Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 05 Mar 2010 13:41 and updated at 05 Mar 2010 13:41
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.312 | Then the story of Savitri' illustrating the great merit of connubial chastity. |
Mbh.1.2.325 | Then the stories of Savitri, Vamadeva, and Vainya. |
Mbh.1.2.396 | Here also is narrated the story of Savitri; then Karna's deprivation by Indra of his ear-rings; then the presentation to Karna by the gratified Indra of a Sakti missile weapon which had the virtue of killing only one person against whom it might be hurled; then the story called Aranya in which Dharma the god of justice gave advice to his son Yudhishthira; in which, besides is recited how the Pandavas after having obtained a boon went towards the west. |
Mbh.1.65.3266 | They are Dhatri, Mitra, Aryaman, Sakra, Varuna, Ansa, Vaga, Vivaswat, Usha, Savitri, Tvashtri, and Vishnu. |
Mbh.1.66.3362 | And Tvashtri, of the form of Vadava a mare, became the wife of Savitri. |
Mbh.1.173.8851 | Tapati, the daughter of the god Vivaswat, was the younger sister of Savitri, and she was celebrated throughout the three worlds and devoted to ascetic penances. |
Mbh.1.173.8854 | And, O Bharata, seeing her Savitri the sun thought that there was none in the three worlds who, for his beauty, accomplishments, behaviour, and learning, deserved to be her husband. |
Mbh.1.174.8924 | My name is Tapati and I am the younger sister of Savitri, and the daughter, O bull amongst Kshatriyas of Savitri, of Sun the illuminator of the universe |
Mbh.1.175.8946 | Thus addressed by Surya, the Rishi of great ascetic merit, bowing unto the god of light, replied, saying, O Vibhavasu, this thy daughter, Tapati, the younger sister of Savitri, I ask of thee for Samvarana! |
Mbh.1.228.11168 | And, O monarch, Pusha and Bhaga and Savitri, in wrath, rushed at Krishna and Partha with bows and scimitars in hand. |
Mbh.2.7.329 | O son of Pandu; and the rain-charged clouds, and the winds, and all the loud-sounding forces of heaven; the eastern point, the twenty seven fires conveying the sacrificial butter, Agni and Soma, and the fire of Indra, and Mitra, and Savitri, and Aryaman; Bhaga, Viswa the Sadhyas, the preceptor Vrihaspati, and also Sukra; and Vishwavasu and Chitrasena, and Sumanas, and also Taruna; the Sacrifices, the gifts to Brahmanas, the planets, and the stars, O Bharata, and the mantras that are uttered in sacrifices, all these are present there. |
Mbh.2.11.439 | viz, Rig, Sama, Yajuh, and Atharva; all Sciences and branches of learning; Histories and all minor branches of learning; the several branches of the Vedas; the planets, the Sacrifices, the Soma, all the deities; Savitri Gayatri, the seven kinds of rhyme; Understanding, Patience, Memory, Wisdom, Intelligence, Fame, Forgiveness; the Hymns of the Sama Veda; the Science of hymns in general, and various kinds of Verses and Songs; various Commentaries with arguments, all in their personified forms, O king, and various Dramas and Poems and Stories and abridged Glosses, these also, and many others wait upon the Supreme Deity in that Sabha, Kshanas, Lavas, Muhurtas, Day, Night, Fortnights, Months, the six Seasons, O Bharata, Years, Yugas, the four kinds of Days and Nights viz, appearing to man, to the Pitris, to the gods, and to Brahma and that eternal, indestructible, undeteriorating, excellent Wheel of Time and also the Wheel of Virtue, these always wait there. |
Mbh.3.3.195 | Dhaumya said, Surya, Aryaman, Bhaga, Twastri, Pusha, Arka, Savitri. |
Mbh.3.3.241 | Thou art Hansa, thou art Savitri, thou art Bhanu, Ansumalin, and Vrishakapi. |
Mbh.3.81.3941 | And Yajnaseni in obedience to the dictates of morality adhered to her lords, the sons of Pritha, like Savitri to the Vedas or the rays of the Sun to the peak of Meru. |
Mbh.3.84.4503 | There, O bull of the Bharata race, is still seen the foot-print of Savitri. |
Mbh.3.110.5682 | And when the crops had been restored, king Lomapada gave his daughter Santa in marriage to him, as the sun gave in marriage his daughter Savitri' |
Mbh.3.179.8917 | His mother then acts as its Savitri and his father officiates as priest. |
Mbh.3.230.11622 | And Gauri, Vidya, Gandhari, Kesini, and the lady called Mitra in company with Savitri, all proceeded in the train of Parvati, as also all the Vidyas presiding deities of all branches of knowledge that were created by the learned. |
Mbh.3.263.12877 | Or, hast thou come from the mansions of Dhatri, or of Vidhatri, or of Savitri, or of Vibhu, or of Sakra? |
Mbh.3.291.14191 | Markandeya said, Listen, O king, how the exalted merit of chaste ladies, O Yudhishthira, was completely obtained by a princess named Savitri. |
Mbh.3.291.14201 | And that best of kings, daily offering ten thousand oblations to the fire, recited Mantras in honour of Savitri and ate temperately at the sixth hour. |
Mbh.3.291.14203 | Then when the eighteen years were full, Savitri was pleased with him. |
Mbh.3.291.14213 | Savitri replied, O king, having already learnt this thy intention, I had spoken unto that lord, the Grandsire, about thy sons. |
Mbh.3.291.14219 | On Savitri vanishing away, the monarch entered his own city. |
Mbh.3.291.14225 | And as she had been bestowed with delight by the goddess Savitri by virtue of the oblations offered in honour of that goddess, both her father, and the Brahmanas named her Savitri. |
Mbh.3.292.14251 | SECTION CCLXLII Markandeya continued, On one occasion, O Bharata, when that king, the lord of the Madras, was seated with Narada in the midst of his court, engaged in conversation, Savitri, accompanied by the king's counsellors, came to her father's abode after having visited various sacred regions and asylums. |
Mbh.3.292.14266 | At these words of hers, Narada said, Alas, O king, Savitri hath committed a great wrong, since, not knowing, she hath accepted for her lord this Satyavan of excellent qualities! |
Mbh.3.292.14290 | Hearing these words of the sage, the king said, Come, O Savitri, go thou and choose another for thy lord, O beautiful damsel! |
Mbh.3.292.14293 | At these words of her father, Savitri said, The death can fall but once; a daughter can be given away but one; and once only can a person say, I give away! |
Mbh.3.292.14299 | Narada then said, O best of men, the heart of thy daughter Savitri wavereth not! |
Mbh.3.292.14305 | Narada said, May the bestowal of thy daughter Savitri be attended with peace! |
Mbh.3.293.14317 | And Aswapati said, O royal sage, this beautiful girl is my daughter named Savitri. |
Mbh.3.293.14340 | But the words spoken by Narada were present night and day in the mind of the sorrowful Savitri |
Mbh.3.294.14342 | And as the words that had been spoken by Narada were ever present in the mind of Savitri, she had counted the days as they passed. |
Mbh.3.294.14344 | And hearing of her vow, the king became exceedingly sorrow and rising up soothed Savitri and said these words, This vow that thou hast begun to observe, O daughter of a king, is exceedingly hard; for it is extremely difficult to fast for three nights together' |
Mbh.3.294.14345 | And hearing these words, Savitri said, Thou needst not be sorry, O father! |
Mbh.3.294.14351 | And Savitri continuing to fast began to look lean like a wooden doll. |
Mbh.3.294.14352 | And, O bull of the Bharata race, thinking that her husband would die on the morrow, the woe-stricken Savitri, observing a fast, spent that night in extreme anguish. |
Mbh.3.294.14353 | And when the Sun had risen about a couple of hand Savitri thinking within herself, To-day is that day, finished her morning rites, and offered oblations to the flaming fire. |
Mbh.3.294.14355 | And for the welfare of Savitri, all the ascetics dwelling in that hermitage, uttered the auspicious benediction that she should never suffer widowhood. |
Mbh.3.294.14356 | And Savitri immersed in contemplation accepted those words of the ascetics, mentally saying, So be it, |
Mbh.3.294.14360 | Thereat Savitri said, Now that I have completed the purposed vow, I will eat when the Sun goes down. |
Mbh.3.294.14362 | Markandeya continued, And when Savitri had spoken thus about her meal, Satyavan, taking his axe upon his shoulders, set out for the woods. |
Mbh.3.294.14363 | And at this, Savitri said unto her husband, It behoveth thee not to go alone! |
Mbh.3.294.14370 | Thus addressed, Savitri said, I do not feel langour because of the fast, nor do I feel exhaustion. |
Mbh.3.294.14375 | Markandeya continued, Thus addressed by her lord, Savitri of high vows saluted her father-in-law and mother-in-law and addressed them, saying, This my husband goeth to the forest for procuring fruits. |
Mbh.3.294.14385 | Hearing these words Dyumatsena said, Since Savitri hath been bestowed by her father as my daughter-in-law, I do not remember that she hath ever spoken any words couching a request. |
Mbh.3.294.14388 | Markandeya continued, Having received the permission of both, the illustrious Savitri, departed with her lord, in seeming smiles although her heart was racked with grief. |
Mbh.3.294.14390 | And Satyavan sweetly said unto Savitri, Behold these rivers of sacred currents and these excellent trees decked with flowers' |
Mbh.3.294.14391 | But the faultless Savitri continued to watch her lord in all his moods, and recollecting the words of the celestial sage, she considered her husband as already dead. |
Mbh.3.295.14397 | And afflicted with toil, he approached his beloved wife, and addressed her, saying, O Savitri, owing to this hard exercise my head acheth, and all my limbs and my heart also are afflicted sorely! |
Mbh.3.295.14400 | Hearing these words, Savitri quickly advancing, approached her husband, and sat down upon the ground, placing his head upon her lap. |
Mbh.3.295.14406 | And seeing him, Savitri gently placed her husband's head on the ground, and rising suddenly, with a trembling heart, spake these words in distressful accents, Seeing this thy superhuman form, I take thee to be a deity. |
Mbh.3.295.14408 | Thereat, Yama replied, O Savitri, thou art ever devoted to thy husband, and thou art also endued with ascetic merit. |
Mbh.3.295.14414 | At these words Savitri said, I had heard that thy emissaries come to take away mortals, O worshipful one! |
Mbh.3.295.14423 | Thereupon, with heart overwhelmed in grief, the exalted Savitri, ever devoted to her lord and crowned with success in respect of her vows, began to follow Yama. |
Mbh.3.295.14424 | And at this, Yama said, Desist, O Savitri! |
Mbh.3.295.14428 | Savitri replied, Whither my husband is being carried, or whither he goeth of his own accord, I will follow him thither. |
Mbh.3.295.14443 | Hearing these words, Savitri said, Deprived of his kingdom and bereft also of sight, my father-in-law leadeth a life of retirement in our sylvan asylum. |
Mbh.3.295.14450 | Savitri said, What weariness can I feel in the presence of my husband? |
Mbh.3.295.14459 | Savitri said, Sometime before, my wise and intelligent father-in-law was deprived of his kingdom. |
Mbh.3.295.14469 | Savitri said, Thou hast restrained all creatures by thy decrees, and it is by thy decrees that thou takest them away, not according to thy will. |
Mbh.3.295.14478 | At these words Savitri replied, That lord of earth, my father, is without sons. |
Mbh.3.295.14484 | Savitri said, Staying by the side of my husband, I am not conscious of the length of the way I have walked. |
Mbh.3.295.14496 | Savitri then said, Both of me and Satyavan's loins, begotten by both of us, let there be a century of sons possessed of strength and prowess and capable of perpetuating our race! |
Mbh.3.295.14501 | Thus addressed, Savitri said, They that are righteous always practise eternal morality! |
Mbh.3.295.14514 | Thus addressed, Savitri said, O bestower of honours, the boon thou hast already given me is incapable of accomplishment without union with my husband. |
Mbh.3.295.14523 | Markandeya continued, Thereupon saying, So be it, Vivaswat's son, Yama, the dispenser of justice, untied his noose, and with cheerful heart said these words to Savitri, Thus, O auspicious and chaste lady, is thy husband freed by me! |
Mbh.3.295.14532 | And having bestowed these boons on Savitri and having thus made her desist, Yama departed for his abode. |
Mbh.3.295.14533 | Savitri, after Yama had gone away, went back to the spot where her husband's ash-coloured corpse lay, and seeing her lord on the ground, she approached him, and taking hold of him, she placed his head on her lap and herself sat down on the ground. |
Mbh.3.295.14534 | Then Satyavan regained his consciousness, and affectionately eyeing Savitri again and again, like one come home after a sojourn in a strange land, he addressed her thus, Alas, I have slept long! |
Mbh.3.295.14537 | At these words of his, Savitri said, Thou hast, O bull among men, slept long on my lap! |
Mbh.3.295.14550 | Thereupon, Savitri addressed him, saying, The night deepens. |
Mbh.3.295.14560 | Then Savitri replied, In consequence of a conflagration having taken place in the forest today a withered tree standeth aflame, and the flames being stirred by the wind are discerned now and then. |
Mbh.3.295.14589 | And seeing her lord overwhelmed with sorrow the virtuous Savitri wiped away the tears from his eyes and said, If I have observed austerities, and have given away in charity, and have performed sacrifice, may this night be for the good of my father-in-law, mother-in-law and husband! |
Mbh.3.295.14593 | Therefore, O Savitri, proceed without delay. |
Mbh.3.295.14596 | The beautiful Savitri then rose and tying up her hair, raised her husband in her arms. |
Mbh.3.295.14599 | Then Savitri said unto him, Tomorrow thou mayst gather fruits. |
Mbh.3.296.14616 | And whenever they heard any sound, they stood rising their heads, anxiously thinking that their son was coming, and said, O yonder cometh Satyavan with Savitri' |
Mbh.3.296.14622 | Then a truthful Brahmana of the name of Suvarchas spake unto them, saying, Considering the austerities, self-restraint, and behaviour of his wife Savitri, there can be no doubt that Satyavan liveth' |
Mbh.3.296.14631 | And the Rishi said, Considering the auspicious marks that his wife Savitri beareth and all of which indicate immunity from widowhood, there can be no doubt that Satyavan liveth' |
Mbh.3.296.14632 | And Varadwaja said, Having regard to the ascetic merit, self-restraint, and conduct of his wife Savitri, there can be no doubt that Satyavan liveth' |
Mbh.3.296.14633 | And Dalbhya said, Since thou hast regained thy sight, and since Savitri hath gone away after completion of the vow, without taking any food, there can be no doubt that Satyavan liveth' |
Mbh.3.296.14637 | A little while after, Savitri with her husband Satyavan reached the hermitage during the night and entered it with a glad heart. |
Mbh.3.296.14643 | And Saivya, and Satyavan, and Savitri who stood apart, their hearts free from grief, sat down with the permission of them all. |
Mbh.3.296.14648 | It behoveth thee to tell us all about this' Thereupon, Satyavan said, With the permission of my father, I went to the woods with Savitri. |
Mbh.3.296.14655 | It, therefore, behoveth Savitri to relate it. |
Mbh.3.296.14657 | And, O Savitri, I know thee to be like the goddess Savitri herself in splendour. |
Mbh.3.296.14661 | At these words of Gautama Savitri said, It is as ye surmise. |
Mbh.3.297.14681 | And although those mighty sages again and again spake unto Dyumatsena of the high fortune of Savitri, yet they were never satisfied. |
Mbh.3.297.14693 | And surrounded by the soldiers, Saivya also accompanied by Savitri, went in a vehicle furnished with shining sheets and borne on the shoulders of men. |
Mbh.3.297.14695 | And after the lapse of a long time, Savitri gave birth to a century of sons, all warlike and unretreating from battle, and enhancing the fame of Salwa's race. |
Mbh.3.297.14697 | Thus, O son of Pritha, did Savitri raise from pitiable plight to high fortune, herself, and her father and mother, her father-in-law and mother-in-law, as also the race of her husband. |
Mbh.3.297.14698 | And like that gentle lady Savitri, the auspicious daughter of Drupada, endued with excellent character, will rescue you all |
Mbh.3.297.14700 | The man that listeneth with reverence to the excellent story of Savitri, attaineth to happiness, and success in everything, and never meeteth with misery |
Mbh.4.21.871 | And the intelligent and faultless Savitri also followed the heroic Satyavan, the son of Dyumatsena, alone into the world of Yama. |
Mbh.5.117.5285 | And the royal sage then sported with her, as Surya with Prabhavati, Agni with Swaha, Vasava with Sachi, Chandra with Rohini, Yama with Urmila, Varuna with Gauri, Kuvera with Riddhi, Narayana with Lakshmi, Sagara with Jahnavi, Rudra with Rudrani, the Grandsire with Saraswati, Vasishtha's son Saktri with Adrisyanti, Vasishtha with Arundhati called also Akshamala, Chyavana with Sukanya, Pulastya with Sandhya, Agastya with the princess of Vidarbha Lopamudra, Satyavan with Savitri, Bhrigu with Puloma, Kasyapa with Aditi, Richika's son Jamadagni with Renuka, Kusika's son Viswamitra with Himavati, Vrihaspati with Tara, Sukra with Sataprava, Bhumipati with Bhumi, Pururavas with Urvasi, Richika with Satyavati, Manu with Saraswati, Dushyanta with Sakuntala, the eternal Dharma with Dhriti, Nala with Damayanti, Narada, with Satyavati, Jaratkaru with Jaratkaru, Pulastya with Pratichya, Urnayus with Menaka, Tumvuru with Rambha, Vasuki with Satasirsha, Dhananjaya with Kamari, Rama with the princess of Videha Sita, or Janardana with Rukmini. |
Mbh.5.182.8191 | The wind is my car-driver, and my coat of mail is constituted by those mothers in the Vedas viz, Gayatri, Savitri and Saraswati. |
Mbh.6.23.1032 | Thou art the twilight, thou art the day, thou art Savitri, and thou art the mother. |
Mbh.6.123.6834 | The weapons appertaining to Agni, Varuna, Soma, Vayu, and Vishnu, as also those appertaining to Indra, Pasupati, and Paramesthi, and those of Prajapati, Dhatri, Tashtri, Savitri, and Vivaswat, all these are known to Dhananjaya alone in this world of men! |
Mbh.7.199.11430 | And Mahadeva made Gayatri and Savitri the reins, the syllable Om the whip, and Brahma the driver. |
Mbh.8.34.1672 | That space of time which, on a former occasion, had, in the Sacrifice of the high-souled Ishana, been fixed as a Year, became the bow, and the goddess Savitri became the loud-sounding bow-string. |
Mbh.10.18.1095 | Then the three-eyed Mahadeva, with his bow, broke in rage the arms of Savitri, and plucked out the eyes of Bhaga and the teeth of Pushana. |
Mbh.10.18.1104 | He then gave unto Savitri his arms, Bhaga his eyes, and Pushana his teeth. |
Mbh.12.198.11800 | The goddess of Gayatri or Savitri showed herself to him and said, I am gratified with thee' |
Mbh.12.198.11807 | Savitri said, What dost thou ask, O regenerate Rishi? |
Mbh.12.199.12096 | O thou of great might, the goddess Savitri gave me a boon, saying, Let thy devotion to recitations be continuous' |
Mbh.12.207.12569 | Bhaga, Ansa, Aryyaman, Mitra, Varna, Savitri, Dhatri, Vivaswat of great might, Tvashtri, Pushan, Indra, and Vishnu known as the twelfth, these are the twelve Adityas, all sprung from Kasyapa. |
Mbh.12.233.14484 | Savitri, by giving away her ear-rings, and king Janamejaya, by giving away his own body, both proceeded to high regions of felicity. |
Mbh.12.271.16707 | Then the presiding goddess of the solar disc, viz, Savitri, came to that sacrifice in her own embodied form and insisted upon that Brahmana in doing what he desired by that deer to do. |
Mbh.12.271.16709 | Thus addressed by the Brahmana, the goddess Savitri desisted and entered the sacrificial fire from desire of surveying the nether world, and wishing to avoid the sight of other defects in that sacrifice |
Mbh.12.282.17381 | In days of yore, O monarch, there was a summit, named Savitri, of the mountains of Meru. |
Mbh.12.348.23262 | Daksha, in his turn, imparted it to the eldest of all the sons of his daughters, O monarch, viz, Aditya who is senior in age to Savitri. |
Mbh.13.14.904 | Let Brahma and Siva and Kasyapa, the Rivers, those deities that preside over the mind, the soil, all deciduous herbs, those Chhandas Rhymes that are regarded as bearers of the libations poured in sacrifices, the Rishis, Earth, the Oceans, the sacrificial presents, those syllables that are uttered for completing the cadences of Samans, the Rikshas, the Pitris, the Planets, the spouses of the deities, the celestial maidens, the celestial mothers, the great cycles, kine, Chandramas, Savitri, Agni, Savitri, the knowledge of the Vedas, the seasons, the year, small and big divisions of time, eg, |
Mbh.13.16.1609 | Thou art the Grandsire Brahma, thou art Bhava, thou art Vishnu, thou art Skanda, thou art Indra, thou art Savitri, thou art Yama, thou art Varuna, Soma, thou art Dhatri, thou art Manu, thou art Vidhatri and thou art Kuvera, the Lord of treasures. |
Mbh.13.17.2352 | Thou art Savitri. |
Mbh.13.23.3308 | The Brahmana, O chief of Bharata's race, who recites the Savitri morning, noon, and night, or who subsists upon eleemosynary charity, who is observant of the rites and ceremonies laid down in the scriptures for persons of his order, deserves, O king, to be invited to Sraddhas |
Mbh.13.45.4734 | Commanded by her sire, the princess Savitri had in days of old chosen a husband and united herself with him. |
Mbh.13.67.6373 | Thou hast heard, O son of Kunti, what the auspicious words are of Savitri herself on the subject of the gift of food. |
Mbh.13.85.7757 | The Vedas with the Upanishads, Vidya and Savitri, as also, the Past, the Present, and the Future, all came there and were held by the illustrious Siva. |
Mbh.13.92.8220 | Over every cake that is offered, the offerer should, with concentrated attention, utter the Savitri Mantras. |
Mbh.13.104.9379 | One should always perform the Homa for propitiating the deities, and recite the Savitri Mantra. |
Mbh.13.136.11312 | In accepting clarified butter, the expiation is made by pouring oblations on the fire, reciting the Savitri hymn. |
Mbh.13.136.11326 | If a man takes any food in the house of a dead person, within ten days after the death, he should go through all the expiations before mentioned, and should recite the Savitri hymn and do the sin-destroying Ishti and Kushmanda penances. |
Mbh.13.136.11334 | The Savitri hymn should be recited and the Revati rites and Kushmanda penances should be observed with the view of destroying the sin. |
Mbh.13.146.12161 | Savitri is the chaste wife of Brahma. |
Mbh.13.150.12574 | It was ordained by Savitri and is possessed of great excellence. |
Mbh.13.150.12675 | By reciting these excellent Savitri Mantras on board a vessel, or in a vehicle, or in the courts of kings, one attains to high success. |
Mbh.13.150.12680 | These Savitri Mantras, recited duly, contribute to the peace and well-being of all the four orders. |
Mbh.13.150.12682 | Even these are the results achieved by them that recite these Savitri Mantras which are of the form of Brahma. |
Mbh.13.150.12703 | I have thus, O king, told thee of the Savitri Mantras which are identical with eternal Brahman. |
Mbh.13.160.13393 | He made the Vedas his bow and the goddess Savitri his excellent bow-string. |
Mbh.13.165.13690 | His chaste spouse is Savitri. |
Mbh.14.44.1815 | Savitri is the first of all branches of learning. |
Mbh.14.44.1818 | All that is called Savitri which is prescribed in this world |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |