Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Feb 2010 17:59 and updated at 28 Feb 2010 17:59
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.3.144.7334 | Then in company with those bulls among the twice-born ones, the Pandavas beheld that romantic asylum presided over by Nara and Narayana; devoid of gloom; and sacred; and untouched by the solar rays; and free from those rubs, viz hunger, and thirst, heat and cold, and removing all sorrow; and crowded with hosts of mighty sages; and adorned with the grace proceeding from the Vedas, Saman, Rich, and Yajus; and, O king, inaccessible to men who have renounced religion; and beautified with offerings, and homas; and sacred; and well-swept and daubed; and shining all around with offerings of celestial blossoms; and spread over with altars of sacrificial fire, and sacred ladles and pots; and graced with large water-jars, and baskets and the refuge of all beings; and echoing with the chanting of the Vedas; and heavenly: and worthy of being inhabited; and removing fatigue; and attended with splendour and of incomprehensible merit; and majestic with divine qualities. |
Mbh.3.148.7563 | And the Sama, the Rich, and the Yajus did not exist. |
Mbh.12.47.2368 | In the grand Uktha sacrifice, the Brahmanas adore thee as the great Rich. |
Mbh.12.59.3384 | Originally Saman was one; Yajus was one, and Rich was one |
Mbh.12.309.19487 | Indeed, such a Brahmana, conversant with the three Vedas, viz, Rich, Yajush, and Saman, possessed of learning, duly observant of the six duties of sacrificing on his own account, officiating at the sacrifices of others, learning, teaching, making gifts, and receiving gifts, has been regarded as deserving of gifts. |
Mbh.12.318.19871 | Having acquired by the science of ratiocinative inference and by waiting upon preceptors, the Rich, the Samans, and the Yajushes, all the obligatory practices should be observed and all the Vedas studied with reverence, O Viswavasu! |
Mbh.12.342.22655 | I am regarded as the embodied form of the Rich Veda consisting of one and twenty thousand verses. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |