Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Mar 2010 17:10 and updated at 03 Mar 2010 17:10
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.92 | Their mothers, in order that the ordinances of the law might be fulfilled, admitted as substitutes to their embraces the gods Dharma, Vayu, Sakra, and the divinities the twin Aswins. |
Mbh.1.34.1922 | I can bear, on a single feather of mine, O Sakra, this Earth, with her mountains and forests and with the waters of the ocean, and with thee also stationed thereon. |
Mbh.1.34.1935 | Let, O Sakra, the mighty snakes become my food' |
Mbh.1.34.1946 | Meanwhile, Sakra taking up the Amrita, wended back to heaven. |
Mbh.1.55.2728 | Sakra performed a hundred sacrifices. |
Mbh.1.55.2729 | But this sacrifice of thine, O foremost one of Bharata's race, O son of Parikshit, is fully equal to ten thousand sacrifices of Sakra. |
Mbh.1.55.2746 | Like Sakra himself, thunderbolt in hand, thou art, in this world, the protector of all creatures. |
Mbh.1.61.2917 | And as Sakra from the heavens keeps in happiness the world of men, so did Vidura always keep the Pandavas from evil. |
Mbh.1.63.3050 | After the expiry of a year, the king planted it in the ground for the purpose of worshipping the giver thereof, viz, Sakra. |
Mbh.1.63.3058 | Indeed, those men who cause this festivity of Sakra to be observed with gifts of land, of gems and precious stones, become the respected of the world. |
Mbh.1.63.3059 | And king Vasu, the lord of Chedis bestowing boons and performing great sacrifices and observing the festivity of Sakra, was much respected by Indra. |
Mbh.1.65.3266 | They are Dhatri, Mitra, Aryaman, Sakra, Varuna, Ansa, Vaga, Vivaswat, Usha, Savitri, Tvashtri, and Vishnu. |
Mbh.1.67.3571 | And Sakra accepting the gift presented to the giver a dart, surprised at his open handedness, and addressed him in these words, O invincible one, amongst the celestials, Asuras, men, Gandharvas, Nagas, and Rakshasas, he at whom thou hurlest this weapon, that one shall certainly be slain' |
Mbh.1.69.3624 | And the ladies saw that he was like unto Sakra, the slayer of his enemies, capable of repulsing the elephants of foes, And they believed that he was the wielder of the thunderbolt himself. |
Mbh.1.72.3788 | SECTION LXXII Sambhava Parva continued Kanwa continued, And Sakra, thus addressed by her, then commanded him who could approach every place viz, the god of the wind to be present with Menaka at the time she would be before the Rishi. |
Mbh.1.74.4099 | And he performed many sacrifices like Sakra, the lord of the Maruts. |
Mbh.1.88.4863 | Yayati then said, O Sakra, if, indeed, my virtues have really sustained diminution and I must on that account fall down from heaven, I desire, O chief of the celestials, that I may at least fall among the virtuous and the honest' |
Mbh.1.88.4871 | Beholding thee in the path of the celestials, possessed of energy like that of Sakra, or Surya, or Vishnu, we have approached thee to ascertain the truth. |
Mbh.1.88.4876 | Even Sakra himself, the slayer of Vala, cannot here do thee any injury. |
Mbh.1.95.5317 | By Dharma she had Yudhishthira; by Maruta, Bhima: and by Sakra, Arjuna. |
Mbh.1.123.6631 | Vaisampayana continued, The celebrated Kunti, thus addressed by her lord, invoked Sakra the king of the gods who thereupon came unto her and begat him that was afterwards called Arjuna. |
Mbh.1.123.6633 | Invincible like Sakra himself he will spread thy fame far and wide. |
Mbh.1.172.8826 | O tiger in Kuru's race, O son of Pritha, I also know Dharma, Vayu, Sakra, the twin Aswins, and Pandu, these six perpetuators of Kuru race, these excellent celestials and human progenitors of you all. |
Mbh.1.198.9814 | Then Soma and Sakra and Varuna and Kuvera, the Sadhyas, the Rudras, the Vasus, the twin Aswins, these and other celestials went unto Prajapati, the Creator of the universe. |
Mbh.1.198.9838 | Vyasa continued, The woman thereupon answered, O Sakra, thou mayest know who I am and why, unfortunate that I am, I weep, if only, O chief of the celestials, thou comest with me as I lead the way. |
Mbh.1.198.9846 | When the game at dice was over, Isana addressing the weeping woman said, Bring Sakra hither, for I shall soon so deal with him that pride may not again enter his heart' |
Mbh.1.198.9847 | As soon as Sakra was touched by that woman, the chief of the celestials with limbs paralysed by that touch, fell down on the earth. |
Mbh.1.198.9848 | The illustrious Isana of fierce energy then said unto him, Act not, O Sakra, ever again in this way. |
Mbh.1.198.9851 | Beholding their plight, Sakra became seized with grief and exclaimed, Shall I be even like these' |
Mbh.1.198.9876 | And Arjuna amongst the Pandavas, called also Savyasachin using both hands with equal dexterity is a portion of Sakra' |
Mbh.1.198.9886 | And observing the Pandavas in the forms of those Indras of old, and Arjuna also in the form of Indra sprung from Sakra himself, king Drupada was highly pleased. |
Mbh.1.212.10403 | There were present that God of gods, viz, Mahadeva, and Agni, accompanied by Vayu, and Soma and Surya and Sakra, and Rishis devoted to the contemplation of Brahma, and the Vaikhanasas, the Valakhilyas, the Vanaprasthas, the Marichipas, the Ajas, the Avimudas, and other ascetics of great energy. |
Mbh.1.228.11159 | Then Sakra the lord of the celestials, riding on his white elephant, rushed at those heroes, and taking up his thunderbolt which could never go in vain, hurled it with great force. |
Mbh.1.228.11171 | But Arjuna and Krishna, fearless and invincible in battle, beholding Sakra and the other celestials prepared for fight, calmly waited, bows in hands. |
Mbh.1.228.11175 | Sakra also repeatedly witnessing their prowess in battle, became exceedingly gratified, and once more rushed to the assault. |
Mbh.1.228.11180 | Then Sakra, desirous of smiting down the son of Pandu, tore up with his hands a large peak from Mandara, with tall trees on it, and hurled it against him. |
Mbh.1.235.11494 | At this Sakra of great splendour, having fixed the time for giving them, said, When the illustrious Madhava becomes pleased with thee, then, O son of Pandu, I will give thee all my weapons! |
Mbh.2.2.38 | And surrounded by the five brothers, Krishna shone like Sakra in the midst of the celestials. |
Mbh.2.4.116 | And thus celebrating his entry into the palace, Yudhishthira with his brothers sported within that palace like Sakra himself in heaven. |
Mbh.2.5.287 | Narada again spoke, saying, That king who is thus employed in the protection of four orders, Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Sudras, passeth his days here happily and attaineth hereafter to the region of Sakra heaven |
Mbh.2.7.314 | SECTION VII Narada said, the celestial assembly room of Sakra is full of lustre. |
Mbh.2.7.316 | Possessed of the splendour of the sun, it was built, O scion of the Kuru race, by Sakra himself. |
Mbh.2.12.462 | As regards the Sabha of Sakra, however, thou hast named, O Muni, all the gods, the Gandharvas, and various Rishis. |
Mbh.2.32.1416 | Thus commenced on earth the sacrifice of that unrivalled hero, the illustrious son of Pandu, like the sacrifice in heaven of Sakra himself. |
Mbh.2.46.1910 | Duryodhana replied, O uncle, beholding this whole earth owning the sway of Yudhishthira in consequence of the might of the illustrious Arjuna's weapons and beholding also that sacrifice of the son of Pritha like unto the sacrifice of Sakra himself of great glory among the celestials, I, being filled with jealousy and burning day and night, am being dried up like a shallow tank in the summer season. |
Mbh.2.48.1994 | Bringing with them clarified butter in handsome Kamandalus made of gold, they did not obtain admission into the palace, and Ocean himself brought unto him in vessels of white copper the nectar that is generated within his waters and which is much superior to that which flowers and annual plants produce for Sakra. |
Mbh.2.54.2248 | It was during a period of peace that Sakra cut off the head of Namuchi after having given a pledge to the contrary, and it was because he approved of this eternal usage towards the enemy that he did so. |
Mbh.2.72.3108 | Duryodhana said, Hast thou not heard, O king, what the learned Vrihaspati the preceptor of the celestials, said in course of counselling Sakra about mortals and politics? |
Mbh.3.1.5 | How also did the sons of Pritha, equal unto Sakra in prowess, deprived of affluence and suddenly over whelmed with misery, pass their days in the forest? |
Mbh.3.3.264 | Brahma himself had communicated this hymn to the illustrious Sakra, and from Sakra was it obtained by Narada and from Narada, by Dhaumya. |
Mbh.3.9.454 | Sakra said, O fair one, when thousands of thy son are daily oppressed, why dost thou grieve for one under infliction' |
Mbh.3.9.457 | But, O Sakra, I feel greater compassion for one that is weak and innocent' |
Mbh.3.12.652 | And, O tiger among men, thou repeatedly sportest with the gods including, Brahma and Sankara and Sakra even as children sporting with their toys! |
Mbh.3.25.1196 | The illustrious Rama was equal unto Sakra in prowess, and invincible in battle. |
Mbh.3.37.1920 | The celestials, from fear of Vritra, imparted at the time all their might to Sakra. |
Mbh.3.37.1922 | Go thou unto Sakra, he will give thee all his weapons. |
Mbh.3.37.1971 | I am Sakra: ask thou the boon thou desirest' |
Mbh.3.37.1983 | Having spoken thus unto Phalguna, Sakra disappeared then and there, and Arjuna, devoting himself to asceticism, remained at that spot |
Mbh.3.38.1997 | At Yudhishthira's command, Dhananjaya of immeasurable prowess set out from Kamyaka to obtain a sight of Sakra, the chief of the celestials and of Sankara, the god of gods. |
Mbh.3.41.2188 | And there came in a moment the illustrious Sakra also, accompanied by his queen, seated on the back of the celestial elephant Airavata, and surrounded also by all the deities. |
Mbh.3.42.2248 | And while Arjuna was occupied with his thoughts regarding the car, the charioteer Matali, bending himself after descending from the car, addressed him, saying, O lucky son of Sakra! |
Mbh.3.42.2249 | Sakra himself wisheth to see thee. |
Mbh.3.42.2260 | Vaisampayana continued, Matali, the charioteer of Sakra, hearing these words of Arjuna, soon mounted the car and controlled the horses. |
Mbh.3.43.2312 | And taking his hand, Sakra made him sit by him on a portion of his own seat, that sacred seat which was worshipped by gods and Rishis. |
Mbh.3.44.2326 | And he received from the hands of Sakra his favourite weapon of irresistible force, viz, the thunder-bolt and those other weapons also, of tremendous roar, viz, the lightnings of heaven, whose flashes are inferable from the appearance of clouds and the dancing of peacocks. |
Mbh.3.46.2379 | And, O thou of expansive eyes, the members of the assembly resplendent as fire or the sun or the moon, having taken their seats according to rank, honour, and prowess, O son of Sakra, the Gandharvas began to strike the Vinas and sing charming songs of celestial melody. |
Mbh.3.46.2384 | It was then that Chitrasena sent to me by Sakra, and arriving at my abode. |
Mbh.3.46.2387 | O thou of fair hips, seek thou to please Arjuna, who is brave in battle even like Sakra himself, and who is always possessed of magnanimity' |
Mbh.3.46.2422 | And Chitrasena also represented everything unto Sakra. |
Mbh.3.46.2429 | Thus addressed by Sakra, that slayer of hostile heroes, Phalguna, experienced great delight and ceased to think of the curse. |
Mbh.3.47.2436 | And worshipped by the great Rishis, that foremost of Brahmanas sat on an excellent seat at the desire of Sakra. |
Mbh.3.47.2437 | And beholding Arjuna seated on Indra's seat, the Rishi began to think as to how Arjuna who was a Kshatriya had attained to the seat of Sakra himself. |
Mbh.3.47.2439 | And as the Rishi was employed with these thoughts, Sakra, the slayer of Vritra, came to know of them. |
Mbh.3.54.2726 | Thus addressed by Sakra, Narada replied, Listen, O Mahavat, why seest not thou the kings now? |
Mbh.3.54.2729 | Her Swayamvara, O Sakra, will take place shortly. |
Mbh.3.55.2752 | The gods, Sakra and Agni and Varuna and Yama, desire to obtain thee. |
Mbh.3.55.2754 | Thus addressed by Sakra, Nala said with joined hands, I have come here with the self same object. |
Mbh.3.55.2782 | The celestials, Sakra, Agni, Varuna and Yama, desire to have thee. |
Mbh.3.57.2861 | And Sakra, the lord of Sachi, bestowed on Nala the boon that he should be able to behold his godship in sacrifices and that he should attain to blessed legions thereafter, and Hutasana bestowed on him the boon of his own presence whenever Naishadha wished, and regions also bright as himself. |
Mbh.3.58.2876 | And seeing Kali, Sakra the slayer of Vala and Vritra, said, O Kali, say whither thou art going with Dwapara' |
Mbh.3.58.2877 | And thereupon Kali replied unto Sakra, Going to Damayanti's Swayamvara, will I obtain her for my wife, as my heart is fixed upon that damsel' |
Mbh.3.58.2880 | Thus answered by Sakra, Kali, that vilest of the celestials, filled with wrath, addressing all those gods spake, Since in the presence of the celestials she hath chosen a mortal for her lord, it is meet that she should undergo a heavy doom' |
Mbh.3.91.4899 | And the king, who was the eldest of Pandu's sons, with his followers and those Brahmanas sat round the highly righteous one, like celestials in heaven sitting round Sakra. |
Mbh.3.91.4902 | There, I saw thy heroic brother capable of wielding the bow with his left hand, seated on the same seat with Sakra. |
Mbh.3.101.5289 | And when the celestials beheld that Sakra was thus protected by Vishnu, each of them imparted unto him his own energy. |
Mbh.3.101.5291 | And favoured thus by Vishnu and all the gods and by the high-blessed Rishis also, Sakra became mightier than before. |
Mbh.3.101.5295 | And struck with Indra's Vajra the great Asura decked in gold and garlands fell head-long, like the great mountain Mandara hurled of yore from Vishnu's hands; and although the prince of Daityas was slain, yet Sakra in panic ran from the field, desiring to take shelter in a lake, thinking that the Vajra itself had not been hurled from his hands and regarding that Vritra himself was still alive. |
Mbh.3.102.5337 | Protect the worlds, the gods, and Sakra also, from a terrible fear |
Mbh.3.135.6912 | Lomasa said, O son of Bharata, having said this, Sakra went away, and Yavakri of immeasurable energy, once more directed his attention to asceticism. |
Mbh.3.140.7146 | Distressed for I am I do not see that son of Pritha, Dhananjaya, born under the influence of the star Phalguni; ranging amidst foes even like Yama at the time of the universal dissolution; possessed of the prowess of an elephant with the temporal juice trickling down; endued with leonine shoulders; not inferior to Sakra himself in prowess and energy; elder in years to the twins; of white steeds; unrivalled in heroism; invincible; and wielding a strong bow. |
Mbh.3.140.7149 | And he conferreth benefit and protection to the righteous; but to that tortuous person who by craft attempts to do him mischief, Dhananjaya is like unto virulent poison, albeit that one were Sakra himself. |
Mbh.3.141.7193 | Thereupon Vishnu said, I know, O Sakra, that thy fear proceedeth from Naraka, that lord of the Daityas. |
Mbh.3.146.7511 | All the mighty monkey-kings, and monkey-chiefs used to wait upon that son of the sun, Sugriva, and that son of Sakra, Vali. |
Mbh.3.153.7772 | Having thus by the exercise of his prowess defeated those hosts, even as Sakra had defeated the armies of Daityas and Danavas, he Bhima, now that he had conquered the enemy, plunged into the lake and began to gather the lotuses, with the object of gaining his purpose. |
Mbh.3.159.8061 | Thou also art of exceeding prowess and the might of thy arms is great, and irrepressible, and unbearable like unto the might of Sakra. |
Mbh.3.161.8178 | And by having displayed his prowess at the proper place and time, Sakra with the Vasus hath obtained the dominion of heaven. |
Mbh.3.164.8286 | And when Matali had gone away, that foremost of the royal race, Sakra's son, the high-souled destroyer of all foes made over unto his love, the mother of Sutasoma, beautiful precious gems and ornaments having the splendour of the sun, which had been presented to him by Sakra. |
Mbh.3.164.8287 | Then, sitting in the midst of those foremost of the Kurus, and those best of the Brahmanas, effulgent like unto fire or the sun, he began to relate all as it had happened, saying, In this way, I have learnt weapons from Sakra, Vayu, and the manifest Siva; and all the celestials with Indra also have been pleased with me, on account of my good behaviour, and concentration' |
Mbh.3.165.8302 | learned man who for a year leading the Brahmacharya mode of life, subduing his senses and observing vows, peruseth with rapt attention this meeting of Sakra with the Pandavas, liveth a hundred years free from disturbances, and enjoying happiness' |
Mbh.3.166.8303 | SECTION CLXVI Vaisampayana continued, When Sakra had gone to his proper place, Vibhatsu together with his brothers and Krishna, paid homage unto the son of Dharma. |
Mbh.3.166.8308 | And how hast thou beheld the divine Sakra, and the wielder of Pinaka? |
Mbh.3.167.8407 | Thereupon I said unto Sakra, O divine one, be thou favourable unto me. |
Mbh.3.167.8416 | Having said this unto me Sakra vanished at the very spot. |
Mbh.3.167.8428 | This appeareth unto me as transcending even the power of Sakra' |
Mbh.3.167.8480 | And here is the best of shells; by this also thou shalt defeat the Danavas And by this it is that the high souled Sakra conquered the words' |
Mbh.3.169.8522 | And, O slayer of foes, seeing me thus range the field putting forth every exertion, the heroic charioteer of Sakra was well-pleased. |
Mbh.3.171.8607 | Then Sakra addressed the self-create lord saying, Do thou, O lord, desirous of our own welfare do what is proper' |
Mbh.3.171.8609 | Then, in order to slaughter them, Sakra rendered unto thee those weapons. |
Mbh.3.172.8670 | And having witnessed the accomplishment of that unbearable feat incapable of being achieved even by the celestials themselves, Matali, the charioteer of Sakra, paid homage unto me; and well-pleased, with joint hands said these words. |
Mbh.3.173.8689 | And Sakra presented me with these unearthly apparels and unearthly ornaments, elegant and rare. |
Mbh.3.173.8691 | Then, well-pleased, Sakra, together with the celestials, addressed me, saying, O Arjuna, the time hath come for thy departure; thy brothers have thought of thee' |
Mbh.3.187.9416 | O tiger among men, having entered his stomach, as I wandered around, I also beheld the whole tribe of the gods with their chief Sakra, the Sadhyas, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Guhyakas, the Pitris, the Snakes and the Nagas, the feathery tribes, the Vasus, the Aswins, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, the Yakshas, the Rishis, the hordes of the Daityas and the Danavas, and the Nagas also. |
Mbh.3.188.9448 | I am Vishnu, I am Brahma and I am Sakra, the chief of the gods. |
Mbh.3.222.11253 | To him Kesin replied, Do thou, O Sakra, leave her alone. |
Mbh.3.223.11282 | And observing this union of the Sun and the Moon and that fearful conjunction of theirs, Sakra thought within himself, This terrific conjunction of the Sun and the Moon forebodeth a fearful battle on the morrow. |
Mbh.3.225.11380 | Markandeya continued, The celestials having heard of the prowess of Skanda, all said to Vasava, O Sakra, do thou kill Skanda without delay for his prowess is unbearable. |
Mbh.3.225.11382 | Perplexed in mind, Sakra replied unto them, This child is endowed with great prowess. |
Mbh.3.226.11404 | When Mahasena beheld the gloriously decked Sakra, attired in his best clothes, advancing with the determination of slaying him, he too on his part advanced to meet that chief of the celestials. |
Mbh.3.226.11412 | When he was thus forsaken by the gods, Sakra hurled his thunder-bolt at Skanda. |
Mbh.3.228.11450 | Sakra said, O mighty being, do thou make us happy, by becoming our lord. |
Mbh.3.228.11455 | Sakra replied, Thy prowess is unrivalled, O hero, do thou therefore vanquish the enemies of the gods. |
Mbh.3.228.11460 | Skanda replied, Thou, O Sakra, art my sovereign, as also of the three worlds; mayst thou be prosperous! |
Mbh.3.229.11506 | Markandeya continued, Then Sakra having expressed a wish to say something to Skanda, the latter enquired, What is it' |
Mbh.3.230.11594 | Airavata Indra's elephant is known to have had two bells of the name of Vaijayanti, and the keen-witted Sakra had them brought to him, and personally gave them to Guha. |
Mbh.3.230.11610 | And Sakra too riding on his elephant Airavata and accompanied by other gods brought up the rear of Mahadeva, the granter of boons, marching in this way at the head of the celestial army. |
Mbh.3.230.11652 | The dwellers of heaven were re-assured on hearing this speech from Sakra; and under his leadership, they again rushed against the Danavas. |
Mbh.3.244.12188 | And after the Kaurava prince had departed, the brave Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, along with his brothers, was worshipped by the Brahmanas, and surrounded by those Brahmanas endued with the wealth of asceticism, like Sakra himself by the celestials, he began to pass his days happily in the woods of Dwaita |
Mbh.3.253.12480 | Do thou rule her even like the mighty-minded Sakra himself, having his foes destroyed |
Mbh.3.263.12877 | Or, hast thou come from the mansions of Dhatri, or of Vidhatri, or of Savitri, or of Vibhu, or of Sakra? |
Mbh.3.274.13324 | Markandeya continued, Then the Grandsire also asked Sakra, in their presence, Be thou, with all the celestials, born on earth! |
Mbh.3.274.13329 | And all the principal celestials, with Sakra and others begot offspring upon the wives of the foremost of monkeys and bears. |
Mbh.3.289.14098 | And Sakra and Agni and Vayu, and Yama and Varuna and the illustrious Lord of the Yakshas, and the holy Rishis, and king Dasaratha also in a celestial and effulgent form and on car drawn by swans, showed themselves. |
Mbh.3.289.14141 | And beholding Rama united with the daughter of Janaka, the charioteer of Sakra, highly pleased, addressed him in the midst of friends, and said these words, O thou of prowess that can never be baffled thou hast dispelled the sorrow of the celestials, the Gandharvas, the Yakshas, the Asuras, the Nagas, and human beings! |
Mbh.3.298.14705 | After twelve years of their exile had passed away and the thirteenth year had set in, Sakra, ever friendly to the sons of Pandu, resolved to beg of Karna his ear-rings. |
Mbh.3.298.14710 | With the object, O Karna, of obtaining thy ear-rings, Sakra, moved by the desire of benefiting the sons of Pandu, will come unto thee, disguised as a Brahmana! |
Mbh.3.298.14732 | If, O best of all rangers of the sky, Sakra cometh to me, disguised as a Brahmana, to beg for the benefit of the sons of Pandu, I will, O chief of the celestials, give him the ear-rings and the excellent mail, so that my fame which hath spread over the three worlds may not suffer any diminution! |
Mbh.3.299.14777 | Therefore, O Karna, if thou wishest to vanquish Arjuna in battle, these handsome ear-rings of thine should never be parted with to Sakra |
Mbh.3.300.14795 | On this condition shouldst thou give the ear-rings unto Sakra. |
Mbh.3.308.15085 | O Sakra, it is not proper for me to confer on thee any unprofitable boon, for thou art the very lord of the celestials! |
Mbh.3.308.15088 | Therefore, O Sakra, take my earrings and excellent mail in exchange for something conferred by thee on me! |
Mbh.3.308.15090 | Thereupon Sakra replied, Even before I had come to thee, Surya had known of my purpose and without doubt, it is he that hath unfolded everything unto thee! |
Mbh.3.308.15108 | Karna answered, As thou directest me, O Sakra, I shall hurl this Vasavi dart only when I am in imminent peril! |
Mbh.3.308.15117 | And Sakra, having thus beguiled Karna that made him famous in the world, thought with a smile that the business of the sons of Pandu had already been completed. |
Mbh.4.2.54 | What office will be performed by Arjuna who, dwelling for five years in the abode of the thousand-eyed Deity Indra shining in celestial lustre, acquired by his own energy the science of superhuman arms with all celestial weapons, and whom I regard as the tenth Rudra, the thirteenth Aditya, the ninth Vasu, and the tenth Graha, whose arms, symmetrical and long, have the skin hardened by constant strokes of the bowstring and cicatrices which resemble those on the humps of bulls, that foremost of warriors who is as Himavat among mountains, the ocean among expanses of water, Sakra among the celestial, Havya-vaha fire among the Vasus, the tiger among beasts, and Garuda among feathery tribes |
Mbh.4.43.1643 | After that Sakra, for five and eighty years. |
Mbh.4.45.1731 | Know me, O bull among men, to be as competent a charioteer as Daruka of Vasudeva, or Matali of Sakra. |
Mbh.4.45.1760 | Trained in arms by the preceptor Drona, by Sakra, and Vaisravana, and Yama, and Varuna, and Agni, and Kripa, and Krishna of Madhu's race, and by the wielder of the Pinaka Siva, why shall I not fight with these? |
Mbh.4.56.2159 | And, O king, mounted on a beautiful car, Sakra came there accompanied by the celestials, the Viswas and Maruts. |
Mbh.4.60.2341 | O Pritha's son, if Sakra himself fight on thy side, still I would feel no anxiety in putting forth my prowess. |
Mbh.4.61.2399 | I have obtained from Rudra the Raudra, from Varuna the Varuna from Agni the Agneya, from the god of Wind the Vayava, and from Sakra the thunderbolt and other weapons. |
Mbh.5.18.783 | And the lord Sakra, the slayer of Vritra, then went to the three worlds surrounded by the gods together with the Gandharvas and the celestial nymphs. |
Mbh.5.37.1959 | Behold the evils of a rupture with the Pandavas which would sadden the very gods with Sakra. |
Mbh.5.47.2658 | And Dussasana and Chitrasena, and Sakuni, the son of Suvala, and Durmukha and Dussaha, Karna and Uluka and Vivingsati, these also, with Duryodhana, the wrathful king of the Kurus, at their head, entered that hall, O monarch, like the celestials forming the train of Sakra himself. |
Mbh.5.48.2748 | The very gods, who, fearless of death, assembled together with Sakra at their head were incapable of conquering him. |
Mbh.5.48.2780 | As a blazing fire consumeth a forest in the hot season, so, exhibiting diverse courses, I will hurl those great weapons called Sthur-karna, Pasupata, and Brahma, and all those that Sakra gave me, all of which are endued with fierce impetuosity. |
Mbh.5.49.2788 | SECTION XLIX Vaisampayana said, In the midst, O Bharata, of all those assembled kings, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, then said these words unto Duryodhana, Once on a time, Vrihaspati and Sakra went to Brahma. |
Mbh.5.49.2798 | Bhishma continued, Having heard these words, Sakra went to the spot where those two were practising ascetic austerities, accompanied by all the celestials and having Vrihaspati at their head. |
Mbh.5.49.2802 | Upon this Sakra said unto them, Give us your aid, |
Mbh.5.49.2803 | They then said unto Sakra, We will do what thou wishest. |
Mbh.5.49.2804 | And then it was with their aid that Sakra subsequently vanquished the Daityas and the Danavas. |
Mbh.5.51.2886 | Of mighty arms, and in energy equal unto Sakra himself, I see not in this whole army even one that can withstand him in battle. |
Mbh.5.55.3093 | All these mighty car-warriors, O king, are like unto celestials, and can, O bull of the Bharata race, inflict pain on Sakra himself in battle. |
Mbh.5.56.3131 | Sanjaya said, O great king, the celestial artificer called Tashtri or Bhaumana, aided by Sakra and Dhatri, created forms of diverse kinds and great beauty for Arjuna's car. |
Mbh.5.90.4192 | He that hath the strength of ten thousand elephants and the speed of the wind, he that is mighty and ever wrathful amongst the sons of Pandu, he that always doth good to his brothers and is, therefore, dear to them all, he, O slayer of Madhu, that slew Kichaka with all his relatives, he that is the slayer of the Krodhavasas, of Hidimva, and of Vaka, he that in prowess is equal unto Sakra, and in might unto the Wind-god, he that is terrible, and in wrath is equal unto Madhava himself, he that is the foremost of all smiters, that wrathful son of Pandu and chastiser of foes, who, restraining his rage, might, impatience, and controlling his soul, is obedient to the commands of his elder brother, speak to me, O Janardana, tell me how is that smiter of immeasurable valour, that Bhimasena, who in aspect also justifies his name, that Vrikodara possessing arms like maces, that mighty second son of Pandu? |
Mbh.5.94.4398 | They are all soliciting thy presence, O Govinda, like the celestials in heaven desiring the presence of Sakra himself, thus addressed, Govinda greeted them both with sweet and courteous enquiries. |
Mbh.5.100.4702 | They were incapable of being vanquished by Sakra or any other celestial, that is, by either Yama, or Varuna, or the Lord of treasures Kuvera. |
Mbh.5.100.4706 | Thou knowest bow Sakra is unable to vanquish them. |
Mbh.5.104.4794 | He is besides a dear friend of Sakra. |
Mbh.5.104.4797 | He is the friend, counsellor, and charioteer of Sakra. |
Mbh.5.104.4826 | Saying this, they took Sumukha with them, and all the four, endued with great splendour, coming to heaven beheld Sakra the chief of the gods seated in all his glory. |
Mbh.5.104.4834 | At these words Sakra gave unto that Naga length of days. |
Mbh.5.105.4839 | SECTION CV Kanwa said, Meanwhile, O Bharata, the mighty Garuda heard what had happened, viz, the bestowal by Sakra of length of days on the Naga Sumukha. |
Mbh.5.108.4983 | That quarter is the source of all the prosperity of the gods, for it was there that Sakra was first anointed as the king of the celestials. |
Mbh.5.108.4997 | It was in that region that myriads of boars and other animals were killed by Sakra and offered as sacrificial portions unto the gods. |
Mbh.5.109.5024 | It was here that the Asura Vritra, in consequence of his wicked conduct, incurred the enmity of Sakra. |
Mbh.5.110.5049 | It was here that Sakra, beholding his stepmother the goddess Diti lying asleep in a state of pregnancy, cut off the foetus into forty-nine parts, whence sprang the forty-nine Maruts. |
Mbh.5.120.5361 | Thereat the divine Sakra, the slayer of Vala, at once read his heart. |
Mbh.5.124.5503 | What other man is there on earth besides thee, who, disregarding kinsmen, that are all mighty charioteers, and each of whom resembleth Sakra himself, would seek protection and aid from strangers? |
Mbh.5.133.5988 | The life of that brave man is, indeed, praiseworthy, through whose prowess friends derive happiness, like the gods deriving happiness through the prowess of Sakra. |
Mbh.5.157.6950 | Like the gods protected by Sakra, ourselves, protected by thee, will assuredly become invincible by the very gods. |
Mbh.5.159.7056 | Having paid my respects, for battle's sake, to Rudra, Sakra, Vaisravana, Yama, Varuna, Pavaka, Kripa, Drona, and Madhava, and wielding that tough celestial bow of great energy called Gandiva, and accoutred with inexhaustible arrows and armed with celestial weapons, how can a person like me, O tiger among men, say, even unto Indra armed with the thunderbolt, such words as I am afraid, |
Mbh.5.197.8821 | O thou that art endued with effulgence equal unto that of Sakra himself, I know it, O Kaurava, for it is manifest, that that man upon whom thou mayest cast thy eyes in anger is sure to be annihilated |
Mbh.6.6.339 | There Brahman, and Rudra, and also Sakra the chief of the celestials, assembled together, performed diverse kinds of sacrifices with plentiful gifts. |
Mbh.6.13.702 | He who like Sakra himself, scattering arrows in thousands with the utmost composure, daily slew ten thousand warriors for ten days, even he slain by the enemy, lieth, though he deserveth it not, on the bare ground like a mighty tree broken by the wind, in consequence, O king, of thy evil counsels, O Bharata |
Mbh.6.14.716 | He who, scattering like Sakra himself and inexhaustible shower of arrows, slew in battle a hundred millions of warriors in ten days, that scion of Bharata's race, now lieth, although he deserveth it not, on the bare ground, in the field of battle, deprived of life, a mighty tree uprooted by the winds, as a result of my evil counsels! |
Mbh.6.17.845 | Go ye through it to the region of Sakra and Brahman. |
Mbh.6.21.995 | And it was through Hari's grace that the three worlds were obtained by the gods headed by Sakra. |
Mbh.6.22.1006 | That high-souled chief of the Kurus, then giving away unto the Brahmanas kine and fruits and flowers and golden coins along with cloths proceeded like Sakra, the chief of the celestials. |
Mbh.6.45.2240 | And Ghatotkacha of cruel deeds encountered the Rakshasa Alamvusha of cruel deeds like Sakra encountering Vala in battle. |
Mbh.6.45.2243 | And mangled with arrows they shone in that encounter like the mighty Sakra and the powerful Vala in the combat of old between the celestials and the Asuras. |
Mbh.6.47.2390 | And that mighty warrior, stretching his large bow that resembled the bow of Sakra himself, rushed with the desire of slaying Salya the ruler of the Madras. |
Mbh.6.48.2520 | Though baffled by Sweta, thy sire Devavrata then that mighty car-warrior quickly taking up another bow that resembled the bow of Sakra himself in splendour, stringed it in a moment. |
Mbh.6.68.3709 | Dwaipayana said of thee that thou art Vasudeva of the Vasus, the establisher of Sakra, and the God of gods and all creatures. |
Mbh.6.82.4275 | And Duryodhana accoutred in mail sat upon his car on the field, and possessed of every grace, looked resplendent like Sakra himself in heaven. |
Mbh.6.91.4845 | Beholding, O Bharata, the prowess of Bhishma in that battle, it seemed to us that it was equal to that of Sakra himself. |
Mbh.6.95.5011 | Drawing his large bow, he pierced the son of Drona with many winged arrows, like Sakra in days of old, O king, piercing the invincible Danava Viprachitti, that terror of the celestials, who, moved by anger frightened the three worlds by his energy. |
Mbh.6.98.5229 | And many amongst those that wished him well, taking up arms for the protection on his royal self, appeared there in large bodies, like the celestials surrounding Sakra in heaven. |
Mbh.6.99.5259 | When the brave son of Pandu gratified Agni in the forest of Khandava, having vanquished Sakra himself in battle, even that is a sufficient indication |
Mbh.6.101.5418 | And that engagement between them became fierce and awful like that between Sakra and Samvara in days of old in the battle between the gods and Asuras |
Mbh.6.102.5438 | The son of Subhadra then, in that battle, with his straight shafts, obliged the Rakshasa to turn his back upon the field, like Sakra repulsing Maya in days of old. |
Mbh.6.104.5546 | And many car-warriors cased in mail and endued with great energy, decked with ear-rings and head-gears and adorned with garlands and bracelets, resembling the children of the celestials, equal to Sakra himself for prowess in battle, surpassing Vaisravana in wealth and Vrishaspati in intelligence, ruling over extensive territories, and possessed of great heroism, O monarch, deprived of their cars, were seen to run hither and thither like ordinary men. |
Mbh.6.108.5897 | Listen also to these words of mine that are what Vrihaspati of great intelligence had said unto Sakra in days of old. |
Mbh.6.109.5947 | While fighting in that battle, his large bow, resembling that of Sakra himself, seemed to be always drawn to a circle. |
Mbh.6.111.6055 | And they encountered each other in dreadful battle like Maya and Sakra in days of old. |
Mbh.6.117.6378 | Bhimasena, fighting against the elephant-division, looked highly resplendent like Sakra armed with the thunder after splitting large mountains |
Mbh.6.119.6527 | As Sakra scorched the Daitya host in battle, even so, O Bharata, did Bhishma scorch the Pandava host. |
Mbh.6.123.6815 | And at that feat of Partha who resembled Sakra himself in his acts, all those rulers of Earth were filled with great wonder. |
Mbh.7.9.322 | Who were those car-warriors that encountered that achiever of fierce deeds, that foremost of all wielders of the bow, that first of heroes, who resembled Sakra himself in heaven? |
Mbh.7.9.333 | Foremost in the world like Sakra himself in heaven, of great might and great energy, alas, how could he be slain by the Parthas, like the whale by the smaller fish? |
Mbh.7.11.419 | Knowing Krishna's prowess, Sakra quietly bore that act |
Mbh.7.19.885 | While slaughtered by Partha thus, those warriors, with their steeds and cars and elephants in great distress, ceased not to rush against him; though, deprived of life one after another, they had to become the guests of Sakra. |
Mbh.7.20.907 | And the ruler of the Pragjyotishas was surrounded by many heroic kings of the hilly countries, armed with diverse weapons, like Sakra himself surrounded by the celestials. |
Mbh.7.23.1171 | The standards of the five sons of Draupadi bore on them the excellent images of Dharma, Marut, Sakra, and the twin Aswins. |
Mbh.7.25.1347 | Seeing that feat of Partha resembling that of Vasava himself, Madhava wondered much and, addressing him with joined hands, said, Verily, O Partha, I think that this feat which thou hast achieved, could not be performed by Sakra, or Yama, or the Lord of treasures himself. |
Mbh.7.32.1699 | In it were placed all the kings of our side that are each equal to Sakra himself. |
Mbh.7.34.1758 | Sakra himself on his Airavata and aided by all the celestials, I would encounter in battle. |
Mbh.7.38.1932 | Seeing that implacable and proud foe of theirs thus vanquished, those mighty car-warriors, viz, the five sons of Draupadi, who had on their banners the images of Yama and Maruta and Sakra and the twin Aswins, and Satyaki, and Chekitana, and Dhrishtadyumna, and Sikhandin, and the Kekayas, and Dhrishtaketu, and the Matsyas, Panchalas, and the Srinjayas, and the Pandavas headed by Yudhishthira, were filled with joy. |
Mbh.7.43.2058 | Possessed of prowess resembling that of Sakra himself, the mighty son of Sakra's son, viz, Abhimanyu, agitating the Katirava army looked exceedingly resplendent. |
Mbh.7.48.2277 | And the warriors, gazing on that field of battle which, enhancing the population of Yama's domain, presented such an awful sight, and where human corpses rising up, began to dance, slowly left it as they beheld the mighty car-warrior Abhimanyu who resembled Sakra himself, lying on the field, his costly ornaments displaced and fallen off, and looking like a sacrificial fire on the altar no longer drenched with clarified butter |
Mbh.7.50.2347 | Equal to Narayana himself in might, that latter was exceedingly handsome, accomplished in weapons, gifted with great intelligence, possessed of might, resembled Sakra himself in battle. |
Mbh.7.53.2596 | And his beds and carpets and vehicles, and his vast stores of gold difficult to be given away, in fact, all that untold wealth of his, was given away voluntarily unto the Brahmanas, Sakra himself used to wish him well. |
Mbh.7.78.3466 | And Krishna adored, with speech, mind, understanding, and acts, that God who is the first source of the universe, himself uncreate, the supreme lord of unfading glory: who is the highest cause of the mind, who is space and the wind, who is the cause of all the luminous bodies in the firmament, who is the creator of the rain, and the supreme, primordial substance of the earth, who is the object of adoration, with the gods, the Danavas, the Yakshas, and human beings; who is the supreme Brahma that is seen by Yogins and the refuge of those acquainted with Shastras, who is the creator of all mobile and immobile creatures, and their destroyer also; who is the Wrath that burns everything at the end of the Yuga; who is the supreme soul; who is the Sakra and Surya, and the origin of all attributes. |
Mbh.7.90.4046 | Beholding his car with Kesava overwhelmed with arrows and seeing also those two antagonists of his staying before him like two blazing fires, the mighty car-warriors Partha then invoked into existence the weapon named after Sakra. |
Mbh.7.91.4179 | Then Brahmana, addressing Vishnu staying beside him as also those best of celestials headed by Sakra, said unto them that were all cheerless, these words fraught with truth: Indeed, the gods with Indra at their head, and the Brahmanas also, should ever be protected by me. |
Mbh.7.91.4198 | O Sakra, take this effulgent armour from off my body. |
Mbh.7.91.4201 | Protected by that armour, Sakra proceeded against the host of Vritra in battle. |
Mbh.7.91.4209 | Even as Brahma himself had put this celestial armour on Sakra in the battle caused by the abduction of Taraka, I put it on thee' |
Mbh.7.93.4290 | And as those heroes fought with each other in that battle, they seemed to all the troops to resemble Sakra and the Asura Jambha in days of old. |
Mbh.7.95.4352 | The sound produced by those torrents of arrows, shot by both striking against each other was heard to resemble the sound of the thunder hurled by Sakra. |
Mbh.7.98.4527 | If Sakra himself, with all the celestials, become his protector in battle, yet shall we slay him. |
Mbh.7.105.4915 | And filled with joy, they worshipped the mighty son of Marut, like the Maruts worshipping Sakra after the defeat in battle of Prahlada |
Mbh.7.106.4919 | Both of them invoked into existence illusions like Sakra and Samvara in days of old. |
Mbh.7.109.5219 | I shall also have to encounter the Sakas endued with prowess equal to that of Sakra himself, who are fierce as tire, and difficult to put out like a blazing conflagration. |
Mbh.7.121.5929 | Of prowess incapable of being baffled, and endued with might equal to that of Sakra himself, alone he achieved feats in battle like the great Indra amidst the Danavas! |
Mbh.7.121.5970 | Then the Parthas, filled with delight surrounded Yudhishthira, like the celestials and great Rishis in days of old surrounding Sakra on the occasion of the slaughter of Vritra. |
Mbh.7.122.6031 | Thus slaughtered by Drona, like the Asuras by Sakra, the Panchalas began to tremble like a herd of kine afflicted with cold. |
Mbh.7.124.6186 | He would penetrate into the host commanded by Sakra himself. |
Mbh.7.125.6262 | He who having vanquished Sakra himself in battle, had gratified the bearer of sacrificial libations, that slayer of foes, viz, Phalguna, by good luck, still liveth in this battle. |
Mbh.7.126.6282 | Who will stand before that Bhima, not excepting Sakra himself, that destroys a car with a car and an elephant with an elephant |
Mbh.7.133.6646 | Indeed, those two lions among men then looked like a couple of mighty lions endued with eyes red in wrath, these two warriors endued with great energy fought on like Sakra and Virochana's son Prahlada. |
Mbh.7.139.6955 | This encounter with thee hath always been desired by me, like the encounter of Sakra with Vali in the battle between the gods and the Asuras in days of old. |
Mbh.7.146.7649 | It is through thy grace, O Hrishikesa, that Sakra hath become the chief of the celestials. |
Mbh.7.146.7652 | Having slain thousands of Daityas, with prowess having its origin in thy grace, O slayer of foes, Sakra obtained the lordship of the celestials. |
Mbh.7.149.7799 | The son of Sakra hath reduced my host to a small remnant of what it was. |
Mbh.7.153.8152 | Meanwhile, O king, the battle that took place between the Rakshasas and the son of Drona on that night was exceedingly terrible like that between Sakra and Prahlada in days of old. |
Mbh.7.153.8207 | With three other keen shafts, equipped with beautiful wings and red eyes, he despatched the mighty Satrunjaya to the region of Sakra |
Mbh.7.155.8280 | The vast car-force of the Panchalas is possessed of the prowess of Sakra himself' |
Mbh.7.155.8349 | Thou knowest, O Brahmana, that the dart given by Sakra is incapable of being baffled. |
Mbh.7.155.8363 | What foe is there, endued with even the prowess of Sakra, that would vanquish these in battle? |
Mbh.7.156.8402 | Sanjaya continued, Then the Pandavas, O king, and the Panchalas, celebrated for their prowess, uniting together approached in thousands, uttering loud shouts; Karna also, that foremost of car-warriors, endued with great energy, surrounded by many foremost ones among the Kuru warriors and resembling Sakra in the midst of the celestials, waited, drawing his bow and relying on the might of his own arms. |
Mbh.7.156.8416 | Shaking their hundreds and thousands of bows they fought with Radha's son, like the Daityas of old fighting with Sakra. |
Mbh.7.156.8418 | The battle that took place between them, and in which each party counteracted the feats of the other' resembled the encounter between Sakra and the Danavas in the great battle fought of yore between the gods and the Asuras. |
Mbh.7.156.8429 | Thus addressed, Drona's son, and Kripa, and Salya, and that great car-warrior, viz, the son of Hridika, beholding the son of Kunti coming towards them like Sakra himself towards the Daitya host, all advanced against Partha for rescuing the Suta's son. |
Mbh.7.163.8832 | Then commenced a battle once more between Drona's son and the Rakshasa on that night of thick darkness, which resembled the encounter between Sakra and Prahlada. |
Mbh.7.169.9161 | Agitating and routing thy army, the valiant Dhrishtadyumna, endued with great energy, blazed forth like Sakra in the midst of the celestials. |
Mbh.7.177.9673 | Indeed, that dart, O king, which he had kept and adored for years for achieving the slaughter of Pandu's son in battle, that foremost of darts which Sakra himself had given to the Suta's son in exchange for the latter's ear-rings, that blazing and terrible missile twined with strings and which seemed to thirst for blood, that fierce weapon which looked like the very tongue of the Destroyer or the sister of Death himself, that terrible and effulgent dart, Naikartana, was now hurled at the Rakshasa. |
Mbh.7.177.9678 | Having fought, using diverse beautiful weapons, with many heroic Rakshasa and human warriors, Ghatotkacha, then uttering diverse terrible roars, fell, deprived of life with that dart of Sakra. |
Mbh.7.177.9685 | Then Karna, worshipped by the Kurus as Sakra had been by the Maruts upon the slaughter of Vritra, ascended behind the car of thy son, and becoming the observed of all, entered the Kuru host |
Mbh.7.178.9710 | For thy good, Karna was divested of his ear-rings by Sakra with the help of an illusion. |
Mbh.7.178.9712 | Indeed, because Karna, cutting off his natural armour and his brilliant car-rings, gave them unto Sakra, it is for that he came to be called Vaikartana. |
Mbh.7.178.9714 | From that time, O mighty-armed one, when the high-souled Sakra gave that dart unto Karna in exchange for the latter's ear-rings, and celestial armour, that dart, viz, which has slain Ghatotkacha, from that time, Vrisha, having obtained it, had always regarded thee as slain in battle! |
Mbh.7.179.9740 | Endued with the splendour of fire, that mace coursed towards us dividing the welkin like the line on the head that parts the tresses of a woman, and with the impetuosity of the thunder hurled by Sakra. |
Mbh.7.179.9767 | O sinless one, by that act as a means, the dart given by Sakra, hath also been rendered futile. |
Mbh.7.180.9784 | Tell me, O Sanjaya, why did not Vrisha then engaging Phalguna in single combat, slay the latter with that dart given him by Sakra? |
Mbh.7.188.10337 | SECTION CXCI Sanjaya said, Then Drona caused a great carnage among the Panchalas, like the slaughter caused by Sakra himself in rage amongst the Danavas in the days of yore. |
Mbh.7.188.10399 | While Govinda and Yudhishthira were thus talking with each other, Bhimasena addressing the king said, As soon, O monarch, as I heard of the means by which the high-souled Drona might be slain, putting forth my prowess in battle, I immediately slew a mighty elephant, like unto the elephant of Sakra himself, belonging to Indravarman, the chief of the Malavas, who was standing within thy army. |
Mbh.7.195.10818 | O son of Kunti, thy prowess is like that of Sakra himself, the lord of Sachi. |
Mbh.7.197.11041 | I am without a peer, even as Sakra is known to be in heaven among the celestials. |
Mbh.7.198.11133 | Saying this, the son of Drona shot at Satyaki an excellent and straight arrow possessed of the effulgence of the sun, even as Sakra had hurled in days of yore his thunder at the Asura Vritra. |
Mbh.7.199.11439 | Sakra, through ill-feeling endeavoured to strike that child with his thunderbolt. |
Mbh.7.199.11440 | The divine lord Mahadeva for the child was none other, smiling, quickly paralysed the arm of the enraged Sakra. |
Mbh.7.199.11441 | Then god Sakra, with his arm paralysed accompanied by all the celestials, speedily repaired to the lord Brahma of unfading glory. |
Mbh.7.199.11447 | that foremost of all persons, acquainted with Brahma, reflected for a moment and understood that boy of immeasurable energy to be none else than the divine Sambhu, Addressing then, those foremost of celestials with Sakra at their head, Brahma said, That child is the divine Hara the Lord of the entire mobile and immobile universe. |
Mbh.7.199.11457 | O holy one, O lord of the past and the future, O lord of the world, O protector of the universe, let Sakra, afflicted with thy wrath, have thy grace' |
Mbh.7.199.11461 | The arm of the thunder-wielding Sakra re-got its natural state. |
Mbh.8.7.207 | Artayana's son, dauntless in battle, that first of warriors, that foremost of all yet on thy side, he, that abandoned his own sister's sons, the Pandavas, for making his own words true, that hero endued with great activity who promised in the presence of Yudhishthira that he would in battle depress the proud spirit of Karna, that invincible Shalya, who is equal unto Sakra himself in energy, is still on the field, desirous of battling for thy sake. |
Mbh.8.13.532 | Both endued with massive arms, they looked resplendent on that extensive arena, each having taken up a shield decked with a hundred moons, and each armed with an excellent sword, like Jambha and Sakra, both endued with great might, in the battle between the gods and the Asuras of old. |
Mbh.8.14.579 | The mighty-armed Prativindhya, consuming with his arrowy showers those assailants of his in that battle, routed thy army like the thunder-wielding Sakra routing the Asura host. |
Mbh.8.19.811 | Cutting off with his own shafts the diverse weapons hurled at him by many foremost of foes, Pandya slew his enemies like Sakra Indra destroying the Danavas |
Mbh.8.27.1171 | Afflicted by them thus, the mighty car-warrior Jishnu, of immeasurable soul, endued with prowess resembling that of Sakra himself, invoked the Aindra weapon. |
Mbh.8.31.1359 | The might of Karna's arms in battle equals that of Sakra or Vishnu. |
Mbh.8.31.1391 | Since this army of ours hath been deprived of its foremost warriors, and since I will stand in battle, Partha will advance against me, especially because I am destitute of the dart Sakra gave me. |
Mbh.8.31.1400 | That bow, respected by all, Sakra gave to Bhrigu's son Rama. |
Mbh.8.32.1484 | With thee as his driver, Karna will become invincible, O king, in battle even with the gods having Sakra at their head! |
Mbh.8.33.1583 | While the worlds were thus afflicted, Sakra, surrounded by the Maruts, battled against the three cities by hurling his thunder upon them from every side. |
Mbh.8.33.1598 | Hearing these words of his, the gods with Sakra at their head, making Brahman take their lead, sought the protection of the Deity having the bull for his mark. |
Mbh.8.60.3449 | Behold, checked by Satyaki and Bhima, they have again been stupefied, like the Daityas, that desired to take away the Amrita, made motionless by Sakra and Agni. |
Mbh.8.60.3454 | Sakra himself, coming within the range of its arrows, can scarcely escape. |
Mbh.8.60.3478 | There, those mighty car-warriors of the Pancalas are being routed by Karna even as the Daityas had been routed by Sakra in dreadful battle. |
Mbh.8.60.3480 | Behold, O Partha, Karna, as he beautifully draws his foremost of bows, looketh exceedingly beautiful even as Sakra in the midst of the celestials, after vanquishing his foes. |
Mbh.8.66.3850 | In battle Karna was equal unto Sakra himself. |
Mbh.8.67.3916 | O thou of great glory, encountering that heroic and invincible car-warrior, viz, the Suta's son, staying in the hostile army, like Sakra encountering Vritra, O foremost of kings, I will, O Bharata, fight with the Suta's son if he can be found in this battle today. |
Mbh.8.68.3945 | This high-souled son that is born of thee, O Kunti, will in beauty be the rival of Soma, in speed of the god of wind, in patience of Meru, in forgiveness of Earth, in splendour of Surya, in prosperity of the Lord of treasures, in courage of Sakra, and in might of Vishnu. |
Mbh.8.68.3958 | If, O thou of wicked soul, thou hadst given this bow to Keshava and become his driver, then Keshava could have by this time slain the fierce Karna like the lord of the Maruts Sakra slaying with his thunder the Asura Vritra. |
Mbh.8.70.4154 | Applauding these words and saying, Let it be so, O Krishna Dhananjaya, the son of Sakra, lowering his bow, said unto Yudhishthira, that foremost of virtuous persons, Listen, O king, there is no other bowman, O ruler of men, like unto myself, except the deity that bears Pinaka; I am regarded by even that illustrious deity. |
Mbh.8.72.4294 | We have seen many heroes, who, endued with prowess like that Sakra, have attained to the highest regions, encountering thy heroic self in battle! |
Mbh.8.73.4360 | Who, indeed, O Partha, could vanquish in battle those two mighty car-warriors of the Bharatas, Bhishma and Drona, both of whom were endued with prowess equal to that of Sakra himself? |
Mbh.8.73.4406 | Slaying this host like Vishnu in days of yore slaying the Daityas and the Danavas, bestow the Earth on the king like Hari bestowing the three worlds on Sakra. |
Mbh.8.76.4600 | Let that slayer of foes Arjuna come here now like Sakra, duly invoked, quickly coming to a sacrifice. |
Mbh.8.82.5025 | Shooting his shafts with that large and extended bow of his that resembled the bow of Sakra himself, the son of Adhiratha looked resplendent like the sun, with his multitude of blazing rays, within his corona. |
Mbh.8.82.5033 | Those scorchers of foes then, viz, the mighty car-warriors among the Pancalas, once more riding on their cars and clad in mail and united together, protected that foremost one among the Sinis, like the Maruts protecting Sakra while engaged in afflicting his foes in battle. |
Mbh.8.82.5039 | The encounter then that took place between those two heroes incensed with each other and who engaged in battle's sport making life itself the stake, became exceedingly fierce, resembled that between Samvara and Sakra in days of old. |
Mbh.8.87.5324 | At this, Brahman and Isana replied unto the chief of the celestials, saying, The victory of the high-souled Vijaya is certain, of that Savyasaci who gratified the eater of sacrificial libations in the forest of Khandava and who, coming to heaven, rendered assistance to thee, O Sakra! |
Mbh.8.87.5360 | Fiercely they challenged each other like Sakra and Samvara. |
Mbh.8.89.5525 | Putting forth thy might, strike off the head of that foe of thine with this Sudarsana, of edge keen as a razor, that I give unto thee, like Sakra striking off the head of his foe Namuci, with the thunderbolt. |
Mbh.8.90.5628 | And Sakra and Surya, using their hands, gently brushed the faces of those two heroes. |
Mbh.8.90.5634 | When that snake of the form of an arrow was fixed on the bow-string, the Regents of the world, including Sakra, set up loud wails. |
Mbh.8.90.5711 | Then the Suta's son, casting aside his bow that resembled the very bow of Sakra, as also his quiver, felt great pain, and stood inactive, stupefied, and reeling, his grasp loosened and himself in great anguish. |
Mbh.12.11.431 | SECTION XI Arjuna said, In this connection an old history is cited, viz, the discourse between certain ascetics and Sakra, O bull of Bharata's race! |
Mbh.12.11.435 | Assuming the form of a golden bird, the holy Sakra addressed them, saying, That which is done by persons that eat the remnants of a sacrifice is the most difficult of acts that men can achieve |
Mbh.12.11.477 | Free from pride, those achievers of the most difficult feats attain to heaven and live for unending time in the regions of Sakra' |
Mbh.12.12.511 | Like Sakra, the chief of the celestial, O sire, perform those other sacrifices that are praised by the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.12.12.520 | Observant of the duties of one's own order, duties respected by the ancients and practised by the best of men, who is there, O Partha, that would grieve, O king, for having in a trice stain in battle his foes that swelled with prosperity, like Sakra slaying the forces of the Daityas? |
Mbh.12.15.616 | Rudra, Skanda, Sakra, Agni, Varuna, are all slaughterers. |
Mbh.12.20.901 | King Marutta, the son of Avikshit, by the profusion of his wealth, vanquished Sakra himself, the chief of the gods. |
Mbh.12.20.904 | Though a man, he nevertheless vanquished Sakra by his wealth. |
Mbh.12.28.1344 | Thou art equal to Sakra himself. |
Mbh.12.29.1379 | Challenging Sakra, the chief of the gods, that king vanquished him in battle. |
Mbh.12.29.1451 | Discharging the duties assigned to them, the gods having Sakra for their chief, used to seek the protection of that king. |
Mbh.12.29.1511 | Having undergone the austerest of penances and adored him with great reverence, he obtained these boons from Sakra, having solicited them, saying Let us have abundant food and numerous guests. |
Mbh.12.31.1656 | Thus addressed by Sakra, the celestial weapon Thunder, that subjugator of hostile towns, began from that day to continually watch for the laches of the prince. |
Mbh.12.33.1783 | Freed from sin, possessed of heaven, and having obtained many regions of bliss and great happiness and prosperity, Sakra, surrounded by the Maruts, is shining in beauty, and illuminating all the quarters with his splendour. |
Mbh.12.37.1983 | The bull among men obtained all weapons from Rama and Sakra. |
Mbh.12.50.2674 | SECTION LI Vaisampayana said, King Yudhishthira, hearing of those feats of Rama, became filled with wonder and said unto Janardana, O thou of Vrishni's race, the prowess of the high-souled Rama, who in wrath had freed the earth of Kshatriyas, was like that of Sakra himself. |
Mbh.12.50.2735 | The points of the compass are thy two arms, and the Sun is thy eye, and Sakra constitutes thy prowess. |
Mbh.12.58.3242 | Ocean, that lord of rivers, and Himavat, the king of mountains, and Sakra, O Yudhishthira, bestowed upon him inexhaustible wealth. |
Mbh.12.83.4744 | SECTION LXXXIV Bhishma said, In this connection, O Yudhishthira, the old account of a conversation between Vrihaspati and Sakra is cited' |
Mbh.12.83.4745 | Sakra said, What is that one act, O regenerate one, by accomplishing which with care, a person may become the object of regard with all creatures and acquire great celebrity' |
Mbh.12.83.4746 | Vrihaspati said, Agreeableness of speech, O Sakra, is the one thing by practising which a person may become an object of regard with all creatures and acquire great celebrity. |
Mbh.12.83.4747 | This is the one thing, O Sakra, which gives happiness to all. |
Mbh.12.83.4753 | If even the possessions of men, O Sakra, be taken away with sweet speeches, such sweetness of behaviour succeeds in reconciling the robbed. |
Mbh.12.83.4757 | Bhishma continued, Thus addressed by his priest, Sakra began to act according to those instructions. |
Mbh.12.97.5477 | Bhishma continued, Hearing these words of Sakra and approving of them, king Amvarisha comprehended how warriors succeed, by battle as their means in compassing success for themselves in respect of winning regions of beatitude in heaven |
Mbh.12.119.6725 | The human body is the residence of many intelligent creatures of great energy, of Sakra, of Vishnu, of Saraswati, and of other beings. |
Mbh.12.121.6859 | One day, that crusher of foes, that friend of Sakra, viz, king Mandhatri of great soul, came to Vasuhoma on his mountain retreat. |
Mbh.12.123.7079 | Having said these words, the form disappeared and soon after entered the body of Sakra. |
Mbh.12.141.8680 | Sakra possessed of great intelligence has said that in times of distress the great duty of a king is chastising the wicked and protecting the good. |
Mbh.12.221.13393 | Acquainted with what is supreme and what is not so among all things, omniscient and of universal sight, as he was seated one day in a solitary chamber with his senses under complete control, Sakra approached him, and desirous of awakening him, said these words, O king, I behold all those qualities permanently residing in thee by which a person wins the esteem of all. |
Mbh.12.221.13411 | If, O Sakra, the being called person were really the actor, then all acts undertaken for his own benefit would certainly be crowned with success. |
Mbh.12.221.13430 | When I know what the origin is of all the ordinances of morality and when I am acquainted with the unstability of all objects, I am incapable, O Sakra, of indulging in grief. |
Mbh.12.221.13433 | For one that is possessed of wisdom, that is self-restrained, that is contented, that is without desire and hope, and that beholds all things with the light of self-knowledge, no trouble or anxiety exists, O Sakra! |
Mbh.12.221.13436 | I do not O, Sakra, at any time covet either heaven, or this world, or the nether regions. |
Mbh.12.221.13440 | Sakra said, Tell me the means, O Prahlada, by which this kind of wisdom may be attained and by which this kind of tranquillity may be made one's own. |
Mbh.12.221.13442 | Prahlada said, By simplicity, by heedfulness, by cleansing the Soul, by mastering the passions, and by waiting upon aged seniors, O Sakra, a person succeeds in attaining to Emancipation. |
Mbh.12.221.13445 | Thus addressed by the lord of the Daityas, Sakra became filled with wonder, and commended those words, O king, with a cheerful heart. |
Mbh.12.222.13467 | Sakra said, If, O Brahman, I happen to meet with Vali in an empty apartment, shall I slay him or spare him? |
Mbh.12.222.13469 | Brahman said, Do not, O Sakra, injure Vali, Vali does not deserve death. |
Mbh.12.222.13470 | Thou shouldst, on the other hand, O Vasava, solicit instruction from him about morality, O Sakra, as thou pleasest' |
Mbh.12.222.13473 | Sakra said, Thou art now, O Danava, born as an ass subsisting on chaff as thy food. |
Mbh.12.223.13503 | SECTION CCXXIV Bhishma said, Once more, laughing at Vali who was sighing like a snake, Sakra addressed him for saying something more pointed than what had said before |
Mbh.12.223.13504 | Sakra said, Formerly, attended by a train consisting of thousands of vehicles and kinsmen, thou usedst to make thy progresses, scorching all the worlds with thy splendour and regarding us as nought. |
Mbh.12.223.13509 | Vali said, Considering all this to be transitory, due, indeed, to the course of time, I do not, O Sakra, indulge in grief. |
Mbh.12.223.13512 | For that reason, O Sakra, I do not grieve for this asinine form of mine. |
Mbh.12.223.13549 | Do not, O Sakra, brag of thy manliness. |
Mbh.12.223.13551 | I am acquainted, however, O Sakra, with the eternal attributes of all things in the world. |
Mbh.12.223.13566 | Similarly, some one born in an ignoble race, devoid of knowledge, and with even a stain on his birth, is seen, O Sakra, to live in happiness with all his counsellors and friends. |
Mbh.12.223.13568 | An auspicious and beautiful woman, O Sakra, is seen to pass her life in misery. |
Mbh.12.223.13570 | That we have now become so is not due to any act of ours, O Sakra! |
Mbh.12.223.13597 | It is Time, O Sakra, that protects or destroys all things |
Mbh.12.223.13620 | Thee, too, O Sakra, that art possessed of swelling might and that art the chief of the deities, when thy hour comes, all-powerful Time will extinguish! |
Mbh.12.223.13629 | Do not, O Sakra, indulge in such brag again. |
Mbh.12.224.13634 | Sakra said, O Vali, who is this one, thus shining with splendour, thus decked with head plumes, thus adorned with golden bracelets on her upper arms, and thus emitting a halo of glory on all sides in consequence of her energy that is issuing out of thy body' |
Mbh.12.224.13638 | Sakra said, O thou of sweet smiles, who art thou that art possessed of such radiance and adorned with plumes that thus issuest from the body of Vali. |
Mbh.12.224.13649 | Thou knowest me not, O Sakra, nor doth any one among the deities know me' |
Mbh.12.224.13650 | Sakra said, O lady that is difficult of being borne, why do you desert Vali now after having lived in him for a long time? |
Mbh.12.224.13654 | Do not, O Sakra, disregard Vali' |
Mbh.12.224.13655 | Sakra said, For what reason, O goddess adorned with plumes, do you desert Vali? |
Mbh.12.224.13665 | Deserting him for these faults I shall henceforth, O Sakra, dwell in thee. |
Mbh.12.224.13667 | Sakra said, O thou that dwellest amid lotuses, there is not a single person among gods, men, and all creatures, that can bear thee for ever' |
Mbh.12.224.13669 | Sakra said, O auspicious lady, tell me how I should conduct myself so that thou mayst dwell in me always. |
Mbh.12.224.13674 | Sakra said, I shall assign the habitations according to their strength and power in bearing thee. |
Mbh.12.224.13681 | Do thou, after this, make a proper disposition, O Sakra, for my second quarter' |
Mbh.12.224.13682 | Sakra said, The waters, among men, in their liquid form, do various services to human beings. |
Mbh.12.224.13686 | Do thou, after this, O Sakra, assign a proper place for my third quarter' |
Mbh.12.224.13687 | Sakra said, The Vedas, the sacrifices, and the deities are all established in Fire. |
Mbh.12.224.13690 | Do thou, O Sakra, after this, assign a proper place for my last quarter' |
Mbh.12.224.13691 | Sakra said, They that are good among men, devoted to Brahmanas, and truthful in speech, may bear thy fourth quarter. |
Mbh.12.224.13694 | My portions thus assigned to different creatures, do thou continue to protect me, O Sakra' |
Mbh.12.224.13695 | Sakra said, Listen to these words of mine. |
Mbh.12.224.13702 | Sakra said, Brahman hath commanded me saying that I should never kill thee. |
Mbh.12.225.13718 | For these reasons, O Sakra, I do not indulge in sorrow. |
Mbh.12.226.13772 | At that time, accompanied by the Rudras, the Vasus, the Adityas, the Aswins, the celestial Rishis, the Gandharvas, the Siddhas, and other superior orders of beings, the puissant Sakra, seated in splendour on his four-tusked prince of elephants, called Airavata, made a progress through all the worlds. |
Mbh.12.226.13794 | Vali said, When calamities have oppressed me, O Sakra, what dost thou gain by such brag now? |
Mbh.12.226.13804 | That we have become so is not, O Sakra, the result of any act of ours |
Mbh.12.226.13809 | Thou hast, O Sakra, obtained the sovereignty of the universe in course of Time but not in consequence of any especial merit in thee. |
Mbh.12.226.13818 | That thou, O Sakra, regarded thyself as the actor lies at the root of all sorrow. |
Mbh.12.226.13829 | Myself, thyself, and all those who will in future become the chiefs of the deities, shall have, O Sakra, to go the way along which hundreds of Indras have gone before thee. |
Mbh.12.226.13869 | As regards thee, O Sakra, it is evident that when thou shalt have, after enjoying the earth, to leave her, thou wilt not be able to control thy grief. |
Mbh.12.226.13902 | Thou knowest it well thyself, O Sakra, that in the great encounter between the gods and the Asuras, the assembled deities were quickly routed by me by the fury of my attack. |
Mbh.12.226.13910 | It is for this reason, O Sakra, that I put up with all this insolence of thine. |
Mbh.12.226.13923 | It is for this reason, O Sakra, that I do not grieve. |
Mbh.12.226.13929 | Sakra said, Beholding this upraised arm of mine, equipped with the thunderbolt, and those nooses of Varuna, who is there whose understanding would not be agitated, including the very Destroyer himself that compasses the death of all beings? |
Mbh.12.227.13991 | In this connection is cited the old story of the discourse between Sree and Sakra. |
Mbh.12.227.14012 | Sakra said, O thou of sweet smiles, who, indeed, art thou and for what business hast thou come here? |
Mbh.12.227.14024 | Sakra said, O thou of fair face, in consequence of what behaviour of the Asuras didst thou dwell with them? |
Mbh.12.280.17238 | Indeed, tell me, O tiger among kings, how Vritra was vanquished by Sakra |
Mbh.12.280.17246 | Beholding Sakra stationed before him, O thou of Kuru's race, Vritra felt neither awe nor fear, nor was he disposed to muster all his energies for the fight |
Mbh.12.280.17257 | Why, then, O Sakra, dost thou languish so! |
Mbh.12.280.17259 | Do not, O Sakra, yield to weakness, like an ordinary person! |
Mbh.12.280.17270 | Maheswara said, Yonder, O Sakra, stands the great Vritra, accompanied by a great force. |
Mbh.12.280.17280 | Sakra said, Before thy eyes, O foremost of gods, I shall, through thy grace, slay with my thunderbolt this invincible son of Diti' |
Mbh.12.280.17284 | The Rishis and the deities, ascertaining the foe to be thus possessed, uttered the praises of both Sakra and Isana, and began to urge the former to make no delay in destroying Vritra. |
Mbh.12.281.17311 | Understanding that Sakra was possessed by the sin of Brahmanicide Brahman began to reflect, O best of the Bharatas, upon the means of freeing his suppliant. |
Mbh.12.281.17319 | As thou hast been gratified with me, O righteous Lord, O puissant Master of all the worlds, I shall certainly leave Sakra! |
Mbh.12.281.17327 | For freeing Sakra from her, do thou take a fourth portion of that sin' |
Mbh.12.281.17369 | It was in this way, O thou of Kurds race, that the mighty Asura Vritra was slain by Sakra of immeasurable energy by the aid of subtle intelligence and through the application of means. |
Mbh.12.282.17396 | Unto the Sacrifice of Daksha, all the deities headed by Sakra, assembling together, resolved to repair. |
Mbh.12.282.17398 | Beholding the deities depart, the excellent daughter of the king of mountains, addressed her divine spouse, viz, the Lord of all creatures, and said, O illustrious one, whither are those deities headed by Sakra going? |
Mbh.12.282.17445 | It was then that Sakra hurled his thunderbolt at him. |
Mbh.12.284.17784 | Thou art an infant, thou art a youth, thou art old in years with thy teeth worn out, thou art the foremost of Nagas, thou art Sakra, thou art the Destroyer of the universe, and thou art its Creator. |
Mbh.12.301.18870 | Sakra is attached to the organs of strength. |
Mbh.12.324.20629 | There the regents of the world with Sakra at their head came, as also the deities and the celestial and the regenerate Rishis. |
Mbh.12.324.20633 | Sakra, the chief of the gods, gave him, from affection, a celestial Kamandalu of excellent form, and some celestial robes. |
Mbh.12.339.21930 | He will hurl Sakra from the sovereignty of the universe. |
Mbh.12.339.21937 | Those apes that shall take birth in the race of Ekata and Dwita, shall become endued with great strength and mighty energy and will equal Sakra himself in prowess. |
Mbh.12.340.22023 | Then, again, Brahman, and Rudra, the puissant Sakra the slayer of Vala, Surya, Chandramas the Lord of the stars, the Wind-god, the Deity of fire, the Deity of the Waters, Infinite Space as living Being, the Universe too as a conscious agent, and the rest of the denizens of heaven, they, it seems, are ignorant of the way of securing annihilation of conscious existence, that is capable of being brought about by self-realisation |
Mbh.12.342.22527 | The boon-giving Vishnu replied unto them, saying, Let Sakra perform a Horse-sacrifice in honour of Vishnu. |
Mbh.12.359.23785 | By succumbing to the influence of wrath, the ten-headed Ravana of great prowess, became the rival of Sakra and was for that reason slain by Rama in battle. |
Mbh.13.5.346 | Assuming then the shape of a Brahmana, Sakra descended on the Earth and addressing the bird, said, O Suka, O best of birds, the grand-daughter Suki of Daksha has become blessed by having thee as her offspring. |
Mbh.13.5.356 | Bhishma said, The virtuous Suka, hearing these words of Sakra, heaved a deep sigh and sorrowfully replied unto him, saying, O consort of Sachi, and chief of the gods, the ordinances of the deities are always to be obeyed. |
Mbh.13.5.370 | Then that tree became replenished and attained to exquisite grandeur through the penances of the parrot, and the latter too, O great king, at the close of his life, obtained the companionship of Sakra by virtue of that act of compassion. |
Mbh.13.6.416 | Was not Janamejaya, who followed the foot-prints of Sakra, checked and put down by the gods for killing a Brahmana woman? |
Mbh.13.12.736 | Bhishma said, In this connection is cited this old narrative of the discourse between Bhangaswana and Sakra as a precedent illustrating the question. |
Mbh.13.12.821 | Hence, it is, O Sakra, that I wish those children to come back to life that were borne by me as a woman' |
Mbh.13.12.825 | The lady said, I desire to remain a woman, O Sakra. |
Mbh.13.12.829 | It is for this reason, O Sakra, that I desire to continue a woman; O foremost of the deities, truly do I say unto thee that I derive greater pleasure in my present status of womanhood. |
Mbh.13.14.961 | He who was the foremost of all his sons and who was celebrated by the name of Mandara, succeeded, through the boon he had obtained from Mahadeva, in fighting Sakra for a million of years. |
Mbh.13.14.970 | Hundreds of Chakras like thine and thunderbolts like that of Sakra, could not inflict a scratch on the body of that evil planet endued with great might, who had obtained a boon from Mahadeva. |
Mbh.13.14.1012 | In days of yore, Sakra, also, in Baranasi, filled with devotion, O Janarddana, adored Mahadeva who has empty space alone for his garments and who is smeared with ashes as an agreeable unguent. |
Mbh.13.14.1148 | Desirous of ascertaining whether I was solely devoted to him and him alone, he appeared before me in the form of Sakra surrounded by all the deities. |
Mbh.13.14.1149 | As the celebrated Sakra, he had a thousand eyes on his person and was armed with the thunderbolt. |
Mbh.13.14.1156 | Beg of me whatever boon thou desirest, Hearing these words of Sakra I did not become glad. |
Mbh.13.14.1160 | True, true it is, O Sakra, true are these words that I say unto thee. |
Mbh.13.14.1171 | At the command of Mahadeva I shall cheerfully become a worm or an insect, but I have no relish for even the sovereignty of the three worlds, if bestowed by thee, O Sakra. |
Mbh.13.14.1193 | Tell me, O Sakra, who else than Siva could create Mind, Understanding, Consciousness or Ego, the Tanmatras, and the senses? |
Mbh.13.14.1208 | If, O Sakra, the Devas deities and the Asuras could see any other puissant form than Bhava's, would not both of them, especially the former, when opposed and afflicted by the latter, have sought the protection of that form? |
Mbh.13.14.1246 | Him, O Sakra, do I call the cause of every thing. |
Mbh.13.14.1250 | There is no one that is higher than Isa, O Sakra. |
Mbh.13.14.1271 | Go or remain, O Sakra, as thou, O slayer of Vala, desirest. |
Mbh.13.14.1324 | Endued with great might and great energy and resembling Sakra himself in prowess, the king, O Govinda, was slain by the Rakshasa Lavana with the aid of this Sula which he had got from Siva. |
Mbh.13.14.1344 | The Munis headed by the Self-born Manu and Rishis having Bhrigu for their first, and the deities with Sakra at their head, all came there. |
Mbh.13.14.1349 | Sakra also did the same with the aid of those foremost of Vedic Mantras, viz, the Sata-Rudriam. |
Mbh.13.14.1350 | Verily, Brahma and Narayana and Sakra, those three high-souled deities, shone there like three sacrificial fires. |
Mbh.13.14.1355 | Salutations to thee that assumest the form of Sakra, that art Sakra, and that disguisest thyself in the form and vestments of Sakra. |
Mbh.13.14.1398 | Among the Maruts thou art Sakra, among the Pitris thou art Devarat, among all the regions for the residence of created beings thou art the region of Brahman, and amongst all the ends that creatures attain to, thou art Moksha or Emancipation. |
Mbh.13.14.1518 | Seeing that Isana had showed himself to me by being seated in glory before my eyes, the whole universe, with the Grandsire and Sakra, looked at me. |
Mbh.13.17.2143 | Thou art Sakra. |
Mbh.13.17.2343 | Thou art Sakra. |
Mbh.13.17.2759 | Brahma imparted it unto Sakra. |
Mbh.13.17.2760 | Sakra imparted unto Mrityu. |
Mbh.13.18.2784 | After this, the Rishi named Charusirsha, that dear friend of Sakra and known otherwise under the name of Alamvana's son and who is filled with compassion, said, I, in former days, repaired to the mountains of Gokarna and sat myself to practise severe penances for a hundred years. |
Mbh.13.18.2798 | Then the Rishi Asita-Devala, addressing the royal son of Pandu, said, In former days, O son of Kunti, through the curse of Sakra, all my merit due to the acts of righteousness I had performed, was destroyed. |
Mbh.13.18.2800 | The illustrious Rishi Gritsamada, the dear friend of Sakra, who resembled the celestial preceptor Vrihaspati himself in splendour, addressing Yudhishthira of Ajamidha's race said, The inconceivable Sakra had, in days of yore, performed a sacrifice extending over a thousand years. |
Mbh.13.18.2801 | While that sacrifice was going on, I was engaged by Sakra in reciting the Samans. |
Mbh.13.18.2841 | Endued with severe penances, he shall, again, be the dear friend of Sakra. |
Mbh.13.18.2874 | If Rudra be gratified with a person, he can confer upon him the states of ether Brahma or of Kesava or of Sakra with all the deities under him, or the sovereignty of the three worlds. |
Mbh.13.18.2881 | Vishnu said, O Great King, Aditya, Chandra, Wind, Fire, Heaven, Earth, the Vasus, the Viswedevas, Dhatri, Aryyaman, Sukra, Vrihaspati, the Rudras, the Saddhyas, Varuna, Brahma, Sakra, Maruts, the Upanishads that deal with knowledge of Brahman, Truth, the Vedas, the Sacrifices, Sacrificial Presents, Brahmanas reciting the Vedas, Soma, Sacrificer, the shares of the deities in sacrificial offerings or clarified butter poured in sacrifices, Raksha, Diksha, all kinds of restraints in the form of vows and fasts and rigid observances, Swaha, Vashat, the Brahmanas, the celestial cow, the foremost acts of righteousness, the wheel of Time, Strength, Fame, Self-restraint, the Steadiness of all persons endued with intelligence, all acts of goodness and the reverse, the seven Rishis, Understanding of the foremost order, all kinds of excellent touch, the success of all religious acts, the diverse tribes of the deities, those beings that drink heat, those that are drinkers of Soma, Clouds, Suyamas, Rishitas, all creatures having Mantras for their bodies, Abhasuras, those beings that live upon scents only, those that live upon vision only, those that restrain their speech, those that restrain their minds, those that are pure, those that are capable of assuming diverse forms through Yoga-puissance, those deities that live on touch as their food, those deities that subsist on vision and those that subsist upon the butter poured in sacrifices, those beings that are competent to create by fiats of their will the objects they require, they that are regarded as the foremost ones among the deities, and all the other deities, O descendant of Ajamila, the Suparnas, the Gandharvas, the Pisachas, the Danavas, Yakshas, the Charanas, the snakes, all that is gross and all that is exceedingly subtile, all that is soft and all that is not subtile, all sorrows and all joys, all sorrows that come after joy and all joy that comes after sorrow, the Sankhya philosophy, Yoga, and that which transcends objects which are regarded as foremost and very superior, all adorable things, all the deities, and all the protectors of the universe who entering into the physical forces sustain and uphold this ancient creation of that illustrious Deity, have sprung from that Creator of all creatures. |
Mbh.13.26.3505 | SECTION XXVI Vaisampayana said, Equal unto Vrihaspati in intelligence and Brahma himself in forgiveness, resembling Sakra in prowess and Surya in energy, Bhishma the son of Ganga, of infinite might, had been overthrown in battle by Arjuna. |
Mbh.13.28.3723 | Sakra of great fame once more appeared before him and addressing him, said, The status of a Brahmana, O child, is unattainable. |
Mbh.13.29.3754 | After a thousand years had passed away, Sakra once more came to see him. |
Mbh.13.29.3758 | Sakra said, One born on a Chandala cannot, by any means acquire the status of a Brahmana. |
Mbh.13.29.3765 | Sakra said, It seems, O Matanga, that the status of a Brahmana which thou seekest is ill-suited to thee. |
Mbh.13.29.3778 | Matanga said, Afflicted as I am with grief, why, O Sakra, dost thou afflict me further with such speeches as these? |
Mbh.13.29.3796 | Sakra said, Thou shalt be celebrated as the deity of a particular measure of verse and thou shalt obtain the worship of all woman. |
Mbh.13.36.4184 | Anusasana Parva Continued in Volume XI SECTION XXXVI Bhishma said, In this connection is cited the old history of the discourse between Sakra and Samvara. |
Mbh.13.36.4186 | Once upon a time Sakra, assuming the guise of an ascetic with matted locks on his head and body smeared with ashes all over, rode on an ugly car and repaired to the presence of the Asura Samvara' |
Mbh.13.36.4187 | Sakra said, Through what conduct, O Samvara, hast thou been able to get at the head of all individuals of thy race? |
Mbh.13.36.4222 | Bhishma continued, Hearing these words that fell from the mouth of that prince of Danavas, Sakra began to worship the Brahmanas, and as a consequence thereof he succeeded in obtaining the chiefdom of the deities |
Mbh.13.40.4376 | Vipula said, Tell me, O Muni, what forms does Sakra assume when he presents himself. |
Mbh.13.40.4379 | Bhishma continued, The illustrious Rishi then truly described unto the high-souled Vipula all the illusions of Sakra, O Bharata' |
Mbh.13.41.4472 | O Sakra, does it not still dwell in thy remembrance, that Gautama had cursed thee in consequence of which thy body became disfigured with a thousand sex-marks, which, owing to the Rishi's compassion, were afterwards changed into organs of vision? |
Mbh.13.41.4481 | Thou shouldst not, O Sakra, do like this again. |
Mbh.13.41.4487 | Bhishma continued, Hearing these words of the high-souled Vipula, Sakra without saying anything, and overwhelmed with shame, made himself invisible. |
Mbh.13.41.4491 | After his preceptor had rested a while and when he was seated with his wife on the same seat, Vipula represented unto him everything that Sakra had done. |
Mbh.13.62.6047 | That king, O Sakra, who desires to have prosperity and who wishes to win happiness for himself, should always make gifts of earth, with due rites, unto deserving persons. |
Mbh.13.62.6065 | Those heroic kings and ornaments of assemblies who cast off their lives in battle with faces towards the foe, attain, O Sakra, to the region of Brahman. |
Mbh.13.63.6155 | The water thus borne to the clouds is caused by Sakra to be poured upon the earth, O Bharata. |
Mbh.13.66.6295 | By making a gift of a residential house, the giver, possessed of wisdom, lives, O king, in happiness in the company of Sakra. |
Mbh.13.72.6709 | Sakra said, I see, O Grandsire, that those who are residents of the region of kine transcend by their resplendence the prosperity of the denizens of heaven and pass them by as beings of an inferior station. |
Mbh.13.73.6729 | There are many kinds of regions, O Sakra, which are invisible to even thee. |
Mbh.13.73.6742 | All those foremost of men, O Sakra, who are forgiving unto all creatures, who endure everything, who are full of affection for all things, who render dutiful obedience unto their preceptors, and who are free from pride and vanity, repair to those regions of supreme felicity. |
Mbh.13.73.6750 | He, who makes a gift of a cow, having acquired it with wealth won at dice, enjoys felicity, O Sakra, for ten thousand years of celestial measure, He, who acquires a cow as his share of ancestral wealth is said to acquire her legitimately. |
Mbh.13.73.6758 | Hear, O Sakra, what the fruits are that become his, who is devoted to the duty of truth. |
Mbh.13.73.6761 | That single cow, listen, O Sakra which such a Kshatriya gives away becomes the source of as much merit as the single cow that a Brahmana gives away under similar circumstances. |
Mbh.13.73.6765 | Hear, O Sakra, what the merit is of that person, who, duly studying the Vedas, shows reverence for kine, who always becomes glad at sight of kine, and who, since his birth has always bowed his head unto kine. |
Mbh.13.73.6789 | Those kine, O Sakra, whose dispositions are well-known, which have been acquired as honoraria for knowledge, or which have been purchased in exchange for other animals such as goats, sheep, etc, |
Mbh.13.74.6816 | Gold is a great cleanser, O Sakra, and is, indeed, the best of all cleansing objects. |
Mbh.13.83.7385 | After the Daityas had been defeated and Sakra had become the lord of the three worlds all creatures grew in prosperity and became devoted to the true religion. |
Mbh.13.83.7406 | I have thus explained to thee today, O thou of a hundred sacrifices, the reason, O Sakra of kine residing in a place that is high above that of the deities. |
Mbh.13.83.7436 | Thou hast asked me, O Sakra, and I have answered the in full, O slayer of Asuras, thou shouldst never disregard kine' |
Mbh.13.83.7437 | Bhishma continued, Having heard these words of the self-born Brahman, O Yudhishthira, Sakra of a thousand eyes began from that time to worship kine every day and to show them the greatest respect. |
Mbh.13.84.7585 | Meanwhile, all the deities having Sakra at their head, were scorched a good deal by the Asura named Taraka. |
Mbh.13.85.7655 | Then, O perpetuator of Bhrigu's race, an elephant, as large and mighty as the elephant of Sakra, addressed the gods, saying, Agni is now residing within this Aswattha tree' |
Mbh.13.94.8550 | There were Sakra and Angiras and Kavi of great learning and Agastya and Narada and Pravata; and Bhrigu and Vasishtha and Kasyapa and Gautama and Viswamitra and Jamadagni, O king! |
Mbh.13.94.8639 | Sakra said, Let him who has stolen thy stalks be possessed of the merit of him who bestows his daughter in marriage upon a Brahmana that has duly observed the vow of Brahmacharya or that has duly studied the Samans and the Yajuses! |
Mbh.13.102.9106 | Gautama said, If thou goest to that region where the Uttara-Kurus blaze in beauty and pass their days in gladness, O king, in the company of the very deities, where those beings that have their origin in fire, those that have their origin in water, and those having their origin in mountains, reside in happiness, and where Sakra raineth down the fruition of every wish, and where women live in perfect freedom, unrestrained by rules of any kind regulating their conduct of motions, and where there is no feeling of jealousy between the sexes, if thou repairest thither, even thither shall I proceed and force thee to yield up this elephant to me' |
Mbh.13.102.9129 | Dhritarashtra said, He who lives for a hundred years, who is endued with heroism, who studies the Vedas, and who performs sacrifices with devotion, verity, such men proceed to the region of Sakra. |
Mbh.13.102.9166 | Do thou also, O Sakra, bestow thy blessings on me! |
Mbh.13.107.9821 | That man who having fasted for twenty days takes a single meal on the twenty-first day and bears himself in this way for a full year, pouring libations every day on his sacred fire, attains to the regions of Usanas and Sakra, of the Aswins and the Maruts, and resides there in uninterrupted happiness of great measure. |
Mbh.13.125.10901 | Having heard those mysteries of religion as propounded by the Pitris, he addressed Sakra, saying, Stupefied by folly, men slay numerous creatures born in the intermediate orders, such as worms and ants and snakes and sheep and deer and birds. |
Mbh.13.125.10905 | Sakra said, Thinking in one's mind of Kurukshetra and Gaya and Ganga and Prabhasa and the lakes of Pushkara, one should dip one's head in water. |
Mbh.13.125.10925 | The Sun, Wind, the bearer of sacrificial oblations, O Vasava, and kine who are the mothers of all creatures, were created by the Self born himself, for rescuing all the worlds, O Sakra! |
Mbh.13.125.10929 | That man, O Sakra, who cherishes no reverence for the wind, gets children that fall away prematurely from the womb of his spouse. |
Mbh.13.142.11874 | Such a man repairs to the eternal region of Sakra where he becomes crowned with the fruition of all his wishes and where he sports in joy, his person decked with garlands of celestial flowers and celestial perfumes. |
Mbh.13.142.11879 | Indeed, dwelling in the region of Sakra, that blessed person always sports in joy, freed from every calamity |
Mbh.13.150.12688 | It was recited in former days unto Sakra himself. |
Mbh.13.150.12697 | Verily, having acquired them again from Vasishtha, Sakra and the Vasus went forth to battle and succeeded in subjugating the Danavas. |
Mbh.13.156.13032 | Then Sakra, bowing down his head unto Chyavana, obeyed his behest. |
Mbh.13.158.13141 | Know that that illustrious one is Rahu and Soma and Sakra. |
Mbh.13.158.13192 | It is this Krishna who, desirous of chastising Sakra who was about to hurl his thunder at him, crossed the rivers and once paralysed him. |
Mbh.13.160.13398 | Seeing the child, Sakra became suddenly filled with jealousy and wrath and resolved to kill him with his thunder. |
Mbh.13.161.13466 | The lordship and affluence that one sees in Sakra and the other deities are, verily his. |
Mbh.13.165.13692 | Then comes the three-eyed Lord of Lima; then Skanda the generalissimo of the celestial forces; then Visakha; then Agni the eater of sacrificial libations; then Vayu the god of wind; then Chandramas; then Aditya the god of the sun, endued with effulgence; then the illustrious Sakra the lord of Sachi; and Yama with his spouse Dhumorna; and Varuna with Gauri; Kuvera the lord of treasures, with his spouse Riddhi; the amiable and illustrious cow Surabhi; the great Rishi Visravas; Sankalpa, Ocean, Gangs: the other sacred Rivers; the diverse Maruts; the Valkhilyas crowned with success of penances; the island-born Krishna; Narada; Parvata; Viswavasu; the Hahas; the Huhus; Tumvuru; Chitrasena; the celestial messenger of wide celebrity; the highly blessed celestial maidens; the celestial Apsaras, Urvasi, Menaka, Rambha; Misrakesi, Alamvusha, Viswachi, Ghritachi, Panchachuda, Tilottama, the Adityas, the Vasus, the Aswins, the Pitris; Dharma Righteousness; Vedic lore, Penances, Diksha, Perseverance in religious acts, the Grandsire, Day and Night, Kasyapa the son of Marichi, Sukra, Vrihaspati, Mangala the son of Earth, Vudha, Rahu, Sanischara, the Constellations, the Seasons, the Months, the Fortnights, the Year, Garuda, the son of Vinata, the several Oceans, the sons of Kadru, viz, the Snakes, Satadru, Vipasa, Chandrabhaga, Saraswati, Sindhu, Devika, Prabhasa, the lakes of Pushkara, Ganga, Mahanadi, Vena, Kaveri, Narmada, Kulampuna Visalya, Karatoya, Amvuvahini. |
Mbh.14.5.139 | And in spite of his striving, Sakra could not prevail over him. |
Mbh.14.7.200 | He said, Having secured the priesthood of the Immortals, I do not desire to act for mortals, and, I have been forbidden by Sakra Indra to officiate at Marutta's sacrifice, as he told me that Marutta having become lord of the earth, was always filled with a desire to rival him' |
Mbh.14.7.209 | Samvarta said, Listen, O son of Avikshit, excellent as it is the bent of thy mind to perform this act, so too, O king, have I in my mind the ability to perform the sacrifice, I tell thee, O king, that thy good things will become imperishable, and that thou shalt lord it over Sakra and the Celestials with Gandharvas. |
Mbh.14.7.210 | For myself, I have no desire to amass wealth or sacrificial presents, I shall only do what is disagreeable to both Indra and my brother, I shall certainly make thee attain equality with Sakra, and I tell thee truly that I shall do what is agreeable to thee |
Mbh.14.9.245 | Agni said, O lord of the earth, Sakra is perfectly happy, he is pleased with thee, and wishes to make thee free from senility, and all the other gods are loyal to him. |
Mbh.14.9.253 | Vyasa said, Then Agni apprehending destruction by fire, and trembling like the leaves of the Aswattha tree Ficus religiosa, returned to the gods, and the high-souled Sakra seeing that carrier of oblations Agni in the company of Vrihaspati said as follows: Indra said, O Jataveda Agni, didst thou go to present Vrihaspati to Marutta according to my direction? |
Mbh.14.9.259 | Know, O Sakra, that highly incensed Samvarta, used to ascetic practices, told me these words in a rage. |
Mbh.14.9.261 | Sakra said, O Jataveda, it is thou who dost burn all other things and there is none else who can reduce thee to ashes. |
Mbh.14.9.264 | Agni said, Thou, O Sakra, hast encompassed the dominion of the heaven and the earth and the firmament by the might of thy own arms, but even thus how could Vritra of old wrest from thee the sovereignty of the celestial regions |
Mbh.14.9.276 | The might of Brahmanas, O Sakra, is greater than that of the Kshatriyas. |
Mbh.14.9.277 | None are more powerful than Brahmanas and knowing duly, as I do, the power of Brahmanas, I do not, O Sakra, desire to come in conflict with Samvarta |
Mbh.14.10.292 | Samvarta said, O lion among kings, thy fear of Sakra will soon be dispelled, and I shall soon remove this terrible pain by means of my magic lore incantation; be calm and have no fear of being overpowered by India. |
Mbh.14.10.314 | Vyasa said, Thus accosted by the son of Angira, Sakra himself gave directions to all the gods to erect the hall of assembly, and a thousand well-furnished excellent rooms looking grand as in a picture, and speedily to complete the staircase massive and durable, for the ascent of the Gandharvas and Apsaras and to furnish that portion of the sacrificial ground reserved for the dance of the Apsaras, like unto the palace of Indra in the heaven. |
Mbh.14.10.315 | O king, thus directed, the renowned dwellers of heaven speedily fulfilled the directions of Sakra. |
Mbh.14.10.318 | Then, O king, the sacrificial ceremony grew in splendour, wherein the gods themselves collected the food, and Sakra, the lord of the gods, possessed of horses, and worshipped by the Brahmanas, became an assistant at the sacrifice. |
Mbh.14.11.345 | And, O venerable sir, the mightiest of Bharata's race, we have heard that Vasistha comforted Indra when he was thus afflicted and that the god of a hundred sacrifices slew Vritra in his body by means of his invisible thunderbolt, and know, O prince, that this religious mystery was recited by Sakra to the great sages, and they in turn told it to me |
Mbh.14.26.1013 | Having lived with that instructor under the proper mode of living, Sakra attained to the sovereignty of all the worlds |
Mbh.14.52.2303 | They then, with cheerful hearts, and without any anxiety, entered the palace of Dhritarashtra which resembled the mansion of Sakra. |
Mbh.14.54.2414 | In those forms that I assume for the purpose, I am known, O son of Bhrigu's race, in the three worlds as Vishnu and Brahman and Sakra. |
Mbh.14.79.3495 | Possessed of great splendour, the son of Sakra said, Excellent, Excellent, O mighty-armed one, O son of Chitrangada! |
Mbh.14.80.3589 | O dear son, Sakra himself is incapable of vanquishing him in battle. |
Mbh.14.84.3746 | Thus addressed the son of Sakuni, stupefied by folly, disregarded that advice and covered with many swift arrows the Kuru hero who resembled Sakra himself in the feats he accomplished in battle. |
Mbh.14.86.3837 | Unto Dharma's son, the lord of all the universe began to speak about Jishnu, the son of Sakra. |
Mbh.14.89.3962 | Having thus completed the sacrifice of that monarch, who was endued with the energy of Sakra himself, the illustrious Vyasa with his disciples eulogised the king greatly. |
Mbh.14.91.4251 | Formerly, on one occasion Sakra performed a particular sacrifice. |
Mbh.14.91.4259 | Beholding that the animals had all become cheerless, those Rishis, endued with wealth of penances, approached Sakra and said unto him, This method of sacrifice is not auspicious. |
Mbh.14.91.4268 | Even this, O Sakra, would be fraught with great righteousness and productive of fruits of high efficacy' |
Mbh.14.91.4270 | Then, O Bharata, a great dispute arose in that sacrifice of Sakra between the ascetics as to how sacrifices should be performed, that is, should they be performed with mobile creatures or with immobile objects. |
Mbh.14.91.4272 | The Rishis then, those beholders of truth, having made an understanding with Sakra about referring the matter to arbitration asked king Vasu, O highly blessed one, what is the Vedic declaration about sacrifices? |
Mbh.15.20.836 | Narada said, Repairing at my will to the mansion of Sakra, I have seen Sakra the lord or Sachi; and there, O royal sage. |
Mbh.15.20.839 | There I heard from the lips of Sakra himself that there are three years yet of the period of life allotted to this king. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |