Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Feb 2010 17:59 and updated at 28 Feb 2010 17:59
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.2.11.437 | Wealth and Religion and Desire, and Joy, and Aversion, and Asceticism and Tranquillity, all wait together upon the Supreme Deity in that palace. |
Mbh.3.33.1646 | Afflicted with the vows, thy cry is Religion! |
Mbh.3.33.1647 | Religion! |
Mbh.8.34.1656 | The blazing planets and the stars became its wooden fence; Religion, Profit, and Pleasure, united together, became its Trivenu. |
Mbh.9.5.340 | Religion and profit and pleasure I have pursued. |
Mbh.9.62.4511 | I have attended to the three ends of human existence, Religion, Profit, and Pleasure! |
Mbh.11.2.136 | This is neither Profit, nor Religion, nor Happiness, on which thy heart is dwelling. |
Mbh.12.173.10339 | Bhishma said, Religion hath many doors. |
Mbh.12.176.10573 | These are Religion. |
Mbh.12.178.10709 | While all other creatures are being borne away in the current of desire and passion, thou art perfectly indifferent to all acts appertaining to Religion, Profit, and Pleasure. |
Mbh.12.190.11404 | That man who in the observance of this mode of life seeks the acquisition of the triple aggregate viz, Religion, Wealth, and Pleasure, with that of the great end of the three attributes of Goodness and Passion and Darkness enjoys great happiness here and at last attains to the end that is reserved for persons that are virtuous and good |
Mbh.12.235.14600 | The first which is called Jivatman is endued with the four attributes already mentioned, and has a longing for the four objects or purposes viz, Religion, Wealth, Pleasure and Emancipation. |
Mbh.12.270.16595 | SECTION CCLXXI Yudhishthira said, The Vedas, O Bharata, discourse of Religion. |
Mbh.12.284.17651 | Salutations to thee that always discoursest of Religion, Pleasure, Profit, and Emancipation. |
Mbh.12.287.18022 | That which is truly beneficial, and about which there is no doubt, viz, good offices to friends, and suppression of enemies, and the acquisition of the aggregate of three viz, Religion, Profit, and Pleasure, has been declared by the wise to be supreme excellence |
Mbh.12.329.21039 | He who knows the aggregate of three viz, Religion, Wealth, and Pleasure, as also happiness and sorrow and life and death, truly and in all their details, is said to know growth and decay. |
Mbh.12.335.21485 | In that treatise the authors discoursed on Religion and Wealth and Pleasure, and subsequently on Emancipation also. |
Mbh.13.63.6151 | Religion and wealth, in the three worlds, are all dependent on food. |
Mbh.13.82.7322 | Religion, wealth, and pleasure, only when endued with me, become sources of happiness. |
Mbh.13.116.10402 | Persons conversant with duty say that that Religion is worthy of being called Religion which has abstention from cruelty for its indication. |
Mbh.13.116.10431 | Abstention from cruelty is the highest Religion. |
Mbh.13.125.10835 | On the other hand, one should attend to the science, that is sacred and that has righteousness for its indications, of the aggregate of three viz, Religion, Wealth, and Pleasure. |
Mbh.13.125.10837 | Hence, one should, with concentrated attention, listen to the sacred expositions of Religion in particular, for the fruits are very great of listening to the mysteries of Religion. |
Mbh.13.125.10838 | One should certainly hear every topic connected with Religion as ordained by the deities themselves. |
Mbh.13.130.11127 | Religion and duty should never be communicated unto them. |
Mbh.13.139.11405 | I desire to hear from thee discourses that are interwoven with Religion and Profit, that lead to felicity hereafter, and that are fraught with wonder unto all creatures. |
Mbh.13.139.11422 | Thus seated, they began to converse sweetly with one another on subjects connected with Religion and duty as also with many royal sages and deities. |
Mbh.13.141.11603 | What indications has Religion or Duty been said to possess? |
Mbh.13.141.11604 | How, indeed, do men become unacquainted with the details of Religion or Duty to succeed in observing them? |
Mbh.13.141.11605 | O puissant lord, O thou that art conversant with Religion, do thou tell me this' |
Mbh.13.141.11609 | Indeed, Religion or Duty has many branches all of which are fraught with happiness. |
Mbh.13.141.11710 | The Religion ordained for the householder is said to have Pravritti for its chief indication. |
Mbh.13.141.11720 | The Religion of Nivritti is different. |
Mbh.13.141.11726 | Desirous of achieving emancipation, the followers of this Religion free themselves from the bonds of hope or desire. |
Mbh.13.141.11728 | A follower of this Religion sets his heart upon the workings of his soul. |
Mbh.13.141.11740 | Even these are the eternal duties of a follower of the Religion of Nivritti. |
Mbh.13.142.11852 | Such a man, who becomes devoted, besides, to the discharge of all the duties Religion, becomes endued with the merit of Righteousness. |
Mbh.14.16.443 | Verily, I discoursed to thee on Religion in its true form and on all the eternal regions. |
Mbh.14.35.1414 | It is for this that Brahmanas who are always devoted to Yoga, who have transcended wrath and sorrow, and who always regard Religion as the causeway along which every one must pass for avoiding the morass below, take refuge in Truth. |
Mbh.14.35.1416 | The wise say that Religion or duty is one, though having four quarters. |
Mbh.14.35.1430 | They that are possessed of wisdom say that Religion or duty has Faith for its chief indication. |
Mbh.14.37.1502 | Those men on Earth who meditate on the past, present, and the future, who are devoted to the aggregate of three, viz, Religion, Wealth, and Pleasure, who acting from impulse of desire, exult on attaining to affluence in respect of every desire, are said to be enveloped by Passion. |
Mbh.14.39.1568 | and the Future; Religion, Wealth. |
Mbh.14.72.3189 | He is well versed in both Religion and wealth. |
Mbh.14.90.4151 | Like the triple aggregate beginning with Religion, or the triple aggregate of sacred fires, there is a triple aggregate of everlasting Heavens, depending upon the son, the grandson, and the great-grandson. |
Mbh.15.28.1094 | Endued with intelligence, that queen understands both Religion and Wealth. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |