichi, Bhrigu, Kratu, Hara, Prachetas, Manu, Daksha, the Seasons, the Planets, and all the luminaries; O monarch, all the rivers in their embodied forms, the eternal Vedas, the Seas, the diverse tirthas, the Earth, the Sky, the Cardinal and Subsidiary points of the compass, and all the Trees, O king, Aditi the mother of the gods, Hri, Sri, Swaha, Sarasvati, Uma, Sachi, Sinivali, Anumati, Kuhu, the Day of the new moon, the Day of the full Moon, the wives of the denizens of heaven, Himavat, Vindhya, Meru of many summits, Airavat with all his followers, the Divisions of time called Kala, Kashtha, Fortnight, the Seasons, Night, and Day, O king, the prince of steeds, Ucchaisravas, Vasuki the king of the Snakes, Aruna, Garuda, the Trees, the deciduous herbs, and the adorable god Dharma, all came there together. |
Mbh.13.82.7316 | Sri said, Blessed be ye, I am dear unto all creatures. |
Mbh.13.82.7317 | Indeed, I am known by the name of Sri. |
Mbh.13.82.7326 | Be all of you endued with Sri. |
Mbh.13.82.7335 | Sri said, Is it proper with you, ye kine that you do not welcome me? |
Mbh.13.82.7350 | Sri said, Ye givers of honours, cast off by you in this way, I shall certainly be an object of disregard with all the world. |
Mbh.13.82.7363 | Bhishma continued, Thus addressed by Sri, the kine, always auspicious and inclined to kindness unto all who are devoted to them, took counsel with one another, and then addressing Sri, and unto her, O king, these words' |
Mbh.13.82.7367 | Sri said, By good luck, ye have shown me much grace implying your desire to favour me. |
Mbh.13.82.7370 | Bhishma continued, Having, O Bharata, made this compact with the kine, Sri, there and then, in the very sight of those kine, rendered herself invisible. |
Mbh.13.85.7763 | He is endued with Sri and He is identical with the deity of blazing flames. |
Mbh.13.125.10828 | What pleases what deity, what pleases the Pitris, the Rishis, the Pramathas associates of Mahadeva, the goddess Sri, Chitragupta the recording assistant of Yama, and the mighty Elephants at the cardinal points of the compass, what constitutes the religion of the Rishis, the religion, which has many mysteries and which is productive of high fruits, the merits of what are called great gifts, and the merits that attach to all the sacrifices, he who knows these, O sinless one, and knowing acts according to his knowledge, becomes freed from stains if he has stains and acquires the merits indicated. |
Mbh.13.147.12274 | Sri dwells within Him and He dwells always associated with her. |
Mbh.13.149.12523 | He that causes all living creatures to live, the Eldest, the Foremost of all those that are regarded as the Lords of all creatures, He that has gold in his abdomen, He that has the Earth for his abdomen, the Lord of Sri or Lakshmi, the Slayer of Madhu LXV, LXXII: the Omnipotent, He that is endued with great prowess, He that is armed with the bow, He that is Possessed of a mind capable of bearing the contents of all treatises, He that roves through the universe, riding on Garuda. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |