Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Mar 2010 18:27 and updated at 03 Mar 2010 18:27
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.157 | When I heard that Vasudeva and Bhishma the son of Santanu were the counsellors of the Pandavas and Drona the son of Bharadwaja pronounced blessings on them, then, O Sanjaya, I had no hope of success. |
Mbh.1.2.367 | This parva also describes the greatness of Bhagirathi, and the births of the Vasus in the house of Santanu and their ascension to heaven. |
Mbh.1.60.2883 | Of sacred deeds and great fame, he begot Pandu and Dhritarashtra and Vidura in order to continue the line of Santanu. |
Mbh.1.61.2938 | And they were then told by king Dhritarashtra and the son of Santanu Bhishma as follows: In order, O dear ones, dissensions may not take place between you and your cousins, we have settled that Khandavaprastha should be your abode. |
Mbh.1.63.3147 | Then Bhishma, of great energy and fame and of immeasurable splendour, and sprung from the component parts of the Vasus, was born in the womb of Ganga through king Santanu. |
Mbh.1.67.3495 | And from the curse of Vasishtha and the command also of Indra, the eight Vasus were born of Ganga by her husband Santanu. |
Mbh.1.94.5213 | And, O bull in Bharata's race, Pratipa begat three sons, viz, Devapi, Santanu, and the mighty car-warrior Valhika. |
Mbh.1.94.5215 | And the kingdom was obtained by Santanu and the mighty car-warrior Valhika. |
Mbh.1.95.5283 | And Pratipa married Sunanda, the daughter of Sivi, and begat upon her three sons, viz, Devapi, Santanu and Valhika. |
Mbh.1.95.5285 | And Santanu became king. |
Mbh.1.95.5286 | Here occurs a sloka in respect of Santanu. |
Mbh.1.95.5288 | Therefore, this monarch was called Santanu. |
Mbh.1.95.5289 | And Santanu married Ganga, who bore him a son Devavrata who was afterwards called Bhishma. |
Mbh.1.95.5292 | And upon her Santanu begat two other sons named Chitrangada and Vichitravirya. |
Mbh.1.96.5394 | The Vasus replied, On earth, unto Pratipa shall be born a son, Santanu, who will be a king of world-wide fame' |
Mbh.1.96.5396 | I shall, indeed, do good to that Santanu. |
Mbh.1.97.5443 | And the child was called Santanu because he was born when his father had controlled his passions by ascetic penances. |
Mbh.1.97.5444 | And the best of Kurus, Santanu, knowing that region of indestructible bliss can be acquired by one's deeds alone, became devoted to virtue. |
Mbh.1.97.5445 | When Santanu grew up into a youth, Pratipa addressed him and said, Some time ago, O Santanu, a celestial damsel came to me for thy good. |
Mbh.1.97.5448 | Vaisampayana continued, Pratipa, having thus commanded his son Santanu and installed him on his throne, retired into the woods. |
Mbh.1.97.5449 | And king Santanu endued with great intelligence and equal unto Indra himself in splendour, became addicted to hunting and passed much of his time in the woods. |
Mbh.1.98.5466 | And king Santanu also, obtaining her for his wife, enjoyed to the full the pleasure of her company. |
Mbh.1.98.5468 | And the lord of earth, Santanu, became exceedingly gratified with her conduct, beauty, magnanimity, and attention to his comforts. |
Mbh.1.98.5469 | And the goddess Ganga also, of three courses celestial, terrestrial, and subterranean assuming a human form of superior complexion and endued with celestial beauty, lived happily as the wife of Santanu, having as the fruit of her virtuous acts, obtained for her husband, that tiger among kings equal unto Indra himself in splendour. |
Mbh.1.99.5497 | SECTION XCIX Sambhava Parva continued Santanu asked, What was the fault of the Vasus and who was Apava, through whose curse the Vasus had to be born among men? |
Mbh.1.99.5547 | And that child of Santanu was named both Gangeya and Devavrata and excelled his father in all accomplishments. |
Mbh.1.99.5548 | Santanu, after the disappearance of his wife, returned to his capital with a sorrowful heart. |
Mbh.1.99.5549 | I shall now recount to thee the many virtues and the great good fortune of the illustrious king Santanu of the Bharata race. |
Mbh.1.100.5551 | SECTION C Sambhava Parva continued Vaisampayana said, The monarch Santanu, the most adored of the gods and royal sages, was known in all the worlds for his wisdom, virtues, and truthfulness of speech. |
Mbh.1.100.5552 | The qualities of self-control, liberality, forgiveness, intelligence, modesty, patience and superior energy ever dwelt in that bull among men, viz, Santanu, that great being endued with these accomplishments and conversant with both religion and profit, the monarch was at once the protector of the Bharata race and all human beings. |
Mbh.1.100.5556 | These were the attributes that dwelt in that great being, that bull among men, Santanu. |
Mbh.1.100.5557 | And truly there was never a king like Santanu. |
Mbh.1.100.5562 | And when the earth was ruled by Santanu and other monarchs like him, the religious merits of every order increased very greatly. |
Mbh.1.100.5564 | And Santanu residing in Hastinapura, the delightful capital of the Kurus, ruled the whole earth bounded by seas. |
Mbh.1.100.5570 | And, O king, while Santanu ruled the earth, no deer, boars, birds, or other animals were needlessly slain. |
Mbh.1.100.5573 | And Santanu was the king and father of all, of those that were miserable and those that had no protectors, of birds and beasts, in fact, of every created thing. |
Mbh.1.100.5575 | And Santanu, having enjoyed domestic felicity for six and thirty years, retired into the woods. |
Mbh.1.100.5576 | And Santanu's son, the Vasu born of Ganga, named Devavrata resembled Santanu himself in personal beauty, in habits and behaviour, and in learning. |
Mbh.1.100.5581 | One day, while pursuing along the banks of the Ganges a deer that he had struck with his arrow, king Santanu observed that the river had become shallow. |
Mbh.1.100.5582 | On observing this, that bull among men, viz, Santanu, began to reflect upon this strange phenomenon. |
Mbh.1.100.5587 | But as Santanu had seen his son only once a few moments after his birth, he had not sufficient recollection to identify that infant with the youth before his eyes. |
Mbh.1.100.5589 | King Santanu, wondering much at what he saw and imagining the youth to be his own son then addressed Ganga and said, Show me that child' |
Mbh.1.100.5590 | Ganga thus addressed, assuming a beautiful form, and holding the boy decked with ornaments in her right arm, showed him to Santanu. |
Mbh.1.100.5591 | And Santanu did not recognise that beautiful female bedecked with ornaments and attired in fine robes of white, although he had known her before. |
Mbh.1.100.5604 | Thus commanded by Ganga, Santanu took his child resembling the Sun himself in glory and returned to his capital. |
Mbh.1.100.5618 | And Santanu, beholding that maiden of celestial form endued with beauty, amiableness, and such fragrance, desired her for his wife. |
Mbh.1.100.5624 | Santanu, hearing this, replied, When I have heard of the pledge thou askest, I shall then say whether I would be able to grant it. |
Mbh.1.100.5628 | Vaisampayana continued, O Bharata, when Santanu heard this, he felt no inclination to grant such a boon, though the fire of desire sorely burnt him within. |
Mbh.1.100.5635 | Thus addressed by his son, Santanu answered, Thou sayest truly, O son, that I have become melancholy. |
Mbh.1.100.5657 | The chief of the fishermen received him with due adorations, and, O thou of Bharata's race, when the prince took his seat in the court of the chief, the latter addressed him and said, O bull among the Bharatas, thou art the first of all wielders of weapons and the only son of Santanu. |
Mbh.1.100.5674 | Thus addressed, the chief of the fishermen, impelled by desire of sovereignty for his daughter's son, to achieve the almost impossible, then said, O thou of virtuous soul, thou art come hither as full agent on behalf of thy father Santanu of immeasurable glory; be thou also the sole manager on my behalf in the matter of the bestowal of this my daughter. |
Mbh.1.100.5688 | On arriving with her at Hastinapura, he told Santanu everything as it had happened. |
Mbh.1.100.5690 | And Santanu also, hearing of the extraordinary achievements of his son, became highly gratified and bestowed upon the high-souled prince the boon of death at will, saying, Death shall never come to thee as long as thou desirest to live. |
Mbh.1.101.5692 | SECTION CI Sambhava Parva continued Vaisampayana said, O monarch, after the nuptials were over, king Santanu established his beautiful bride in his household. |
Mbh.1.101.5693 | Soon after was born of Satyavati an intelligent and heroic son of Santanu named Chitrangada. |
Mbh.1.101.5695 | The lord Santanu of great prowess also begat upon Satyavati another son named Vichitravirya, who became a mighty bowman and who became king after his father. |
Mbh.1.101.5696 | And before that bull among men, viz, Vichitravirya, attained to majority, the wise king Santanu realised the inevitable influence of Time. |
Mbh.1.101.5697 | And after Santanu had ascended to heaven. |
Mbh.1.101.5703 | When that tiger among men endued with great prowess was slain, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, performed, O king, all his obsequies. |
Mbh.1.102.5711 | There Bhishma, the son of Santanu, saw that innumerable monarchs had come from all directions; and there he also saw those three maidens that would select their own husbands. |
Mbh.1.102.5743 | It was then, O king, that mighty car-warrior, king Salya of immeasurable prowess, from behind summoned Bhishma, the son of Santanu, to an encounter. |
Mbh.1.102.5750 | Then that foremost of men, king Salya covered Bhishma, the son of Santanu with hundreds and thousands of swift-winged shafts. |
Mbh.1.102.5757 | Then that first of men, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, fighting for the sake of those damsels, slew with the Aindra weapon the noble steeds of his adversary. |
Mbh.1.102.5761 | That foremost of smiters, viz, Bhishma, after defeating those monarchs, set out with those damsels, for Hastinapura whence the virtuous Kuru prince Vichitravirya ruled the earth like that best of monarchs, viz, his father Santanu. |
Mbh.1.102.5765 | Conversant with the dictates of virtue, the son of Santanu, having achieved such an extraordinary feat according to kingly custom, then began to make preparations for his brother's wedding. |
Mbh.1.103.5786 | And turning her eyes to religion, and to the paternal and maternal lines of the Kurus, she addressed Bhishma and said The funeral cake, the achievements, and the perpetuation of the line of the virtuous and celebrated Santanu of Kuru's race, all now depend on thee. |
Mbh.1.105.5932 | This Bhishma, the son of Santanu, devoted to truth, doth not, for the sake, of truth, entertain the desire of either begetting children or ruling the kingdom. |
Mbh.1.109.6081 | And beholding the restoration of the extinct line of Santanu, the saying became current in all countries that among mothers of heroes, the daughters of the king of Kasi were the first; that among countries Kurujangala was the first; that among virtuous men, Vidura was the first; that among cities Hastinapura was the first. |
Mbh.1.113.6158 | SECTION CXIII Sambhava Parva continued Vaisampayana continued, Some time after, Bhishma the intelligent son of Santanu set his heart upon getting Pandu married to a second wife. |
Mbh.1.113.6199 | And the citizens and others filled with joy, and kings and ministers, all began to say, O, the fame of the achievements of Santanu, that tiger among kings, and of the wise Bharata, which were about to die, hath been revived by Pandu. |
Mbh.1.119.6364 | I have heard that my father, though begotten by Santanu of virtuous soul, was cut off while still a youth, only because he had become a slave to his lust. |
Mbh.1.126.6767 | And there also came out Bhishma, the son of Santanu, and Somadatta or Valhika and the royal sage Dhritarashtra endued with the vision of knowledge and Vidura himself and the venerable Satyavati and the illustrious princess of Kosala and Gandhari accompanied by the other ladies of the royal household. |
Mbh.1.127.6816 | And Bhishma, the son of Santanu, and the wise Vidura, and the others also that were there, became disconsolate. |
Mbh.1.130.6980 | And it happened that a soldier in attendance upon king Santanu while the monarch was out a-hunting in the woods, came upon the twins. |
Mbh.1.130.6984 | Then that first of men, Santanu, the son of Pratipa having brought Gautama's twins into his house, performed in respect of them the usual rites of religion. |
Mbh.1.130.6987 | By his spiritual insight he learnt that his son and daughter were in the palace of Santanu. |
Mbh.1.143.7750 | Then Bhishma, the son of Santanu, of rigid vows and devoted to truth, having formerly relinquished the sovereignty would never accept it now. |
Mbh.1.143.7752 | Worshipping Bhishma, the son of Santanu and Dhritarashtra conversant with the rules of morality, he will certainly maintain the former and the latter with his children in every kind of enjoyment. |
Mbh.1.145.7805 | Then addressing Bhishma, the son of Santanu, the wise Vidura, Drona, Valhika, the Kaurava, Somadatta, Kripa, Aswatthaman, Bhurisravas, and the other councillors, and Brahmanas and ascetics, and the priests and the citizens, and the illustrious Gandhari, he said slowly and humbly, With our friends and followers we go to the delightful and populous town of Varanavata at the command of Dhritarashtra. |
Mbh.1.147.7838 | Vichitravirya, the son of Santanu, and the royal sage Pandu of Kuru's race both cherished us of old with fatherly care. |
Mbh.1.152.7973 | There is little doubt that even Bhishma, the son of Santanu, and Drona and Vidura and Kripa and other Kauravas have not, any of them, followed the dictates of duty. |
Mbh.1.206.10154 | What that foremost one of Kuru's race, viz, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, hath said, is excellent and is for thy good. |
Mbh.1.207.10192 | SECTION CCVIII Viduragamana Parva continued Vaisampayana said, Hearing these various speeches, Dhritarashtra said, The learned Bhishma, the son of Santanu, and the illustrious Rishi Drona, and thyself also O Vidura, have said the truth and what also is most beneficial to me. |
Mbh.1.207.10213 | So also, O king, Bhishma of great wisdom, the son of Santanu, with all the Kurus, enquired after thy welfare in every respect. |
Mbh.1.208.10253 | After they had rested there for some time, they were summoned to the court by king Dhritarashtra and Bhishma, the son of Santanu. |
Mbh.1.222.10785 | Who is there that would not desire to have Arjuna for a friend, who is born in the race of Bharata and the renowned Santanu, and the son also of the daughter of Kuntibhoja? |
Mbh.2.8.349 | Vysawa; Saswa and Krishaswa, and king Sasavindu; Rama the son of Dasaratha, and Lakshmana, and Pratarddana; Alarka, and Kakshasena, Gaya, and Gauraswa; Rama the son of Jamadagnya, Nabhaga, and Sagara; Bhuridyumna and Mahaswa, Prithaswa, and also Janaka; king Vainya, Varisena, Purujit, and Janamejaya; Brahmadatta, and Trigarta, and king Uparichara also; Indradyumna, Bhimajanu, Gauraprishta, Nala, Gaya; Padma and Machukunda, Bhuridyumna, Prasenajit; Aristanemi, Sudymna, Prithulauswa, and Ashtaka also; a hundred kings of the Matsya race and hundred of the Vipa and a hundred of the Haya races; a hundred kings of the name of Dhritarashtra, eighty kings of the name of Janamejaya; a hundred monarchs called Brahmadatta, and a hundred kings of the name of Iri; more than two hundred Bhishmas, and also a hundred Bhimas; a hundred Prativindhyas, a hundred Nagas, and a hundred Palasas, and a hundred called Kasa and Kusa; that king of kings Santanu, and thy father Pandu, Usangava, Sata-ratha, Devaraja, Jayadratha; the intelligent royal sage Vrishadarva with his ministers; and a thousand other kings known by the name of Sasa-vindu, and who have died, having performed many grand horse-sacrifices with large presents to the Brahmanas, these holy royal sages of grand achievements and great knowledge of the Sastras, wait upon, O King, and worship the son of Vivaswat in that assembly house. |
Mbh.2.35.1487 | Vaisampayana continued, Then, O Bharata, Bhishma the son of Santanu, judged it by his intelligence that on earth Krishna was the foremost of all. |
Mbh.2.36.1509 | Again when old Bhishma, the son of Santanu, that foremost of men who is not to die save at his own wish is here, why, O king, hath Krishna been worshipped by thee? |
Mbh.2.62.2500 | The descendants of Pratipa and Santanu, with their fierce troops and their allies the Vahlikas, will, for the sins of Duryodhana meet with destruction. |
Mbh.2.62.2508 | Listen, ye sons of Santanu, ye descendants of Pratipa, who are now in this assembly of the Kauravas, to these words of wisdom. |
Mbh.3.29.1407 | Our grandsire, the son of Santanu, will worship peace; Krishna, the son of Devaki, will worship peace; the preceptor Drona and Vidura called Kshatri will both speak of peace; Kripa and Sanjaya also will preach peace. |
Mbh.3.84.4426 | One should next repair to the excellent tirtha of Santanu, called Lalitika. |
Mbh.3.125.6375 | Santanu, O king! |
Mbh.3.161.8196 | And, O Partha, in heaven he that with justice had brought under his subjection all the rulers of the earth, even that exceedingly powerful and highly energetic monarch, the grandsire of thy father, Santanu himself, is well-pleased with the behaviour of that wielder of the Gandiva, the foremost of his race. |
Mbh.3.161.8197 | And, O king, abiding in Indra's regions, he who on the banks of the Yamuna had worshipped the gods, the pitris, and the Brahmanas, by celebrating seven grand horse sacrifices, that great grandsire of thine, the emperor Santanu of severe austerities, who hath attained heaven, hath enquired of thy welfare |
Mbh.4.51.1980 | Drona said, Appeased I have already been at the words first spoken by Bhishma, the son of Santanu. |
Mbh.4.55.2128 | And that slayer of foes pierced Bhishma, the son of Santanu, with arrows, and king Duryodhana with a hundred. |
Mbh.4.55.2151 | And that warrior whose flag is blue and beareth the device of five stars with a sun in the centre, and who endued with great energy stayeth on his car holding a huge bow in hand and wearing excellent fences, and over whose head is an umbrella of pure white, who standeth at the head of a multitudinous array of cars with various flags and banners like the sun in advance of masses of black clouds, and whose mail of gold looks bright as the sun or the moon, and who with his helmet of gold striketh terror into my heart, is Bhishma, the son of Santanu and the grandsire of us all. |
Mbh.4.63.2468 | Who else, save Bhishma, the son of Santanu, or Krishna, the son of Devaki, or the mighty son of Bharadwaja, the foremost of preceptors, is able to bear the impetus of Partha in battle? |
Mbh.4.63.2483 | And that mighty car-warrior, Kunti's son, covered with a diadem, and the heroic son of Santanu, obscured the ten directions with their arrows. |
Mbh.4.63.2500 | Meanwhile, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, assailed Arjuna on the left side, while that drawer of the bow with either hands was on the point of piercing him. |
Mbh.4.65.2534 | And the mighty-armed Bhishma also, the son of Santanu, turning back his steeds decked with gold, enormous in size, and of tawny hue, rushed bow in hand, for protecting Duryodhana from Partha's hand. |
Mbh.4.65.2563 | And having worshipped the aged grandsire, the son of Santanu, as also the preceptor Drona, and having saluted with beautiful arrows Drona's son and Kripa and other venerable ones among the Kurus, the son of Pritha broke into fragments Duryodhana's crown decked with precious gems, with another arrow. |
Mbh.4.67.2604 | And the women and the maidens of the palace and the other females living in the inner apartments joyfully said unto him, Our kine having been seized by the Kurus, Bhuminjaya incensed at this and from excess of bravery hath issued forth alone with only Vrihannala as his second, for vanquishing the six mighty car-warriors, Bhishma the son of Santanu, and Kripa, and Karna, and Duryodhana, and Drona, and Drona's son who have all come with the Kuru army' |
Mbh.5.31.1393 | Thou shouldst again, O Sanjaya, bending thy head, in my name salute the grandsire of the Bharatas, Bhishma, the son of Santanu. |
Mbh.5.48.2701 | I tell thee truly that when that foremost of Kaurava heroes, the virtuous son of Santanu, will be slain in battle by Sikhandin, then all our foes, without doubt, will perish. |
Mbh.5.48.2787 | But so let it be even as the aged Bhishma, the son of Santanu, and Kripa, and Drona with his son, and Vidura endued with great wisdom, are saying, May the Kauravas all live long |
Mbh.5.49.2788 | SECTION XLIX Vaisampayana said, In the midst, O Bharata, of all those assembled kings, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, then said these words unto Duryodhana, Once on a time, Vrihaspati and Sakra went to Brahma. |
Mbh.5.49.2829 | Vaisampayana continued, Having listened to these words of Karna, Bhishma the son of Santanu, addressing king Dhritarashtra, again said, Although this one often boasteth saying, I shall slay the Pandavas, yet he is not equal to even a sixteenth part of high-souled Pandavas. |
Mbh.5.55.3083 | Our grandsire born of Ganga is, O Bharata, superior to Santanu himself. |
Mbh.5.57.3155 | O king, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, has been assigned to Sikhandin as his share; and Virata with all his Matsya warriors will support Sikhandin. |
Mbh.5.65.3421 | Accept thou thy aged grandsire, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, as thy guide. |
Mbh.5.66.3430 | O Sanjaya, our grandsire, the son of Santanu, and Dhritarashtra, and Drona, and Kripa, and Karna, and king Vahlika, and Drona's son, and Somadatta, and Sakuni the son of Suvala; and Dussasana, and Sala, and Purumitra, and Vivingsati; Vikarna, and Chitrasena, and king Jayatsena, and Vinda and Anuvinda, the two chiefs of Avanti, and Bhurisravas, and king Bhagadatta, and king Jarasandha and other rulers of the earth, assembled there to fight for the good of the Kauravas, are all on the eve of death. |
Mbh.5.94.4427 | And beholding those Rishis with Narada at their head, he of Dasarha's race, slowly addressed Bhishma the son of Santanu, saying, O king, the Rishis have come to see this earthly conclave of ours. |
Mbh.5.125.5549 | SECTION CXXV Vaisampayana said, Hearing, O bull of Bharata's race, these words of Kesava, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, then said unto vindictive Duryodhana, Krishna hath spoken to thee, desirous of bringing about peace between kinsmen. |
Mbh.5.129.5731 | What Bhishma, the son of Santanu, and that mighty car-warrior, Drona, have told thee is, O son, quite true, Krishna and Dhananjaya are invincible. |
Mbh.5.144.6463 | The grandsire Bhishma, the son of Santanu, the preceptor Drona, who is the foremost of warriors, and Karna, having embraced Duryodhana's side, enhance my fears. |
Mbh.5.147.6573 | O sire, O king, my father Santanu, was widely known in the world. |
Mbh.5.147.6608 | I again joined my hands and conciliated my mother, saying, O mother, begot by Santanu and being a member of Kuru's race, I cannot falsify my promise' |
Mbh.5.148.6628 | And he said, O sire, as Pratipa's son, Santanu, was devoted to the welfare of his race, and as Devavrata, otherwise called Bhishma was devoted to the welfare of his race, so was the royal Pandu, that king of the Kurus, who was firmly devoted to truth, who had his passions under control, who was virtuous, of excellent vows, and attentive to all duties. |
Mbh.5.149.6696 | Of them, Devapi was the eldest, Vahlika the next and Santanu of great intelligence, who, O sire, was my grandfather, was the youngest. |
Mbh.5.149.6700 | He was dearly loved by his brother Vahlika as also the high-souled Santanu. |
Mbh.5.149.6712 | With Vahlika's permission, O prince, Santanu of world-wide fame, on the death of his father Pratipa, became king and ruled the kingdom. |
Mbh.5.157.6935 | SECTION CLVII Vaisampayana said, Dhritarashtra's son, accompanied by all the kings, then addressed Bhishma, son of Santanu, and with joined hands said these words, Without a commander, even a mighty army is routed in battle like a swarm of ants. |
Mbh.5.166.7495 | Sanjaya said, O monarch, obtaining the command, Bhishma, the son of Santanu said these words unto Duryodhana, gladdening him greatly, Worshipping the leader of celestial forces, viz, Kumara, armed with the lance, I shall, without doubt, be the commander of thy army today! |
Mbh.5.174.7803 | My father, Santanu, O king, was celebrated over all the world. |
Mbh.5.174.7811 | Then, O bull of Bharata's race, challenging to battle all those kings who were ready for the encounter, I took up those maidens on my car and repeatedly said unto all the kings assembled there these words, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, is carrying away by force these maidens. |
Mbh.5.177.7883 | The cause, however, of my present affliction is Bhishma, the son of Santanu; I, therefore, see that at present my vengeance should fall upon him, either through ascetic austerities or by battle, for he is the cause of my woe! |
Mbh.5.188.8429 | Behold, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, is forbidden by all the gods! |
Mbh.5.190.8536 | O lord, having the bull for thy mount, act in such a way that promise of thine may become true, that encountering Bhishma, the son of Santanu, in battle I may be able to slay him' |
Mbh.6.13.694 | Bhishma, the son of Santanu and the grandsire of the Bharatas, hath been slain. |
Mbh.6.14.713 | How, indeed, O Sanjaya, did the Pandavas oppose in battle the son of Santanu, that accomplished and invincible warrior when he approached them smiting? |
Mbh.6.14.745 | That foremost of sons endued with great energy, on whose birth the world-renowned Santanu abandoned all grief, melancholy, and sorrows, how canst thou tell me, O Sanjaya, that that celebrated hero, that great refuge of all, that wise and holy personage who was devoted to the duties of his order and conversant with the truths of the Vedas and their branches, hath been slain? |
Mbh.6.14.746 | Accomplished in every weapon and endued with humility, gentle and with passions under full control, and possessed of great energy as he was, alas, hearing that son of Santanu slain I regard the rest of my army as already slain. |
Mbh.6.14.764 | Burning with grief on account of my sons, in fact, overwhelmed with great sorrow, I had hoped for relief from Bhishma, the son of Santanu. |
Mbh.6.14.772 | How, indeed, did the sons of Pandu oppose my father Bhishma, the son of Santanu, that unvanquished hero endued with modesty, while he was engaged in destroying the hostile ranks? |
Mbh.6.14.777 | Who won, who were vanquished, who cast the dice successfully, and who have been slain, besides Bhishma, the son of Santanu? |
Mbh.6.17.877 | And, O king, arrayed by Drona and the royal son of Santanu, and Drona's son, and Valhika, and Kripa, the Kaurava Vyuha consisting of many divisions of cars was such that the elephants formed its body; the kings, its head; and the steeds, its wings. |
Mbh.6.20.969 | Thy generalissimo Bhishma, the son of Santanu, as each day dawned, sometimes disposed thy troops in the human army, sometimes in the celestial, sometimes in the Gandharva, and sometimes in the Asura. |
Mbh.6.47.2377 | And as they were falling upon him with great impetuosity, Bhishma the son of Santanu, in that conflict, pierced the prince of Panchala with three arrows, and Satyaki with ten. |
Mbh.6.48.2415 | And what also did Bhishma the son of Santanu do? |
Mbh.6.48.2422 | The son of Santanu made the terraces of many cars empty, for that best of car-warriors showering his arrows, cut off many heads. |
Mbh.6.48.2452 | And all the Kurus, O son of Kuru's race, beyond the range of arrows, and abandoning Bhishma the son of Santanu, in that battle, stood as spectators though armed for the combat. |
Mbh.6.48.2473 | And Sweta then, that delighter of Kshatriyas struck Bhishma, and Bhishma the son of Santanu also pierced him in return with ten arrows. |
Mbh.6.48.2482 | Unto them, also unto those that stood idle spectators, the king said, Either Sweta will die today, or Bhishma the son of Santanu. |
Mbh.6.48.2488 | Then Bhishma the son of Santanu, taking up another bow in that battle, pierced Sweta, O king, with arrows furnished with feathers of Kanka bird. |
Mbh.6.48.2498 | Sweta then, in great wrath, addressed Bhishma the son of Santanu in that combat, saying, Wait a little, and behold me, O best of men, And having said this unto Bhishma in battle, that great bowman of exceeding prowess and immeasurable soul, hurled the dart resembling a snake, displaying his valour for the sake of the Pandavas and desiring to achieve thy evil. |
Mbh.6.49.2593 | Then Bhishma the son of Santanu, with bow always drawn to a circle, shot therefrom blazing arrows that resembled virulent poison. |
Mbh.6.52.2699 | Him thus rushing impetuously like an infuriate elephant and thus frightening in a battle brave combatants and felling them with his shafts, Bhishma the son of Santanu, protected by the warriors headed by Saindhava and by the combatants of the East and the Sauviras and the Kekayas, encountered with great impetuosity. |
Mbh.6.52.2720 | That arrowy net, however, of Partha, O king, Bhishma the son of Santanu baffled with an arrowy net of his own. |
Mbh.6.56.2970 | And the son of Santanu, the old Kuru grandsire, desirous of victory to thy sons, formed that mighty array known after the name of Garuda. |
Mbh.6.59.3104 | And in that combat Bhishma, the son of Santanu, with bow incessantly drawn to a circle, shot shafts of blazing points, resembling snakes of virulent poison. |
Mbh.6.59.3148 | Then the son of Santanu applauded that lightness of hand displayed by Arjuna, saying, Excellent, O Partha, O thou of mighty arms, excellent, O son of Pandu. |
Mbh.6.59.3170 | And Drona, and Vikarna, and Jayadratha, and Bhurisrava, and Kritavarman, and Kripa, and Srutayush and the ruler of the Amvashtas and Vinda and Anuvinda, Sudakshina and the westerners, and the diverse tribes of the Sauviras, the Vasatis, and the Kshudrakas, and the Malavas, all these, at the command of the royal son of Santanu, quickly approached Kiritin for battle. |
Mbh.6.60.3268 | And that army with the royal son of Santanu and other mighty car-warriors and with elephants and steeds, looked resplendent like a mass of clouds charged with lightning, or like the firmament, in the season of rains, with gathering clouds |
Mbh.6.60.3289 | And the palmyra-bannered warrior, viz the son of Santanu, having five palmyras on his standard, then rushed against the diadem-decked Arjuna whose car, in consequence of the fleetness of the excellent steeds attached to it was endued with wonderful energy and which blazed like the very lightning in consequence of the energy of his mighty weapons. |
Mbh.6.68.3722 | Then, O monarch, Bhishma the son of Santanu once more addressed thy son, saying, Thou hast now heard truly, O king, about the glory of the high-souled Kesava and of Nara about which thou hadst asked me. |
Mbh.6.70.3768 | SECTION LXX Sanjaya said, Then Bhishma the son of Santanu fought fiercely desirous of protecting the sons from the fear of Bhimasena. |
Mbh.6.71.3805 | And in that battle Bhishma the son of Santanu became their protector. |
Mbh.6.72.3871 | Meanwhile, Bhishma the son of Santanu began to slay the Pandava forces like Indra slaying the Danavas. |
Mbh.6.80.4221 | And Bhishma the son of Santanu excited with wrath, began to slaughter the troops of the high-souled Pandavas with his straight shafts. |
Mbh.6.82.4308 | And while being thus struck by Pritha, they sought the protection of Bhishma, the son of Santanu. |
Mbh.6.83.4311 | SECTION LXXXIII Sanjaya said, And when the battle was thus raging and after Susarman had ceased fighting, and the other heroic warriors of the Kuru army had been routed by the high-souled son of Pandu; after, indeed, thy army, resembling the very ocean, had become quickly agitated and the son of Ganga had speedily proceeded against the car of Vijaya, king Duryodhana, beholding the prowess of Partha in battle, quickly proceeded towards those kings, and addressing them as also the heroic and mighty Susarman stationed in their van, said in their midst these words, gladdening them all, This Bhishma, the son of Santanu, this foremost one among the Kurus, reckless of his very life, is desirous of fighting with his whole soul against Dhananjaya. |
Mbh.6.83.4314 | Then the mighty Bhishma, the son of Santanu, thus rushing to battle, speedily came upon Arjuna of Bharata's race who also had been coming towards him, on his exceedingly resplendent and large car unto which were yoked white steeds and upon which was set up his standard bearing the fierce ape, and whose rattle resembled the deep roll of the clouds. |
Mbh.6.86.4517 | The high-souled Yudhishthira also, of fierce prowess and infinite renown, avoiding in battle the ruler of the Madras who had been assigned to his share, quickly proceeded, with excited wrath and accompanied by Bhima and the sons of Madri towards Bhishma, the son of Santanu, for battle. |
Mbh.6.86.4518 | Conversant with all modes of warfare the high-souled son of Ganga and Santanu, though attacked in battle by all the sons of Pandu united together, wavered not at all. |
Mbh.6.86.4530 | With thy bow cut off avoiding the battle, and vanquished by the royal son of Santanu, whither dost thou go, forsaking thy kinsmen and brothers? |
Mbh.6.87.4554 | And during the progress of that general engagement, so fierce and dreadful, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, impetuously rushed at Yudhishthira. |
Mbh.6.87.4561 | In half the time taken up by a wink of the eye, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, in that battle, made Kunti's son invisible by means of his numberless shafts shot in sets. |
Mbh.6.87.4568 | Then Yudhishthira, O king, urged his friends and the rulers on his side, saying, Slay Bhishma the son of Santanu, uniting together' |
Mbh.6.87.4603 | And king Duryodhana with his troops, surrounding Bhishma, the son of Santanu, in that great battle proceeded towards his tent. |
Mbh.6.88.4617 | Having formed that mighty array fierce as the ocean and having for its billows and current its steeds and elephants, thy sire Bhishma, the son of Santanu, then, O king, proceeded in the van of the whole army, supported by the Malavas, and the inhabitants of the southern countries, and the Avantis. |
Mbh.6.88.4652 | Then Bhishma, the son of Santanu, filling the air with the rattle of his car, and depriving the foe of his senses by the twang of his bow, rushed against the Pandavas in battle. |
Mbh.6.89.4658 | The heroic Bhishma, the son of Santanu, however, in that battle, cut off, O king, the arms and heads of their car-warriors. |
Mbh.6.90.4750 | And it was thus, O Bharata, that the Pandava host suffered destruction when Bhishma the son of Santanu, and Drona that foremost of car-warriors, and Aswatthaman, and Kripa, and Kritavarman, were inflamed with wrath. |
Mbh.6.93.4906 | Hearing those fierce roars of the terrible Rakshasa, Bhishma the son of Santanu, approaching the preceptor, said these words, These fierce roars that are heard, uttered by Rakshasas, without doubt indicate that Hidimva's son is battling with king Duryodhana. |
Mbh.6.96.5044 | Hearing these words of the king, that foremost one among the Bharatas, viz, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, said these words unto Duryodhana, Listen, O king, to these words of mine that I say unto thee, O thou of Kuru's race, about the way in which thou, O chastiser of foes, shouldst always behave. |
Mbh.6.100.5333 | SECTION C Sanjaya said, Then Bhishma, the son of Santanu, went out with the troops. |
Mbh.6.102.5451 | Then Bhishma the son of Santanu, beholding his troops routed, covered Subhadra's son with a thick shower of arrows. |
Mbh.6.107.5705 | The son of Santanu applauded that lightness of hand displayed by Arjuna, saying, Well done, Well done, O mighty-armed one. |
Mbh.6.107.5736 | And then upon those two tigers among men, when stationed on their car, Bhishma the son of Santanu, once more poured his arrowy showers like the clouds pouring rain upon the mountain-breast. |
Mbh.6.108.5802 | Endued with great energy, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, is now of perverted judgment, of intelligence decayed, and of little sense, without doubt, he knoweth not what he should do' |
Mbh.6.108.5828 | Repairing unto the reverend son of Santanu, we will, O Bharata, ask him his advice and according to the advice that he will give us we will fight with the foe' |
Mbh.6.109.5928 | As each day came, Bhishma the son of Santanu, formed arrays in battle, sometimes after the manner of the Asuras, sometimes after that of the Pisachas, and sometimes after that of the Rakshasas. |
Mbh.6.110.5982 | How also did Bhishma the son of Santanu, endued with great energy, fight on that tenth day of battle with the Pandavas and the Srinjayas? |
Mbh.6.110.6002 | Thus addressed by him, O king, thy sire Devavrata, the son of Santanu, reflecting for a moment and settling what he should do, said these words unto thy son, comforting him therewith, O Duryodhana, listen calmly to what I say, O king, O thou of great might, formerly I vowed before thee that slaying every day ten thousand high-souled Kshatriyas, I would come back from the battle. |
Mbh.6.116.6318 | Supported by the Chedis and the Panchalas, the ape-bannered Arjuna, placing Sikhandin ahead, proceeded towards Bhishma, the son of Santanu. |
Mbh.6.119.6528 | Beholding him thus put forth his prowess, the slayer of Madhu, viz, the son of Devaki, cheerfully addressing Dhananjaya, said, There, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, stayeth between the two armies. |
Mbh.6.120.6609 | After that, Bhishma the son of Santanu, no longer desired to battle with Arjuna. |
Mbh.6.120.6626 | Saying these words, Bhishma, the valiant son of Santanu, as if for the object of consuming the Pandavas, hurled a dart at Partha. |
Mbh.6.120.6668 | And the son of Santanu then said unto them. |
Mbh.6.120.6695 | Meanwhile the valiant and intelligent Bhishma, the son of Santanu, having recourse to that Yoga which is taught in the great Upanishads and engaged in mental prayers, remained quiet, expectant of his hour |
Mbh.6.121.6708 | Beholding Bhishma, the son of Santanu, with his standard overthrown and his armour cut open, both the Kurus and the Pandavas were inspired, O monarch, with sentiments of cheerlessness. |
Mbh.6.121.6710 | The Earth seemed to utter loud shrieks when the son of Santanu was slain. |
Mbh.6.121.6714 | one, formerly, ascertaining his sire Santanu to be afflicted by Kama, this bull among men, resolved to draw up his vital steed, |
Mbh.7.2.67 | When that mighty car-warrior, viz, the son of Santanu, hath been overthrown, who even now lieth on the ground like the Sun himself dropped from the firmament, the Kuru kings are scarcely competent to bear Dhananjaya, like trees incapable of bearing the mountain-wind. |
Mbh.7.5.166 | Look thou, therefore, among all the high-souled warriors of our army and find out a proper leader who may succeed the son of Santanu. |
Mbh.9.22.1518 | What medicine can be acceptable to that person today who disregarded Bhishma the son of Santanu, and Drona, and Vidura, while they urged him to make peace? |
Mbh.12.50.2691 | In consequences of the boon granted to thee by thy sire, the righteous Santanu, thy death, O puissant hero, depends on thy own will. |
Mbh.12.53.2833 | SECTION LIV Janamejaya said, When that tiger among men, of righteous soul and great energy, firmly adhering to truth and with passions under complete control, viz, the son of Santanu and Ganga, named Devavrata or Bhishma of unfading glory, lay on a hero's bed with the sons of Pandu sitting around him, tell me, O great sage, what converse ensued in that meeting of heroes after the slaughter of the troops' |
Mbh.12.339.21978 | I heard it from my sire Santanu, O son, who recited it to me formerly. |
Mbh.13.8.498 | And since, O best of the Kurus, the Brahmanas are very much dearer to me than thou, it is by that truth that I hope to go to all those regions of felicity which have been acquired by my sire Santanu. |
Mbh.13.77.6996 | SECTION LXXVII Vaisampayana said, King Yudhishthira endued with humility, once again questioned the royal son of Santanu on the subject of gifts of kine in detail' |
Mbh.13.84.7473 | When my father Santanu of great energy departed from this world, I proceeded to Gangadwara for performing his Sraddha. |
Mbh.13.87.7979 | Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed by Yudhishthira, the son of Santanu set himself to declare unto him the following ritual, consistent with the ordinance of the Sraddha' |
Mbh.13.149.12495 | Yudhishthira once more addressed the son of Santanu in the following words' |
Mbh.13.162.13472 | SECTION CLXII Vaisampayana said, After Krishna, the son of Devaki, had said these words, Yudhishthira once more asked Bhishma the son of Santanu, saying, O thou of great intelligence; O foremost of all persons conversant with duties, which, indeed, of the two, direct perception and the scriptures, is to be regarded as authority for arriving at a conclusion' |
Mbh.13.165.13682 | Vaisampayana continued, In this connection, the royal son of Santanu, O foremost of men, duly recited the names of the deities unto Yudhishthira who was desirous of hearing' |
Mbh.13.165.13710 | Bhagiratha, Harischandra, Marutta, Dridharatha, the highly fortunate Alarka, Aila, Karandhama, that foremost of men, Kasmira, Daksha, Amvarisha, Kukura, Raivata of great fame, Kuru, Samvarana, Mandhatri of unbaffled prowess, the royal sage Muchukunda, Jahnu who was much favoured by Janhavi Ganga, the first in point of time of all kings, viz, Prithu the son of Vena, Mitrabhanu, Priyankara, Trasadasyu, Sweta that foremost of royal sages, the celebrated Mahabhisha, Nimi Ashtaka, Ayu, the royal sage Kshupa, Kaksheyu, Pratardana, Devodasa, Sudasa, Kosaleswara, Aila, Nala, the royal sage Manu, that lord of all creatures, Havidhara, Prishadhara, Pratipa, Santanu, Aja, the senior Varhi, Ikshwaku of great fame, Anaranya, Janujangha, the royal sage Kakshasena, and many others not named in history. |
Mbh.13.166.13723 | Thus addressed by the holy Vyasa, the royal son of Santanu and Ganga dismissed Yudhishthira and his counsellors. |
Mbh.13.166.13724 | The royal son of Santanu, addressing his grandson in a sweet voice, also said, Do thou return to the city, O king! |
Mbh.13.167.13751 | Soon he came upon the spot where the son of Santanu was till lying on his bed of arrows. |
Mbh.13.168.13827 | SECTION CLXVIII Vaisampayana said, Having said so unto all the Kurus, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, remained silent for sometime, O chastiser of foes He then held forth his life-breaths successively in those parts of his body which are indicated in Yoga. |
Mbh.14.81.3621 | In the great battle of the Bharata princes, thou hadst slain the royal son of Santanu by unrighteous ways. |
Mbh.15.9.428 | SECTION IX Dhritarashtra said, Santanu duly ruled this Earth. |
Mbh.15.10.480 | We were well protected and ruled by king Duryodhana even as we had been ruled by king Santanu, or by Chitrangada, or by thy father, O monarch, who was protected by the prowess of Bhishma, or by Pandu, that ruler of Earth, who was overlooked by thee in all his acts. |
Mbh.15.29.1170 | My heart is always pained at the thought of my having brought about the slaughter of the mighty Bhishma, the son of Santanu, and of Drona, that foremost of Brahmanas, through my foolish and sinful son who was an injurer of his friends. |
Mbh.18.4.223 | Behold the royal Bhishma, the son of Santanu, now in the midst of the Vasus. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |