Salya S
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Mar 2010 17:28 and updated at 03 Mar 2010 17:28
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.102.5756 | And, O tiger among kings, the Kuru chief, then, warding off with his weapons those of his foe, slew Salya's charioteer. |
Mbh.6.47.2383 | That prince of elephants, in great wrath, placing his leg upon the yoke of Salya's car, killed his four large steeds of excellent speed. |
Mbh.6.47.2391 | Surrounded on all sides with a mighty division of cars, he advanced towards Salya's car pouring an arrowy shower. |
Mbh.6.47.2409 | And beholding that generalissimo of the Pandava forces proceeding quickly towards Salya's car, a loud uproar of oh and alas arose in thy army, O Bharata. |
Mbh.6.48.2414 | SECTION XLVIII Dhritarashtra said, When that great bowman Sweta proceeded towards Salya's car, what did the Kauravas and the Pandavas do, O Sanjaya? |
Mbh.6.55.2928 | Deprived then of his animals, Drona's son quickly getting up on Salya's car, showered his shafts on the hair of the Panchala king. |
Mbh.6.86.4540 | Then the celestials staying in the firmament, and the kings of the earth also, all beheld Salya's weapons baffled by that Varuna weapon of Sikhandin. |
Mbh.6.106.5649 | Then that vanquisher of foes, the mighty-armed Bhima, beholding the king, in that great battle, staying within reach of Salya's car as if within the very jaws of Death, quickly proceeded to Yudhishthira's side. |
Mbh.6.115.6266 | Partha then, cutting off by means of five shafts Salya's bow and leathern fence, pierced the latter deeply in the very vitals with many arrows of keen points. |
Mbh.7.14.655 | Resembling a snake that has recently cast off its slough, that dart, reaching Salya's car slew the latter's driver and felled him from his niche of the vehicle. |
Mbh.7.15.675 | There is none else among all the kings, O Bharata, save the ruler of Madras who can venture to bear the might of Bhimasena in battle; similarly, who else save Vrikodara, in the world, can venture to bear the impetus of the illustrious Salya's mace in battle? |
Mbh.7.36.1862 | After Salya's brother had thus been slain, many followers of his, loudly proclaiming their families, places of residence, and names, rushed against Arjuna's son, filled with rage and armed With diverse weapons. |
Mbh.7.43.2071 | Beholding Rukmaratha, the honoured son of Salya, slain by the illustrious son of Subhadra, that Rukmaratha viz, who had vowed to consume his foe or take him alive, many princely friends of Salya's son, O king, accomplished in smiting and incapable of being easily defeated in battle, and owning standards decked with gold, came up for the fight. |
Mbh.7.46.2171 | The son of Arjuna then cut off Salya's bow and slew both his Parshni charioteers. |
Mbh.7.101.4706 | Then piercing Karna with ten arrows and Vrishasena with three, the valiant Dhananjaya cut off Salya's bow with arrows fixed on the string, at the handle. |
Mbh.7.101.4715 | Piercing Karna with a dozen shafts and Vrishasena with three, Partha cut off Salya's bow at the handle. |
Mbh.7.143.7394 | Then cutting off Karna's bow as also of Vrishasena's, Arjuna felled Salya's driver from his niche in the car, with a broad-headed arrow. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |