Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 13:17 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 13:17
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.67.3579 | And, O monarch, know that Pradyumna of great energy was Sanatkumara. |
Mbh.1.187.9422 | Vrihanta, Manimana, Dandadhara, Sahadeva, Jayatsena, Meghasandhi, Virata with his two sons Sankha and Uttara, Vardhakshemi, Susarma, Senavindu, Suketu with his two sons Sunama and Suvarcha, Suchitra, Sukumara, Vrika, Satyadhriti, Suryadhwaja, Rochamana, Nila, Chitrayudha, Agsuman, Chekitana, the mighty Sreniman, Chandrasena the mighty son of Samudrasena, Jarasandha, Vidanda, and Danda, the father and son, Paundraka, Vasudeva, Bhagadatta endued with great energy, Kalinga, Tamralipta, the king of Pattana, the mighty car-warrior Salya, the king of Madra, with his son, the heroic Rukmangada, Rukmaratha, Somadatta of the Kuru race with his three sons, all mighty chariot-fighters and heroes, viz, Bhuri, Bhurisrava, and Sala, Sudakshina, Kamvoja of the Puru race, Vrihadvala, Sushena, Sivi, the son of Usinara, Patcharanihanta, the king of Karusha, Sankarshana Valadeva, Vasudeva Krishna the mighty son of Rukmini, Samva, Charudeshna, the son of Pradyumna with Gada, Akrura, Satyaki, the high-souled Uddhava, Kritavarman, the son of Hridika, Prithu, Viprithu, Viduratha, Kanka, Sanku with Gaveshana, Asavaha, Aniruddha, Samika, Sarimejaya, the heroic Vatapi Jhilli Pindaraka, the powerful Usinara, all these of the Vrishni race, Bhagiratha, Vrihatkshatra, Jayadratha the son of Sindhu, Vrihadratha, Valhika, the mighty charioteer Srutayu, Uluka, Kaitava, Chitrangada and Suvangada, the highly intelligent Vatsaraja, the king of Kosala, Sisupala and the powerful Jarasandha, these and many other great kings, all Kshatriyas celebrated throughout the world, have come, O blessed one, for thee. |
Mbh.1.222.10818 | And there also came Satyaka and Salyaka and Kritavarman and Satwata; and Pradyumna and Samva and Nisatha and Sanku; and Charudeshna, and Jhilli of great prowess, and Viprithu also and Sarana of mighty arms and Gada, the foremost of learned men. |
Mbh.2.2.65 | Embracing Pradyumna, Shamva, Nishatha, Charudeshna, Gada, Aniruddha and Bhanu, and obtaining the leave of all the elderly men, Janardana entered the apartments of Rukmini |
Mbh.2.4.122 | And O king, the princes also of the Vrishni race, viz, Pradyumna the son of Rukmini and Samva, and Yuyudhana the son of Satyaki and Sudharman and Aniruddha and Saivya that foremost of men who had learnt the science of arms under Arjuna these and many other kings, O lord of the Earth, used to wait on Yudhishthira on that occasion. |
Mbh.2.33.1422 | And Rama and Aniruddha and Kanaka and Sarana; and Gada, Pradyumna, Shamva, and Charudeshna of great energy; and Ulmuka and Nishatha and the brave Angavaha; and innumerable other Vrishnis, all mighty car-warriors, came there. |
Mbh.3.12.676 | Even as thy son Pradyumna, they are, O Krishna, mighty warriors all! |
Mbh.3.16.825 | And, O king, Charudeshna, Samva, and the mighty warrior Pradyumna, O descendant of the Kuru race, sailed out, ascending on their chariots, and clad in mail, and decked with ornaments, with colours flying, resolved to encounter the mighty and countless host of Salwa! |
Mbh.3.16.845 | But, O thou of the Kuru race, Pradyumna sailed out, and, O great king, bidding the Anarttas be of good cheer, said, Waver ye not, and staying behold me fight I Even I shall, by force, repell that car with Salwa on it! |
Mbh.3.16.851 | O son of Pandu, upon Pradyumna speaking thus with cheerful heart, the Yadava host, O hero, remained on the field, and began to fight cheerfully |
Mbh.3.17.852 | SECTION XVII Vasudeva continued, O bull of the Bharata race, having spoken thus unto the Yadavas, the son of Rukmini Pradyumna ascended his golden car. |
Mbh.3.17.860 | And, O king, Pradyumna, the mower of foes rushed with speed against Salwa himself so desirous of an encounter! |
Mbh.3.17.861 | And, O perpetuator of the Kuru race, braved by the heroic Pradyumna in that mighty battle, the angry Salwa could ill bear the challenge! |
Mbh.3.17.862 | And that conqueror of hostile cities, Salwa, maddened by anger, descended from his beautiful car of unchecked speed, resolved to encounter Pradyumna. |
Mbh.3.17.864 | And, O hero, mounting on his beautiful car decked with gold and furnished with flags and flag-staffs and quivers, the illustrious and mighty Salwa began to discharge his arrows at Pradyumna! |
Mbh.3.17.865 | Pradyumna also by the energy of his arms, overwhelmed Salwa in the combat by a thick shower of arrows. |
Mbh.3.17.866 | The king of Saubha, however, thus attacked in battle by Pradyumna, endured him not, but discharged at my son arrows that were like blazing fire. |
Mbh.3.17.867 | But the mighty Pradyumna parried off that arrowy shower. |
Mbh.3.17.875 | And O son of the Kuru race, regaining his senses, the mighty Salwa rose and all of a sudden discharged his arrows on Pradyumna. |
Mbh.3.17.876 | Then the heroic and mighty armed Pradyumna, sorely pierced by his adversary about his throat, was enfeebled on his car. |
Mbh.3.17.879 | And pierced with numberless arrows and deprived of his senses, Pradyumna, O chief of the Kuru race, became motionless on the field of battle |
Mbh.3.18.880 | SECTION XVIII Vasudeva continued, O king, afflicted with the arrows of Salwa, when Pradyumna became senseless the Vrishnis who had come to the fight were all disheartened and filled with grief! |
Mbh.3.18.914 | They will even say This Pradyumna is a coward who cometh here, leaving the battle! |
Mbh.3.19.935 | SECTION XIX Vasudeva continued, Thus addressed, the son of Suta race replied in haste unto Pradyumna, that foremost of all endued with strength, in these sweet words, O son of Rukmini, I fear not to guide the horses on the field of battle, and I am acquainted also with the customs of the Vrishnis in war! |
Mbh.3.19.949 | And the lord of Saubha, unable to bear that manoeuvre of Pradyumna, instantly sent three shafts at the charioteer of his antagonist! |
Mbh.3.19.953 | Finding his arrows cut by Pradyumna, the lord of Saubha, having recourse to the dreadful illusion natural to Asuras began to pour a thick shower of arrows. |
Mbh.3.19.954 | But cutting into pieces those powerful Daitya weapons shot at him in mid-career by means of his Brahma weapon, Pradyumna discharged winged shafts of other kings. |
Mbh.3.19.967 | Thereupon with a glad heart, Pradyumna withdrew that best of arrows from his excellent bow and deposited it back in his quiver. |
Mbh.3.19.968 | And then, O foremost of kings, the mighty Salwa, afflicted with the arrows of Pradyumna, rose disheartened, and speedily went away. |
Mbh.3.51.2560 | I shall, O chief of the Kurus, assisted by Rama and Bhima and Arjuna and the twins and Akrura and Gada and Shamva and Pradyumna and Ahuka and the heroic Dhrishtadyumna and the son of Sisupala, slay in battle in course of a day Duryodhana and Karna and Dussasana and Suvala's son and all others who may fight against us. |
Mbh.3.51.2578 | Rama and Krishna and Dhananjaya and Pradyumna and Shamva and Yuyudhana and Bhima and the sons of Madri and the Kekaya princes and the Panchala princes, accompanied by the king of Matsya, these all, illustrious and celebrated and invincible heroes, with their followers and troops, will come. |
Mbh.3.120.6120 | How is it that when the sons of Pritha have for their patrons these two men, Rama and Krishna, and the two others, Pradyumna and Samva, together with myself, these patrons being able to protect all the three worlds, how is it that the son of Pritha is living in the wood with his brothers? |
Mbh.3.120.6134 | Kripa and Drona and Vikarna and Kama are not able to bear the keen arrows shot by Pradyumna. |
Mbh.3.232.11817 | Foregoing all excitement and carelessness in the presence of men, conceal thy inclinations by observing silence, and thou shouldst not stay or converse in private even with thy sons, Pradyumna and Samva. |
Mbh.3.233.11833 | And the mother of Pradyumna also loveth them with her whole soul. |
Mbh.3.233.11837 | And, O beautiful lady, their affection for thy sons is equal unto what they feel for Pradyumna. |
Mbh.5.1.8 | And side by side with the king of the Matsya sat Krishna and Yudhishthira, and all the sons of king Drupada, and Bhima and Arjuna, and the two sons of Madri, and Pradyumna and Samva, both valiant in battle, and Abhimanyu with Virata's sons. |
Mbh.5.3.84 | Who would approach Dhrishtadyumna, the son of Drupada, or these five sons of the Pandavas who have added lustre to Draupadi's name, rivalling their fathers in valour, equal to them in every respect and full of martial pride, or him of the powerful bow, Subhadra's son, irresistible by even the gods themselves; or Gada, or Pradyumna, or Samva, resembling Yama or the thunderbolt or fire? |
Mbh.5.48.2739 | He that would conquer Vasudeva in battle, would, with his two arms, extinguish a blazing fire, stop the Sun and the Moon, and plunder by force the Amrita of the gods, that Vasudeva, viz, who having mowed down in battle by main force all the royal warriors of the Bhoja race, had carried off on a single car Rukmini of great fame for making her his wife; and by her was afterwards born Pradyumna of high soul. |
Mbh.5.50.2868 | He, who in energy hath for his equals only four men on earth, viz, Aswatthaman and Dhrishtaketu and Rukmi and Pradyumna, with that Sahadeva, youngest in years, that hero among men, that gladdener of Madri's heart, with him, O King, will you have a destructive battle. |
Mbh.5.90.4252 | O slayer of Madhu, having thee and that foremost of all mighty persons, Rama, and that mighty car-warrior Pradyumna for me and my children's protectors and having, O foremost of men, my sons the invincible Bhima and the unretreating Vijaya both alive, that I had still such grief to bear is certainly strange' |
Mbh.5.131.5829 | And behind him stood Bhima, and Yudhishthira, and the two sons of Madri, and before him were all the Andhakas and the Vrishnis with Pradyumna and other chiefs bearing mighty weapons upraised. |
Mbh.5.158.6995 | And beholding that a very destructive battle was about to take place, there came, O king, into the Pandava encampment, Halayudha, accompanied by Akrura, and Gada and Samva, and Uddhava, and Rukmini's son Pradyumna, and Ahuka's sons, and Charudeshna, and others. |
Mbh.6.65.3615 | Having created the divine Sankarshana out of thy own Self by Thyself, thou didst then, O Krishna, create Thyself as Pradyumna born of thyself. |
Mbh.6.65.3616 | From Pradyumna thou didst then create Aniruddha who is known as the eternal Vishnu. |
Mbh.7.11.424 | Gada, and Samva, and Pradyumna, and Viduratha, and Charudeshna, and Sarana, and Ulmukha, and Nisatha, and the valiant Jhilivabhru, and Prithu, and Viprithu, and Samika, and Arimejaya, these and other mighty Vrishni heroes, accomplished in smiting, will, standing on the field of battle, take up their position in the Pandava host, when summoned by that Vrishni hero, viz, the high-souled Kesava. |
Mbh.7.33.1730 | Thyself, or Arjuna or Krishna, or Pradyumna, can pierce that array. |
Mbh.7.70.3026 | In the counting of car-warriors always reckoned as a Maharatha, superior to me one and a half times, of tender years, of mighty arms, even dear to Pradyumna and Kesava and myself, alas, if I do not behold that son I will repair to the abode of Yama. |
Mbh.7.82.3638 | Reposing this burden on thee, or on that mighty car-warrior Pradyumna, I can, O bull among men, without anxiety slay the ruler of the Sindhus. |
Mbh.7.107.5031 | Even if Kesava and Rama, and Aniruddha, and the mighty car-warrior Pradyumna, and Gada, and Sarana, and Samva, with all the Vrishnis, case themselves in mail for assisting us, O king, in the field of battle, I shall yet appoint that tiger among men viz, Satyaki of unbaffled prowess, for our aid, since there is none equal to him' |
Mbh.7.107.5081 | They are mighty-armed Pradyumna and thyself, O Satwata, that are so famous. |
Mbh.7.108.5110 | Making over the monarch to thee, O mighty-armed one, or to that great car-warrior Pradyumna, I can go with an easy heart towards Jayadratha. |
Mbh.7.108.5123 | O mighty-armed one, I myself daily see, O lord, that there is none, save Rukmini's son Pradyumna, who can be a match for Drona in battle. |
Mbh.7.153.7998 | Two persons, indeed, among the Vrishnis are reputed to be the foremost of great car-warriors, viz, Pradyumna of mighty energy and thou also, O Satyaki! |
Mbh.7.189.10461 | None else have arrows of that kind, except Kripa, and Partha, and Aswatthaman and Karna, Pradyumna and Yuyudhana; Abhimanyu also had such arrows. |
Mbh.10.12.862 | That son whom I obtained through ascetic penances and observances of austere brahmacarya for twelve years on the breast of Himavati whither I had gone for the purpose, that son of mine, Pradyumna, of great energy and a portion of Sanat-kumara himself, begotten by me upon my wife Rukmini who had practised vows as austere as mine, that hero even never solicited this best of objects, this unrivalled discus, which thou of little understanding had solicited! |
Mbh.12.80.4506 | Might resides in Sankarshana; mildness in Gada; and as regards Pradyumna, he surpasses even myself in beauty of person. |
Mbh.12.339.21852 | He that takes his rise, from that Sankarshana, by his own acts, Sanatkumara, and in whom all creatures merge when the universal dissolution comes, is the Mind of all creatures and is called by the name of Pradyumna. |
Mbh.12.339.21853 | From Him ie, Pradyumna, arises He who is the Creator, and who is both Cause and Effect. |
Mbh.12.339.21858 | From Sankarshana arises Pradyumna who is called He that is born as Mind' |
Mbh.12.339.21859 | From Pradyumna is He who is Aniruddha. |
Mbh.12.339.21917 | Sankarshana creates Pradyumna. |
Mbh.12.339.21918 | From Pradyumna I take birth myself as Aniruddha. |
Mbh.12.344.22855 | Losing all physical attributes and being altogether and transformed into Mind alone, they then enter into Pradyumna. |
Mbh.12.344.22856 | Passing out of Pradyumna, those foremost of regenerate persons, including both those that are conversant with Sankhya philosophy and those that are devoted to the Supreme deity, then enter Sankarsana who is otherwise called Jiva. |
Mbh.12.348.23188 | These, without going through the three successive stages of Aniruddha, Pradyumna, and Sankarshana, at once attain to the immutable Hari. |
Mbh.12.348.23274 | Some adore Him as endued with two forms, viz, that of Aniruddha and Pradyumna. |
Mbh.12.348.23275 | Some adore Him as having three forms, viz, Aniruddha, Pradyumna, and Sankarshana. |
Mbh.12.348.23276 | A fourth class adore him as consisting of four forms, viz, Aniruddha, Pradyumna, Sankarshana, and Vasudeva. |
Mbh.12.351.23525 | The person who realises that inconceivable Purusha and comprehends his subtile existence in the quadruple form of Aniruddha, Pradyumna, Sankarshana, and Vasudeva, and who, in consequence of such comprehension, attains to perfect tranquillity of heart, succeeds in entering into and identifying himself with that one auspicious Purusha. |
Mbh.12.351.23556 | Divided into four portions viz, Aniruddha, Pradyumna, Sankarshana, and Vasudeva, He sports as He pleases. |
Mbh.13.11.706 | Once on a time, beholding the goddess of prosperity blazing with beauty and endued with the complexion of the lotus, the princess Rukmini the mother of Pradyumna that bore the device of the Makara on his banner, filled with curiosity, asked this question in the presence of Devaki's son. |
Mbh.13.14.895 | After twelve years had expired from the time when Pradyumna, the son of Rukmini, who is endued with great intelligence, slew the Asura Samvara in days of yore, my spouse Jamvavati addressed me. |
Mbh.13.14.896 | Indeed, beholding Pradyumna and Charudeshna and other sons born of Rukmini, Jamvavati, desirous of a son, said these words unto me, O Yudhishthira, Grant me, O thou of unfading glory, a son endued with heroism, the foremost of mighty men, possessed of the most agreeable features, sinless in conduct, and like unto thyself. |
Mbh.13.14.899 | Observing a vow for twelve years and purifying thyself, thou hadst adored the Lord of all creatures viz, Mahadeva and then begot upon Rukmini the sons that she has obtained from thee, viz, Charudeshna and Sucharu and Charuvesa and Yasodhana and Charusravas and Charuyasas and Pradyumna and Sambhu. |
Mbh.13.149.12528 | He that is four-souled in consequence of His four forms of Aniruddha, Pradyumna, Sankarshana and Vasudeva. |
Mbh.13.158.13227 | Next, He transforms Himself into Pradyumna and then into Aniruddha. |
Mbh.13.159.13252 | Once on a time while I was seated at Dwaravati, O delighter of the Kurus, my son Pradyumna, enraged by certain Brahmanas, came to me and said, O slayer of Madhu, what merit attaches to the worship of the Brahmanas? |
Mbh.13.159.13256 | When these words were addressed to me by Pradyumna, I answered him as follows, Do thou hear, O king, with close attention, what those words were, O child of Rukmin, listen to me as I tell thee what the prosperity is that one may win by worshipping the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.14.86.3832 | He was accompanied by Yuyudhana and Pradyumna and Gada, and Nisatha and Samvo and Kritavarman. |
Mbh.14.88.3910 | The king of Manipura then humbly approached Krishna, that hero armed with the discus and the mace, like a second Pradyumna approaching his sire. |
Mbh.14.89.3999 | The illustrious son of Pandu, that chastiser of foes, then duly worshipped the high-souled Govinda and Valadeva of great might, and the thousands of other Vrishni heroes having Pradyumna for their first. |
Mbh.16.3.103 | When Yuyudhana had said these words, Pradyumna, that foremost of car-warriors, applauded them, expressing his disregard for the son of Hridika. |
Mbh.16.3.135 | Beholding that Samva was slain, as also Charudeshna and Pradyumna and Aniruddha, Madhava became filled with rage. |
Mbh.18.5.243 | Pradyumna entered Sanatkumara whence he had issued. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |