Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 06 Mar 2010 05:52 and updated at 06 Mar 2010 05:52
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.36.1995 | But O Snake, a remedy for this hath been provided by me even beforehand. |
Mbh.3.202.10397 | He who is the Source and Creator of the Universe, viz, the Eternal and unfading Vishnu, He who is called by Munis crowned with ascetic success as the Supreme Lord of the Universe, that Being of great holiness, then lay in Yoga sleep on the wide hood of the Snake Sesha of immeasurable energy, and the Creator of the Universe, that highly-blessed and holy Hari, knowing no deterioration, lay on the hood of that Snake encircling the whole Earth and as the Deity lay asleep on that bed, a lotus, endued with great beauty and effulgence equal unto that of the Sun, sprang from his navel. |
Mbh.6.65.3595 | O great Snake, O huge Boar, O first Cause, O thou of tawny locks, victory to Thee that art Almighty. |
Mbh.7.196.10960 | Keeping his bow then upon his car, he grasped his mace, sighing like a Snake. |
Mbh.13.149.12524 | He that is well suited to the offerings made unto Him and that has the power to enjoy them properly, the Unrivalled, He that is incapable of being discomfited, He that knows all acts that are done, He that is identical with all acts, He that rests on His own true self LXXIV, LXXXIV the Lord of all the deities, He that is the Refuge of all, the embodiment of the highest felicity, He whose seed is the universe, He that is the source of all things, the day in consequence of His awakening Jiva who is steeped in the sleep of Nescience, the Year, the Snake owing to His being incapable of being seized, the embodiment of Conviction, He that sees all things LXXXV, XCIV the Unborn, the Lord of all creatures, He that has achieved success, He that is Success itself, He that is the beginning of all things in consequence of His being the cause of all things, He that is above deterioration, He that is Righteousness in the form of the bovine bull and the great boar that raised the submerged Earth, He that is of immeasurable soul, He that stands aloof from all kinds of union XCV, CIII He that is Pauaka among the deities called Vasus or, He that dwells in His worshippers. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |