Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 14:28 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 14:28
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.63.3180 | And amongst those hundred and one, eleven, viz, Duhsasana, Duhsaha, Durmarshana, Vikarna, Chitrasena, Vivinsati, Jaya, Satyavrata, Purumitra, and Yuyutsu by a Vaisya wife, were all Maharathas great car-warriors. |
Mbh.2.57.2339 | Vidura said, O monarch, Sakuni, the king of Gandhara, an adept at dice, having great skill of hand and desperate in stakes, Vivingati, king Chitrasena, Satyavrata, Purumitra and Jaya, these, O king, are there' |
Mbh.5.55.3110 | Those, however, amongst us, that are our chief warriors, are Bhishma, Drona, Kripa, Drona's son, Karna, Somadatta, Vahlika, and Salya, the king of Pragjyotisha, the two kings Vindha and Anuvinda of Avanti, and Jayadratha; and then, O king, thy sons Dussasana, Durmukha, Dussaha, Srutayu; Chitrasena, Purumitra, Vivingsati, Sala, Bhurisravas, and Vikarna. |
Mbh.5.58.3214 | I myself do not desire war, nor Vahlika, nor Bhishma, nor Drona, nor Aswatthaman, nor Sanjaya, nor Somadatta, nor Salya, nor Kripa, nor Satyavrata, nor Purumitra, nor Bhurisravas, in fact, none of these desireth war. |
Mbh.5.58.3218 | Duryodhana said, I challenge the Pandavas to battle, without depending upon thyself, Drona, or Aswatthaman, or Sanjaya, or Vikarna, or Kamvoja, or Kripa, or Vahlika, or Satyavrata, or Purumitra, or Bhurisravas, or others of thy party. |
Mbh.5.66.3430 | O Sanjaya, our grandsire, the son of Santanu, and Dhritarashtra, and Drona, and Kripa, and Karna, and king Vahlika, and Drona's son, and Somadatta, and Sakuni the son of Suvala; and Dussasana, and Sala, and Purumitra, and Vivingsati; Vikarna, and Chitrasena, and king Jayatsena, and Vinda and Anuvinda, the two chiefs of Avanti, and Bhurisravas, and king Bhagadatta, and king Jarasandha and other rulers of the earth, assembled there to fight for the good of the Kauravas, are all on the eve of death. |
Mbh.5.161.7260 | As regards my army, it is a veritable main with Saradwat's son as its large fish, Vivingsati as its huge snake, Bhishma as its current of immeasurable might, Drona as its unconquerable alligator, Karna and Salwa and Salya its fishes and whirlpools, the ruler of the Kamvojas its equine head emitting fire, Vrihadvala its fierce waves, Somadatta's son its whale, Yuyutsu and Durmarshana its waters, Bhagadatta its gale, Srutayus and Hridika's son its gulfs and bays, Dussasana its current, Sushena and Chitrayuda its water-elephants hippopotamus and crocodile, Jayadratha its submarine rock, Purumitra its depth, and Sakuni its shores! |
Mbh.5.162.7323 | As regards my army, it is a veritable ocean with Saradwat's son as its large fish; Vivingsati, its smaller fish; Vrihadvala its waves; Somadatta's son its whale; Bhishma its mighty force; Drona its unconquerable alligator; Karna and Salya, its fishes and whirlpools; Kamvoja its equine head vomiting fire, Jayadratha its submarine rock, Purumitra its depth, Durmarshana its waters, and Sakuni its shores! |
Mbh.6.17.861 | And Srutayudha and Chitrasena and Purumitra and Vivinsati, and Salya and Bhurisravas, and that mighty car-warrior Vikarna, these seven mighty bowmen on their carts and cased in excellent mail, followed Drona's son behind but in advance of Bhishma. |
Mbh.6.18.890 | And amongst them were Satyavrata, and Purumitra, and Jaya, and Bhurisravas, and Sala. |
Mbh.6.44.2175 | Thereupon the brothers, viz, thy sons Duryodhana, and Durmukha and Dussaha, and that mighty car-warrior Dussasana, and Durmarshana, O king, and Vivingsati, and Chitrasena, and the great car-warrior Vikarna and also Purumitra, and Jaya, and Bhoja, and the valorous son of Somadatta, shaking their splendid bows like masses of clouds exhibiting the lightning's flashes, and taking out of their quivers long arrows resembling snakes that have just cast off their sloughs, surrounded that mighty bowman rushing towards them covering him with flights of arrows like the clouds shrouding the sun. |
Mbh.6.57.3025 | Then Bhishma and Drona, and Jayadratha, the ruler of the Sindhus and Purumitra, and Vikarna, and Sakuni the son of Suvala-these warriors invincible in battle and possessed of leonine prowess-staying in battle broke the ranks of the Pandavas. |
Mbh.6.62.3349 | And Duryodhana, and Vikarna, and Dussasana, and Vivinsati and Durmarshana, and Dussala, and Chitrasena, and Durmukha, and Satyabrata, blessed be thou, and Purumitra, O Bharata, these, protecting the car of the ruler of the Madras, stationed themselves there. |
Mbh.6.62.3360 | And Abhimanyu, O Bharata, pierced Satyavrata and Purumitra each with ten shafts. |
Mbh.6.73.3901 | That tiger among men and slayer of hostile heroes, viz, the son of Subhadra, pierced Chitrasena with many sharp shafts and Purumitra also with seven shafts. |
Mbh.6.73.3903 | Chitrasena then pierced him in return with ten shafts, and Satyavrata with nine, and Purumitra with seven. |
Mbh.7.72.3156 | Myself, Vikartana's son, Karna, Chitrasena, Vivinsati, Bhurisravas, Sala, Salya, the invincible Vrishasena, Purumitra, Jaya, Bhoja, Sudakshina the ruler of the Kamvojas, Satyavrata, the mighty-armed, Vikarna, Durmukha, Dussasana, Subahu, the ruler of the Kalingas, with his weapons upraised, Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti, Drona, Drona's son, and Suvala's son Sakuni, these and numerous other kings will, with their forces, face the battle surrounding thee on all sides! |
Mbh.7.83.3677 | The ruler of the Sindhus did not, nor Bhishma; nor Salya; nor Bhurisravas; nor Purumitra; nor Jaya; nor Aswatthaman; nor Kripa; nor Drona, O Sanjaya! |
Mbh.7.153.8146 | Karna also, and Vrishasena and Kripa, and Nila, and the Northerners, and Kritavarman, and the sons of Purumitra, and Duhsasana, and Nikumbha, and Kundabhedin, and Puranjaya and Dridharatha, and Hemakampana, and Salya, and Aruni, and Indrasena, and Sanjaya, and Vijaya, and Jaya, and Purakrathin, and Jayavarman, and Sudarsana, these will follow thee, with sixty thousand foot-soldiers. |
Mbh.8.7.211 | Thy son also, that foremost of heroes in Kuru's race, Purumitra, O king, riding on his car possessed of the effulgence of fire or the Sun, stayeth on the field, like the Sun himself shining brilliantly in the cloudless firmament. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |