Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 13:25 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 13:25
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.25 | From this egg came out the lord Pitamaha Brahma, the one only Prajapati; with Suraguru and Sthanu. |
Mbh.1.13.1228 | The father of Astika was powerful like Prajapati. |
Mbh.1.16.1297 | O Brahmana, in the golden age, Prajapati had two daughters. |
Mbh.1.16.1300 | Kasyapa derived great pleasure from his two wedded wives and being gratified he, resembling Prajapati himself, offered to give each of them a boon. |
Mbh.1.31.1818 | And the Prajapati Kasyapa, hearing everything from Indra, went to the Valakhilyas and asked them if their sacrifice had been successful. |
Mbh.1.31.1820 | And the Prajapati Kasyapa pacifying them, spake unto them as follows, By the word of Brahman, this one Indra hath been made the Lord of the three worlds. |
Mbh.1.31.1826 | And the Valakhilyas, thus addressed by Kasyapa, after offering reverence to that first of the Munis, viz, the Prajapati Kasyapa, spake unto him: The Valakhilyas said, O Prajapati, this sacrifice of us all is for an Indra! |
Mbh.1.31.1838 | And the Prajapati, gratified with all that took place, then addressed Indra of a hundred sacrifices, saying, Thou shalt have two brothers of great energy and prowess, who shall be to thee even as the helpmates. |
Mbh.1.49.2507 | Like unto Prajapati Brahma he was equally disposed towards all creatures. |
Mbh.1.55.2725 | SECTION LV Astika Parva continued Astika said, Soma and Varuna and Prajapati performed sacrifices of old in Prayaga. |
Mbh.1.64.3241 | O king, the Lord of the Earth, the Creator of all creatures, also called Isa, Sambhu, Prajapati, then spake unto her. |
Mbh.1.64.3247 | And they all having resolved to come down on earth in their respected parts, then went to Narayana, the slayer of all foes, at Vaikunth, the one who has the discus and the mace in his hands, who is clad in purple, who is of great splendour, who hath the lotus on his navel, who is the slayer of the foes of the gods, who is of eyes looking down upon his wide chest in yoga attitude, who is the lord of the Prajapati himself, the sovereign of all the gods, of mighty strength, who hath the mark of the auspicious whirl on his breast, who is the mover of every one's faculties and who is adored by all the gods. |
Mbh.1.66.3331 | And Manu had a son of the name of Prajapati. |
Mbh.1.66.3332 | And the sons of Prajapati were eight and were called Vasus whom I shall name in detail. |
Mbh.1.66.3366 | These are the thirty-three gods the eight Vasus, the eleven Rudras, the twelve Adityas, Prajapati, and Vashatkara. |
Mbh.1.76.4192 | SECTION LXXVI Sambhava Parva continued Janamejaya said, O thou of the wealth of asceticism, tell me how our ancestor Yayati, who is the tenth from Prajapati, obtained for a wife the unobtainable daughter of Sukra. |
Mbh.1.198.9814 | Then Soma and Sakra and Varuna and Kuvera, the Sadhyas, the Rudras, the Vasus, the twin Aswins, these and other celestials went unto Prajapati, the Creator of the universe. |
Mbh.2.52.2185 | And the Ocean himself brought in a sling that big conch of Varuna which the celestial artificer Viswakarman had constructed with a thousand Nishkas of gold, and which Prajapati had in a former Kalpa, presented unto India. |
Mbh.3.3.238 | Thou art called Indra, thou art Vishnu, thou art Brahma, thou art Prajapati. |
Mbh.3.12.602 | And beholding Kesava angry, Falguna began to recite the feats achieved in his former lives by that soul of all things, himself immeasurable, the eternal one, of infinite energy, the lord of Prajapati himself, the supreme ruler of the worlds, Vishnu of profound wisdom' |
Mbh.3.12.647 | Vaisampayana continued, When the illustrious Kesava had said so in the midst of that assembly of brave kings, all excited with anger, Panchali surrounded by Dhrishtadyumna and her other heroic brothers, approached him of eyes like lotus leaves seated with his cousins, and, desirous of protection, addressed in angry accents that refuge of all, saying, Asita and Devala have said that in the matter of the creation of all things, thou hast been indicated by the sages as the only Prajapati and the Creator of all the worlds! |
Mbh.3.85.4654 | It was there that the Rishis and the gods Varuna, Agni, Prajapati, Narayana also called Hari, Mahadeva and the illustrious Grandsire of great splendour, appointed the resplendent Bhrigu to officiate at a sacrifice. |
Mbh.3.85.4680 | Then, O king, should one proceed to Prayaga, whose praises have been sung by Rishis and where dwell the gods with Brahma at their head, the Directions with their presiding deities, the Lokapalas, the Siddhas, the Pitris adored by the worlds, the great Rishis-Sanatkumara and others, stainless Brahmarshis, Angiras and others, the Nagas, the Suparnas, the Siddhas, the Snakes, the Rivers, the Seas, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, and the Lord Hari with Prajapati. |
Mbh.3.162.8223 | And, O highly fortunate one, there illumining the northern regions, lieth the puissant Mahameru, auspicious and the refuge of those knowing Brahma, where is the court of Brahma, and remaining where that soul of all creatures, Prajapati, hath created all that is mobile and immobile. |
Mbh.3.163.8271 | And Arjuna, having dwelt for five years in the abode of him of a thousand eyes, and having from that lord of celestials obtained all the celestial weapons, such as those of Agni, of Varuna, of Soma, of Vayu, of Vishnu, of Indra, of Pasupati, of Brahma, of Parameshthi, of Prajapati, of Yama, of Dhata, of Savita, of Tvashta, and of Vaisravana; and having bowed down to and gone round him of a hundred sacrifices, and taken his Indra's permission, cheerfully came to the Gandhamadana |
Mbh.3.199.10144 | The man that according to the measure of his might gives well-cooked and pure food unto the Brahmanas, acquires, by that act of his, the companionship of Prajapati Brahma. |
Mbh.3.199.10147 | It hath been said that food itself is Prajapati. |
Mbh.3.199.10148 | And Prajapati is regarded as the Year. |
Mbh.3.199.10201 | If his feet are washed, it is the Pitris who are delighted; and if he is fed it is Prajapati that is pleased. |
Mbh.3.203.10429 | And the boon he had asked of the lord Prajapati was in these words, Let no one among the gods, the Danavas, the Rakshas, the Snakes, the Gandharvas and the Rakshasas be capable of slaying me. |
Mbh.3.218.11096 | The Bharata fire is the son of Prajapati Bharata Agni fire. |
Mbh.3.220.11157 | He officiated as Prajapati. |
Mbh.3.220.11164 | Angiras, too created the Prajapati Bhanu, the son of Tapa. |
Mbh.3.223.11263 | SECTION CCXXIII The lady replied, I am a daughter of Prajapati the lord of all creatures, Brahma and my name is Devasena. |
Mbh.3.223.11265 | We two sisters with our maids habitually used to come to these Manasa mountains for pleasures with the permission of Prajapati. |
Mbh.3.272.13250 | That Lord of all creatures and the Creator of the Universe viz, the Self-create Prajapati himself, that god possessed of great ascetic merit, is the grandfather of Ravana. |
Mbh.4.43.1642 | Afterwards Prajapati held it for five hundred and three years. |
Mbh.4.56.2165 | And there shone in a splendid array, each in its proper place the cars of Agni and Isa and Soma and Varuna and Prajapati and Dhatri and Vidhatri and Kuvera and Yama, and Alamvusha and Ugrasena and others, and of the Gandharva Tumburu. |
Mbh.4.61.2394 | I have obtained my firmness of grasp from Indra, and my lightness of hand from Brahman, and I have learnt various modes of fierce attack and defence amid crowds of foes from Prajapati. |
Mbh.4.63.2470 | And those illustrious warriors ranged on the field of battle, using the celestials weapons obtained from Prajapati and Indra, and Agni and the fierce Rudra, and Kuvera, and Varuna, and Yama, and Vayu. |
Mbh.5.28.1186 | Whatsoever wealth there may be in this earth, whatsoever there may be among the gods, or whatsoever there may be unattainable by them, the region of the Prajapati, or heaven or the region of Brahma himself, I would not, O Sanjaya, seek it by unrighteous means. |
Mbh.5.35.1691 | Virochana said, Sprung from Prajapati himself, we, O Kesini, are the best and at the top of all creatures, and this world is ours without doubt. |
Mbh.5.78.3825 | Thou, O hero, art the foremost of all friends of both the Pandavas and the Kurus, even as Prajapati is of both the gods and the Asuras. |
Mbh.6.12.648 | There always dwelleth the divine Prajapati himself. |
Mbh.6.12.653 | The Supreme Prajapati himself, upraising the rod of chastisement, always dwelleth there, protecting those islands. |
Mbh.6.35.1691 | Thou art Vayu, Yama, Agni, Varuna, Moon, Prajapati, and Grandsire. |
Mbh.6.123.6834 | The weapons appertaining to Agni, Varuna, Soma, Vayu, and Vishnu, as also those appertaining to Indra, Pasupati, and Paramesthi, and those of Prajapati, Dhatri, Tashtri, Savitri, and Vivaswat, all these are known to Dhananjaya alone in this world of men! |
Mbh.11.23.949 | The four Vedas, and all kinds of weapons, O Keshava, did not abandon that hero even as these do not abandon the Lord Prajapati himself. |
Mbh.12.59.3371 | The Sudra, who is without Richs and Yajuses and Samans, has Prajapati for his god |
Mbh.12.107.6097 | With him who pleases his father is pleased Prajapati himself. |
Mbh.12.121.6926 | At the top of the scale, the divine Indra is awake with the rod of chastisement; after him, Agni of blazing flames; after him, Varuna; after Varuna, Prajapati; after Prajapati, Righteousness whose essence consists of restraint after Righteousness the son of Brahman, viz, the eternal Law; after Law, Energy is awake, employed in the act of protection; after Energy, the herbs offered in sacrifices for supporting the gods and used as food and medicines; after the herbs, the mountains; after the mountains, all kinds of juices and their attributes; after these, the goddess Niriti; after Niriti, the planets and the luminous bodies in heaven; after these, the Vedas; after the Vedas, the puissant form of Vishnu with equine head; after him, the almighty and eternal Grandsire, viz, Brahman; after the Grandsire, the divine and blessed Mahadeva; after Mahadeva, the Viswedevas; after them, the great Rishis; after the Rishis the divine Soma; after Soma, the deities who are all eternal; after the deities, know that the Brahmanas are awake. |
Mbh.12.189.11350 | The male animal is like Prajapati himself. |
Mbh.12.199.12102 | The Sadhyas, the Viswas, the Mantras, diverse kinds of loud and sweet music, the Rivers, the Mountains, the Seas, the Sacred Waters, the Penances, the Ordinances about yoga, the Vedas, the Sounds that accompany the singing of the Samans, Saraswati, Narada, Parvata, Viswavasu, the Hahas, the Huhus, the Gandharva Chitrasena with all the members of his family, the Nagas, the Sadhyas, the Munis, the god of gods, viz, Prajapati, and the inconceivable and thousand-headed Vishnu himself, came there. |
Mbh.12.207.12554 | The ten Prachetasas had one son between them, viz, the Prajapati called by the name of Daksha. |
Mbh.12.207.12566 | That extensive race of the Prajapati Sasavindu became in time the progenitor of the Vrishni race. |
Mbh.12.207.12577 | These were reckoned as gods at the time of the Prajapati Manu. |
Mbh.12.223.13615 | Some have said that Brahma is Fire; some that he is Prajapati; some that he is the Seasons; some that he is the Month; some that he is the Fortnight; some that he is the Days; some that he is the Hours; some that he is the Morning; some that he is the Noon; some that he is the Evening; and some that he is the Moment. |
Mbh.12.233.14487 | Once when the clouds ceased to pour, Vasishtha, resembling Brahman himself, kept alive all creatures like Prajapati keeping them alive by his energy and kindness. |
Mbh.12.235.14584 | Like a second Prajapati endued with a nature that is perfectly imperturbable, he can from his own body create all kinds of creatures. |
Mbh.12.242.14948 | The father if reverenced can lead to the regions of Prajapati. |
Mbh.12.282.17395 | After some time had passed away, the Prajapati Daksha commenced to perform a Sacrifice according to the ancient rites laid down in the Vedas. |
Mbh.12.282.17400 | Maheswara said, O lady that art highly blessed, the excellent Prajapati Daksha is adoring the gods in a Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.12.283.17454 | SECTION CCLXXXIV Janamejaya said, How O Brahmana, was the Horse-sacrifice of the Prajapati Daksha, the son of Prachetas, destroyed during the age of Vaivaswata Manu? |
Mbh.12.284.17785 | Thou art Prajapati, and thou art adored by the Prajapatis, thou art the supporter of the universe, thou hast the universe for thy form, thou art endued with great energy, and thou hast faces turned towards all directions. |
Mbh.12.302.19029 | Endued with mighty energy, He first creates Consciousness and that Great Being called Prajapati endued with Consciousness. |
Mbh.12.311.19555 | Having dwelt for one whole year within that egg, the great ascetic Brahman, called also Prajapati Lord of all creatures, came out of it and created the whole Earth, and the Heaven above. |
Mbh.12.313.19611 | Its agreeable function is called Adhibhuta, and Prajapati is its Adhidaivata. |
Mbh.12.317.19752 | If through the posteriors, the man returns to the Earth, and if through the thighs to the region of Prajapati. |
Mbh.12.321.20479 | By walking along the high road constituted by the duties of domesticity, men acquire happy ends by attaining to the region of Prajapati or Vrihaspati or of him of a hundred sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.336.21522 | The sons of Prajapati Brahman themselves, viz, Ekata, Dwita, and Trita, became the Sadasyas in that sacrifice |
Mbh.12.339.21936 | At that time, the two Rishis viz, the two sons of Prajapati, called by the names of Ekata and Dwita, will in consequence of the injury done by them unto their brother Trita, have to take birth as apes, losing the beauty of the human form. |
Mbh.12.342.22548 | The Prajapati Daksha became the father of sixty daughters. |
Mbh.12.342.22651 | That Virincha is otherwise called the great Prajapati or Brahman. |
Mbh.12.348.23249 | From Sanatkumara, the Prajapati Virana, in the beginning of the Krita age, O tiger among Kurus, obtained this cult. |
Mbh.13.2.144 | The Prajapati Manu had a son, O king, of the name of the Ikshwaku. |
Mbh.13.7.472 | Prajapati is pleased with those acts that please one's father, and the Earth is pleased with those acts that please one's mother, and Brahma is adored with those acts that please one's preceptor. |
Mbh.13.44.4640 | If, instead of selecting a husband for herself, she acts otherwise, she incurs the reproach of Prajapati herself. |
Mbh.13.57.5666 | By drinking water alone one acquires residence in the regions of Prajapati. |
Mbh.13.61.5905 | By conducting thyself in this way thou art sure to get a large progeny, in fact as large a progeny as the Prajapati himself. |
Mbh.13.79.7150 | By giving away a cow with the flesh of her throat hanging down, and adorned with every ornament, the giver, freed from every grief, attains to those regions that belong to Prajapati himself. |
Mbh.13.81.7264 | One should, with the steadiness of a vow, daily recite these Mantras declared by Prajapati himself in respect of kine. |
Mbh.13.84.7554 | I represent the speech of Prajapati himself. |
Mbh.13.85.7765 | Even He is Brahman and Siva and Rudra and Varuna and Agni and Prajapati. |
Mbh.13.85.7831 | Engaged in procreating creatures for peopling the earth, Bhrigu who is regarded as a Prajapati thence came to be called as Varuna's offspring. |
Mbh.13.85.7834 | Verily, these three, viz, Bhrigu and Angiras and Kavi, regarded as Prajapati, are the progenitors of many races and tribes. |
Mbh.13.85.7884 | He is Prajapati |
Mbh.13.97.8745 | He should offer separate and distinct oblations unto Prajapati. |
Mbh.13.97.8746 | He should make sacrificial offerings in due order; to Yama in the Southern region, to Varuna in Western region, to Soma in the Northern region, to Prajapati within the homestead, to Dhanwantari in the North-eastern region, and to Indra in the Eastern region. |
Mbh.13.107.9736 | Such a man acquires hereafter a car of the complexion of heated gold, and attains to a residence, for millions of years, in the region of Prajapati, in the company of celestial damsels, that ever echoes with the sound of music and dance, and blazes with the effulgence of fire. |
Mbh.13.147.12297 | Verily, endued with high intelligence, He will take birth in the auspicious and righteous race of that Prajapati. |
Mbh.13.147.12303 | Prachetas will have a son named Daksha who will be regarded as a Prajapati. |
Mbh.13.150.12633 | One should also take the name of that celebrated king who was Emperor of all the earth and equal to a Prajapati, viz, that foremost of monarchs, Prithu, the son of Vena. |
Mbh.13.158.13209 | The Rudras, the Adityas, the Vasus, the Aswins, the Sadhyas, the Viswedevas, the diverse Maruts, Prajapati himself, the mother of the deities, viz, Aditi, and the seven Rishis, have all sprung from Krishna. |
Mbh.14.5.125 | Vyasa thereupon said, As the numerous offspring of the Prajapati Daksha, the Asuras and the Celestials challenged each other to encounter, so in the same way Angira's sons, the exceedingly energetic Vrihaspati and the ascetic, Samvarta, of equal vows, challenged each other, O king. |
Mbh.14.9.251 | And, O lord of men, if Vrihaspati act as thy priest, thou shalt be able to conquer all the regions inhabited by men, and the heavenly regions, and all the highest regions created by Prajapati and even the entire kingdom of the gods |
Mbh.14.9.256 | And he also observed that he did not desire to attain the worldly and the heavenly regions and all the highest regions of Prajapati, and that if he were so minded, he would accept the terms of Indra |
Mbh.14.18.626 | Seen first to appear in an embodied form Prajapati then created all the primal elements and all immobile creatures. |
Mbh.14.21.768 | The points of the compass, Quarters, Wind, Sun, Moon, Earth, Fire, Vishnu, Indra, Prajapati, and Mitra, these, O beautiful one, are the ten sacrificial fires. |
Mbh.14.21.804 | But, O blessed one, sinking into Apana, though urged upwards, in consequence of becoming dissociated from Prana, she ran to Prajapati and said, Be gratified with me, O holy one, |
Mbh.14.35.1411 | Prajapati is truth. |
Mbh.14.35.1425 | Light, ether or space, sun, wind, Indra, and Prajapati, one sees these as long as one does not attain to Adhyatma. |
Mbh.14.41.1598 | It is Prajapati. |
Mbh.14.42.1658 | As connected with objects, it is the vital seed; and the presiding deity is Prajapati. |
Mbh.14.42.1713 | Verily he is Vishnu, and Mitra, and Varuna, and Agni, and Prajapati. |
Mbh.14.43.1734 | Prajapati is the lord of all creatures. |
Mbh.14.44.1816 | Prajapati is the first of all the deities. |
Mbh.14.51.2200 | The puissant Prajapati created all this by the mind only. |
Mbh.14.51.2208 | Those who without idleness perform acts with expectations, being full of egoism, approach the presence of Prajapati. |
Mbh.14.71.3153 | Thou art Prajapati. |
Mbh.14.73.3210 | Having a black deer skin for his upper garment, bearing a staff in hand, and wearing a cloth of red silk, the son of Dharma, possessed of great splendour, shone like a second Prajapati seated on the sacrificial altar. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |