Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Mar 2010 18:50 and updated at 03 Mar 2010 18:50
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.75.4159 | And, O king, they were begotten upon his two wives Devayani and Sarmishtha. |
Mbh.1.75.4160 | And of Devayani were born Yadu and Turvasu, and of Sarmishtha were born Drahyu, Anu, and Puru. |
Mbh.1.78.4377 | And it so happened that from the intermingled heap, the garments of Devayani were appropriated by Sarmishtha, the daughter of Vrishaparvan, from ignorance that it was not hers. |
Mbh.1.78.4378 | And, O king, thereupon, between them, Devayani and Sarmishtha, then ensued a dispute. |
Mbh.1.78.4381 | Sarmishtha, however, quickly replied, Thy father occupying a lower seat, always adoreth with downcast looks, like a hired chanter of praises, my father, whether he sitteth at his ease or reclineth at full length! |
Mbh.1.78.4390 | Sarmishtha thereupon threw her into a well and went home. |
Mbh.1.78.4391 | Indeed, the wicked Sarmishtha believing that Devayani was dead, bent her steps home-wards in a wrathful mood. |
Mbh.1.78.4392 | After Sarmishtha had left, Yayati the son of Nahusha soon came to that spot. |
Mbh.1.78.4417 | And she said, I tell thee, O great Brahmana, that Devayani hath been ill-used, O fortunate one, in the forest by Sarmishtha, the daughter of Vrishaparvan' |
Mbh.1.78.4418 | And Kavya, hearing that his daughter had been ill-used by Sarmishtha speedily went out with a heavy heart, seeking her in the woods. |
Mbh.1.78.4422 | O, hear that all Sarmishtha, the daughter of Vrishaparvan, hath said unto me. |
Mbh.1.78.4424 | Even thus hath she, that Sarmishtha, Vrishaparvan's daughter, spoken to me, with reddened eyes, these piercing and cruel words, Thou art the daughter of one that ever chanteth for hire the praises of others, of one that asketh for charities, of one that accepteth alms; whereas I am the daughter of one that receiveth adorations, of one that giveth, of one that never accepteth anything as gift' |
Mbh.1.78.4425 | These have been the words repeatedly spoken unto me by the proud Sarmishtha, the daughter of Vrishaparvan, with eyes red with anger. |
Mbh.1.80.4478 | Devayani answered, I desire Sarmishtha with a thousand maids to wait on me! |
Mbh.1.80.4480 | Vrishaparvan then commanded a maid-servant in attendance on him, saying, Go and quickly bring Sarmishtha hither. |
Mbh.1.80.4482 | Vaisampayana continued, The maid-servant then repaired to Sarmishtha and told her, O amiable Sarmishtha, rise and follow me. |
Mbh.1.80.4486 | Sarmishtha replied, I shall cheerfully do what Devayani wisheth. |
Mbh.1.80.4489 | Vaisampayana continued, Commanded by her father, then, Sarmishtha, accompanied by a thousand maidens, soon came, in a palanquin, out of her father's excellent mansion. |
Mbh.1.80.4494 | Sarmishtha answered, One must by all means contribute to the happiness of one's afflicted relatives. |
Mbh.1.80.4496 | Vaisampayana continued, When Sarmishtha thus promised to be Devayani's waiting-maid the latter, O king, then spoke unto her father thus, O best of all excellent Brahmanas, I am gratified. |
Mbh.1.81.4502 | And accompanied by Sarmishtha with her thousand maids she reached the same spot and began to wander freely. |
Mbh.1.81.4506 | And the king saw Devayani and Sarmishtha, and those other maidens also, all decked with celestial ornaments and full of voluptuous languor in consequence of the flower-honey they drank. |
Mbh.1.81.4508 | And she was waited upon by Sarmishtha who was gently kneading her feet. |
Mbh.1.81.4515 | She is Sarmishtha, the daughter of the Asura king Vrishaparvan' |
Mbh.1.81.4529 | Devayani answered, With my two thousand damsels and my waiting-maid Sarmishtha, I wait but your commands. |
Mbh.1.81.4573 | This other maiden, Vrishaparvan's daughter, Sarmishtha should ever be regarded by thee. |
Mbh.1.81.4577 | And having received from Sukra this rich treasure of the excellent Devayani with Sarmishtha and those two thousand maidens, and duly honoured also by Sukra himself and the Asuras, the best of monarchs, then, commanded by the high-souled Bhargava, returned to his capital with a joyous heart |
Mbh.1.82.4579 | And the monarch, directed by Devayani, established Vrishaparvan's daughter Sarmishtha in a mansion especially erected near the artificial woods of Asokas in his gardens. |
Mbh.1.82.4580 | And the king surrounded Vrishaparvan's daughter Sarmishtha with a thousand maids and honoured her by making every arrangement for her food and garments. |
Mbh.1.82.4584 | And when a thousand years had passed away, Vrishaparvan's daughter Sarmishtha having attained to puberty saw that her season had come. |
Mbh.1.82.4594 | Vaisampayana continued, While Sarmishtha was thus busy with her thoughts, the king wandering listlessly came to that very wood of Asokas, and beholding Sarmishtha before him, stood there in silence. |
Mbh.1.82.4595 | Then Sarmishtha of sweet smiles seeing the monarch before her with nobody to witness what might pass, approached him and said with joined palms, O son of Nahusha, no one can behold the ladies that dwell in the inner apartments of Soma, of Indra, of Vishnu, of Yama, of Varuna, and of thee! |
Mbh.1.82.4604 | Sarmishtha then said, It hath been said, O king, that it is not sinful to lie on the occasion of a joke, in respect of women sought to be enjoyed, on occasions of marriage, in peril of immediate death and of the loss of one's whole fortune. |
Mbh.1.82.4612 | Sarmishtha answered, O monarch, one may look upon her friend's husband as her own. |
Mbh.1.82.4618 | Sarmishtha then said, Absolve me, O king, from sin. |
Mbh.1.82.4628 | Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed by Sarmishtha, the monarch was persuaded into the truth of all she spoke. |
Mbh.1.82.4629 | He therefore, honoured Sarmishtha by protecting her virtue. |
Mbh.1.82.4632 | And it came to pass that Sarmishtha of sweet smiles and fair eyebrows conceived in consequence of that connection of hers with that best of monarchs. |
Mbh.1.83.4634 | SECTION LXXXIII Sambhava Parva continued Vaisampayana said, When Devayani of sweet smiles heard of the birth of this child, she became jealous, and O Bharata, Sarmishtha became an object of her unpleasant reflections. |
Mbh.1.83.4636 | Sarmishtha replied, A certain Rishi of virtuous soul and fully conversant with the Vedas came to me. |
Mbh.1.83.4642 | Sarmishtha replied, O thou of sweet smiles, in asceticism and energy, that Rishi is resplendent like the Sun himself. |
Mbh.1.83.4643 | Beholding him, I had not, any need to make these enquiries, Devayani then said, If this is true, if indeed, thou hast obtained thy child from such a superior Brahmana, then, O Sarmishtha, I have no cause of anger' |
Mbh.1.83.4644 | Vaisampayana continued, Having thus talked and laughed with each other, they separated, Devayani returning to the palace with the knowledge imparted to her by Sarmishtha. |
Mbh.1.83.4646 | And Sarmishtha, the daughter of Vrishaparvan, became through the royal sage the mother of three sons in all, named Drahyu, Anu, and Puru. |
Mbh.1.83.4655 | Those children then pointed at the king with their forefingers and spoke of Sarmishtha as their mother. |
Mbh.1.83.4660 | But Devayani, marking the affection of the children for the king learnt the secret and addressing Sarmishtha, said, How hast thou dared to do me an injury, being, as thou art, dependent on me? |
Mbh.1.83.4662 | Sarmishtha said, O thou of sweet smiles, all that I told thee of a Rishi is perfectly true. |
Mbh.1.83.4678 | I have been offended again by Sarmishtha, the daughter of Vrishaparvan. |
Mbh.1.83.4687 | He who, solicited in secret by a woman full of desire and in season, goeth not in unto her, loseth virtue and is called by the learned a killer of the embryo, O son of Bhrigu, for these reasons, and anxious to avoid sin, I went into Sarmishtha' |
Mbh.1.95.5228 | And Yayati had two wives, viz, Devayani, the daughter of Usanas, and Sarmishtha the daughter of Vrishaparvan. |
Mbh.1.95.5229 | Here occurs a sloka regarding Yayati's descendants, Devayani gave birth to Yadu and Turvasu; and Vrishaparvan's daughter, Sarmishtha gave birth to Druhyu, Anu, and Puru, |
Mbh.7.61.2742 | Having performed various sacrifices and virtuously begotten excellent offspring upon his wives Devayani, the daughter of Usanas and Sarmishtha, king Yayati, who was like unto a celestial, roved through the celestial woods at his own pleasure, like a second Vasava. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |