Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 06 Mar 2010 05:53 and updated at 06 Mar 2010 05:53
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.387 | Then the story of Rishyasringa who adopted Brahmacharya mode of life from his very boyhood; then the history of Rama of great prowess, the son of Jamadagni, in which has been narrated the death of Kartavirya and the Haihayas; then the meeting between the Pandavas and the Vrishnis in the sacred spot called Prabhasa; then the story of Su-kanya in which Chyavana, the son of Bhrigu, made the twins, Aswinis, drink, at the sacrifice of king Saryati, the Soma juice from which they had been excluded by the other gods, and in which besides is shown how Chyavana himself acquired perpetual youth as a boon from the grateful Aswinis. |
Mbh.1.18.1383 | Thereafter sprung forth Lakshmi dressed in white, then Soma, then the White Steed, and then the celestial gem Kaustubha which graces the breast of Narayana. |
Mbh.1.18.1384 | Then Lakshmi, Soma and the Steed, fleet as the mind, all came before the gods on high. |
Mbh.1.19.1402 | And when the Amrita had reached Rahu's throat only, Surya and Soma recognised him and intimated the fact to the gods. |
Mbh.1.19.1406 | And from that time there is a long-standing quarrel between Rahu's head and Surya and Soma. |
Mbh.1.19.1407 | And to this day it swalloweth Surya and Soma during solar and lunar eclipses. |
Mbh.1.24.1534 | Sauti said, O sinless one, when Rahu was drinking nectar among the gods at the time of the churning of the ocean he was pointed out to the gods by Surya and Soma, and from that time he conceived an enmity towards those deities. |
Mbh.1.25.1582 | Thou art, O deity, all amrita, and the most adored Soma. |
Mbh.1.25.1591 | Thou drinkest, for the good of all creatures, the Soma juice in sacrifices and the clarified butter offered with sacred invocation. |
Mbh.1.28.1657 | Let Marut the god of the winds protect thy wings, and Surya and Soma thy vertebral regions; let Agni protect thy head, and the Vasus thy whole body. |
Mbh.1.30.1782 | Vrihaspati answered, O chief of the gods, O thou of a thousand sacrifices, it is from thy fault and carelessness, and owing also to the ascetic penance of the high-souled great Rishis, the Valakhilyas, that the son of Kasyapa and Vinata, a ranger of the skies endued with great strength and possessing the capacity of assuming at will any form, is approaching to take away the Soma. |
Mbh.1.30.1783 | And that bird, foremost among all endued with great strength, is able to rob you of the Soma. |
Mbh.1.32.1852 | And amongst those that guarded the Soma was Brahmana the celestial architect, of measureless might, effulgent as the electric fire and of great energy. |
Mbh.1.32.1879 | And extinguishing that fire, he assumed a very small form, desirous of entering into the place where the Soma was |
Mbh.1.33.1881 | SECTION XXXIII Astika Parva continued Santi said, And that bird, assuming a golden body bright as the rays of the Sun, entered with great force the region where the Soma was, like a torrent entering the ocean. |
Mbh.1.33.1882 | And he saw, placed near the Soma, a wheel of steel keen-edged, and sharp as the razor, revolving incessantly. |
Mbh.1.33.1883 | And that fierce instrument, of the splendour of the blazing sun and of terrible form, had been devised by the gods for cutting in pieces all robbers of the Soma. |
Mbh.1.33.1886 | Within the line of the wheel, he beheld, stationed there for guarding the Soma two great snakes of the effulgence of blazing fire, with tongues bright as the lightning-flash, of great energy, with mouth emitting fire, with blazing eyes, containing poison, very terrible, always in anger, and of great activity. |
Mbh.1.33.1892 | He then approached the Soma without loss of time. |
Mbh.1.34.1927 | And if thou hast no concern with the Soma, return it to me. |
Mbh.1.34.1929 | Garuda answered, There is a certain reason for which the Soma is being carried by me. |
Mbh.1.34.1930 | I shall not give the Soma to any one for drink. |
Mbh.1.34.1938 | And the illustrious lord of heaven again said unto Garuda, I shall bring away the Soma when thou placest it down' |
Mbh.1.37.2043 | Other snakes, the best of their kind, proposed, Going, by night, let us steal away the vessel of Soma juice. |
Mbh.1.49.2510 | Of handsome features, he was unto all creatures like a second Soma. |
Mbh.1.55.2725 | SECTION LV Astika Parva continued Astika said, Soma and Varuna and Prajapati performed sacrifices of old in Prayaga. |
Mbh.1.66.3328 | It is known also throughout the world that the wives of Soma Moon are twenty-seven. |
Mbh.1.66.3329 | And the wives of Soma, all of sacred vows, are employed in indicating time; and they are the Nakshatras and the Yoginis and they became so for assisting the courses of the worlds. |
Mbh.1.66.3333 | They were Dhara, Dhruva, Soma, Aha, Anila, Anala, Pratyusha, and Prabhasa. |
Mbh.1.66.3335 | Of these, Dhara and the truth-knowing Dhruva were born of Dhumra; Chandramas Soma and Swasana Anila were born of the intelligent Swasa; Aha was the son of Rata: and Hutasana Anala of Sandilya; and Pratyusha and Prabhasa were the sons of Prabhata. |
Mbh.1.67.3525 | And he who was known as the mighty Varchas, the son of Soma, became Abhimanyu of wonderful deeds, the son of Arjuna. |
Mbh.1.67.3526 | And before his incarnation, O king, the god Soma had said these words to the celestials, I cannot give part with my son. |
Mbh.1.67.3541 | Hearing these words of Soma, the dwellers in heaven replied, So be it' |
Mbh.1.67.3542 | And then all together applauded and worshipped Soma the king of stars. |
Mbh.1.71.3770 | The lord of the celestials himself went through fear to drink the Soma juice. |
Mbh.1.71.3781 | At the thought of his prowess Yama, Soma, the great Rishis, the Saddhyas, the Viswas, Valakhilyas, are terrified! |
Mbh.1.82.4595 | Then Sarmishtha of sweet smiles seeing the monarch before her with nobody to witness what might pass, approached him and said with joined palms, O son of Nahusha, no one can behold the ladies that dwell in the inner apartments of Soma, of Indra, of Vishnu, of Yama, of Varuna, and of thee! |
Mbh.1.100.5567 | He was free from anger and malice, and was handsome in person like Soma himself. |
Mbh.1.121.6485 | Of virtuous soul and mighty arms, on one occasion, while he was performing a sacrifice the gods with Indra and the great Rishis came to him, and Indra was so intoxicated with the Soma juice he drank and the Brahmanas with the large presents they received, that both the gods and the great Rishis began themselves to perform everything appertaining to that sacrifice of the illustrious royal sage. |
Mbh.1.121.6492 | And he performed also the Agnishtoma, and other special Vedic sacrifices, extracting great quantities of Soma juice. |
Mbh.1.123.6656 | And Anuchana and Anavadya, Gunamukhya and Gunavara, Adrika and Soma, Misrakesi and Alambusha, Marichi and Suchika, Vidyutparna and Tilottama and Ambika, Lakshmana, Kshema Devi, Rambha, Manorama, Asita, Suvahu, Supriya, Suvapuh, Pundarika, Sugandha, Surasa, Pramathini, Kamya and Saradwati, all danced there together. |
Mbh.1.124.6705 | Each bearing every auspicious mark on his person, handsome like Soma, proud as the lion, well-skilled in the use of the bow, and of leonine tread, breast, heart, eyes, neck and prowess, those foremost of men, resembling the celestials themselves in might, began to grow up. |
Mbh.1.172.8790 | It was communicated by Manu unto Soma and by Soma unto Viswavasu, and lastly by Viswavasu unto me. |
Mbh.1.173.8862 | Blest with good luck, king Samvarana excelled Soma in soothing the hearts of friends and Surya in scorching the hearts of foes. |
Mbh.1.176.9053 | The son of Kusika at last drank Soma with Indra himself in Heaven |
Mbh.1.179.9184 | That king, O child, after performing the Soma sacrifice, gratified the Brahmanas with great presents of rice and wealth. |
Mbh.1.188.9446 | And beholding the son of Surya, Karna of the Suta tribe, like unto fire, or Soma, or Surya himself, resolved to shoot the mark, those foremost of bowmen, the sons of Pandu, regarded the mark as already shot and brought down upon the ground. |
Mbh.1.198.9814 | Then Soma and Sakra and Varuna and Kuvera, the Sadhyas, the Rudras, the Vasus, the twin Aswins, these and other celestials went unto Prajapati, the Creator of the universe. |
Mbh.1.200.9942 | Pritha, out of affection, pronounced a blessing upon her daughter-in-law endued with great beauty and every auspicious mark and possessed of a sweet disposition and good character, saying, Be thou unto thy husband as Sachi unto Indra, Swaha unto Vibhavasu, Rohini unto Soma, Damayanti unto Nala, Bhadra unto Vaisravana, Arundhati unto Vasishtha, Lakshmi unto Narayana! |
Mbh.1.212.10403 | There were present that God of gods, viz, Mahadeva, and Agni, accompanied by Vayu, and Soma and Surya and Sakra, and Rishis devoted to the contemplation of Brahma, and the Vaikhanasas, the Valakhilyas, the Vanaprasthas, the Marichipas, the Ajas, the Avimudas, and other ascetics of great energy. |
Mbh.1.222.10876 | And because the child that Draupadi bore to Bhimasena was born after Bhima had performed a thousand Soma sacrifices, he came to be called Sutasoma. |
Mbh.1.226.11054 | The smoke-bannered celestial welcoming with reverence the ruler of the waters, that fourth of the Lokapalas, said unto that eternal god of gods, Give me without loss of time that bow and quiver, and that ape-bannered car also, which were obtained from king Soma. |
Mbh.1.226.11072 | It was the very car from which the lord Soma had vanquished the Danavas. |
Mbh.1.230.11284 | Thou art the twin Aswins; thou art Surya; thou art Soma; thou art Vayu. |
Mbh.2.3.92 | The palace, possessing an exceedingly beautiful form, like unto that of Agni or Suryya, or Soma, shone in great splendour, and by its brilliance seemed to darken even the bright rays of the sun. |
Mbh.2.7.324 | And O son of Pritha, the celestial Rishis also, all of pure souls, with sins completely washed off and resplendent as the fire, and possessed of energy, and without sorrow of any kind, and freed from the fever of anxiety, and all performers of the Soma sacrifice, also wait upon and worship Indra. |
Mbh.2.7.329 | O son of Pandu; and the rain-charged clouds, and the winds, and all the loud-sounding forces of heaven; the eastern point, the twenty seven fires conveying the sacrificial butter, Agni and Soma, and the fire of Indra, and Mitra, and Savitri, and Aryaman; Bhaga, Viswa the Sadhyas, the preceptor Vrihaspati, and also Sukra; and Vishwavasu and Chitrasena, and Sumanas, and also Taruna; the Sacrifices, the gifts to Brahmanas, the planets, and the stars, O Bharata, and the mantras that are uttered in sacrifices, all these are present there. |
Mbh.2.7.333 | These and many other illustrious ascetics of rigid wows, and Bhrigu and the seven Rishis who are equal, O king, unto Brahma himself, come to and leave that assembly house, riding on cars beautiful as the car of Soma, and themselves looking as bright therein as Soma himself. |
Mbh.2.11.439 | viz, Rig, Sama, Yajuh, and Atharva; all Sciences and branches of learning; Histories and all minor branches of learning; the several branches of the Vedas; the planets, the Sacrifices, the Soma, all the deities; Savitri Gayatri, the seven kinds of rhyme; Understanding, Patience, Memory, Wisdom, Intelligence, Fame, Forgiveness; the Hymns of the Sama Veda; the Science of hymns in general, and various kinds of Verses and Songs; various Commentaries with arguments, all in their personified forms, O king, and various Dramas and Poems and Stories and abridged Glosses, these also, and many others wait upon the Supreme Deity in that Sabha, Kshanas, Lavas, Muhurtas, Day, Night, Fortnights, Months, the six Seasons, O Bharata, Years, Yugas, the four kinds of Days and Nights viz, appearing to man, to the Pitris, to the gods, and to Brahma and that eternal, indestructible, undeteriorating, excellent Wheel of Time and also the Wheel of Virtue, these always wait there. |
Mbh.2.11.445 | Gratified with the Soma juice, first, these gratify Soma afterwards. |
Mbh.2.78.3370 | And, O monarch, that learned Brahamana goeth, also signifying, When the Bharatas shall be slain in battle, the priests of the Kurus will thus sing the Soma mantras for the benefit of the deceased' |
Mbh.3.3.196 | Ravi, Gabhastimat, Aja, Kala, Mrityu, Dhatri, Prabhakara, Prithibi, Apa, Teja, Kha, Vayu, the sole stay, Soma, Vrihaspati, Sukra, Budha, Angaraka, Indra, Vivaswat, Diptanshu, Suchi, Sauri, Sanaichara, Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Skanda, Vaisravana, Yama, Vaidyutagni, Jatharagni, Aindhna, Tejasampati, Dharmadhwaja, Veda-karttri, Vedanga, Vedavahana, Krita, Treta, Dwapara, Kali, full of every impurity, Kala, Kastha, Muhurtta, Kshapa, Yama, and Kshana; Samvatsara-kara, Aswattha, Kalachakra, Bibhavasu, Purusha, Saswata, Yogin, Vyaktavyakta, Sanatana, Kaladhyaksha, Prajadhyaksha, Viswakarma, Tamounda, Varuna, Sagara, Ansu, Jimuta, Jivana, Arihan, Bhutasraya, Bhutapati, Srastri, Samvartaka, Vanhi, Sarvadi, Alolupa, Ananta, Kapila, Bhanu, Kamada, Sarvatomukha, Jaya, Visala, Varada, Manas, Suparna, Bhutadi, Sighraga, Prandharana, Dhanwantari, Dhumaketu, Adideva, Aditisuta, Dwadasatman, Aravindaksha, Pitri, Matri, Pitamaha, Swarga-dwara, Prajadwara, Mokshadwara, Tripistapa, Dehakarti, Prasantatman, Viswatman, Viswatomukha, Characharatman, Sukhsmatman, the merciful Maitreya. |
Mbh.3.35.1851 | The wise have said that a month is a substitute for a year, like the pot-herb that is regarded as a substitute for the Soma. |
Mbh.3.83.4252 | One should then, O best of men, proceed to the excellent tirtha called Soma. |
Mbh.3.83.4253 | Bathing there, O king, one obtaineth the region of Soma. |
Mbh.3.83.4355 | The pilgrim then, O king, bathing in the tirtha of Soma, obtaineth, without doubt, the region of Soma. |
Mbh.3.84.4440 | By this, one obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice, and goeth to the region of Soma. |
Mbh.3.84.4495 | Staying there for one night and giving away sesame and kine, one's soul being cleansed from every sin, one ascendeth, without doubt to the region of Soma. |
Mbh.3.84.4533 | By a sojourn thither, one obtaineth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice, and goeth also to the region of Soma. |
Mbh.3.87.4791 | At Kamyaka, Kusika's son had quaffed the Soma juice with Indra. |
Mbh.3.88.4813 | In that sacrifice Indra became intoxicated with quaffing the Soma, and the Brahmanas, with the gifts they received. |
Mbh.3.120.6173 | And he began to dwell on the banks of the Payosini, whose waters were mingled with the distilled Soma juice. |
Mbh.3.121.6176 | when the Nriga performed a sacrifice here, he gratified Indra, the demolisher of hostile cities, by offering the Soma juice. |
Mbh.3.121.6179 | Here king Amurtarayasa, the lord of the world, satisfied Indra, the holder of the thunderbolt, by the offer of the Soma juice, when seven horse-sacrifices were performed by that king. |
Mbh.3.121.6185 | In all those magnificent sacrifices instituted by Gaya, the protector of the earth, Indira, was delighted by drinking the Soma juice, and the ministering priests were gratified with the gratuities paid to them. |
Mbh.3.121.6212 | this is the spot where Saryati performed sacrificial rites, wherein Indra appeared in a visible form and drank the Soma juice, with the two celestial physicians. |
Mbh.3.121.6217 | did he raise the celestial physicians to the rank of the drinkers of Soma? |
Mbh.3.123.6294 | Having obtained coveted beauty and also his wife, Chyavana, of exceeding energy, well pleased, spake these words unto the nose-born celestials: Since at your hands, an old man, I have obtained youth, and beauty, and also this wife of mine, I will, well pleased, make you quaffers of the Soma juice in the presence of the lord of celestials himself. |
Mbh.3.124.6307 | Chyavana took up a quantity of the Soma juice, in order that he might offer the same to the Aswins, who were physicians to the celestials. |
Mbh.3.124.6308 | And while the saint was taking up the intended offering for those celestial twins, Indra pronounced his interdiction, saying, These Aswins both of them in my opinion have no right to receive an offering of the Soma juice' |
Mbh.3.124.6309 | They are the physicians of the celestials in heaven, this vocation of theirs hath disentitled them in the matter of Soma. |
Mbh.3.124.6312 | Why shouldst thou and the other celestials have a right to the distilled Soma juice, and not they? |
Mbh.3.124.6317 | How can they then rightfully claim the juice of the Soma? |
Mbh.3.124.6319 | And as he was about to take up an excellent portion of the Soma juice with the object of offering it to the two Aswins, the destroyer of the demon Vala Indra observed his act, and thus spoke unto him, If thou take up the Soma with a view to offering it to those celestials, I shall hurl at thee my thunderbolt of awful form, which is superior to all the weapons that exist' |
Mbh.3.124.6320 | Thus addressed by Indra, the son of Bhrigu, cast at Indra a smiling glance, and took up in due form a goodly quantity of the Soma juice, to make an offering to the Aswins. |
Mbh.3.125.6340 | verily I tell thee as truth itself, that from this day forward the two Aswins will be entitled to the Soma juice. |
Mbh.3.125.6346 | These two Aswins will have a right to drink the Soma juice, since thou hast made them entitled to the same. |
Mbh.3.125.6353 | Having thus cast down the demon Mada and gratified Indra with a Soma draught and assisted king Saryati in worshipping all the gods together with the two Aswins and also spread his fame for power over all the worlds, the best of those endued with speech passed his days happily in the wood, in the company of Sukanya, his loving wife. |
Mbh.3.134.6862 | In this sacrifice of king Janaka, the principal hymns relating to the Uktha rites are being chanted, and the Soma juice also is being adequately quaffed. |
Mbh.3.163.8271 | And Arjuna, having dwelt for five years in the abode of him of a thousand eyes, and having from that lord of celestials obtained all the celestial weapons, such as those of Agni, of Varuna, of Soma, of Vayu, of Vishnu, of Indra, of Pasupati, of Brahma, of Parameshthi, of Prajapati, of Yama, of Dhata, of Savita, of Tvashta, and of Vaisravana; and having bowed down to and gone round him of a hundred sacrifices, and taken his Indra's permission, cheerfully came to the Gandhamadana |
Mbh.3.188.9450 | I am Siva, I am Soma, and I am Kasyapa the lord of the created things. |
Mbh.3.196.9942 | Dost thou not know, O hawk, that this creature looketh like a sacrifice with the Soma juice? |
Mbh.3.200.10317 | And, O lord, Indra and Soma and Agni and Varuna, indeed all the gods, the Asuras and the great Snakes all wait upon thee with humility, adoring thee with various hymns! |
Mbh.3.218.11099 | It is said by the Brahmanas that he is worshipped like Soma with the same hymns with offerings of clarified butter. |
Mbh.3.218.11100 | He is joined with Soma in the secondary oblation of clarified butter and is also called Rathaprabhu, Rathadhwana and Kumbhareta. |
Mbh.3.220.11161 | These all share the Soma drink in sacrifices. |
Mbh.3.221.11230 | There are as many different kinds of Soma sacrifices as the number of fires mentioned before. |
Mbh.3.223.11276 | And that god adorned with sun-like effulgence, then perceived the Sun rising on the Udaya hill and the great Soma Moon gliding into the Sun. |
Mbh.3.223.11281 | And he further saw the twenty four Parvas adorning the Sun, and the terrible Soma also present in the Sun under such surroundings. |
Mbh.3.223.11285 | This union of the Moon Soma with the Sun and Agni is very wonderful. |
Mbh.3.223.11286 | And if Soma giveth birth to a son now, that son may become the husband of this lady. |
Mbh.3.223.11295 | And with Indra at their head, the other gods also, desirous of drinking the Soma beverage, repaired to the sacrifices of those Rishis to receive their respective shares of the offerings. |
Mbh.3.230.11719 | Soma, the Maruta, Dharma, Vayu, the prince of mountains, and Indra, for all time. |
Mbh.3.263.12876 | Methinks thou art a goddess, or a Yakshi, or a Danavi, or an excellent Apsara, or the wife of a Daitya, or a daughter of the Naga king, or a Rakshasi or the wife of Varuna, or of Yama, or of Soma, or of Kuvera, who, having assumed a human form, wanderest in these forests. |
Mbh.3.267.12999 | O, take care that the Soma juice of a sacrifice is not licked up by a dog through the carelessness of the officiating priests! |
Mbh.4.43.1644 | And then Soma held it for five hundred years. |
Mbh.4.56.2165 | And there shone in a splendid array, each in its proper place the cars of Agni and Isa and Soma and Varuna and Prajapati and Dhatri and Vidhatri and Kuvera and Yama, and Alamvusha and Ugrasena and others, and of the Gandharva Tumburu. |
Mbh.5.16.738 | Salya continued, While that best of Angira's race was thus speaking, there came that guardian of the world, Kuvera, and also Yama the son of Surya, and the old god Soma, and Varuna. |
Mbh.5.29.1215 | It is by virtue of work that the sleepless Surya rises every day and becomes the cause of day and night, and Soma passes through the months and the fortnights and the combinations of constellations. |
Mbh.5.46.2583 | It is from that Seed that both the consumer and the consumed called Agni and Soma have sprung, and it is in it that the living organisms with the senses rest. |
Mbh.5.98.4651 | That daughter of Soma, equal in beauty unto a second Sree, is known by the name of Jyotsnakali. |
Mbh.5.108.4991 | It was here that the Soma juice, sanctified by boons, was first drunk in sacrifices by Suras. |
Mbh.5.119.5344 | Ashtaka then went to a city, bright as the city of Soma. |
Mbh.5.134.6027 | By slaying Vritra, Indra became the great Indra and acquired the sovereignty of all the gods and the cup for drinking Soma, and the lordship of all the worlds. |
Mbh.5.141.6336 | Barbed arrows and Nalikas, and long shafts, and arrows with heads like calf's tooth, will play the part of spoons wherewith to distribute the Soma juice while Tomaras will be the vessels of Soma, and bows will be pavitras. |
Mbh.5.141.6341 | The arrows shot by the wielder of Gandiva and by other mighty car-warriors, and by Drona and Drona's son, will play the part of ladles for distributing the Soma. |
Mbh.5.149.6680 | The lord of creatures, Soma, was the original progenitor of the Kuru race. |
Mbh.5.149.6681 | Sixth in descent from Soma, was Yayati, the son of Nahusha. |
Mbh.5.153.6836 | And many kings who had practised Brahmacharya vows, drunk consecrated Soma and had made large presents to Brahmanas at sacrifices, came there for the success of the sons of Pandu |
Mbh.6.11.539 | Tell me also, O Sanjaya, of the extent of the ocean of Sakadwipa, and Kusadwipa, of Salmalidwipa and Kraunchadwipa, truly and without leaving anything and tell me also, O son of Gavalgani, of Rahu and Soma and Surya' |
Mbh.6.17.837 | On that day on which the battle commenced Soma approached the region of Pitris |
Mbh.6.33.1545 | They who know the three branches of knowledge, also drink the Soma juice, and whose sins have been cleansed worshipping me by sacrifices, seek admission into heaven; and these attaining to the sacred region of the chief of the gods, enjoy in heaven the celestial pleasure of the gods. |
Mbh.6.123.6834 | The weapons appertaining to Agni, Varuna, Soma, Vayu, and Vishnu, as also those appertaining to Indra, Pasupati, and Paramesthi, and those of Prajapati, Dhatri, Tashtri, Savitri, and Vivaswat, all these are known to Dhananjaya alone in this world of men! |
Mbh.7.23.1110 | Whitish yellow steeds bore Sutasoma, the son of Arjuna, whom the latter had obtained from Soma himself. |
Mbh.7.47.2235 | And he looked like an extinguished fire in the summer season after as it lies having consumed a whole forest, or like a tempest divested of its fury after having crushed mountain crests or like the sun arrived at the western hills after having blasted with his heat the Bharata host; or like Soma swallowed up by Rahu; or like the ocean reft of water. |
Mbh.7.52.2521 | Sprung from Soma, he hath disappeared in the lunar essence, cleansed of all his impurities. |
Mbh.7.53.2540 | Or, is she any of these, viz, Sri, Hri, Kirti, Dhriti, Pushti, Siddhi, and the splendour of Soma' |
Mbh.7.64.2798 | Indeed, the king performed various sacrifices like another Soma or another Angiras. |
Mbh.7.67.2902 | Vrihaspati became the milker, the Chhandas were the vessel, and the excellent Soma, the calf. |
Mbh.7.74.3251 | As Lakshmi is ever present in Soma, as water is ever present in the Ocean, know this, O Janarddana, that even so is my vow ever accomplished! |
Mbh.7.82.3624 | Mounted on that best of cars with those two friends, that slayer of large bodies of foes, viz, Partha, proceeded for achieving the slaughter of the ruler of the Sindhus, like Soma rising in the firmament with Budha and Sukra, for destroying the gloom of night, or like Indra proceeding with Varuna and Surya to the great battle with the Asuras occasioned by the abduction of Taraka the wife of Vrihaspati. |
Mbh.7.95.4368 | Both our men and those of Yudhishthira, beheld that battle between Yuyudhana and high-souled Drona; the gods also, headed by Brahma and Soma, and the Siddhas, and the Charanas, and the Vidyadharas, and the great Snakes, saw it, stationed on their foremost of sky-ranging cars. |
Mbh.7.113.5550 | Beholding the king thus attacked by Satyaki in battle, and reduced to the position of Soma in the firmament while seized by Rahu, cries of woe arose from every section of the Kuru host. |
Mbh.7.141.7124 | Atri had for son Soma. |
Mbh.7.198.11294 | Everything that is done for propitiating Indra, and Yama, and Varuna, and Kuvera and Pitris and Tvashtri, and Soma, is really offered to thee. |
Mbh.7.199.11435 | The Danavas were unable to gaze at that shafts inspired with Yuga-fire and composed of Vishnu and Soma. |
Mbh.8.34.1646 | And they made Vishnu and Soma and Hutasana the arrow for Sankara's use. |
Mbh.8.34.1647 | Agni became the staff, and Soma became the head, and Vishnu the point, O king, of that foremost of arrows. |
Mbh.8.34.1689 | Vishnu and Agni and Soma became as already said the arrow. |
Mbh.8.34.1690 | The universe is said to consist of Agni and Soma. |
Mbh.8.34.1698 | Beholding that car, duly equipped, he cased himself in mail and armed himself with the bow, and took up that celestial shaft born of Soma and Vishnu and Agni. |
Mbh.8.34.1736 | Then, taking that arrow composed of Vishnu and Soma and Agni, Sthanu ascended the car, causing the foe to tremble by means of his bow. |
Mbh.8.34.1761 | In consequence, however, of the pressure caused by the weight of Soma, Agni, and Vishnu that were in that shaft, as also of the pressure caused by the weight of Brahman and Rudra and the latter's bow, that car seemed to sink. |
Mbh.8.45.2466 | The north is protected by the divine Soma along with the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.8.51.2871 | They were Srutarvan and Durddhara and Kratha and Vivitsu and Vikata and Soma, and Nishangin and Kavashin and Pasin and Nanda and Upanandaka, and Duspradharsha and Suvahu and Vatavega and Suvarchasas, and Dhanurgraha and Durmada and Jalasandha and Sala and Saha. |
Mbh.8.68.3945 | This high-souled son that is born of thee, O Kunti, will in beauty be the rival of Soma, in speed of the god of wind, in patience of Meru, in forgiveness of Earth, in splendour of Surya, in prosperity of the Lord of treasures, in courage of Sakra, and in might of Vishnu. |
Mbh.8.87.5299 | The Vasus, the Maruts, the Sadhyas, the Rudras, the Vishvedevas and the Ashvinis, and Agni and Indra and Soma and Pavana, and the ten points of the compass, became the partisans of Dhananjaya, while all the Adityas sided with Karna. |
Mbh.8.94.6048 | The planet Mercury, the son of Soma, assuming the hue of fire or the Sun, appeared to course through the firmament in a slanting direction. |
Mbh.8.96.6159 | The learned say that the holy and the eternal Vishnu is Sacrifice, and each of those other gods, viz, Agni, Wind, Soma, and Surya, is so. |
Mbh.9.33.2413 | There, the Lord of the constellations Soma, who had been affected with phthisis, became freed from his curse. |
Mbh.9.33.2415 | And because that foremost of tirthas on earth had formerly contributed to invest Soma with splendour after he had lost it, it is, therefore, called Prabhasa |
Mbh.9.33.2416 | Janamejaya said, For what reason was the adorable Soma afflicted with phthisis? |
Mbh.9.33.2421 | These he bestowed in marriage upon Soma. |
Mbh.9.33.2422 | Connected with the several constellations, those wives, O king, of Soma of auspicious deeds, served to help men in calculating time. |
Mbh.9.33.2425 | The adorable Soma took great delight in her. |
Mbh.9.33.2427 | In those days of yore, O monarch, Soma lived long with Rohini exclusively. |
Mbh.9.33.2429 | Repairing speedily to their sire Daksha, that Lord of creation, they said unto him, Soma doth not live with us! |
Mbh.9.33.2432 | Hearing these words of theirs, Daksha saw Soma and said unto him, Behave equally towards all thy wives! |
Mbh.9.33.2437 | Still the adorable Soma, O lord of earth, continued to act as before, for pleased with Rohini alone, he continued to live with her exclusively. |
Mbh.9.33.2439 | Soma does not live with us and is unmindful of thy commands' |
Mbh.9.33.2440 | Hearing these words of theirs, Daksha once more said unto Soma, Behave equally towards all thy wives! |
Mbh.9.33.2442 | Disregarding, however, these words of Daksha, the adorable Soma continued to live with Rohini alone. |
Mbh.9.33.2444 | Repairing to their sire, they bowed unto him by lowering their heads, and said, Soma doth not live with us! |
Mbh.9.33.2448 | Therefore, save us so that Soma may accept us all' |
Mbh.9.33.2449 | Hearing these words, the adorable Daksha, O king, became angry and in consequence thereof hurled the curse of phthisis upon Soma. |
Mbh.9.33.2455 | In consequence, however, of the wasting of Soma, the deciduous herbs failed to grow. |
Mbh.9.33.2458 | Indeed, owing to the wasting of Soma, all creatures began to be emaciated. |
Mbh.9.33.2459 | Then all the celestials, coming to Soma, O king, asked him, saying, Why is it that thy form is not so beautiful and resplendent as before? |
Mbh.9.33.2463 | The gods then, having heard those words, repaired to Daksha and said, Be gratified, O adorable one, with Soma! |
Mbh.9.33.2471 | Knowing this, O master of the universe, it behoveth thee to be gratified with Soma' |
Mbh.9.33.2477 | For half the month Soma shall wane every day, and for half the month following he will wax every day! |
Mbh.9.33.2481 | At this command of the celestial Rishi Daksha, Soma then proceeded to the Sarasvati. |
Mbh.9.33.2484 | All the creatures also, O monarch, having repaired to Prabhasa, returned with Soma amongst them to the place where Daksha was. |
Mbh.9.33.2486 | Pleased with Soma, the adorable Daksha once more addressed him, saying, Do not, O son, disregard women, and never disregard Brahmanas! |
Mbh.9.33.2488 | Dismissed by him, Soma came back to his own abode. |
Mbh.9.34.2500 | While in a hole, that high-souled one had drunk the Soma juice. |
Mbh.9.34.2507 | How did Trita perform his sacrifice and how did he drink Soma? |
Mbh.9.34.2519 | The plan they formed, O scorcher of foes, was to take Trita with them, and calling upon all their Yajamanas and collecting the needful number of animals, they would joyfully drink the Soma juice and acquire the great merits of sacrifice. |
Mbh.9.34.2540 | He feared to die inasmuch as he had not earned the merit of drinking Soma juice. |
Mbh.9.34.2541 | Possessed of great wisdom, he began to reflect with the aid of his intelligence as to how he could succeed in drinking Soma even there. |
Mbh.9.34.2544 | Constituting himself the Hotri in imagination, the great ascetic imagined the creeper he saw to be the Soma plant. |
Mbh.9.34.2550 | Having next mentally drunk Soma, he began to utter a loud noise. |
Mbh.9.34.2566 | He also said, Let him that bathes in this well, have the end that is attained by persons that have drunk Soma' |
Mbh.9.41.3012 | Of righteous deeds, he then proceeded to the great tirtha of Soma. |
Mbh.9.41.3013 | There, in days of yore, Soma himself, O king of kings, had performed the Rajasuya sacrifice. |
Mbh.9.42.3045 | Endued with self-restraint and asceticism and great energy, the child grew up, O monarch, into a person of highly agreeable features like Soma himself. |
Mbh.9.43.3111 | Soma also gave him two companions, Mani and Sumani, both of whom looked like summits of the Kailasa mountain and always used white garlands and white unguents. |
Mbh.9.44.3245 | Possessed of great strength, some amongst them partook of the nature of Yama, some of Rudra, some of Soma, some of Kuvera, some of Varuna, some of Indra, and some of Agni, O scorcher of foes. |
Mbh.9.45.3360 | Thou shalt then wax and wane with Soma' |
Mbh.9.48.3553 | From Yama's region the great ascetic Jaigishavya was then seen to soar aloft and proceed to the abode of Soma. |
Mbh.9.48.3598 | Bathing there and giving away wealth unto the Brahmanas, the high-souled wielder of the plough, of noble deeds, earned great merit and then proceeded to the tirtha of Soma |
Mbh.12.24.1073 | Having won many battles and cherished his subjects, having drunk the Soma juice in sacrifices and gratified the foremost of Brahmanas with presents and judiciously wielded the rod of chastisement over those placed under his sway and at last cast off his life in battle, that king is living happily in heaven. |
Mbh.12.25.1148 | By winning battles, protecting his kingdom, drinking the Soma juice, advancing his subjects, wielding judiciously the rod of Chastisement, and casting off his body at last in fight, a king enjoys happiness in heaven. |
Mbh.12.29.1384 | In that sacrifice of Marutta, the Maruts drank Soma. |
Mbh.12.29.1401 | While the king of Anga performed his sacrifice by the hill called Vishnupada, Indra became intoxicated with the Soma he drank, and the Brahmanas with the presents they received. |
Mbh.12.29.1403 | No other man was born, or will ever be born, that gave or will give away so much wealth as was given away by the king of the Angas in the seven sacrifices he performed, each of which was characterised by the consecration of the Soma |
Mbh.12.29.1438 | In one of the sacrifices of that king, intoxicated with the Soma he had drunk, Indra, the adorable chastiser of Paka and the chief of the gods, vanquished, by putting forth the might of his arms, many thousands of Asuras. |
Mbh.12.29.1506 | That bull among men gratified the gods with Soma, the Brahmanas with wealth, the Pitris with Swadha, and the women with the accomplishment of all their wishes. |
Mbh.12.33.1728 | Having caused so many heroic kings who were always devoted to righteousness and all of whom had quaffed Soma in sacrifices, what end shall I attain, O great ascetic! |
Mbh.12.34.1833 | One who knows the true use of the Soma juice, does not incur sin by selling it |
Mbh.12.36.1941 | The food provided by a person selected for receiving gifts at a certain stage of a sacrifice, by one who does not enjoy his wealth or make any gifts, that provided by one who sells Soma, or one who is a shoe-maker, by an unchaste woman, by a washerman, by a physician, by persons serving as watchmen, by a multitude of persons, by one who is pointed at by a whole village, by one deriving his support from keep of dancing girls, by persons wedding before their elder brothers are wedded, by professional panegyrists and bards, and by those that are gamblers, the food also which is brought with the left hand or which is stale, the food which is mixed with alcohol, the food a portion of which has been already tasted, and the food that forms the remnant of a feast, should not be taken by a Brahmana. |
Mbh.12.37.2006 | Adored by panegyrists and bards, the king mounted upon that car like Soma riding upon his own ambrosial vehicle. |
Mbh.12.47.2364 | Salutations to thee in thy form of Soma that is spoken of as the chief of all the regenerate ones and that gratifies with nectar the gods in the lighted fortnight and the Pitris in the dark fortnight. |
Mbh.12.62.3455 | He that is self-restrained, has drunk the Soma in sacrifices, is of good behaviour, has compassion for all creatures and patience to bear everything, has no desire of bettering his position by acquisition of wealth, is frank and simple, mild, free from cruelty, and forgiving, is truly a Brahmana and not he that is sinful in acts. |
Mbh.12.62.3464 | Having studied the Vedas duly and the treatises on the duties of kings, O sinless one, having begotten children and performed other acts of a like nature, having quaffed the Soma and ruled over and protected all his subjects righteously, O foremost of speakers, having performed the Rajasuya, the horse sacrifice, and other great sacrifices, having invited learned Brahmanas for reciting the scriptures and made presents unto them according to their desires, having obtained victories small or great in battle, having placed on his throne the son of his loins or some Kshatriya of good birth for the protection of subjects, having worshipped the Pitris by performing with due rites the sacrifices laid down for honouring them, having attentively worshipped the gods by performing sacrifices and the Rishis by studying the Vedas, the Kshatriya, who in old age desires another mode of life, may, O king, adopt it by leaving that one which immediately precedes it, and by that means he is sure to obtain ascetic success. |
Mbh.12.70.4023 | Gratify Indra with offerings of Soma and the friends and well-wishers with the objects of their wishes |
Mbh.12.76.4269 | There is no Brahmana in my dominions who is not possessed of learning or who is not observant of vows or who has not drunk Soma. |
Mbh.12.77.4336 | A Brahmana, by selling a goat, incurs the sin of selling the god of fire; by selling a sheep, the sin of selling the god of water; by selling a horse, the sin of selling the god of the sun; by selling cooked food, the sin of selling land; and by selling a cow, the sin of selling sacrifice and the Soma juice. |
Mbh.12.78.4417 | The Vedas have settled that Soma is as the king himself to the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.12.78.4419 | Rishis of righteous behaviour have declared, agreeably to the dictates of morality, that a sacrifice performed with the proceeds of the sale of Soma serves to extend sacrifices |
Mbh.12.78.4420 | These three, viz, a person, a sacrifice and Soma, must be of good character. |
Mbh.12.121.6926 | At the top of the scale, the divine Indra is awake with the rod of chastisement; after him, Agni of blazing flames; after him, Varuna; after Varuna, Prajapati; after Prajapati, Righteousness whose essence consists of restraint after Righteousness the son of Brahman, viz, the eternal Law; after Law, Energy is awake, employed in the act of protection; after Energy, the herbs offered in sacrifices for supporting the gods and used as food and medicines; after the herbs, the mountains; after the mountains, all kinds of juices and their attributes; after these, the goddess Niriti; after Niriti, the planets and the luminous bodies in heaven; after these, the Vedas; after the Vedas, the puissant form of Vishnu with equine head; after him, the almighty and eternal Grandsire, viz, Brahman; after the Grandsire, the divine and blessed Mahadeva; after Mahadeva, the Viswedevas; after them, the great Rishis; after the Rishis the divine Soma; after Soma, the deities who are all eternal; after the deities, know that the Brahmanas are awake. |
Mbh.12.140.8408 | The planet Vrihaspati began to move in a retrograde course, and Soma abandoning his own orbit, receded towards the south. |
Mbh.12.151.9049 | The king, cleansed of his sins and regaining blessedness, shone with splendour like a blazing fire, and that slayer of foes then entered his kingdom like Soma in his full form entering heaven |
Mbh.12.164.9683 | That Brahmana who hath a sufficiency of stores for feeding his family for three or more years, deserves to drink the Soma |
Mbh.12.164.9684 | If not withstanding the presence of a virtuous king on the throne, the sacrifice begun by anybody, especially by a Brahmana, cannot be completed for want of only a fourth part of the estimated expenses, then the king should, for the completion of that sacrifice, take away from his kinsmen the wealth of a Vaisya that is possessed of a large flock of cattle but that is averse from sacrifices and abstains from quaffing Soma. |
Mbh.12.164.9695 | On the expiry of every year, one should perform the Vaisvanara sacrifice if he is unable to perform any animal or Soma sacrifice. |
Mbh.12.181.10948 | Agni and Soma, otherwise called the Sun and the Moon, are called his eyes. |
Mbh.12.198.12075 | The same becomes the case with him if he goes to Soma, or Vayu, or Earth, or Space. |
Mbh.12.206.12494 | The highly-blessed Soma became the husband of them all. |
Mbh.12.207.12559 | Atri had another son born of his lions, viz, the handsome and princely Soma of great energy. |
Mbh.12.222.13454 | He was Soma. |
Mbh.12.261.15872 | The cow and the calf are Soma. |
Mbh.12.280.17258 | There, Brahman, and Vishnu, and Siva, that lord of the universe, the illustrious and divine Soma, and all the highest Rishis stand, beholding thee! |
Mbh.12.283.17463 | The drinkers of Soma, the drinkers of smoke, the drinkers of Ajya, the Rishis, and the Pitris came there with the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.12.284.17593 | In thy body I behold Soma, and Agni, and the lord of the Waters, and Aditya, and Vishnu, and Brahmana, and Vrihaspati. |
Mbh.12.284.17776 | Thou art the drinker of both poison and fire, thou art the foremost of all deities, thou art the drinker of Soma, thou art the lord of the Maruts |
Mbh.12.284.17780 | Thou protectest from poison and death, and thou drinkest milk and Soma. |
Mbh.12.284.17804 | Let him who entering Rahu's mouth drinketh Soma in the night and who becoming Swarbhanu devoureth Surya also, protect me |
Mbh.12.304.19145 | It should be known as Soma eternal and immutable. |
Mbh.12.328.20922 | It is this wind that causes Soma and the other luminaries to rise and appear. |
Mbh.12.341.22325 | In the Puranas, Agni and Soma are spoken of as complementary to one another. |
Mbh.12.342.22438 | With one of his mouths he began to drink all the Soma that Brahmanas engaged in Sacrifices poured on their sacred fires with due rites. |
Mbh.12.342.22441 | Beholding him swelling with energy in every part of his body that was strengthened by the Soma he was drinking, all the deities, then, with Indra in their company, proceeded to the Grandsire Brahma. |
Mbh.12.342.22442 | Arrived at his presence, they addressed him and said, All the Soma that is duly offered in the sacrifices performed everywhere is being drunk by Viswarupa. |
Mbh.12.342.22560 | Arrived at Hiranyasarah, Soma bathed in that sacred water. |
Mbh.13.1.93 | All acts in this world and all abstentions, as also all their modifications, are said to be influenced by Kala, Surya, Soma, Vishnu, Water, Wind, the deity of a hundred sacrificer, Fire, Sky, Earth, Mitra and Parjanya, Aditi, and the Vasus, Rivers and Oceans, all existent and non-existent objects, are created and destroyed by Kala. |
Mbh.13.14.1368 | Salutations to thee that art Soma, to thee that art as mild as Soma, to thee that bearest the lunar disc, to thee that art of lunar aspect, to thee that art the foremost of all creatures, to thee that art adorned with a set of the most beautiful teeth. |
Mbh.13.14.1513 | Sanatkumara, the Vedas, the Histories, Marichi, Angiras, Atri, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, the seven Manus, Soma, the Atharvans, and Vrihaspati, Bhrigu, Daksha, Kasyapa, Vasishtha, Kasya, the Schandas, Diksha, the Sacrifices, Dakshina, the Sacrificial Fires, the Havis clarified butter poured in sacrifices, and all the requisites of the sacrifices, were beheld by me, O Yudhishthira, standing there in their embodied forms. |
Mbh.13.14.1532 | Thou, O illustrious one, art the Vedas, the Sacrifices, Soma, Dakshina, Pavaka, Havi, and all other requisites of sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.16.1609 | Thou art the Grandsire Brahma, thou art Bhava, thou art Vishnu, thou art Skanda, thou art Indra, thou art Savitri, thou art Yama, thou art Varuna, Soma, thou art Dhatri, thou art Manu, thou art Vidhatri and thou art Kuvera, the Lord of treasures. |
Mbh.13.17.1808 | Thou art Soma |
Mbh.13.17.2624 | Thou art he who is endued with innumerable rays of light, who brings forth the universe, and who is of the form of that Soma which is drunk in sacrifices. |
Mbh.13.18.2881 | Vishnu said, O Great King, Aditya, Chandra, Wind, Fire, Heaven, Earth, the Vasus, the Viswedevas, Dhatri, Aryyaman, Sukra, Vrihaspati, the Rudras, the Saddhyas, Varuna, Brahma, Sakra, Maruts, the Upanishads that deal with knowledge of Brahman, Truth, the Vedas, the Sacrifices, Sacrificial Presents, Brahmanas reciting the Vedas, Soma, Sacrificer, the shares of the deities in sacrificial offerings or clarified butter poured in sacrifices, Raksha, Diksha, all kinds of restraints in the form of vows and fasts and rigid observances, Swaha, Vashat, the Brahmanas, the celestial cow, the foremost acts of righteousness, the wheel of Time, Strength, Fame, Self-restraint, the Steadiness of all persons endued with intelligence, all acts of goodness and the reverse, the seven Rishis, Understanding of the foremost order, all kinds of excellent touch, the success of all religious acts, the diverse tribes of the deities, those beings that drink heat, those that are drinkers of Soma, Clouds, Suyamas, Rishitas, all creatures having Mantras for their bodies, Abhasuras, those beings that live upon scents only, those that live upon vision only, those that restrain their speech, those that restrain their minds, those that are pure, those that are capable of assuming diverse forms through Yoga-puissance, those deities that live on touch as their food, those deities that subsist on vision and those that subsist upon the butter poured in sacrifices, those beings that are competent to create by fiats of their will the objects they require, they that are regarded as the foremost ones among the deities, and all the other deities, O descendant of Ajamila, the Suparnas, the Gandharvas, the Pisachas, the Danavas, Yakshas, the Charanas, the snakes, all that is gross and all that is exceedingly subtile, all that is soft and all that is not subtile, all sorrows and all joys, all sorrows that come after joy and all joy that comes after sorrow, the Sankhya philosophy, Yoga, and that which transcends objects which are regarded as foremost and very superior, all adorable things, all the deities, and all the protectors of the universe who entering into the physical forces sustain and uphold this ancient creation of that illustrious Deity, have sprung from that Creator of all creatures. |
Mbh.13.23.3293 | Those Brahmanas that practise the calling of physicians, those that receive regular pay for worshipping the images of deities established by the rich, or live upon the service of the deities, those that are observant of vows from pride or other false motives, and those that sell Soma, do not deserve to be invited. |
Mbh.13.23.3311 | One who is not observant of vows, or who is addicted to falsehood in both speech and conduct, who is a thief, or who subsists by the sale of living creatures or by trade in general, becomes worthy of invitation to Sraddhas, O king, if he happens to offer all to the deities first and subsequently drink Soma. |
Mbh.13.25.3460 | Repairing to Brahmasaras as also to the Bhagirathi and bathing there and offering oblations to the Pitris every day for a full month, abstaining from food all the while, one is sure to attain to the region of Soma, Bathing in Utpataka and then in Ashtavakra and offering oblations of water to the Pitris every day for twelve days in succession, abstaining the while from food, one acquires the merits of a Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.26.3545 | Verily, a world without Ganga is like the different orders and modes of life when they are destitute of righteousness or like sacrifices without Soma. |
Mbh.13.34.4081 | They have Soma for their king, and they it is who confer happiness and misery upon others. |
Mbh.13.36.4208 | Soma said, The Brahmanas become crowned with success through their penances. |
Mbh.13.36.4219 | Even this is what my father heard from Soma of wonderful aspect. |
Mbh.13.62.6036 | Aditya and Varuna and Vishnu and Brahman and Soma and Hutasana, and the illustrious and trident-bearing Mahadeva, all applaud the man that makes a gift of earth. |
Mbh.13.63.6162 | Agni and Soma, the two agents living within the body, create and maintain the vital seed. |
Mbh.13.64.6195 | Making a gift of wrought or unwrought gold, under the constellation Pushya, one shines in effulgence like Soma himself in regions of surrounding gloom. |
Mbh.13.66.6311 | Kine, O Bharata, dwell in the region of Brahman, in the company of Soma. |
Mbh.13.67.6382 | The very lord of all the planets, viz, the illustrious Soma, has sprung from water. |
Mbh.13.76.6943 | They have that in them which partakes in the nature of both Surya, and Soma. |
Mbh.13.76.6953 | Possessed of the nature of both Sutya and Soma, do ye cause both the giver and the receiver to blaze forth with all kinds of prosperity, |
Mbh.13.76.6967 | All the three, as also they that regularly go through their ablutions and other acts at early dawn, and he that is well-conversant with the Mahabharata, it is well-known, attain to the regions of Vishnu and Soma. |
Mbh.13.77.7019 | It is by sacrifice that Soma nectar is got. |
Mbh.13.77.7038 | Those amongst them, however, which succeeded in escaping from the glance of Mahadeva by entering the region of Soma, remained of the same colour with which they were born, for no change was produced in their complexion. |
Mbh.13.77.7062 | They yield Soma nectar in the form of milk. |
Mbh.13.79.7137 | By giving away a cow of variegated hue, with a calf similar to herself, yielding milk, free from every vice, and covered with a piece of cloth, one attains to great honours in the region of Soma. |
Mbh.13.82.7319 | The deities, viz, Indra, Vivaswat, Soma, Vishnu, Varuna, and Agni, having obtained me, are sporting in joy and will do so for ever. |
Mbh.13.84.7533 | Know this as certain that gold is of the essence of Fire and Soma. |
Mbh.13.84.7534 | The goat is Fire for it given, it leads to the region of the deity of fire; the sheep is Varuna for if leads to the region of Varuna the lord of waters; the horse is Surya for if leads to the region of Surya; elephants are Nagas for they lead to the world of Nagas; buffaloes are Asuras for they lead to the region of Asuras; cocks and boars are Rakshasas for they lead to the regions of the Rakshasas, O delighter of the Bhrigus; earth is sacrifice, kine, water, and Soma for it leads to the merits of sacrifice, and to the region of kine, of the lord of waters and of Soma. |
Mbh.13.85.7731 | Like unto Surya or thy blazing self, in beauty it is even like a second Soma' |
Mbh.13.85.7750 | Verily, gold is said to have for its essence Agni and Soma' |
Mbh.13.85.7899 | He who with restrained soul, makes a gift of gold at the second twilight succeeds in attaining to a residence with Brahman and the deity of wind and Agni and Soma in their respective regions. |
Mbh.13.90.8069 | He that is full of guile, or he that is guilty of foeticide, or he that is ill of consumption, or he that keeps animals, of is destitute of Vedic study, or is a common servant of a village, or lives upon the interest of loans, or he that is a singer, or he that sells all articles, or he that is guilty of arson, or he that is a poisoner or he that is a pimp by profession, or he that sells Soma, or he that is a professor of palmistry, or he that is in the employ of the king, or he that is seller of oil, or he that is a cheat and false swearer, or he that has a quarrel with his father, or he that tolerates a paramour of his wife in his house, or he that has been cursed, or he that is a thief, or he that lives by some mechanical art, or he that puts on disguises, or he that is deceitful in his behaviour, or he that is hostile to those he calls his friends, or he that is an adulterer, or he that is a preceptor of Sudras, or he that has betaken himself to the profession of arms, or he that wanders with dogs for hunting, or he that has been bit by a dog, or he that has wedded before his elder brothers, or he that seems to have undergone circumcision he that violates the bed of his preceptor, he that is an actor or mime, he that lives by setting up a deity and he that lives by calculating the conjunctions of stars and planets and asterisms, are regarded as fit to be excluded from the line. |
Mbh.13.90.8072 | The offerings made at Sraddhas if presented to a Brahmana who sells Soma, become converted into human ordure; if presented to a Brahmana who is engaged in the practice of Medicine, they become converted into pus and blood; if presented to one who lives by setting up a deity, they fail to produce any fruit; if presented to one who lives upon the interest of loans they lead to infamy; if presented to one who is engaged in trade, they become productive of no fruits either here or hereafter. |
Mbh.13.91.8172 | Having first performed the Karana on the sacred fire with the aid of Mantras, O thou that art possessed of wealth of penances, one should always pour libations next unto the deity of fire, and Soma, and Varuna. |
Mbh.13.91.8176 | After this, both Agni and Soma should be invoked with reverence and gratified with libations, O sinless one. |
Mbh.13.92.8201 | Indeed, afflicted with the heaps of food that all persons began to give them, they repaired to the presence of Soma. |
Mbh.13.92.8202 | Approaching Soma they said, Alas, great is our affliction in consequence of the food that is offered to us at Sraddhas. |
Mbh.13.92.8204 | Unto them Soma answered, saying, If, ye gods, ye are desirous of obtaining ease, do ye repair then into the abode of the Self-born. |
Mbh.13.92.8206 | At these words of Soma, the deities and the Pitris then proceeded, O Bharata, to the Grandsire where he was seated on the summit of the mountains of Meru' |
Mbh.13.92.8221 | This other Mantra also should be uttered, viz, unto Soma who is fond of the Pitris. |
Mbh.13.93.8491 | Let him be a seller of the Soma plant or juice! |
Mbh.13.97.8744 | The householder should daily offer oblations of food and water, or of fruits, roots and water, for the gratification of the Pitris, and the Vaiswadeva offering should be performed with rice boiled, and oblations of clarified butter unto Agni, Soma, and Dhanwantari. |
Mbh.13.97.8746 | He should make sacrificial offerings in due order; to Yama in the Southern region, to Varuna in Western region, to Soma in the Northern region, to Prajapati within the homestead, to Dhanwantari in the North-eastern region, and to Indra in the Eastern region. |
Mbh.13.98.8799 | All of them have the deity Soma for their lord. |
Mbh.13.101.9014 | While they were being carried away, some milk from their udders fell upon a number of Soma plants that grew by the roadside. |
Mbh.13.101.9015 | Those Brahmanas that drank the juice of the plants thus bedewed with milk, as also the king who performed the sacrifice in which that Soma was drunk, had to sink in hell. |
Mbh.13.101.9025 | It is for this reason that Soma plants become unsaleable by a person possessed of wisdom. |
Mbh.13.101.9026 | They who sell the Soma plant are censured by the wise. |
Mbh.13.101.9027 | Indeed, O son, they who purchase Soma and they who sell it, both sink in the hell called Raurava when, departing from this world, they repair to the region of Yama. |
Mbh.13.101.9028 | That man who, possessing a knowledge of the Vedas, duly sells Soma, becomes in his next life a usurer and quickly meets with destruction. |
Mbh.13.102.9111 | These constitute the abode of the high-souled king Soma. |
Mbh.13.103.9195 | Performing many Soma sacrifices, I gave away unto each Brahmana ten kine each of whom yielded milk, and each of whom had brought forth only her first calf, besides making presents unto them of hundreds of kine belonging to that species which is known by the name of Rohini. |
Mbh.13.107.9799 | That man who having fasted for fifteen days takes one meal on the sixteenth day and bears himself in this way for one whole year, acquires the merits attaching to the Soma sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.107.9801 | His body fragrant with unguents whose perfumes are as sweet as those of Soma himself, he acquires the power of transporting himself immediately to any place he likes. |
Mbh.13.109.9908 | He who fasts on the twelfth day of the moon in the month of Phalguna and worships Krishna as Govinda, for the whole day and night, attains to the merit of the Atiratra sacrifice and goes to the region of Soma. |
Mbh.13.109.9910 | By observing a similar fast on the twelfth day of the month of Vaisakha and worshipping Krishna as the slayer of Madhu for the whole day and night, one attains to the merits of the Agnishtoma sacrifice and proceeds to the region of Soma. |
Mbh.13.125.10956 | The mud such a bull raises with its horns from the banks of a river or lake, succeeds, without doubt, in sending the Pitris of the person that sets the animal free to the region of Soma. |
Mbh.13.125.10957 | By giving lamps in the season of rains, one shines with effulgence like Soma himself. |
Mbh.13.129.11104 | By such an act one is said to increase Soma and the Ocean. |
Mbh.13.129.11107 | The divine Soma, well-pleased with him, grants him the fruition of his wishes. |
Mbh.13.130.11165 | Soma and Surya and the deity of fire always give him their light when he repairs to the other world. |
Mbh.13.134.11259 | By such an offering Soma increases as also the ocean, that vast receptacle of waters. |
Mbh.13.141.11784 | Righteous in their conduct and possessed of great sanctity, they live in the region of Soma. |
Mbh.13.141.11785 | Thus residing near enough to the region of the Pitris, they duly subsist by drinking the rays of Soma. |
Mbh.13.141.11788 | With their wedded spouses, and with passions under complete control, they too subsist upon the rays of Soma. |
Mbh.13.142.11829 | These Munis, crowned with ascetic success and ever devoted to the religion of Truth, attain to the highly sacred region of Brahman or the eternal region of Soma. |
Mbh.13.143.11919 | That Brahmana who drinks alcohol, who becomes guilty of Brahmanicide or mean in his behaviour, or a thief, or who breaks his vows, or becomes impure, or unmindful of his Vedic studies, or sinful, or characterised by cupidity, or guilty of cunning or cheating, or who does not observe vows, or who weds a Sudra woman, or who derives his subsistence by pandering to the lusts of other people or who sells the Soma plant, or who serves a person of an order below his, falls away from his status of Brahmanahood |
Mbh.13.149.12534 | He that has created all the Sastras CDLXXV, CDLXXXV; He that exists, in the form of the Sun, as the centre of innumerable rays of light; He that dwells in all creatures; He that is possessed of great prowess; He that is the Master of even Yama and others of similar puissance; He that is the oldest of the deities existing as He does from the beginning; He that exists in His own glory, casting off all conditions; He that is the Lord of even all the deities; He that is the ruler of even him that upholds the deities viz, Indra CDLXXXVI, CDXCIII; He that transcends birth and destruction; He that tended and protected kine in the form of Krishna; He that nourishes all creatures; He that is approachable by knowledge alone; He that is Ancient; He that upholds the elements which constitute the body; He that enjoys and endures weal and woe, in the form of Jiva; He that assumed the form of a vast Boar; or, He that, in the form of Rama, was the Lord of a large monkey host; He that gave plentiful presents unto all in a grand sacrifice performed by Him CDXCIV, DII; He that drinks Soma in every sacrifice; He that drinks nectar; He that, in the form of Soma Chandramas, nourishes all the herbs and plants; He that conquers foes in a trice when even they are infinite in number; He that is of universal form and is the foremost of all existent entities; He that is the chastiser; He that is victorious over all; He whose purposes are incapable of being baffled; He that deserves gifts; He that gives what His creatures have not and who protects what they have DIII, DXII; He that holds the life-breaths; He that beholds all His creatures as objects of direct vision; He that never beholds anything beside His own Self; He that gives emancipation; He whose footsteps three in number covered Heaven, Earth, and the Nether regions; He who is the receptacle of all the water; He that overwhelms all Space, all Time, and all things; He that lies on the vast expanse of waters after the universal dissolution; He that causes the destruction of all things DXIII, DXXI; He that is without birth; He that is exceedingly adorable; He that appears in His own nature; He that has conquered all foes in the form of wrath and other evil passions; He that delights those that meditate on Him; He that is joy; He that fills others with delight; He that swells with all causes of delight; He that has truth and other virtues for His indications; He whose foot steps are in the three worlds DXXII, DXXX; He that is the first of the Rishis being conversant with the entire Vedas; He that is identical with the preceptor Kapila; He that is the knower of the Universe; He that is Master of the Earth; He that has their feet; He that is the guardian of the deities; He that has large horns in allusion to the piscatory form in which He saved Manu on the occasion of the universal deluge by scudding through the waters with Manu's boat tied to His horns; He that exhausts all acts by causing their doers to enjoy or endure their fruits; or, He that grinds the Destroyer himself DXXXI, DXXXVIII; the great Boar: He that is understood or apprehended by the aid of the Vedanta; He that has beautiful troops in the form of His worshippers; He that is adorned with golden armlets; He that is concealed being knowledge with the aid of the Upanishads only; He that is deep in knowledge and puissance; He that is difficult of access; He that transcends both word and thought, that is armed with the discus and the mace DXXXIX, DXLVII; the Ordainer; He that is the cause in the form of helper of the universe; He that has never been vanquished; He that is the Island-born Krishna; He that is enduring in consequence of His transcending decay: He that mows all things and is Himself above deterioration; the Varuna the deity of the waters; the son of Varuna in the form of Vasishtha or Agastya; He that is immovable as a tree; He that is displayed in His own true form in the lotus of the heart; He that creates, preserves, and destroys by only a fiat of the mind DXLVIII, DLVIII; He that is possessed of the sixfold attributes of sovereignty etc; |
Mbh.13.150.12692 | All the princes of the race of Soma and of Surya, viz, the Raghavas and the Kauravas, recite these Mantras every day after having purified themselves, These constitute the highest end of human creatures. |
Mbh.13.154.12879 | The daughter of Soma, named Bhadra, came to be regarded as unrivalled in beauty. |
Mbh.13.154.12880 | Her sire Soma regarded Utathya to be the fittest of husbands for her. |
Mbh.13.154.12896 | Why then hast thou abducted Utathya's wife bestowed upon him by Soma' |
Mbh.13.156.12974 | Once on a time as the gods and Danavas were fighting each other in the dark, Rahu pierced both Surya and Soma with his arrows. |
Mbh.13.156.12978 | Addressing that Rishi who had conquered all his senses and in whom wrath had been extinguished, they said Behold, O Rishi, these two, viz, Soma and Surya, who have both been pierced by the Asuras with their arrows! |
Mbh.13.156.12985 | Thus solicited by them, Atri assumed the form of the darkness-destroying Soma. |
Mbh.13.156.12986 | Indeed, in consequence of his agreeable disposition, he began to look as handsome and delightful as Soma himself. |
Mbh.13.156.12987 | Beholding that the real Soma and the real Surya had become darkened by the shafts of the foe, Atri, assuming the forms of those luminaries, began to shine forth in splendour over the field of battle, aided by the puissance of his penances. |
Mbh.13.156.13000 | Having passed his promise to the twin Aswins, Chyavana addressed the chastiser of Paka, saying, Do thou make the Aswins drinkers of Soma with all other deities' |
Mbh.13.156.13002 | How then, can they be admitted into the sacrificial circle for drinking Soma with the others? |
Mbh.13.156.13005 | O thou of great vows, we do not wish to drink Soma in the company of the As wins. |
Mbh.13.156.13007 | Chyavana said, The twin Aswins shall drink Soma with all of you! |
Mbh.13.156.13012 | Indra said, I shall not, O foremost of regenerate persons, drink Soma with the Aswins! |
Mbh.13.156.13015 | Chyavana said, If, O slayer of Vala, thou wilt not obey my words, thou shalt, this very day, drink Soma with them in sacrifice, compelled by me! |
Mbh.13.156.13031 | Freed from every scruple, we shall drink Soma with the Aswins in our company! |
Mbh.13.156.13033 | Even thus did Chyavana make the Aswins drinkers of Soma with the other gods. |
Mbh.13.158.13141 | Know that that illustrious one is Rahu and Soma and Sakra. |
Mbh.13.159.13258 | They are each a king Soma that sheds such agreeable light in the firmament |
Mbh.13.161.13426 | Then, again, it is said that half his body is fire and half is Soma or the moon. |
Mbh.14.2.29 | Therefore, banishing grief, do thou now celebrate many a sacrifice with suitable presents to the priests; and do thou gratify the gods with Soma liquor, and the manes of thy forefathers with their due food and drink. |
Mbh.14.9.266 | But, O Vahnni, as I do not accept the libation of Soma if offered by a foe, and as I do not strike the weak with my thunderbolt, Vritra seemed to triumph over me for a time. |
Mbh.14.9.270 | Agni said, Dost thou, O Mahendra, remember that in olden times when the sage Chyavana officiated at the sacrifice of Saryati with the twin gods Aswins and himself appropriated the Soma offering alone, thou wert filled with wrath, and when bent upon preventing Saryati's sacrifice, thou didst violently strike Chyavana with thy thunderbolt? |
Mbh.14.10.300 | Marutta said, I desire, O Brahmana, that Indra all on a sudden should come in person at this sacrifice, and accept the oblation offered to him, and that all the other gods also come and take their own shares of the offerings and accept the libations of Soma offered to them |
Mbh.14.10.303 | Then the lord of the Devas attended by the other gods and riding in his chariot drawn by the most excellent steeds, approached the sacrificial altar of that son of Avikshit and drank the Soma libations of that unrivalled monarch. |
Mbh.14.10.307 | do thou again quaff this Soma juiced produced by me today' |
Mbh.14.10.320 | And then the slayer of Vala first drank the Soma juice, and then the assembly of other gods drank Soma. |
Mbh.14.20.736 | There dwells Brahma transcending all pairs of opposites; there Soma with Agni: and there the urger of the understanding viz, Vayu always moves, upholding all creatures |
Mbh.14.42.1647 | As connected with objects, it is taste, and the presiding deity there is Soma. |
Mbh.14.43.1728 | Soma is the lord of deciduous herbs, and Vishnu is the foremost of all that are endued with might. |
Mbh.14.43.1731 | The North is the lord of all the points of the compass; Soma of great energy is the lord of all learned Brahmanas. |
Mbh.14.43.1777 | Soma, who resides in the tongue, is appointed likewise in the perception of taste. |
Mbh.14.54.2406 | Know, O son of Bhrigu's race, that I am the sacrificial stake; I am the Soma drunk in sacrifices; I am the Charu cooked in sacrifices for being offered to the deities; I am the Homa that is performed; I am those acts which sacrificers perform for gratifying the deities; I am even the pourer of the sacrificial libation: and I am the Havi or libation that is poured. |
Mbh.14.88.3932 | Those foremost of Soma-drinkers, O monarch, extracting the juice of the Soma, then performed the Savana rite following the injunctions of the scriptures. |
Mbh.15.17.721 | I duly drank the Soma juice in sacrifice |
Mbh.15.31.1274 | He that took his birth as the son of Arjuna, that gladdener of all, that heir to the possessions of the Pandavas, who was slain by six great car-warriors fighting together, was Soma. |
Mbh.18.4.219 | Behold the son of Subhadra, invincible in battle, now staying with Soma. |
Mbh.18.5.249 | Having fought, agreeably to Kshatriya practices, with bravery such as none else had ever been able to show, that mighty-armed and righteous-souled being entered Soma. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |