Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Mar 2010 16:26 and updated at 03 Mar 2010 16:26
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.100.5645 | Sacrifices before fire and the knowledge of the three Vedas yield, it is true, everlasting religious merit, but all these, in point of religious merit, do not, come up to a sixteenth part of the religious merit attainable on the birth of a son. |
Mbh.2.7.329 | O son of Pandu; and the rain-charged clouds, and the winds, and all the loud-sounding forces of heaven; the eastern point, the twenty seven fires conveying the sacrificial butter, Agni and Soma, and the fire of Indra, and Mitra, and Savitri, and Aryaman; Bhaga, Viswa the Sadhyas, the preceptor Vrihaspati, and also Sukra; and Vishwavasu and Chitrasena, and Sumanas, and also Taruna; the Sacrifices, the gifts to Brahmanas, the planets, and the stars, O Bharata, and the mantras that are uttered in sacrifices, all these are present there. |
Mbh.2.11.436 | And Agastya of great energy, and Markandeya, of great ascetic power, and Jamadagni and Bharadwaja, and Samvarta, and Chyavana, and exalted Durvasa, and the virtuous Rishyasringa, the illustrious Sanatkumara of great ascetic merit and the preceptor in all matters affecting Yoga; Asita and Devala, and Jaigishavya acquainted with truth; Rishava, Ajitasatru, and Mani of great energy; and the Science of healing with its eight branches, all in their personified forms, O Bharata; the moon with all the stars and the stellar conjunctions; Aditya with all his rays; the winds; the Sacrifices, the Declarations of purpose in sacrifices, the Vital principles, these illustrious and vow-observing beings in their personified forms, and many others too numerous to mention, attend all upon Brahma in that mansion. |
Mbh.2.11.439 | viz, Rig, Sama, Yajuh, and Atharva; all Sciences and branches of learning; Histories and all minor branches of learning; the several branches of the Vedas; the planets, the Sacrifices, the Soma, all the deities; Savitri Gayatri, the seven kinds of rhyme; Understanding, Patience, Memory, Wisdom, Intelligence, Fame, Forgiveness; the Hymns of the Sama Veda; the Science of hymns in general, and various kinds of Verses and Songs; various Commentaries with arguments, all in their personified forms, O king, and various Dramas and Poems and Stories and abridged Glosses, these also, and many others wait upon the Supreme Deity in that Sabha, Kshanas, Lavas, Muhurtas, Day, Night, Fortnights, Months, the six Seasons, O Bharata, Years, Yugas, the four kinds of Days and Nights viz, appearing to man, to the Pitris, to the gods, and to Brahma and that eternal, indestructible, undeteriorating, excellent Wheel of Time and also the Wheel of Virtue, these always wait there. |
Mbh.3.85.4685 | There in those places, O foremost of warriors, the Vedas and the Sacrifices, in embodied forms, and the Rishis endued with wealth of asceticism, adore Brahma, and there the gods and rulers of territories also celebrate their sacrifices. |
Mbh.3.206.10663 | Hearing these words, the fowler replied, saying, O best of Brahmanas, Sacrifices, Gift, Asceticism, the Vedas, and Truth, these five holy things are ever present in conduct that is called virtuous. |
Mbh.6.41.1886 | By that Brahma, the Brahmanas and the Vedas, and the Sacrifices, were ordained of old. |
Mbh.7.55.2620 | At each of his Sacrifices in due time he gave away as sacrificial presents ten thousand elephants of golden splendour, with the temporal juice trickling down their bodies, and cars made of gold with standards and banners. |
Mbh.10.18.1073 | There are four kinds of Sacrifices: the loka Sacrifice, the Sacrifice of special rites, the eternal domestic Sacrifice, and the Sacrifice consisting in the gratification derived by man from his enjoyment of the five elemental substances and their compounds. |
Mbh.10.18.1075 | Kapardin constructed that bow using as materials the first and the fourth kinds of Sacrifices. |
Mbh.10.18.1105 | And he also restored the Sacrifices themselves, O Pandava! |
Mbh.12.55.2956 | Duly worshipped, they uphold the Vedas and the Sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.59.3389 | Sacrifices are multifarious. |
Mbh.12.67.3735 | Sacrifices, duly completed with presents according to the ordinance, would no longer be performed; no marriage would take place; society itself would cease to exist, if the king did not exercise the duty of protection. |
Mbh.12.120.6808 | Sacrifices gratify the deities. |
Mbh.12.164.9680 | The Brahmanas are the Vedas themselves and all the Sacrifices with large presents. |
Mbh.12.231.14423 | I have thus discoursed to thee, O son, on the topics about which thou hadst inquired, viz, Creation, Time, Sacrifices and other rites, the Vedas, the real actor in the universe, action, and the consequences of action |
Mbh.12.243.14996 | In this the third mode of life, he should present offerings of clarified butter in the five well-known Sacrifices |
Mbh.12.262.15910 | I do not blame Sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.262.15914 | Alas, the Brahmanas, having given up the Sacrifice that is ordained for them, have betaken themselves to the performance of Sacrifices that are for Kshatriyas |
Mbh.12.262.15915 | Many persons of faith, O regenerate one, that are covetous and fond of wealth, without having understood the true meaning of the declarations of the Srutis, and proclaiming things that are really false but that have the show of truth, have introduced many kinds of Sacrifices, saying, This should be given away in this Sacrifice. |
Mbh.12.262.15923 | If the sacrificer and the priest suffer themselves to be moved by desire of fruit in respect of the Sacrifices they perform or assist in, their children take the stain. |
Mbh.12.262.15925 | From Sacrifices spring progeny like clear water from the firmament. |
Mbh.12.262.15930 | In former days, men righteously devoted to Sacrifices used to obtain therefrom the fruition of all their wishes. |
Mbh.12.262.15933 | The men of former times never performed Sacrifices from desire of fruits and never regarded themselves as called upon to enjoy those fruits. |
Mbh.12.262.15951 | The Sacrifices they perform are performed without injury to any creature |
Mbh.12.262.15955 | For this reason, grasping priests officiate at the Sacrifices of only those misguided persons who, without endeavouring to attain to Emancipation, seek for heaven. |
Mbh.12.262.15958 | Endued with wisdom, many foremost of Brahmanas perform Sacrifices which with respect to their fruits are of two kinds, for some of them lead to Emancipation whence there is no return, and others lead to regions of bliss whence there is return. |
Mbh.12.262.15959 | By performing those Sacrifices, they proceed, O great ascetic, along paths trodden by the gods. |
Mbh.12.262.15966 | They, therefore, that are not of that kind should perform Sacrifices with herbs and plants and not animals. |
Mbh.12.262.15969 | What, O Jajali, will be the end of him who doth not recite the Vedas, unto others, who doth not perform Sacrifices properly, who doth not make gifts unto deserving Brahmanas, and who followeth an avocation in which every kind of desire is indulged? |
Mbh.12.262.15971 | Jajali said, We had never before, O son of a trader, heard of these recondite doctrines of ascetics that perform only mental Sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.267.16347 | Sacrifices have the Brahmanas for that progenitor, and truly they rest upon the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.12.271.16719 | Seeing the Brahmana tempted by the prospect he beheld, Dharma provided for his salvation and counselled him, saying, This viz, slaughter of living creatures is not conformable to the ordinances about Sacrifices |
Mbh.12.276.16946 | Engaged in the Sacrifice that is constituted by Peace, and employed also in the Sacrifice of Brahma, and restraining my senses, the Sacrifices I shall perform are those of speech, mind, and acts, when the sun enters his northerly course |
Mbh.12.279.17078 | Nor can He be obtained by Penances, nor by Sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.279.17117 | He is Brahma; He is the highest Righteousness; He is Sat and He is Asat He is Sruti; He is the scriptures; He is the Sacrificial vessel; He is the six and ten Ritwijes; He is all the Sacrifices; He is the Grandsire Brahman; He is Vishnu; He is the twin Aswins; and He is Purandara He is Mitra; He is Varuna; He is Yama; He is Kuvera the lord of treasures. |
Mbh.12.282.17404 | Maheswara said, O highly blessed lady, the deities in days of yore made an arrangement in consequence of which no share was assigned to me of offerings in all Sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.283.17486 | Daksha said, Here, in this vessel of gold, intended for the Lord of all Sacrifices, is the sacrificial offering sanctified by mantras and rites according to the ordinance. |
Mbh.12.283.17492 | Thou knowest not, O thou of delicate limbs and low belly, what words are proper to be addressed to the Lord of Sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.283.17495 | It is to me that the chanters utter their praises in Sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.283.17497 | It is to me that Brahmanas conversant with the Vedas perform their Sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.284.17813 | Since thou, O Rudra, art the Creator of all creatures, since, O Hara, thou art the Master of all creatures, and since thou art the indwelling Soul of all creatures, therefore wert thou not invited by me to my Sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.297.18582 | He should next, entering the domestic mode of life, perform the usual Sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.318.19979 | Sacrifices cannot compare with it. |
Mbh.12.339.21890 | Behold also the Vedas, and all the Sacrifices numbering by hundreds, the Amrita nectar, and all the medicinal herbs and plants, and Penances, and vows and observances of diverse kinds. |
Mbh.12.340.22062 | Then the Grandsire of all the world, viz, Brahman, created, for the fulfilment of all creatures, the Vedas with all their branches, as also the Sacrifices with their limbs. |
Mbh.12.340.22180 | It is for this, O blessed one, that the eternal Deity, with the lotus in his navel, became the acceptor of the first share offered in sacrifices and hence it is that He came to be called as the eternal upholder of all Sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.340.22187 | Do you bow unto Him who is the Lord of the Aswins, and the Lord of the Maruts, who is the lord of all the Sacrifices ordained in the Vedas, and the Lord of the Vedangas. |
Mbh.12.342.22438 | With one of his mouths he began to drink all the Soma that Brahmanas engaged in Sacrifices poured on their sacred fires with due rites. |
Mbh.13.14.1513 | Sanatkumara, the Vedas, the Histories, Marichi, Angiras, Atri, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, the seven Manus, Soma, the Atharvans, and Vrihaspati, Bhrigu, Daksha, Kasyapa, Vasishtha, Kasya, the Schandas, Diksha, the Sacrifices, Dakshina, the Sacrificial Fires, the Havis clarified butter poured in sacrifices, and all the requisites of the sacrifices, were beheld by me, O Yudhishthira, standing there in their embodied forms. |
Mbh.13.14.1532 | Thou, O illustrious one, art the Vedas, the Sacrifices, Soma, Dakshina, Pavaka, Havi, and all other requisites of sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.18.2881 | Vishnu said, O Great King, Aditya, Chandra, Wind, Fire, Heaven, Earth, the Vasus, the Viswedevas, Dhatri, Aryyaman, Sukra, Vrihaspati, the Rudras, the Saddhyas, Varuna, Brahma, Sakra, Maruts, the Upanishads that deal with knowledge of Brahman, Truth, the Vedas, the Sacrifices, Sacrificial Presents, Brahmanas reciting the Vedas, Soma, Sacrificer, the shares of the deities in sacrificial offerings or clarified butter poured in sacrifices, Raksha, Diksha, all kinds of restraints in the form of vows and fasts and rigid observances, Swaha, Vashat, the Brahmanas, the celestial cow, the foremost acts of righteousness, the wheel of Time, Strength, Fame, Self-restraint, the Steadiness of all persons endued with intelligence, all acts of goodness and the reverse, the seven Rishis, Understanding of the foremost order, all kinds of excellent touch, the success of all religious acts, the diverse tribes of the deities, those beings that drink heat, those that are drinkers of Soma, Clouds, Suyamas, Rishitas, all creatures having Mantras for their bodies, Abhasuras, those beings that live upon scents only, those that live upon vision only, those that restrain their speech, those that restrain their minds, those that are pure, those that are capable of assuming diverse forms through Yoga-puissance, those deities that live on touch as their food, those deities that subsist on vision and those that subsist upon the butter poured in sacrifices, those beings that are competent to create by fiats of their will the objects they require, they that are regarded as the foremost ones among the deities, and all the other deities, O descendant of Ajamila, the Suparnas, the Gandharvas, the Pisachas, the Danavas, Yakshas, the Charanas, the snakes, all that is gross and all that is exceedingly subtile, all that is soft and all that is not subtile, all sorrows and all joys, all sorrows that come after joy and all joy that comes after sorrow, the Sankhya philosophy, Yoga, and that which transcends objects which are regarded as foremost and very superior, all adorable things, all the deities, and all the protectors of the universe who entering into the physical forces sustain and uphold this ancient creation of that illustrious Deity, have sprung from that Creator of all creatures. |
Mbh.13.61.5927 | Sacrifices should never be performed with wealth acquired by severity and extortion. |
Mbh.13.78.7084 | Sacrifices are established in kine. |
Mbh.13.106.9701 | That man who, unafflicted by disease and free from every malady, observes a fast, verily acquires, at every step the merits that attach to Sacrifices. |
Mbh.13.107.9728 | SECTION CVII Yudhishthira said, O high-souled grandsire, thou hast duly discoursed to us on the subject of Sacrifices, including the merits in detail that attach to them both here and hereafter. |
Mbh.13.107.9729 | It should be remembered, however, O grandsire, that Sacrifices are incapable of being performed, by people that are poor, for these require a large store of diverse kinds of articles. |
Mbh.13.107.9730 | Indeed, O grandsire, the merit attaching to Sacrifices can be acquired by only kings and princes. |
Mbh.13.107.9734 | Those ordinances that I have told thee of, those, viz, that were first promulgated by the great Rishi Angiras, and that have reference to meritorious facts for their soul, are regarded as equal to Sacrifices in respect of the fruits they bring about both here and hereafter. |
Mbh.13.158.13150 | In Sacrifices, eloquent men hymn His praises. |
Mbh.14.91.4274 | Hearing the question, king Vasu, without all judging of the strength or weakness of the arguments on the two sides, at once answered, saying, Sacrifices may be performed with whichever of the two kinds of objects is ready' |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |