Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Feb 2010 17:23 and updated at 28 Feb 2010 17:23
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.12.168.10133 | He was also known extensively on earth by the name of Rajadharman. |
Mbh.12.168.10139 | Rajadharman said, Welcome, O Brahmana! |
Mbh.12.169.10146 | Feeling at the same time a great curiosity, he eyed Rajadharman without being able to withdraw his gaze from him' |
Mbh.12.169.10147 | Rajadharman said, O Brahmana, I am the son of Kasyapa by one of the daughters of the sage Daksha. |
Mbh.12.170.10205 | He is, again a friend of the high-souled Rajadharman. |
Mbh.12.170.10240 | While Gautama was resting there, that best of birds viz, Rajadharman, O king, came there. |
Mbh.12.171.10258 | The next day, the Rakshasa king, Virupaksha, addressing his son, said, Alas, O son, I do not behold Rajadharman, that best of birds, today. |
Mbh.12.171.10266 | I greatly fear, that worst of Brahmanas has slain Rajadharman. |
Mbh.12.171.10271 | O son, proceeding hence with great speed to the abode of Rajadharman, ascertain whether that pure-souled bird is still alive. |
Mbh.12.171.10274 | Arrived at the foot of that banian, he saw the remains of Rajadharman. |
Mbh.12.171.10276 | The Rakshasas had not to go far when they succeeded in catching the Brahmana and discovering the body of Rajadharman destitute of wings, bones, and feet. |
Mbh.12.171.10277 | Taking the captive with them, the Rakshasas returned with great speed to Meruvraja, and showed the king the mutilated body of Rajadharman, and that ungrateful and singing wretch, viz, Gautama. |
Mbh.12.172.10299 | From her mouth, O sinless monarch, froth mixed with milk fell upon the funeral pyre of Rajadharman. |
Mbh.12.172.10304 | The chief of the deities further recited to Virupaksha the old story of the curse denounced by the Grandsire upon that best of birds named Rajadharman. |
Mbh.12.172.10308 | After Indra had become silent, Rajadharman, having bowed unto the chief of the celestials, said O first of gods, if thy heart be inclined towards me for grace, then let my dear friend Gautama be restored to life' |
Mbh.12.172.10311 | Rajadharman, that prince of cranes, dismissing Gautama of sinful deeds, together with his wealth, returned to his own abode. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |