Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 05 Mar 2010 13:04 and updated at 05 Mar 2010 13:04
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.222.10776 | Partha knoweth that we of the Satwata race are never mercenary. |
Mbh.1.222.10802 | Go where the daughter of the Satwata race is! |
Mbh.1.222.10818 | And there also came Satyaka and Salyaka and Kritavarman and Satwata; and Pradyumna and Samva and Nisatha and Sanku; and Charudeshna, and Jhilli of great prowess, and Viprithu also and Sarana of mighty arms and Gada, the foremost of learned men. |
Mbh.1.222.10858 | And that great warrior was begotten upon the daughter of the Satwata race by Dhananjaya, like fire produced in a sacrifice from within the sami wood by the process of rubbing. |
Mbh.1.224.10921 | SECTION CCXXV Khandava-daha Parva continued Vaisampayana said, Then that Brahmana addressed Arjuna and Vasudeva of the Satwata race, saying, Ye who are now staying so near unto Khandava are the two foremost of heroes on earth. |
Mbh.2.37.1543 | I do not behold in this assembly of kings even one ruler of men who hath not been vanquished in battle by the energy of this son of the Satwata race. |
Mbh.2.44.1766 | Ye kings, this wicked-minded one, who is the son of a daughter of the Satwata race, is a great enemy of us of the Satwata race; and though we never seek to injure him, he ever seeketh our evil. |
Mbh.2.44.1844 | And, O king, after the chief of the Satwata race had gone to Dwaravati, king Duryodhana alone, with king Suvala's son, Sakuni, these bulls among men, continued to live in that celestial assembly house. |
Mbh.3.49.2526 | When, therefore, Bhima and Partha and Vasudeva of the Satwata race become enraged, surely my sons along with their friends and the Suvalas are all unequal to fight with them |
Mbh.5.19.814 | SECTION XIX Vaisampayana said, Then Yuyudhana, the great hero of the Satwata race, came to Yudhishthira with a large army of foot, and horses and cars and elephants. |
Mbh.6.22.1002 | O king, by that mighty bowman, the handsome Yuyudhana, that foremost combatant of the Satwata race, resembling Indra himself. |
Mbh.6.59.3179 | They that are yet staying, O thou of the Satwata race, let them also go away. |
Mbh.6.59.3181 | There is none in the Kuru host, O thou of the Satwata race, who is able to escape my angry self. |
Mbh.6.83.4370 | Struck therewith, that Atiratha of the Satwata race, excelling all in might, trembled not, O king, but instead pierced Bhima in return with many sharp arrows. |
Mbh.6.85.4466 | Then Chekitana of the Satwata race, quickly jumped down from his car, and took up a mace. |
Mbh.6.85.4469 | Those arrows, piercing through that hero of the Satwata race, entered the earth. |
Mbh.6.87.4604 | And Drona, and Drona's son, and Kripa, and Salya, and Kritavarman of the Satwata race, surrounding the whole Dhartarashtra army, proceeded towards their tents. |
Mbh.6.91.4753 | And so also, O monarch, Hridika's son of the Satwata race, that slayer of hostile heroes, rushed in that battle against the Pandava ranks. |
Mbh.6.96.5048 | Myself, and Drona, and Kripa, and Drona's son, and Kritavarman of the Satwata race, and Salya, and Somadatta's son, and that mighty car-warrior Vikarna, and thy heroic brothers headed by Dussasana, will all, for thy sake, battle against that mighty Rakshasas. |
Mbh.6.104.5540 | Then the five sons of Draupadi, and the five Kaikeya brothers and Satyaki also of the Satwata race, headed by Yudhishthira, all rushed towards Ganga's son, desirous of protecting the Panchalas headed by Dhrishtadyumna. |
Mbh.6.117.6350 | Then that great bowman Of the Satwata race, possessed of great fame, deeply pierced by Drona's son, pierced the latter in return with arrows. |
Mbh.7.10.375 | The foremost hero among the Vrishnis, exceedingly brave among all bowmen, equal to Rama himself in knowledge and the use of weapons and in prowess and fame, know, O Sanjaya, that truth and firmness, intelligence and heroism, and knowledge of Brahma, and high weapons, are all in him Satyaki of the Satwata race, as the three worlds are in Kesava. |
Mbh.7.23.1217 | The brothers Kshemadhurti and Vrihanta mangled Satyaki of the Satwata race with their keen arrows, as the latter proceeded against Drona. |
Mbh.7.37.1901 | Thus addressed by the Kuru king, those warriors, O monarch, excited with rage and desirous of slaying their foe, rushed, in the very sight of Drona at the son of Subhadra that daughter of the Satwata race. |
Mbh.7.82.3639 | O thou of the Satwata race, no anxiety need be entertained on my account. |
Mbh.7.88.3920 | Then, O King, Jaya, and Kritavarman of the Satwata race, and the ruler of the Kamvojas, and Srutayus, began to oppose the progress of Dhananjaya. |
Mbh.7.89.3948 | And once more he pierced him with three other arrows, stupefying that hero of the Satwata race. |
Mbh.7.94.4338 | Then all the Panchala car-warriors, desirous of victory upon the Satwata hero, proceeding against Drona, quickly withdrew Dhrishtadyumna from the battle |
Mbh.7.104.4853 | Scattering their shafts and lances by thousands, and sharp arrows and spears and mallets and thick clubs, those brave warriors fought in that battle with that invincible hero of the Satwata race. |
Mbh.7.104.4859 | The army, O king, was thus routed by that high-souled one of the Satwata race. |
Mbh.7.107.4969 | Then that great bowman, endued with great might, and filled with rage, once more afflicted that hero of the Satwata race with many straight shafts. |
Mbh.7.107.5004 | Thinking in this way, with an anxious heart, Ajatasatru, the son of Kunti, said unto him of the Satwata race viz, Satyaki these words in a voice choked with tears. |
Mbh.7.107.5081 | They are mighty-armed Pradyumna and thyself, O Satwata, that are so famous. |
Mbh.7.107.5098 | Having penetrated into it duly, encounter the great car-warriors, and display, O Satwata, such feats as are worthy of thyself |
Mbh.7.110.5261 | Indeed, O king that host was broken into a hundred struggling bodies by him of the Satwata race. |
Mbh.7.110.5272 | Having slain diverse kinds of thy troops, he of the Satwata race entered into thy host, agitating and routing thy army. |
Mbh.7.110.5311 | Thus encountered; O monarch; with many shafts of fierce energy by him of the Satwata race, Kritavarman was unable to brook it. |
Mbh.7.111.5365 | When that bull amongst the Pandavas, on his single car, hath speedily gone, piercing through that army of mine vast though it be like the ocean, and when Yuyudhana also hath followed him, I do not, O Sanjaya, see the prospect of even a remnant of my troops being left alive by Savyasachin, and that foremost of car-warriors belonging to the Satwata race. |
Mbh.7.111.5386 | I think, seeing both Satwata and Arjuna pass through my army and the Kurus flying away, my sons are filled with grief. |
Mbh.7.111.5393 | Stupefied am I, O son, upon hearing that Krishna and Dhananjaya, those two heroes of unfading glory, have both, with Satwata, penetrated into my host. |
Mbh.7.111.5438 | Then that mighty car-warrior of the Satwata race, filled with rage, cut off, smiling in that battle, with a razor-faced shaft the bow of Sikhandin. |
Mbh.7.112.5484 | Satwata also fought with that elephant division, shooting his keen shafts, like a mighty cloud at the end of summer pouring torrents of rain on a mountain breast. |
Mbh.7.112.5486 | Many amongst them, O monarch, mangled by Satwata with long shafts and calf-tooth-headed arrows and broad-headed arrows and Anjalikas and razor-faced arrows and crescent-shaped ones fled away, with blood flowing down their bodies, and themselves ejecting urine and excreta and uttering loud and diverse cries, deep as the roar of clouds. |
Mbh.7.112.5506 | Then mighty Jalasandha taking up his scimitar and large shield made of bull's hide and decked with a hundred moons whirled the former for a while and hurled it at Satwata. |
Mbh.7.112.5513 | Having slain Jalasandha, in battle, Satwata quickly felled the wooden structure, O king, from that elephant's back. |
Mbh.7.112.5515 | And afflicted with the arrows of Satwata, the huge beast crushed friendly ranks as it ran wildly, uttering fierce cries of pain. |
Mbh.7.113.5536 | Thy son also pierced by Satwata with clouds of shafts, looked beautiful like a stake set up at a sacrifice decked all over with gold. |
Mbh.7.113.5565 | Afflicted with the shafts of Satwata, and bathed in blood in that battle, Kritavarman throwing aside his bow with arrow, fell upon his car. |
Mbh.7.114.5571 | The encounter that then took place between Drona and Satwata in the very sight of all the troops was extremely fierce, like that between Vali and Vasava in days of old. |
Mbh.7.114.5580 | We did not mark any difference, however, between the lightness of hand displayed by that foremost of regenerate ones and that displayed by him of the Satwata race. |
Mbh.7.116.5684 | Slain by Satwata by means of his straight shafts whose touch resembled that of Indra's thunder, the Yavanas covered the surface of the earth. |
Mbh.7.116.5685 | The small remnant of those mail-clad troops vanquished in battle, O king, by Satwata, becoming cheerless, their lives on the point of being taken, broke and urging their steeds with goads and whips to their utmost speed, fled from fear in all directions. |
Mbh.7.117.5716 | Then king Duryodhana pierced the charioteer of Satwata with three keen shafts and his four steeds with four shafts. |
Mbh.7.118.5745 | O Suta, I think, Destiny is now unpropitious to my sons, since so many mighty car-warriors have been slain by that one warrior of the Satwata race, Alas, O Sanjaya, my army is no match for even one warrior, viz, Yuyudhana inflamed with wrath. |
Mbh.7.118.5775 | Others, urged by thy son, and desirous of slaying Satwata, encompassed the latter on all sides, armed with missiles. |
Mbh.7.118.5789 | Hearing that great uproar, Drona, addressing his charioteer, said, O Suta, that great car-warrior of the Satwata race, excited with wrath, is tearing our army into diverse fragments, and careering in battle like the Destroyer himself. |
Mbh.7.119.5826 | Fighting with a single warrior of the Satwata race, thy heart is inclined towards flight from battle. |
Mbh.7.123.6079 | The love I bear to the Vrishni hero, to that invincible warrior of the Satwata race, viz, Satyaki, is not less than the love I bear to Arjuna, that slayer of foes. |
Mbh.7.123.6114 | For Arjuna's sake, O thou of mighty arms, as also for the sake of Satwata, my grief increaseth like a blazing fire fed with libations of clarified butter. |
Mbh.7.123.6118 | Know also that the tiger among men, that mighty car-warrior, Satwata is slain. |
Mbh.7.123.6126 | Beholding the two Krishnas and Satyaki also of the Satwata race sound and whole, send me a message, O son of Pandu, by uttering a leonine roar |
Mbh.7.124.6159 | All the points of the compass, O Partha, seem empty to my eyes in consequence of my unsatisfied desire to see Dhananjaya and owing also to Satwata, |
Mbh.7.127.6328 | O foremost of Brahmanas, this thy defeat at the hands of Satwata, of Arjuna, and of Bhimasena, is like the drying of the ocean, exceedingly wonderful in this world. |
Mbh.7.138.6928 | Now that he is separated from Satwata, I doubt whether he is alive; O mighty-armed one, this Satyaki should have protected the king. |
Mbh.7.139.6947 | SECTION CXLI Sanjaya said, Beholding Satwata, invincible in battle coming towards Arjuna, Bhurisravas, in rage, O king, suddenly advanced towards him. |
Mbh.7.139.6956 | Today I will give thee dreadful battle, O Satwata! |
Mbh.7.139.6999 | Like two elephants encountering each other with the end of their tusks, or like two bulls with their horns, those two illustrious and foremost warriors of the Kuru and the Satwata races, fought with each other, sometimes binding each other with their arms, sometimes striking each other with their heads, sometimes intertwining each other's legs, sometimes slapping their armpits, sometimes pinching each other with their nails, sometimes clasping each other tightly, sometimes twining their legs round each other's loins, sometimes rolling on the ground, sometimes advancing, sometimes receding, sometimes rising up, and sometimes leaping up. |
Mbh.7.139.7018 | For sometime, the Satwata hero rapidly whirled his head with the arm of Bhurisravas that held it by the hair, like a potter's wheel whirled round with the staff. |
Mbh.7.139.7019 | Beholding Satwata thus dragged in battle by Bhurisravas. |
Mbh.7.140.7063 | Amongst friends and foes engaged with one another, how could it be possible that the Satwata warrior was engaged with only one person in battle? |
Mbh.7.141.7150 | Indeed, the Satwata hero is incapable of being vanquished in battle by even the foremost of men. |
Mbh.7.142.7216 | Protected by Bhimasena and by Satwata, Vibhatsu, O chief of the Bharatas, looked resplendent like a blazing fire. |
Mbh.7.142.7235 | Karna, however, O king, with his arrows, resisted him in that battle in the very sight, O Bharata, of Bhimasena and Satwata. |
Mbh.7.142.7237 | Then Satwata, O sire, pierced Karna with three arrows. |
Mbh.7.144.7481 | Let not Vrisha Karna cause the Satwata hero to follow in the wake of Bhurisravas' |
Mbh.7.144.7487 | Let Karna then freely proceed against the Satwata hero. |
Mbh.7.144.7526 | Karna also, O king, pierced by Satwata with his arrows and exceedingly weakened ascended the car of Duryodhana, sighing deeply, remembering his friendship for thy son from his childhood and having striven to realise the promise he had made about the bestowal of sovereignty on Duryodhana. |
Mbh.7.147.7698 | Beholding that great terrible slaughter of his troops caused by Jishnu and Bhimasena and Satwata in battle, he became pale, dejected and melancholy, and his eyes became filled with tears. |
Mbh.7.150.7867 | As, again, an assemblage of lotuses becomes shorn of its beauty when the water over which it grows is dried up by the sun and the wind, even so became the Pandava host being dried up by thy son, O Bharata, the Panchalas, with Bhimasena then with ten shafts, and each of the sons of Madri with three, and Virata and Drupada each with six, and Sikhandin with a hundred, and Dhrishtadyumna with seventy, and Yudhishthira with seven, and the Kaikeyas and the Chedis with innumerable keen shafts, and Satwata with five, and each of the five sons of Draupadi with three, and Ghatotkacha also with a few, he uttered a leonine shout. |
Mbh.7.153.7996 | SECTION CLV Sanjaya said, After his son Bhurisravas had been slain by Satyaki while the former was sitting in Praya, Somadatta, filled with rage, said unto Satyaki these words, Why, O Satwata, having abandoned those Kshatriya duties ordained by the high-souled gods, hast thou betaken thyself to the practices of robbers? |
Mbh.7.153.8003 | I swear, O Satwata, by my two sons, by what is dear to me, and by all my meritorious acts, that, if before this night passes away, I do not slay thee, that art so proud of thy heroism, with thy sons and younger brothers, provided Jishnu, the son of Pritha, does not protect thee, then let me sink into terrible hell, O wretch of Vrishni's race' |
Mbh.7.153.8056 | Beholding Satyaki in battle, Aswatthaman, filled with rage at the slaughter of Somadatta's son, rushed furiously against that Satwata hero at the van of battle. |
Mbh.7.154.8223 | Then Satwata, filled with rage, pierced with ten keen shafts, endued with the force of the thunder, that old warrior afflicted with grief on account of the death of his son, and who was, besides, endued with every estimable virtue like Yayati, the son of Nahusha. |
Mbh.7.159.8602 | Beholding the Satwata hero thus advancing quickly in battle Somadatta, O king, fearlessly turned towards him. |
Mbh.7.159.8618 | Satwata also, excited with rage, cut off with a razor-faced arrow the bow of Somadatta, in that encounter. |
Mbh.7.159.8633 | Deeply pierced by the mighty Satwata, the great car-warrior Somadatta, O monarch, fell down from his car and expired. |
Mbh.7.160.8663 | And during the progress, O lord, of that terrible carnage of car-warriors and elephants and steeds and foot-soldiers, those heroes, viz, Drona and Karna and Kripa, and Bhima and Prishata's son and Satwata, afflicted one another and the troops of either party, O bull of Bharata's race. |
Mbh.7.163.8811 | That scorcher of foes deeply pierced his mighty foe, quickly took up another bow and pierced the Satwata warrior in return. |
Mbh.7.163.8812 | Having pierced the Satwata hero with three shafts, O monarch, Bhuri, then, smiling the while, cut off his foe's bow with a sharp and broad-headed shaft. |
Mbh.7.168.9066 | Beholding that invincible warrior of the Satwata race advancing, Radha's son pierced him in that battle with ten arrows. |
Mbh.7.168.9079 | Once more piercing Karna with ten arrows, and Vrishasena with five, the Satwata hero cut off the leathern fences and the bows of both sire and son. |
Mbh.7.168.9092 | Here, however, this Satyaki, this foremost one of the Satwata race, stayeth amid us. |
Mbh.7.169.9111 | Mounting on their well-equipped cars, O king, that were decked with gold and jewels, and accompanied also by cavalry and elephants, they encompassed the Satwata hero. |
Mbh.7.171.9278 | Assisted by Satwata hero, slay brave Karna in battle, as Indra in days of old had slain the Asura Taraka, aided by the celestial generalissimo Skanda' |
Mbh.7.180.9838 | If there be anything more precious than the sovereignty of the three worlds, I do not, O Satwata, desire to enjoy it without Pritha's son, Dhananjaya to share it with me. |
Mbh.7.187.10284 | Alas, moved by wrath and convetousness, we are here to-day for fighting against each other, O thou of the Satwata race' |
Mbh.7.187.10305 | The Satwata hero then poured showers of shafts on his antagonist. |
Mbh.7.189.10457 | Having practised them well, he also showed the evolutions called Bharata, Kausika Satwata, as he careened in that battle for compassing the destruction of Drona, Beholding those beautiful evolutions of Dhrishtadyumna, as he careered on the field, sword and shield in hand, all the warriors, as also the celestials assembled there, were filled with wonder. |
Mbh.7.189.10472 | Indeed, O king, the warriors of both armies all applauded the Satwata hero, for his feats |
Mbh.7.190.10473 | SECTION CXCIII Sanjaya said, Beholding those feats of the Satwata hero, Duryodhana and others, filled with rage, quickly encompassed the grandson of Sini on all sides. |
Mbh.7.196.10915 | Thus rebuked by the Satwata hero, Prishata's son, filled with rage, smilingly addressed the angry Satyaki in these harsh words' |
Mbh.7.196.10954 | Possessed of courage and acquainted with morality, all of them, O Satwata, have acted thus, for gaining victory. |
Mbh.7.198.11117 | When the preceptor's son had fallen into that plight, thy son, that car-warrior, accompanied by Kripa and Karna and others began to cover the Satwata hero with arrows. |
Mbh.8.13.523 | Then the invincible Satwata, O king, filled with rage, took up another bow in that battle, and stringing it, cut off Anuvinda's head with a keen razor-headed shaft. |
Mbh.8.13.536 | Then Satwata cut in twain the shield of Kaikeya. |
Mbh.8.22.927 | Thus struck by Satwata, he fell down on the Earth. |
Mbh.8.35.1863 | That foremost one of Vrishni's race, viz, the heroic Satyaki, the chief of the Satwata clan, was vanquished by Karna and made carless. |
Mbh.8.46.2515 | Sharadvata's son Kripa, O king, and the Magadhas endued with great activity, and Kritavarma of Satwata race, took up their position in the right wing. |
Mbh.9.6.372 | Indeed, Shalya and Chitrasena and the mighty car-warrior Shakuni and Ashvatthama and Kripa and Kritavarma of the Satwata race, and Sushena and Arishtasena and Dhritasena of great energy and Jayatsena and all these kings passed the night there. |
Mbh.9.20.1278 | His head having been cut off by the Satwata hero, Salwa fell down on the Earth along with his prince of elephants, even like a mountain summit suddenly riven by the thunderbolt hurled by the chief of the celestials |
Mbh.9.21.1281 | Seeing the Satwata hero, O king, standing in battle like a hill pierced with arrows by the foes, the Kuru heroes, who had fled away, rallied and came back. |
Mbh.9.21.1283 | Wonderful was that fierce encounter which occurred between the Satwata hero and his foes, since he resisted the invincible army of the Pandavas. |
Mbh.9.21.1302 | Satyaki, however, of the Satwata race, striking that lance with many keen arrows, cut it off into fragments and caused it to fall down, stupefying Kritavarma of Madhu's race with his activity and prowess. |
Mbh.9.23.1602 | Ashvatthama and Kripa, and Kritavarma of the Satwata race, asked all the Kshatriyas there, saying, Where has Duryodhana gone' |
Mbh.9.23.1630 | Meanwhile, Ashvatthama and Kripa and Kritavarma of the Satwata race, not seeing that chastiser of foes, Duryodhana, amid the car-division, sought for thy royal son, Abandoning the prince of the Pancalas, they proceeded to the spot where Subala's son was anxious to have a sight of the king during that terrible carnage |
Mbh.9.25.1695 | remain also Ashvatthama and Kripa and the ruler of the Trigartas and Uluka and Kritavarma of the Satwata race. |
Mbh.9.28.1960 | After the Parthas had retired to their camp, Kripa and Drona's son and Kritavarma of the Satwata race, slowly proceeded towards that lake. |
Mbh.9.52.3748 | SECTION Vaishampayana said, Having visited Kurukshetra and given away wealth there, he of the Satwata race then proceeded, O Janamejaya, to a large and exceedingly beautiful hermitage. |
Mbh.9.62.4526 | The highly blessed Ashvatthama, and Kritavarma of the Satwata race, and Saradwat's son Kripa, should be told these words of mine, You should never repose any confidence upon the Pandavas, those violators of rules, who have perpetrated many unrighteous acts' |
Mbh.9.63.4539 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Having heard of Duryodhana's fall from the messengers, those mighty car-warriors, the unslain remnant of the Kaurava army, exceedingly wounded with keen shafts, and maces and lances and darts, those three, Ashvatthama and Kripa and Kritavarma of the Satwata race, came quickly on their fleet steeds to the field of battle. |
Mbh.14.52.2337 | Do thou, O hero of the Satwata race, also take with thee whatever else thou likest. |
Mbh.14.69.3073 | Behold the reverend princess of Panchala, and the helpless princess of the Satwata race. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |