Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 06 Mar 2010 03:32 and updated at 06 Mar 2010 03:32
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.5.999 | She became big with child by Bhrigu. |
Mbh.1.5.1027 | She was not bestowed on thee O Rakshasa, this lady was duly made by the Rishi Bhrigu his wife with Vedic rites in my presence. |
Mbh.1.36.2008 | She will herself give thee a crevice to pass through. |
Mbh.1.47.2401 | She is my sister and hath ascetic merit. |
Mbh.1.74.3939 | She is a true wife who is skilful in household affairs. |
Mbh.1.74.3940 | She is a true wife who hath borne a son. |
Mbh.1.74.3941 | She is a true wife whose heart is devoted to her lord. |
Mbh.1.74.3942 | She is a true wife who knoweth none but her lord. |
Mbh.1.80.4479 | She must also follow me to where my father may give me away' |
Mbh.1.81.4514 | She attendeth on me wherever I go. |
Mbh.1.81.4515 | She is Sarmishtha, the daughter of the Asura king Vrishaparvan' |
Mbh.1.82.4585 | She became anxious and said to herself, My season hath arrived. |
Mbh.1.95.5299 | She said, Thy brother Vichitravirya hath gone to heaven childless. |
Mbh.1.97.5456 | She gazed and gazed and longed to gaze on him evermore. |
Mbh.1.99.5517 | She is the daughter of that god among men, the royal sage Usinara, endued with intelligence and devoted to truth. |
Mbh.1.100.5615 | She answered, Blest be thou! |
Mbh.1.104.5826 | She continued, O illustrious Vrihaspati, the child that I have conceived hath studied in his mother's womb the Vedas with the six Angas, Semen tuum frustra perdi non potest. |
Mbh.1.106.5993 | She, however, sent unto him, a maid of hers, endued with the beauty of an Apsara and decked with her own ornaments. |
Mbh.1.120.6472 | She did not wait long when a Brahmana crowned with ascetic success came there. |
Mbh.1.121.6500 | She who liveth after her husband is dead, draggeth on a miserable existence that can hardly be called life. |
Mbh.1.122.6557 | She did this, moved by the desire of doing good to her husband. |
Mbh.1.124.6674 | She being my rival, I feel a delicacy in soliciting any favour of her. |
Mbh.1.155.8143 | She hath, in this, been moved by the deity of desire that pervadeth every living form. |
Mbh.1.156.8174 | She asked, O thou of the splendour of a daughter of the celestials, whose art thou and who art thou? |
Mbh.1.159.8325 | She beheld the Brahmana with his wife, son and daughter, sitting with a woeful face, and she heard the Brahmana say, Oh, fie on this earthly life which is hollow as the reed and so fruitless after all which is based on sorrow and hath no freedom, and which hath misery for its lot! |
Mbh.1.171.8725 | She soon gratified by her severe asceticism the god Sankara Mahadeva, who became propitious unto her and said unto that illustrious damsel, Ask thou the boon thou desirest! |
Mbh.1.191.9569 | She began to think of various evils having overtaken her sons. |
Mbh.1.202.10012 | She has many lords and this will not present any difficulty. |
Mbh.1.203.10046 | She chose them as her lords when they were in adversity. |
Mbh.1.203.10049 | She can never be estranged from the Pandavas. |
Mbh.1.213.10443 | She advanced slowly to where those mighty Asuras were. |
Mbh.1.213.10448 | Intoxicated with the boons they had obtained, with physical might, with the wealth and gems they had gathered from every quarter, and with the wine they had drunk, maddened with all these, and influenced by wishful desire, they addressed each other, each contracting his bow in anger, She is my wife, and therefore your superior' said Sunda. |
Mbh.1.213.10449 | She is my wife, and therefore your sister-in-law, replied Upasunda. |
Mbh.1.213.10450 | And they said unto each other, She is mine not yours' |
Mbh.1.220.10727 | Arjuna answered, She is Vasudeva's daughter and Vasudeva's Krishna sister; endued with so much beauty, whom can she not fascinate? |
Mbh.1.234.11454 | She found that all of them had escaped from the fire and were perfectly well. |
Mbh.1.234.11456 | She too shed tears upon beholding them alive. |
Mbh.2.30.1279 | She used always to stay near the sacred fire of her father, causing it to blaze up with vigour. |
Mbh.2.67.2933 | She whom even the winds and the sun had seen never before in her palace is to-day before this assembly and exposed to the gaze of the crowd. |
Mbh.2.77.3294 | She had not gone far when she saw her sons shorn of their ornaments and robes, their bodies clad in deerskins, and their heads down with shame. |
Mbh.2.77.3296 | Endued with excess of parental affection, Kunti approached her sons in that state, and embracing them all, and in accents choked by woe, She said these words, Ye are virtuous and good-mannered, and adorned with all excellent qualities and respectful behaviour. |
Mbh.2.79.3426 | She beheld them, however, robbed of their wealth, of their kingdom, of even their attire, of their beauty, of every enjoyment, and plunged into a state of bondage. |
Mbh.3.62.2999 | She is truly devoted to me and suffereth this distress for my sake. |
Mbh.3.65.3282 | She is forlorn and is being vexed by the crowd. |
Mbh.3.65.3283 | She hath fallen into distress and standeth in need of succour. |
Mbh.3.69.3458 | She was bestowed upon king Bhima, and I on Viravahu. |
Mbh.3.97.5118 | She answered saying, Thou who art endued with wealth of asceticism, art certainly able to bring hither within a moment, by ascetic power, everything that exists in the world of men' |
Mbh.3.111.5767 | Lomasa said, She, however, threw aside all those edible things and then gave him unsuitable things for food. |
Mbh.3.119.6112 | She hath been always accustomed to a life of happiness; how is she now enduring this exceedingly miserable life in this wood! |
Mbh.3.122.6231 | She surrounded by her maids, and decked out with jewels fit for the celestials, while walking about, approached the anthill where Bhrigu's son was seated. |
Mbh.3.129.6579 | She said, Having eaten curd in Yugandhara, and lived in Achutasthala, and also bathed in Bhutilaya, thou shouldst live with thy sons. |
Mbh.3.132.6719 | She accordingly kept her counsel, so that Ashtavakra, when born, had heard nothing about the matter. |
Mbh.3.153.7741 | She wisheth to have those flowers in abundance. |
Mbh.3.191.9733 | She who was thy wife is my daughter of the name of Susobhana. |
Mbh.3.217.11078 | She was the most beautiful of all his children. |
Mbh.3.217.11080 | She was so named because she was the object of all creature's love. |
Mbh.3.220.11176 | She gave birth to one daughter, the two Agnishomas, and also five other fire-gods. |
Mbh.3.220.11181 | She is, however, one of the Prajapatis. |
Mbh.3.228.11493 | She who is called Shashthi, Lakshmi, Asa, Sukhaprada, Sinivali, Kuhu, Saivritti, and Aparajita, is known among men as Devasena, the wife of Skanda. |
Mbh.3.229.11540 | She who is known as Putana Rakshasi by the learned is the graha called Putana; that fierce and terrible looking Rakshasa of a hideous appearance is also called the pisacha, Sita Putana. |
Mbh.3.229.11548 | She who is the mother of all trees has her abode in a karanja tree. |
Mbh.3.229.11549 | She grants boons and has a placid countenance and is always favourably disposed towards all creatures. |
Mbh.3.229.11557 | She is the mother of all children and is distinctly worshipped for their welfare. |
Mbh.3.265.12906 | She is the much esteemed and beloved and chaste wife of the sons of Pritha. |
Mbh.3.265.12924 | She should follow her lord when he is in prosperity but abandon him when in adversity. |
Mbh.4.20.840 | She who had the whole Earth to the verge of the sea under her control, is now under the control of Sudeshna and living in fear of her. |
Mbh.4.20.841 | She who had dependants to walk both before and behind her, alas, now herself walketh before and behind Sudeshna. |
Mbh.4.20.844 | She who had never, save for Kunti, pounded unguents even for her own use, now, good betide thee, poundeth sandal for others. |
Mbh.4.24.1098 | She hath become as low as a brute. |
Mbh.4.37.1488 | She knoweth the Pandavas. |
Mbh.5.13.557 | She bowed her head to Brahma, and joining her hands spoke to Nahusha, the king of the gods, of awful mien, said, O lord of the deities, I desire to obtain time. |
Mbh.5.39.2141 | She doth not desire a combination of all the virtues, nor is she pleased with the total absence of all virtues. |
Mbh.5.50.2869 | She, who, while living of yore as the daughter of the king of Kasi, had practised the austerest penances; she, who, O bull of the Bharata race, desiring even in a subsequent life to compass the destruction of Bhishma, took her birth as the daughter of Panchala, and accidentally became afterwards a male; who, O tiger among men, is conversant with the merits and demerits of both sexes; that invincible prince of the Panchala who encountered the Kalingas in battle, with what Sikhandin skilled in every weapon, will the Pandavas fight against you. |
Mbh.5.50.2870 | She whom a Yaksha for Bhishma's destruction metamorphosed into a male, with that formidable bowman will the Pandavas fight against you. |
Mbh.5.102.4745 | She always yieldeth milk which is the essence of all the best things of the earth, and which, excellent as it is, and of one taste, springeth from the essence of the six different kinds of tastes that are talked of. |
Mbh.5.102.4754 | She, who supporteth the southern quarter is called Hansika. |
Mbh.5.115.5226 | She is capable of prompting every virtue. |
Mbh.5.116.5248 | She is even capable of bringing forth a son who may become an emperor. |
Mbh.5.133.5912 | She was famous, slightly wrathful, of crooked disposition, and devoted to Kshatriya virtues. |
Mbh.5.178.7983 | She was recognised by me from the account that she gave of her parentage. |
Mbh.5.179.8018 | She hath something to be done for her! |
Mbh.5.189.8499 | She then went unto Vatsabhumi resorted to by the Siddhas and Charanas, and which was the retreat of high-souled ascetics of pious deeds. |
Mbh.5.191.8569 | Believing these words of that deity of unfading energy, he too concealed the real sex of his child, saying, She is a son. |
Mbh.5.194.8655 | She then reflected, saying, It is for me that these two are plunged into grief' |
Mbh.6.2.88 | She, O king, who is celebrated over the three worlds and is applauded by the righteous, even that constellation Arundhati keepeth her lord Vasistha on her back. |
Mbh.6.99.5285 | She became a male in consequence of the grant of a boon. |
Mbh.6.99.5288 | She is the same Sikhandini that the Creator had first made her. |
Mbh.6.99.5313 | She was born as Sikhandini after the manner I told thee before the battle began. |
Mbh.7.53.2542 | She beggeth my blessings' |
Mbh.7.179.9744 | She, O prince, had united that slayer of foes, and, therefore, was the latter called Jarasandha. |
Mbh.7.199.11437 | She had then on her lap, a child having a bald head with five clumps of hair on it. |
Mbh.8.96.6152 | She indulged in diverse lamentations, for the slaughter of Karna in battle. |
Mbh.9.33.2426 | She became very agreeable to him, and therefore, he enjoyed the pleasures of her company exclusively. |
Mbh.9.40.2924 | She stood in terror of both. |
Mbh.9.40.2947 | She thus obeyed the words of both, although she deceived the son of Gadhi by her act. |
Mbh.9.46.3397 | She was a maiden who led the life of a Brahmacharini. |
Mbh.9.50.3680 | She worshipped the pitris and the gods with fasts. |
Mbh.9.61.4389 | She hath undergone severe ascetic austerities and can, therefore, consume the three worlds even thus thought the son of Pandu. |
Mbh.10.8.537 | She seemed to take away diverse kinds of spirits, with dishevelled hair and tied together in a cord, as also, O king, many mighty car-warriors divested of their weapons. |
Mbh.10.11.803 | She had been residing at Upaplavya. |
Mbh.11.15.644 | She then repeatedly embraced and patted each of her sons, and afflicted with grief wept with Draupadi who had lost all her children and whom she saw lying on the bare earth, indulging in piteous lamentations. |
Mbh.11.22.905 | She is striking her body with her own hands and censuring the Pandavas. |
Mbh.12.8.329 | She now belongs to thee! |
Mbh.12.30.1602 | She, however, did not on that account, disregard her lord. |
Mbh.12.58.3205 | She was married to Ativala and gave birth to a son named Vena. |
Mbh.12.58.3264 | She became the spouse of Dharma of great intelligence upon Sree, O son of Pandu, Dharma begot Artha. |
Mbh.12.138.8226 | She indeed, is a wife who speaks only what is agreeable. |
Mbh.12.143.8752 | She never sits before I sit down, and never lies before I lie down. |
Mbh.12.143.8753 | She rejoices if I rejoice, and becomes sorry when I am sorry. |
Mbh.12.144.8773 | She is no wife with whom her lord is not content. |
Mbh.12.147.8866 | She then beheld her deceased husband adorned with bracelets, seated on a celestial car, and adored by many high-souled and meritorious beings standing around him. |
Mbh.12.217.13136 | She was the wife of Asuri |
Mbh.12.223.13626 | She does not dwell long in one place. |
Mbh.12.224.13677 | She shall bear a fourth part of thyself. |
Mbh.12.227.14124 | She who forms the eighth, viz, Jaya, occupies the foremost place amongst them, O chastiser of Paka. |
Mbh.12.256.15514 | The goddess Earth, afflicted with the weight of creatures, solicited me, O Mahadeva, for destroying them, especially as She seemed to sink under their burthen into the water. |
Mbh.12.256.15542 | She then besought the Self-born, impelled by the desire of doing good to mankind |
Mbh.12.263.16006 | She is the protectress and she is the giver of good birth. |
Mbh.12.265.16115 | She is the panacea for all kinds of calamities. |
Mbh.12.265.16153 | She whom I have been commanded to slay is a woman. |
Mbh.12.265.16155 | She occupies, therefore, a place of greater reverence. |
Mbh.12.271.16698 | She was pure-minded, and had emaciated herself by the observance of many austere vows. |
Mbh.12.307.19358 | She cannot be held to be responsible for this. |
Mbh.12.315.19673 | She cannot transcend them. |
Mbh.12.334.21386 | Know that She is the source whence we two have sprung. |
Mbh.12.341.22235 | She is also the pure Chit. |
Mbh.12.341.22236 | She is immortal, and invincible, and is called the Soul of the universe. |
Mbh.12.341.22238 | She is identical with my Prakriti or Nature. |
Mbh.12.341.22239 | Divested of sex, She or He is the penances that people undergo. |
Mbh.12.342.22508 | She answered him, Nahusha invites me to make me his wife. |
Mbh.12.342.22542 | She thought that, eating that food and strengthened by it, the deities would succeed in slaying the Asuras. |
Mbh.13.2.232 | She has been protected from defilement by thy virtue and by her own chastity. |
Mbh.13.4.281 | She was called Satyavati by name, and in beauty of appearance she had no equal on Earth. |
Mbh.13.14.903 | She answered me, saying, Go, and may success and prosperity always attend thee. |
Mbh.13.20.3095 | She then brought oil for rubbing the Rishi's body therewith and a piece of cloth for his wear during the ablutions. |
Mbh.13.20.3156 | She is exceedingly beautiful. |
Mbh.13.21.3184 | She will bear thee a son. |
Mbh.13.21.3199 | She named you in my hearing and also instructed me in various matters. |
Mbh.13.26.3603 | She is held to be identical with Prisni, the mother of Vishnu. |
Mbh.13.26.3604 | She is identical with the Word or Speech. |
Mbh.13.26.3605 | She is very remote, being incapable of easy attainment. |
Mbh.13.26.3606 | She is the embodiment of auspiciousness and prosperity. |
Mbh.13.26.3607 | She is capable of bestowing the six well-known attributes beginning with lordship or puissance. |
Mbh.13.26.3608 | She is always inclined to extend her grace. |
Mbh.13.26.3609 | She is the displayer of all things in the universe, and she is the high refuge of all creatures. |
Mbh.13.26.3615 | She bears the most precious of all metals, viz, gold, also in that womb of hers. |
Mbh.13.26.3620 | She is the bestower of everything auspicious, and is competent to confer the six well-known attributes beginning with lordship or puissance. |
Mbh.13.26.3623 | She is energy also running in a liquid form over the Earth. |
Mbh.13.26.3624 | She is endued with the splendour or puissance that belongs to the butter that is poured with Mantras on the sacrificial fire. |
Mbh.13.26.3625 | She is always adorned with large waves as also with Brahmanas who may at all times be seen performing their ablutions in her waters. |
Mbh.13.26.3628 | She is the highest cause of all things; she is perfectly stainless. |
Mbh.13.26.3629 | She is as subtile as Brahma. |
Mbh.13.26.3630 | She affords the best bed for the dying. |
Mbh.13.26.3631 | She leads creatures very quickly to heaven. |
Mbh.13.26.3632 | She bears away a large volume of water. |
Mbh.13.26.3633 | She bestows great fame on all. |
Mbh.13.26.3634 | She is the protectress of the universe |
Mbh.13.26.3635 | She is identical with every form. |
Mbh.13.26.3636 | She is very much coveted by persons crowned with success. |
Mbh.13.26.3651 | She unites those that are so devoted to her with every kind of happiness. |
Mbh.13.38.4266 | She then addressed herself to mention what the true and eternal faults of women are' |
Mbh.13.40.4334 | She is the illusion, O king, that the Daitya Maya created. |
Mbh.13.40.4335 | She is the sharp edge of the razor. |
Mbh.13.40.4336 | She is poison. |
Mbh.13.40.4337 | She is a snake. |
Mbh.13.40.4338 | She is fire. |
Mbh.13.40.4339 | She is, verily, all these united together. |
Mbh.13.45.4732 | She may even raise offspring for the giver during his absence by any of those means that are laid down in the scriptures. |
Mbh.13.47.4855 | She shall not, however, sell or otherwise dispose of any portion of it. |
Mbh.13.62.5964 | She is a mighty goddess. |
Mbh.13.62.5965 | She makes him her lord in next life who makes gifts of her in this life to other people. |
Mbh.13.70.6532 | She yields a copious measure of milk, besides being very quiet and very fond of us. |
Mbh.13.70.6534 | She is regarded as worthy of every praise in my house. |
Mbh.13.70.6535 | She is nourishing, besides, a weak child of mine that has just been weaned. |
Mbh.13.70.6536 | She is incapable of being given up by me' |
Mbh.13.85.7738 | She thenceforth began to rear that child as her son with the sustenance of her breast. |
Mbh.13.93.8526 | She was of a fierce disposition. |
Mbh.13.140.11518 | She held a jar on her loins that was filled with the waters of every Tirtha, and was accompanied by the presiding deities of her own sex of all the mountain streams. |
Mbh.13.140.11521 | She who loved to reside on the breast of Himavat advanced in this guise towards her great lord. |
Mbh.13.140.11533 | She stood there with gaze fixed on her lord. |
Mbh.13.146.12188 | She courses towards the ocean and is truly the first of all streams. |
Mbh.13.146.12219 | She who does not cast her eyes upon the Moon or the Sun or a tree that has a masculine name, who is adored by her husband and who is possessed of beautiful features, is regarded as truly righteous. |
Mbh.14.43.1741 | She is otherwise called by the name of Parvati. |
Mbh.14.50.2146 | She is a goddess that is the source of all entities and abounds with examples of the agreeable and the disagreeable. |
Mbh.14.57.2586 | She of pure vows, thus solicited by thee, will certainly, at my command, give thee, O foremost of regenerate persons, those jewelled ear-rings of hers without doubt' |
Mbh.14.61.2847 | She also made many presents unto the Brahmanas, and bestowed upon them many kine, O perpetuator of Yadu's race, Then the Vrishni dame Kunti, comforted a little, addressed the daughter of Virata, saying, O faultless daughter of Virata, thou shouldst not indulge in grief. |
Mbh.14.69.3072 | She is deeply afflicted with grief, bathed in tears, exceedingly cheerless, and plunged in an ocean of sorrow. |
Mbh.14.79.3470 | She beheld her son standing there perfectly cheerless and with face hanging down. |
Mbh.14.84.3760 | She forbade her brave son of steady heart from fighting any longer, and gratified Jishnu who was never fatigued with toil. |
Mbh.15.9.441 | She too has lost her children and is helpless. |
Mbh.15.18.743 | She, however, failed to cause Kunti to desist inasmuch as that chaste lady, devoted to righteousness, had firmly set her heart upon residing in the woods. |
Mbh.15.20.818 | She is the mother of Yudhishthira who is the eternal Dharma. |
Mbh.15.22.886 | She was brought up in palaces and mansions, and nursed in every comfort and luxury. |
Mbh.15.24.941 | She was walking in advance of the childless old couple, and was dragging them forward. |
Mbh.15.25.964 | She who sits besides her, possessed of the complexion of pure gold, who looks like the embodied rays of the moon, in the midst of the other ladies, is, ye foremost of regenerate ones, the sister of that unrivalled hero who wields the discus. |
Mbh.15.25.968 | She is the foremost wife of Vrikodara. |
Mbh.15.25.972 | She is the wife of that Abhimanyu who, while divested of his car, was slain by Drona and others fighting from their cars |
Mbh.15.28.1093 | She is possessed of great wisdom. |
Mbh.15.28.1095 | She is well conversant with the truths that relate to both prosperity and adversity. |
Mbh.15.38.1631 | She must have also said, O Bhima, rescue me from this danger, when she, my mother, was surrounded on all sides by that terrible conflagration. |
Mbh.17.2.82 | She obtains the fruit of that conduct today, O best of men |
Mbh.18.4.210 | She was born in the race of Drupada and was enjoyed by you all. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |