Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Mar 2010 16:27 and updated at 03 Mar 2010 16:27
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.80 | It was not till after these were born, grown up, and departed on the supreme journey, that the great Rishi Vyasa published the Bharata in this region of mankind; when being solicited by Janamejaya and thousands of Brahmanas, he instructed his disciple Vaisampayana, who was seated near him; and he, sitting together with the Sadasyas, recited the Bharata, during the intervals of the ceremonies of the sacrifice, being repeatedly urged to proceed. |
Mbh.1.53.2652 | Who also became the Sadasyas in that terrible snake-sacrifice, so frightful to the snakes, and begetting such sorrow in them? |
Mbh.1.53.2654 | Sauti replied, I will recite the names of those wise ones who became the monarch's Ritwiks and Sadasyas. |
Mbh.1.53.2659 | Kohala Devasarman, Maudgalya, Samasaurava, and many other Brahmanas who had got through the Vedas became the Sadasyas at that sacrifice of the son of Parikshit. |
Mbh.1.54.2721 | And Astika having gone thither, beheld the excellent sacrificial compound with numerous Sadasyas on it whose splendour was like unto that of the Sun or Agni. |
Mbh.1.54.2724 | And that best of Brahmanas, that foremost of all virtuous men, having entered the excellent sacrificial compound, began to adore the king of infinite achievements, Ritwiks, the Sadasyas, and also the sacred fire |
Mbh.1.55.2738 | These Ritwiks and Sadasyas that are here engaged in making thy sacrifice, like unto that of the slayer of Vritra, are of splendour equal to that of the sun. |
Mbh.1.55.2763 | Sauti said, Astika, having thus adored them, gratified them all, viz, the king, the Sadasyas, the Ritwiks and the sacrificial fire. |
Mbh.1.56.2769 | The Sadasyas said, A Brahmana, though a boy, deserves the respect of kings. |
Mbh.1.56.2806 | Then all the Sadasyas conversant with the Vedas told the king in one voice, Let the Brahmana receive his boon |
Mbh.1.58.2834 | The king then, on being repeatedly urged by his Sadasyas, said, Let it be done as Astika hath said. |
Mbh.1.58.2838 | The king Janamejaya of the Bharata race was himself pleased, and on the Ritwiks with the Sadasyas, and on all who had come there, the king, bestowed money by hundreds and thousands. |
Mbh.1.59.2866 | The varied and wonderful narrations that were recited amongst those illustrious Sadasyas assembled at the sacrifice, in the intervals of their duties of that long-extending ceremony, and the objects also of those narrations, I desire to hear from thee, O son of a Suta! |
Mbh.1.60.2885 | And he saw that the king Janamejaya was seated in the sacrificial region like the god Indra, surrounded by numerous Sadasyas, by kings of various countries whose coronal locks had undergone the sacred bath, and by competent Ritwiks like unto Brahman himself. |
Mbh.1.60.2887 | And the king with the approval of his Sadasyas, gave the Rishi a golden seat as Indra did to Vrihaspati. |
Mbh.1.60.2892 | And the illustrious Rishi also, casting his eyes upon him and asking him about his welfare, worshipped the Sadasyas, having been before worshipped by them all. |
Mbh.1.60.2893 | And after all this, Janamejaya with all his Sadasyas, questioned that first of Brahmanas, with joined palms as follows: O Brahmana, thou hast seen with thy own eyes the acts of the Kurus and the Pandavas. |
Mbh.1.60.2899 | Then that blessed Brahmana, at the command of his preceptor recited the whole of that history unto the king, the Sadasyas, and all the chieftains there assembled. |
Mbh.1.224.11001 | All other Sadasyas also of immeasurable energy, who had been installed at that sacrifice, then went away. |
Mbh.1.224.11003 | Such was the history of that best of monarchs, the royal sage Swetaki, who, when the time came, ascended to heaven, having won great renown on earth, and accompanied by the Ritwiks and the Sadasyas that had helped him in life' |
Mbh.2.33.1433 | Having rested a while in those mansions the monarchs beheld king Yudhishthira the just surrounded by numerous Sadasyas sacrificial priests and ever performing sacrifices distinguished by large gifts to Brahmanas. |
Mbh.5.141.6340 | The disciples of Drona and Kripa, the son of Saradwat, will be the Sadasyas assisting priests. |
Mbh.8.36.1910 | Eulogised then by bards and panegyrists, those two heroes of great effulgence looked like Indra and Agni adored with hymns in a sacrifice by Ritwiks and Sadasyas. |
Mbh.12.97.5438 | Jackals and vultures and ravens, as also winged shafts, constitute its Sadasyas. |
Mbh.12.97.5457 | The sages have said that that warrior who regards the van of the hostile army as the chambers of his wives, who looks upon the van of his own army as the vessel for the keep of sacrificial offering, who takes the combatants standing to his south for his Sadasyas and those to his north as his Agnidhras, and who looks upon the hostile forces as his wedded wife, succeeds in winning all regions of felicity |
Mbh.12.165.9843 | The platform was further adorned with Sadasyas all of whom were high regenerate Rishis. |
Mbh.12.336.21522 | The sons of Prajapati Brahman themselves, viz, Ekata, Dwita, and Trita, became the Sadasyas in that sacrifice |
Mbh.12.336.21523 | There were others also who became Sadasyas in that sacrifice, viz, Dhanusha, Raivya, Arvavasu, Parvavasu, the Rishi Medhatithi, the great Rishi Tandya, the blessed Rishi Santi, otherwise called Vedasiras, the foremost of Rishis, viz, Kapila, who was the father of Salihotra, the first Kalpa, Tittiri the elder brother of Vaisampayana, Kanwa, and Devahotra, in all forming sixteen. |
Mbh.12.336.21540 | Bhishma continued, When Vrihaspati gave way to wrath, the great king Vasu and all his Sadasyas sought to pacify the great Rishi. |
Mbh.12.336.21617 | Induced by these words spoken by Ekata and approved by his companions, viz, Dwita and Trita, and solicited also by the other Sadasyas, the high-minded Vrihaspati brought that sacrifice to a completion after duly offering the accustomed adorations to the Deities. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |