Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 12:55 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 12:55
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.32.1872 | And the son of Vinata mangled them with his wings, talons, and beak, like Siva himself, that chastiser of enemies, and the holder of Pinaka in rage at the end of the Yuga. |
Mbh.1.216.10596 | By his severe asceticism, O Partha, he gratified that god of gods, Mahadeva, the husband of Uma, that supreme Lord holding the mighty bow called Pinaka. |
Mbh.2.45.1860 | In thy dream, O king of kings thou wilt behold towards the end of this might the blue throated Bhava, the slayer of Tripura, ever absorbed in meditation, having the bull for his mark, drinking off the human skull, and fierce and terrible, that lord of all creatures, that god of gods, the husband of Uma, otherwise called Hara and Sarva, and Vrisha, armed with the trident and the bow called Pinaka, and attired in tiger skin. |
Mbh.3.38.2014 | Then all the great Rishis went together unto the god of the Pinaka for representing unto him about the fierce asceticism of Pritha's son. |
Mbh.3.39.2026 | SECTION XXXIX Vaisampayana said, After all those illustrious ascetics had gone away, that wielder of the Pinaka and cleanser of all sins, the illustrious Hara, assuming the form of a Kirata resplendent as a golden tree, and with a huge and stalwart form like a second Meru, and taking up a hand some bow and a number of arrows resembling snakes of virulent poison, and looking like an embodiment of fire, came quickly down on the breast of Himavat. |
Mbh.3.39.2067 | But the wielder of the Pinaka, having borne that shower of arrows for a moment, stood unwounded, immovable like a hill. |
Mbh.3.39.2074 | Except the god who wieldeth the Pinaka, there is none rise that can bear the impetuosity of the thousands of arrows shot by me from the Gandiva. |
Mbh.3.39.2126 | O Sarva, O thou that rainest objects of desire, O bearer of the trident, O wielder of the Pinaka, O Surya, O thou of pure body, O Creator of all, I bow to thee. |
Mbh.3.41.2174 | SECTION XLI Vaisampayana said, The wielder of the Pinaka, having the bull for his sign, thus disappeared in the very sight of the gazing son of Pandu, like the sun setting in the sight of the world. |
Mbh.3.41.2176 | Fortunate, indeed I am, and much favoured, for I have both beheld and touched with my hand the three-eyed Hara the wielder of the Pinaka, in his boon-giving form. |
Mbh.3.95.5031 | It is from that lake that all the rivers take their rise and there in that tirtha, Mahadeva the wielder of the Pinaka, is present for aye. |
Mbh.3.106.5440 | And being engaged in the practice of rigid austerities, and also employed in the contemplation known by the name of Yoga, he obtained the sight of the magnanimous god with three eyes, the slayer of the demon called Tripura; the worker of blessings for all beings; the eternally existent one; the ruling Being, the holder of the Pinaka bow; carrying in his hand his well-known weapon, the trident; the god of three eyes; the repository of eternal peace; the ruler of all those that are fierce; capable of assuming very many forms; and the lord of the goddess Uma. |
Mbh.3.130.6637 | In Yonder lake also people desirous of securing welfare to the family, propitiate with sacrifices the holder of the great bow Pinaka, in the month of Chaitra. |
Mbh.3.166.8308 | And how hast thou beheld the divine Sakra, and the wielder of Pinaka? |
Mbh.3.166.8362 | Then appeared before me with Uma that manifest divine one, having the bull for his mark, wielding the Pinaka, bearing serpents and cable of assuming many forms. |
Mbh.3.230.11619 | These handsome-looking ladies proceeded scattering flowers all around; and the clouds marched, having made their obeisance to that god Mahadeva armed with the Pinaka bow. |
Mbh.3.230.11626 | He who is also called Siva, the omnipotent god, armed with the Pinaka bow, is Maheswara. |
Mbh.4.22.1013 | And that foremost of mighty persons, squeezing his own hands, and biting his lips in rage, again attacked his adversary and thrust his arms and legs and neck and head into his body like the wielder of the Pinaka reducing into shapeless mass the deer, which form sacrifice had assumed in order to escape his ire. |
Mbh.4.45.1760 | Trained in arms by the preceptor Drona, by Sakra, and Vaisravana, and Yama, and Varuna, and Agni, and Kripa, and Krishna of Madhu's race, and by the wielder of the Pinaka Siva, why shall I not fight with these? |
Mbh.4.61.2370 | And seeing thy fierce form in battle, like that of the wielder of the Pinaka while inflamed with wrath, and looking also at the terrible arrows shot by thee, I am filled with fear. |
Mbh.5.172.7744 | Afflicting all foes in battle, he will singly sweep the field, like Pinaka, bearing God himself in rage on the occasion of the universal dissolution. |
Mbh.6.6.352 | While leaping from the mountains, Ganga, incapable of being supported by even the mountains, was held for a hundred thousand years by the bearer of Pinaka on his head |
Mbh.6.62.3387 | And Vrikodara, whirling that mace of his which was wet with the blood of elephants, became terrible and awful to behold, like the wielder of Pinaka armed with Pinaka |
Mbh.6.62.3393 | And that gory mace of his, smeared with marrow and hair, resembled also the angry Rudra's Pinaka while he is engaged in destroying all creatures. |
Mbh.6.63.3411 | And the terrible and slaughtering mace of Bhimasena, resembling the fierce bludgeon of Death and endued with the effulgence of Indra's bolt, looked like Pinaka of the angry Rudra while destroying living creatures. |
Mbh.7.78.3464 | And the place was perfumed with fragrant odours, and Rishis that worshipped Brahma adored with excellent hymns of unfading glory, that God who was the protector of all creatures, and wielded the great bow called Pinaka. |
Mbh.7.78.3483 | Let salutation be to the wielder of Pinaka, to one worthy of the offer of libations of clarified butter, to him who is truth, to him who is all-pervading. |
Mbh.7.91.4186 | There stayeth that origin of ascetic penances, that destroyer of Daksha's sacrifice, that wielder of Pinaka, that lord of all creatures, that slayer of the Asura called Bhaganetra' |
Mbh.7.142.7280 | Meanwhile, Arjuna continued to slay the foe with his Gandiva, like Mahadeva slaying the Asuras with his Pinaka equipped with tawny string |
Mbh.7.198.11286 | When by those austerities, O sire, he became: like Brahma he then beheld the Master, Origin, and Guardian of the Universe, the Lord of all the gods, the Supreme Deity, who is exceedingly difficult of being gazed at, who is minuter than the minutest and larger than, the largest, who is called Rudra who is the lord of all the superior ones, who is called Hara and Sambhu, who has matted locks on his head, who is the infuser of life into every form, who is the First cause of all immobile: and mobile things, who is irresistible and of frightful aspect, who is of fierce wrath and great Soul, who is the All-destroyer, and of large heart; who beareth the celestial bow and a couple of quivers, who is cased in golden armour, and whose energy is infinite, who holdeth Pinaka, who is; armed with thunderbolt, a blazing trident, battle axe, mace, and a large sword; whose eye-brows are fair, whose locks are matted, who wieldeth the heavy short club, who hath the moon on his forehead, who is clad in tiger-skin, and who is armed with the bludgeon; who is decked with beautiful angadas, who hath snakes for his sacred thread, and who is surrounded by diverse creatures of the universe and by numerous ghosts and spirits, who is the One, who is the abode of ascetic austerities, and who is highly adored by persons of venerable age; who is Water, Heaven, Sky, Earth, Sun, Moon, Wind and Fire, and who is the measure of the duration of the universe. |
Mbh.7.198.11308 | Vyasa continued, The blue-throated God, of inconceivable soul, that wielder of Pinaka, that divine Lord ever praised by the Rishis, then gave boons unto Vasudeva who deserved them all. |
Mbh.7.199.11376 | O son of Kunti, seek the protection of that boon-giving Lord of the universe, the lord of Uma, that God of three eyes, that destroyer of Daksha's sacrifice; that guardian of all created things, that being who is always cheerful, that protector of all beings, that God of unfading glory; that one with matted locks; that mover of all superior beings, that one whose navel is like that of a bull and who hath the bull for his symbol; that one who is proud like the bull, who is the lord of bulls; who is represented by the horns of the bull; and who is the bull of bulls; that one who hath the image of the bull on his banner; who is liberal to all righteous persons; who can be approached by Yoga only; and whose eyes are like those of a bull; who owneth very superior weapons: who hath Vishnu himself for his arrow; who is the embodiment of righteousness; and who is called Maheswara; who is of vast stomach and vast body; who hath a leopard's skin for his seat; who is the lord of the worlds; who is devoted to Brahma and who loveth Brahmanas; who is armed with trident; who is boon-giving; who wieldeth the sword and the shield, and who is highly auspicious, who wieldeth the bow called Pinaka, who is divested of the battle axe and who is the protector and lord of the universe. |
Mbh.7.199.11425 | And that God of gods, the wielder of Pinaka, made the moon and the sun the two wheels of that vehicle. |
Mbh.7.199.11534 | Even such is the deity called Mahadeva, armed with Pinaka, who, O Partha, was seen by thee engaged in slaying thy foes in advance of thy car. |
Mbh.8.34.1715 | The Deity armed with Pinaka hath been made the warrior who is to stand on it. |
Mbh.8.70.4154 | Applauding these words and saying, Let it be so, O Krishna Dhananjaya, the son of Sakra, lowering his bow, said unto Yudhishthira, that foremost of virtuous persons, Listen, O king, there is no other bowman, O ruler of men, like unto myself, except the deity that bears Pinaka; I am regarded by even that illustrious deity. |
Mbh.8.90.5651 | That diadem was incapable of being crushed by Rudra and the Lord of waters and Kuvera with Pinaka and noose and thunderbolt and the very foremost of shafts. |
Mbh.8.91.5846 | Endued with the force of the thousand-eyed Indra's thunder, irresistible as Rakshasas in the night, resembling Pinaka or Narayana's discus, it was exceedingly terrible and destructive of all living creatures. |
Mbh.9.42.3065 | Endued with great strength, the child possessed of great ascetic power, proceeded to the presence of that Lord of the gods, Mahadeva, armed with trident and Pinaka. |
Mbh.10.3.196 | While engaged in the act of slaughter, I shall career in their midst like the wielder of Pinaka, Rudra himself, in rage among living creatures. |
Mbh.12.47.2488 | Thou art armed with Pinaka and trident. |
Mbh.12.152.9239 | Ever employed in the good of all creatures, the illustrious wielder of Pinaka granted a boon unto both the jackal and the vulture in consequence of which their hunger was appeased. |
Mbh.12.282.17411 | Summoning all his Yoga force, that Lord of all lords of Yoga, that god of gods, that wielder of Pinaka, possessed of mighty energy, quickly proceeded to the place where Daksha was sacrificing accompanied by all his terrible followers and destroyed that Sacrifice. |
Mbh.12.282.17433 | When Brahman had said these words, and when his proper share was appointed of the sacrificial offerings, Mahadeva replied unto the Grandsire of great energy, saying, So be id' Indeed, the wielder of Pinaka, viz, Bhava, smiled a little and became filled with joy. |
Mbh.12.289.18167 | When the fierce-armed and puissant Mahadeva of immeasurable energy had thus bent his lance into the form of a bow, that weapon came to be called from that time by the name of Pinaka |
Mbh.12.289.18179 | After this, Mahadeva armed with Pinaka, that soul of Yoga, once more betook himself to Yoga-meditation. |
Mbh.12.333.21315 | As Vyasa was seated there, the auspicious god Siva, armed with Pinaka, surrounded on all sides by many deities and Gandharvas and adored by all the great Rishis came thither. |
Mbh.13.14.966 | In consequence of its blazing energy it was incapable of being gazed at by any person save Siva the wielder of Pinaka. |
Mbh.13.14.1305 | That bow is celebrated under the name of the Pinaka and is in reality a mighty snake. |
Mbh.13.14.1356 | Salutations to thee that art armed with the thunder, to thee that art tawny, and thee that art always armed with the Pinaka. |
Mbh.13.14.1501 | He was armed, besides with his Pinaka and the thunderbolt. |
Mbh.13.17.2104 | Thou art the protector wielding the bow called Pinaka. |
Mbh.13.17.2538 | Thou art he who is armed with the mighty bow called Pinaka. |
Mbh.13.17.2599 | Thou art the wielder of the bow called Pinaka. |
Mbh.13.85.7759 | Indeed, the wielder of Pinaka caused that Sacrifice of multifarious form to look exceedingly beautiful. |
Mbh.13.140.11558 | Why, O illustrious deity, is the Pinaka always in thy hand? |
Mbh.13.140.11563 | Narada continued, Thus addressed by the daughter of the prince of mountains, the illustrious wielder of Pinaka, the puissant Mahadeva, became highly gratified with her. |
Mbh.13.141.11576 | The bow Pinaka is always in my hand for accomplishing the purposes of the deities. |
Mbh.13.141.11599 | Uma said, O holy one, O lord of all creatures, O foremost of all observers of duties and religious rites, I have a great doubt, O wielder of Pinaka, O giver of boons. |
Mbh.13.144.12024 | Uma said, Do thou tell me, O god of gods, O wielder of Pinaka, O thou that art highly blessed, what those mental acts or thoughts are by which a person may be enchained' |
Mbh.13.147.12238 | SECTION CXLVII The Rishis said, O wielder of Pinaka, O tearer of the eyes of Bhaga, O thou that art worshipped by all the universe, we desire to hear the glory of Vasudeva' |
Mbh.13.160.13358 | When the wielder of Pinaka becomes angry and assuming a terrible form merely casts his eye upon deity, Asura, Gandharva, or snake, that individual fails to obtain peace of mind by taking shelter in the recesses of even a mountain-cave. |
Mbh.14.78.3456 | The heroic Arjuna duly followed that sacrificial horse even as the divine wielder of Pinaka had in days of yore followed the deer through the firmament |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |