Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Feb 2010 18:24 and updated at 28 Feb 2010 18:24
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.4.979 | And when Saunaka was seated in the midst of the Ritwiks and Sadhyas, who were also in their seats, he spake as followeth |
Mbh.1.37.2037 | We will also bite all those who, acquainted with the rites of the snake-sacrifice, may be appointed Ritwiks of the sacrifice, and by that means attain our object' |
Mbh.1.37.2047 | Others said, Let us become the king's Ritwiks, and obstruct his sacrifice by saying at the outset, Give us the sacrificial fee' |
Mbh.1.51.2621 | And that lord of the Earth, that tiger of the Bharata race, the son of Parikshit, then called his priest and Ritwiks. |
Mbh.1.51.2634 | And the king's Ritwiks, O excellent Brahmana, versed in the Vedas and acquainted with the rites of that sacrifice measured, according to the scriptures, the land for the sacrificial platform. |
Mbh.1.53.2651 | SECTION LIII Astika Parva continued Saunaka asked, What great Rishis became the Ritwiks at the snake-sacrifice of the wise king Janamejaya of the Pandava line? |
Mbh.1.53.2654 | Sauti replied, I will recite the names of those wise ones who became the monarch's Ritwiks and Sadasyas. |
Mbh.1.53.2660 | When the Ritwiks in that snake-sacrifice began to pour clarified butter into the fire, terrible snakes, striking fear into every creature, began to fall into it. |
Mbh.1.54.2724 | And that best of Brahmanas, that foremost of all virtuous men, having entered the excellent sacrificial compound, began to adore the king of infinite achievements, Ritwiks, the Sadasyas, and also the sacred fire |
Mbh.1.55.2738 | These Ritwiks and Sadasyas that are here engaged in making thy sacrifice, like unto that of the slayer of Vritra, are of splendour equal to that of the sun. |
Mbh.1.55.2741 | His disciples, becoming Ritwiks, competent for their duties, travel over the earth. |
Mbh.1.55.2763 | Sauti said, Astika, having thus adored them, gratified them all, viz, the king, the Sadasyas, the Ritwiks and the sacrificial fire. |
Mbh.1.56.2776 | The Ritwiks replied, As the scriptures declare unto us, and as the fire also saith, O monarch, it seems that Takshaka is now staying in the abode of Indra, afflicted with fear' |
Mbh.1.56.2788 | The Ritwiks then said, O king of kings, the sacrifice of thine is being performed duly. |
Mbh.1.56.2793 | The Ritwiks said, O monarch, behold, Takshaka is soon coming under thy control! |
Mbh.1.58.2838 | The king Janamejaya of the Bharata race was himself pleased, and on the Ritwiks with the Sadasyas, and on all who had come there, the king, bestowed money by hundreds and thousands. |
Mbh.1.60.2885 | And he saw that the king Janamejaya was seated in the sacrificial region like the god Indra, surrounded by numerous Sadasyas, by kings of various countries whose coronal locks had undergone the sacred bath, and by competent Ritwiks like unto Brahman himself. |
Mbh.1.224.10948 | And king Swetaki of great intelligence, assisted by his Ritwiks performed sacrifices for many long years, till those sacrificial priests with eyes afflicted by the continued smoke and becoming very weak, left that monarch, wishing never more to assist at his sacrifices. |
Mbh.1.224.10949 | The king, however, repeatedly asked those Ritwiks to come to him. |
Mbh.1.224.10951 | The king, therefore, invited at the command of his own Ritwiks, others like unto them, and completed the sacrifice that he had begun. |
Mbh.1.224.11003 | Such was the history of that best of monarchs, the royal sage Swetaki, who, when the time came, ascended to heaven, having won great renown on earth, and accompanied by the Ritwiks and the Sadasyas that had helped him in life' |
Mbh.8.36.1910 | Eulogised then by bards and panegyrists, those two heroes of great effulgence looked like Indra and Agni adored with hymns in a sacrifice by Ritwiks and Sadasyas. |
Mbh.13.44.4648 | The girl himself that becomes wife, the sons born of her, the Ritwiks and preceptors and disciples and Upadhyayas present at the marriage all become liable to expiation if the girl bestow her hand upon a person other than he whom she had promised to wed. |
Mbh.13.59.5814 | Ritwiks and Purohitas and preceptors, when conversant with the Vedas and when behaving mildly towards disciples, become such. |
Mbh.13.90.8100 | If he that is not a Ritwik and that is not a Vedic teacher takes the foremost seat in a Sraddha, with even the permission of the other Ritwiks there present, he is said to take by that act of his the sins of all who may be sitting in the line. |
Mbh.13.93.8283 | At a sacrifice which had been performed in former times by Sivi's son he had given away unto the Ritwiks a son of his as the sacrificial present. |
Mbh.13.150.12616 | Unmachu, Pramchu, Swastyatreya of great energy, Dridhavya, Urdhvavahu, Trinasoma, Angiras, and Agastya of great energy, the son of Mitravaruna, these seven are the Ritwiks of Yama the king of the dead, and dwell in the southern quarter. |
Mbh.13.150.12617 | Dridheyu and Riteyu, and Pariyadha of great fame, and Ekata, and Dwita, and Trita, the last three endued with splendour like that of the sun, and Atri's son of righteous soul, viz, the Rishi Saraswata, these seven who had acted as Ritwiks in the great sacrifice of Varuna, have taken up their abodes in the western quarter. |
Mbh.13.150.12618 | Atri, the illustrious Vasishtha, the great Rishi Kasyapa, Gotama, Bharadwaja, Viswamitra, the son of Kusika, and Richika's fierce son Jamadagni of great energy, these seven are the Ritwiks of the Lord of treasures and dwell in the northern quarter. |
Mbh.13.167.13762 | Preceptors of all branches of learning, Brahmanas, Ritwiks, all my brothers, thy son, viz, king Dhritarashtra of great energy, are all here with my counsellors as also Vasudeva of great prowess. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |