Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Mar 2010 17:46 and updated at 03 Mar 2010 17:46
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.94.5182 | And Riksha begat Samvarana, the perpetuator of the royal line. |
Mbh.1.94.5183 | And, O king, it hath been heard by us that while Samvarana, the son of Riksha, was ruling the earth, there happened a great loss of people from famine, pestilence, drought, and disease. |
Mbh.1.94.5187 | Samvarana then with his wife and ministers, sons and relatives, fled in fear, and took shelter in the forest on the banks of the Sindhu extending to the foot of the mountains. |
Mbh.1.94.5196 | The powerful Samvarana, thus installed once more in the actual sovereignty of the whole earth, performed many sacrifices at which the presents to the Brahmanas were great. |
Mbh.1.94.5197 | Samvarana begat upon his wife, Tapati, the daughter of Surya, a son named Kuru. |
Mbh.1.95.5275 | But amongst them all, Samvarana became the perpetuator of the dynasty. |
Mbh.1.95.5276 | And Samvarana took for his wife Tapati, the daughter of Vivaswat. |
Mbh.1.173.8856 | At that time, O son of Kunti, Riksha's son, that bull amongst the Kurus, the mighty king Samvarana, was duly worshipping Surya with offerings of Arghya and flower-garlands and scents, and with vows and fasts and ascetic penances of various kinds. |
Mbh.1.173.8857 | Indeed, Samvarana was worshipping Surya constantly in all his glory, with devotion and humility and piety. |
Mbh.1.173.8858 | And beholding Samvarana conversant with all rules of virtue and unequalled on earth for beauty, Surya regarded him as the fit husband for his daughter, Tapati. |
Mbh.1.173.8859 | And, O thou of Kuru's race, Vivaswat then resolved to bestow his daughter on that best of kings, viz, Samvarana, the scion of a race of world-wide fame. |
Mbh.1.173.8860 | As Surya himself in the heavens filleth the firmament with his splendour, so did king Samvarana on earth fill every region with the splendour of his good achievements. |
Mbh.1.173.8861 | And all men, O Partha, except Brahmanas, worshipped Samvarana. |
Mbh.1.173.8862 | Blest with good luck, king Samvarana excelled Soma in soothing the hearts of friends and Surya in scorching the hearts of foes. |
Mbh.1.173.8863 | And, O Kaurava, Tapana Surya himself was resolved upon bestowing his daughter Tapati upon king Samvarana, who was possessed of such virtues and accomplishments. |
Mbh.1.173.8864 | Once on a time, O Partha, king Samvarana, endued with beauty of person and immeasurable prowess, went on a hunting expedition to the under-woods on the mountain-breast. |
Mbh.1.173.8877 | Entertaining these various thoughts, king Samvarana regarded that maiden as unrivalled in the three worlds for wealth of beauty. |
Mbh.1.173.8886 | King Samvarana thus addressed that damsel in the forest, who however, spoke not a word unto the monarch burning with desire. |
Mbh.1.175.8937 | King Samvarana, that smiter of all foes, thought also of his chief priest Vasishtha, that best of Rishis. |
Mbh.1.175.8946 | Thus addressed by Surya, the Rishi of great ascetic merit, bowing unto the god of light, replied, saying, O Vibhavasu, this thy daughter, Tapati, the younger sister of Savitri, I ask of thee for Samvarana! |
Mbh.1.175.8948 | O firmament-ranger, Samvarana will make a worthy husband for thy daughter' |
Mbh.1.175.8949 | Thus addressed by the Rishi Vibhakara, resolved upon bestowing his daughter upon Samvarana, saluted the Rishi, and replied unto him, saying, Oh, Samvarana is the best of monarchs, thou art the best of Rishis, Tapati is the best of women. |
Mbh.1.175.8950 | What should we do, therefore, but bestow her on Samvarana' |
Mbh.1.175.8951 | With these words, the god Tapana, made over his daughter, Tapati, of every feature perfectly faultless, unto the illustrious Vasishtha to bestow her upon Samvarana. |
Mbh.1.175.8953 | King Samvarana, possessed by love and with his heart fixed on Tapati, beholding that celestial maiden of sweet smiles led by Vasishtha, became exceedingly glad. |
Mbh.1.175.8956 | It was thus that king Samvarana obtained a wife after having worshipped with like the full moon. |
Mbh.1.175.8978 | And Samvarana, that bull among men with due rites took Tapati's hand on that mountain-breast which was resorted to by the celestials and the Gandharvas. |
Mbh.1.175.8982 | Samvarana, who sported on that mountain like a celestial, sported with his wife in the woods and the under-woods on that mountain for twelve full years. |
Mbh.1.175.8989 | On beholding the capital reduced to such a state, the illustrious and virtuous and best of Rishis, Vasishtha was resolved upon applying a remedy and brought back unto the city that tiger among kings, Samvarana, along with his wife, after the latter had passed so long a period in solitude and seclusion. |
Mbh.1.175.8995 | King Samvarana begot upon Tapati a son named Kuru, who was the foremost of ascetics. |
Mbh.13.165.13710 | Bhagiratha, Harischandra, Marutta, Dridharatha, the highly fortunate Alarka, Aila, Karandhama, that foremost of men, Kasmira, Daksha, Amvarisha, Kukura, Raivata of great fame, Kuru, Samvarana, Mandhatri of unbaffled prowess, the royal sage Muchukunda, Jahnu who was much favoured by Janhavi Ganga, the first in point of time of all kings, viz, Prithu the son of Vena, Mitrabhanu, Priyankara, Trasadasyu, Sweta that foremost of royal sages, the celebrated Mahabhisha, Nimi Ashtaka, Ayu, the royal sage Kshupa, Kaksheyu, Pratardana, Devodasa, Sudasa, Kosaleswara, Aila, Nala, the royal sage Manu, that lord of all creatures, Havidhara, Prishadhara, Pratipa, Santanu, Aja, the senior Varhi, Ikshwaku of great fame, Anaranya, Janujangha, the royal sage Kakshasena, and many others not named in history. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |