Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Feb 2010 17:59 and updated at 28 Feb 2010 17:59
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.64.3238 | And the Earth, desirous of protection, then represented everything to him, in the presence, O Bharata, of all the Regents of the worlds. |
Mbh.3.311.15222 | SECTION CCCXI Vaisampayana said, Yudhishthira saw his brothers, each possessed of the glory of Indra himself, lying dead like the Regents of the world dropped from their spheres at the end of the Yuga. |
Mbh.6.76.4018 | O son, they are again protected by many foremost of men endued with great activity, and of famous achievements, resembling the very Regents of the world and renowned over the whole earth. |
Mbh.7.111.5353 | They are, again, O son, protected by many of our foremost counsellors and others of righteous deeds, all of whom are best of men, resembling the very Regents of the world. |
Mbh.7.160.8680 | Many lamps, filled with sweet-scented oil, were seen to fall from the Regents of the cardinal and the subsidiary points of the compass. |
Mbh.7.179.9738 | Each of them, O Partha, could fight in battle with the whole celestial host protected by the Regents of the world. |
Mbh.8.34.1663 | Those Regents of the world, viz, the Lords of the gods, of the waters, of the dead, and of treasures, were made the steeds of that car. |
Mbh.8.79.4857 | The several Regents of the world, united together gave him their weapons of immeasurable energy, with which that lion among men quickly destroyed in battle those united Asuras, the Kalakhanjas. |
Mbh.8.82.5031 | That foremost one, however, of Yadu's race fought with those four warriors like the chief of the Daityas fighting with the Regents of the four quarters. |
Mbh.8.90.5634 | When that snake of the form of an arrow was fixed on the bow-string, the Regents of the world, including Sakra, set up loud wails. |
Mbh.9.59.4317 | The very Regents of the Earth could not slay them in fair fight! |
Mbh.12.58.3240 | Then Vishnu, and the deities of Indra, and the Rishis, and the Regents of the world, and the Brahmanas, assembled together for crowning Prithu as the king of the world. |
Mbh.12.121.6916 | The Rishis gave it unto the Regents of the world, and the Regents made it over again to Kshupa. |
Mbh.12.165.9889 | Vasava gave it to the Regents of the world. |
Mbh.12.165.9890 | The Regents, O son, gave that large sword to Manu the son of Surya. |
Mbh.12.197.11777 | Those regions that are owned by the high-souled gods, that are of diverse aspects and colours, of diverse descriptions and productive of diverse fruits, and that are of great excellence, those ears again that: move at the will of the riders, those beautiful mansions and hells, those various pleasure-gardens embellished with golden lotuses, those regions that belong to the four Regents and Sukra and Vrihaspati and the Maruts and Viswedevas and Sadhyas and the Aswins, and the Rudras and the Adityas and the Vasus, and other denizens of heaven, are, O sire, spoken of as hells, when compared with the region of the Supreme Soul. |
Mbh.12.199.12101 | Knowing the resolve to which they came there, the chief of the gods came to that spot, accompanied by the deities and the Regents of the world. |
Mbh.12.323.20596 | Thither all the regenerate Rishis and royal sages and the Regents of the world and the Sadhyas along with the Vasus, and the Adityas, the Rudras, and Surya and Chandramas, and the Maruts, and the Oceans, and the Rivers and the Aswins, the Deities, the Gandharvas, and Narada and Parvata and the Gandharva Viswavasu, and the Siddhas, and the Apsaras. |
Mbh.12.327.20792 | The four Regents of the world, the deities, and diverse classes of Rishis, used always to come there from the desire of doing good to the world. |
Mbh.12.338.21695 | Thou art he who is divested of all attributes, who is the Witness of all the worlds, who is called Kshetrajna, who is the foremost of all Beings, who is Infinite, who is called Purusha, who is the great Purusha, who is the foremost of all Purushas, who is the soul of the three attributes, who is called the Foremost, who is Amrita nectar, who is called Immortal, who is called Ananta Sesha, who is Space who is without beginning, who is both Manifest and Unmanifest as existent and not-existent things, who is said to have his home in Truth who is the first of gods Narayana, who is the giver of wealth or of the fruits of acts, identified with Daksha and other Lords of the Creation, who is the Aswattha and other big trees, who is the four-headed Brahman, who is the Lord of all created Beings, who is the Lord of Speech who is the Lord of the universe or Indra, who is the all-pervading Soul, who is the Sun, who is the breath called Prana, who is the Lord of the waters viz, Varuna, who is identifiable with the Emperor or the King, who is identifiable with the Regents of the several points of the compass, who is the refuge of the universe when it is dissolved in the final destruction who is Undisplayed unrevealed, who is the giver of the Vedas unto Brahman, who is identifiable with the sacrifices and Vedic studies achieved by Brahmanas with the aid of their bodies, who is identifiable with the four principal orders of the deities, who is every one of those four orders, who is possessed of effulgence, who is possessed of great effulgence, who is he unto whom the seven largest offerings in sacrifices are presented with the Gayatri and other sacred mantras, who is Yama, who is Chitragupta and the other attendants of Yama, who is called the wife of Yama, who is that order of the deities called Tushita, who is that other order called Mahatushita, who is the universal grinder Death, who is desire and all diseases that have been created for aiding the advent of Death, who is health and freedom from disease, who is subject to desire and passions, who is free from the influence of desire and passions, who is Infinite as exhibited in species and forms, who is he that is chastised, who is he that is the chastiser, who is all the lesser sacrifices like Agnihotra and others, who is all the larger sacrifices like those called Brahma, etc, |
Mbh.13.140.11496 | All the highly blessed ascetics, the Siddhas who have drawn in their vital seed, the Maruts, the Vasus, the Sadhyas, the Viswedevas, Vasava himself, the Yakshas, the Nagas, the Pisachas, the Regents of the world, the several sacred Fires, the Winds, and all the great creatures dwelt on that mountain with minds concentrated in Yoga. |
Mbh.13.150.12625 | They are said to be the Regents of the several points of the compass. |
Mbh.13.151.12754 | Enraged, they can create other worlds and other Regents of the worlds than those that exist. |
Mbh.13.158.13203 | He is the three Regents of all the worlds. |
Mbh.13.159.13263 | The denizens of all the worlds, and the Regents of the universe, are all worshippers of Brahmanas. |
Mbh.13.159.13269 | They are capable of creating other worlds and other Regents of worlds than those that exist. |
Mbh.13.160.13401 | Verily, all of them along with the very Regents of the world, found their intellects stupefied in the matter of that child who was none else than the Supreme Being. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |